His Beauty: The Cohan Billionaire Brothers Book Three (An Office Romance)

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His Beauty: The Cohan Billionaire Brothers Book Three (An Office Romance) Page 13

by Layla Holt

  Lance rubbed the back of his neck. The last three days had been intense but their discussions with the giant retailer, Rida, had gone well and they’d reached a distribution agreement.

  Now he could put all his attention on Corrine. Lance’s heart pounded with anticipation of things to come. He had so many plans for them. For the future. He'd never been so excited about his personal life as he was at that moment.

  "Are you all right man?" Adrian asked. "You've been very quiet."

  He had never been the type of person who needed to share details of his life with another human being, including his brothers. He and Sean did share a special bond by virtue of being twins and if he had to confide in anyone, it would be Sean. But suddenly, he wanted to talk about his plans.

  He removed the jewelry box from his pocket, snapped it open and held it up against the cab light for Adrian to see.

  "Engagement ring?" Adrian asked.

  "Yes," Lance said.


  "How did you know?"

  "It's written all over your face whenever she's around. That was fast."

  "Too fast?" Lance said.

  "Heck no. I'm just bummed out because I've lost a bet to Leah. She said you'd propose soon. I said you'd have to be dragged down the aisle. Well done bro. She seems like an awesome person."

  "She is," Lance said, glad that it was dark in the back of the cab and Adrian could not see his goofy grin.

  "When are you going to propose?"

  "Tomorrow," Lance said and a knot of anxiety formed in the pit of his stomach. He was making a lot of assumptions. After all, they had never opened their hearts up to each other. What if his feelings were not reciprocated?

  "What if she says no?" Lance said to Adrian.

  "She'll say yes. Leah says she adores you too," Adrian said offhandedly, failing to register the horror of it, if Corrine said no.

  It had taken twenty years for Lance to fall in love. He was sure it was his one and only chance to marry his soulmate. She could not say no.

  "Relax," Adrian said. "I can feel your tension from all the way over here." He chuckled. "Boy am I glad that I'm not you."

  "It's nerve wracking," Lance admitted. And exciting. It was a new chapter in his life and he couldn’t wait for it to begin.

  That night, Lance slept soundly and when he woke up, every part of him felt refreshed. The first thought on his mind was Corrine. He would be seeing her in a couple of hours. He reached for the curtains and jerked them open.

  The sun splashed orange hues into his room. He wished that Corrine was with him at that moment. He understood why lovers loved looking at the sunrise or sunset together. It was the closest physical manifestation of falling in love.

  Dawn, like falling in love signified a new beginning, indescribable beauty, an unbelievable sense of peace where a man’s dreams and hopes for the future aligned.

  Lance jumped into the shower and when he was done dressing, he headed o the office. He stopped by the cafeteria and as he was getting his coffee, Dean walked in.

  "Morning bro," Lance said to him.

  "Good morning," Dean said. "Is that a smile on your face at this time of morning? What happened on the way back?"

  "Hahaha," Lance said and replaced the lid of his plastic cup. "Have a nice day."

  "Wait," Dean said. "I need to speak to you."

  "Sure," Lance said and headed to one of the tables. There were no people in the cafeteria as most of the office workers came in an hour later.

  He sat down and sipped his coffee, his mind on Corrine. He glanced at the clock on the wall. Quarter to seven. He couldn’t wait to see her strolling into the office. There was no way he was waiting until the afternoon to propose to her.

  He'd been patient for long enough. All of his senses screamed for him to confess his feelings to Corrine. To cradle her sweet face in his hands. To get the right to kiss her whenever he felt like it. But most of all, he couldn’t wait to shower her with his love and watch her blossom like a flower in full bloom.

  Because that was what she did for him. She made him a better man, a man who believed that the world was his oyster and he could achieve anything he wanted, as long as Corrine was by his side.

  Dean joined him at the table carrying his coffee. Lance immediately launched into a recap of their trip, thinking that was what Dean wanted to talk about. He couldn’t help but notice the lack of interest in his brother's face as he spoke.

  "That's nice," Dean said when Lance finished. He cleared his throat. "I have some good news for you."

  Lance smiled. He was all for good news. He had a feeling that the day was going to be very special. The day a man proposed to his future wife was forever etched in his memory.

  "I've saved your backside again," Dean said, a cold tone creeping into his voice.

  Lance grew solemn. Ice formed in the pit of his stomach. "What are you talking about?"

  "Corrine. You broke your promise Lance. You promised to keep away from her. I'm not in the mood to lecture you again. Suffice it to say, she resigned and she was nice enough not to make a fuss—"

  "Corrine is gone?" Lance shouted.

  "Hey, keep it down. The kitchen staff will hear you," Dean said. "To answer your question, yes she’s gone. She admitted that something had been going on between you two. You can start thanking me now for averting disaster."

  "You’re a fool!" Lance exploded. He reached into his pocket, pulled out the jewelry box and slammed it on the table just as Adrian walked up to them.

  "What’s going on here" he said.

  Lance ignored him. "I was going to propose to her you idiot."

  All color left Dean's face. "Are you serious?"

  "For all it’s worth, Lance told me last night," Adrian said.

  "I love her," Lance said to Dean. "She’s the first and only woman I’ve ever loved." He stood up. "I have to go and find her. "

  "Man. I’m so sorry. I didn’t know,” Dean said.

  “Save it!” Lance snapped.

  “I'll come," Dean said. "I owe her an apology. God. She'll hate me forever."

  "I'll drive you two morons and you can tell me all about it," Adrian said.

  “Step on it man!” Lance said to Adrian as he drove them towards the cottage.

  “There’s nothing Adrian can do about the traffic,” Dean said tightly.

  Lance leaned forward from the back seat. “If I were you, I’d keep my opinions to myself. You’ve done enough damage for one lifetime.”

  “You two sound how you used to when we were kids. Let it go Lance, Dean apologized,” Adrian said.

  He sat back and swallowed down his frustration. The truth was that he was frightened. He hadn’t asked Dean but he knew they had told Corrine about Patricia. What if she did not believe him? After all his own brother hadn’t.

  The traffic was horrendous and by the time they reached the cottage, it was close to half past seven. Lance jumped out as soon as Adrian brought the car to a stop. He sprinted up to the door and knocked. He was gentle at first but soon he was pounding on it.

  “Stop it!” Dean said. “You’re going to get us arrested. Clearly there’s no one home.”

  Panic swelled in Lance’s chest. Where was he going to find her? He realized how little he knew about Corrine’s parents and home town. He’d tried calling her cell phone number on the way and it had gone straight to voice mail.

  “Where could she be at this time of morning?” Lance said.

  “I think I know,” Adrian said.

  They all turned o him.

  “She and Leah talk quite a lot. And we’re interested in enrolling Matt in the school where she’s teaching.”

  Lance stared at his brother. “All along you knew where Corrine was?”

  “Yes, but you never asked me,” Adrian said.

  Lance shook his head. “Are we related at all?”

  Adrian grinned. “Be nice if you want me to take you to her. And I’ll do one better. I’ll teach you how to
melt a lady’s heart.”

  They went back to the car.

  “What is your plan?” Adrian asked.

  “Plan?” Lance said. Did he need a plan? As far as he was concerned what he and Corrine needed was to talk.

  “Are you just going to go and shove the ring into her face? You have to charm her first especially after the work that Dean has done,” Adrian said.

  “I’m sorry Lance. I’m an idiot. I wish I could take it all back,” Dean said, misery coating his voice.

  “I’m listening,” Lance said and turned to Dean. “You’re an idiot but I know you meant well

  Chapter Twenty-One

  CORRINE FELT LUCKY to be in Greenslade School and if it wasn’t for the painful gaping hole in her chest, she would have been in heaven. Greenslade was a private school with fewer students per class which meant that she could give a lot of attention to each individual child.

  She also liked that it went all the way to high school and she could monitor her students throughout the years.

  “This is too hard!” a loud voice said.

  Corrine calmly stood up and walked to Isaiah, a fourth-grade student. His sweet face was screwed up in frustration. He threw his pencil on the ground and then grabbed his book and tossed it down with the pencil.

  “It’s fine Isaiah. Take a deep breath and count to ten,” Corrine said.

  He glared at her and then did as she’d asked.

  “Well done!” Corrine said. She picked up the book and pencil and gave them to him. “I’ll go through the problem with you until you understand it, okay?”

  He nodded.

  “Come and sit at my table,” she said.

  She arranged his chair next to hers and proceeded to go through the math problem slowly. A knock came on the door and she called for the person to enter. Corrine went still as a familiar figure walked in. Lance. Followed by Adrian and Dean.

  What were they doing here?

  “Good morning kids,” Lance said.

  The kids giggled and some responded to his greeting.

  “I need your help,” Lance said. “But first, a flower for everyone.”

  What was he doing? No one paid her any attention. Between the three of the brothers, they gave a pretty pale white lily to every child.

  “Are you ready?” Lance said. “Here’s what you’ll do. You’ll hold your flower up like this.”

  Corrine swallowed the lump stuck in her throat as she watched her kids hold up their flowers and ask Lance if they were doing it the right way.

  “Perfect,” he said. “Ready?”

  “Yes,” the kids chorused.

  For the first time since he entered her classroom, he turned to her and caught her gaze. He approached her desk and removed a box from his pocket. Then he went on his knee.

  “Miss Roberts, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  She couldn’t believe what was happening. She threw a panicked glance at Dean. Less than a week ago, he and Beatrice had made it very clear that she was not wanted at Candin Inc. And now, he had brought Lance to her school to propose to her. None of it made any sense.

  Dean gave a discreet nod. Adrian stood with his hands in his pockets smiling at her.

  She shifted her gaze to Lance and everyone else melted into nothingness. The buzz in the class disappeared. All she was aware of was Lance. Her body hummed as she reveled in the unexpectedness of being in his presence.

  Joy slowly seeped into her heart as she started to believe that what was happening was real. The turmoil that was in her heart stilled.

  “I’ve been in-like but I’ve never been in love,” Lance said. “I’m a flawed human being but with you, my flaws become strengths. From the moment I met you, Corrine Roberts, I knew I’d found my love. I was a fool not to tell you then. Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  She blinked several times. Tears flooded her eyes until she could not see. She felt big strong hands gently wipe off the tears.

  “Say yes, Miss Roberts!” her kids shouted until it became a chorus.

  “Okay, okay, okay,” Corrine said laughing. “It looks like I don’t have a choice. Yes!”

  Lance stood up and took her hand. He pulled her to her feet and then slipped the ring onto her finger. She looked down at it. It fit perfectly. She shifted her glance to Lance. They fit perfectly.

  THE MORNING HAD BEEN a complete wreck as far as following the schedule was concerned. Teachers popped into her classroom throughout the morning to congratulate her and to admire her ring. She was glad when lunch time rolled around and she could slip out and meet Lance for lunch.

  She strolled into the sandwich café downtown and saw him. With a grin she cut around the tables. He stood up and she went straight into his arms. She did what she had longed to do that morning. She tipped her head and he brought his mouth to hers.

  They kissed and wrapped their arms around each other. Lance tasted and smelled all man. She forgot her whereabouts or that they were surrounded by people. Laughter brought her back to the present and she pulled away.

  “You read my mind,” Lance murmured. “I needed that as badly as I need to know that you meant it when you said yes to my proposal.”

  He kept her hands in his as he spoke. He pulled her to sit down beside him.

  “Did you?” he said, vulnerability in his voice and eyes.

  “Yes,” Corrine said, her voice trembling with emotion. “But we do need to talk.”

  “It wasn’t true, Corrine. I was never once interested in Patricia. I never dated her and didn’t once consider it. I’ve never dated my secretary or any woman at Candin Inc.”

  She didn’t know the whole story but she knew Lance. He wasn’t a liar. “I believe you.”

  His eyes widened. “You do?”

  “You don’t lie,” she said. “I trust what you say.” She had not trusted him before but that was a mistake she was never going to make again.

  “Thank you,” Lance said, his voice heavy with emotion.

  She’d had so many whys when she was driving down, but suddenly none of it mattered. What mattered was that he loved her and she loved him.

  “I thought I’d lost you forever,” Lance said. “You disappeared from the face of the earth.”

  She laughed. “Hardly. I’m sorry though, I should have stayed to talk.”

  “I don’t blame you. I gave you nothing to hold on to. No reason to believe. I love you Corrine Roberts. Only you.”

  She inhaled deeply. “I love you Lance Cohan. You and those kids in my class.”

  “I don’t mind sharing you. As long as part of you is mine,” he said.

  It was almost too much to take in. Lance loved her and wanted to marry her. Unconsciously, her hand went to her cheek. She fingered the scar. She had found love because of her scarring.

  “If it bothers you so much, we can have them removed,” Lance said.

  Corrine stiffened. “Do you want them removed?”

  “It’s not for me sweetheart. It’s for you. If it were up to me, I’d say no. I love your scars. They reflect your character and strength.”

  She let out a slow breath of relief. “I like them too. I’ll keep them. They brought you to me after all.”

  Lanced gaze darted around the packed café. “I hate this place. I want to kiss you so badly. I want you in my arms. And I can’t do it here.”

  Corrine giggled at the note of frustration in his voice.

  He held her gaze. “You think it’s funny when a man is desperate to hold his woman and to have her where she belongs?”

  She trembled as an avalanche of emotions came over her. “I think it’s hot.”

  “Let’s go. I know a quieter place,” Lance said and stood up.

  He took her hand and together they walked out of the café and into their future.


  One Year Later

  “DID YOU SHARE AN EXTRA strong bond with Lance because you’re twins?” Corrine said to Sean as they shared a plate
of fries.

  Lance chose that moment to bring them a plateful of tasty looking barbecued ribs. “Sorry bro, it’s your turn now.”

  Corrine rolled her eyes. “Ignore my husband.” It never got old. Her husband. She could say that over and over again without tiring.

  “I don’t mind answering,” Sean said in that gentle way he had pf speaking. He was a gentle soul, and the woman who would capture his heart would be lucky indeed.

  Every since the scan had confirmed that they were expecting twins, Corrine had been fascinated by the topic. She’d never known any twins except for Lance and Sean.

  “I’ve always felt closest to Lance,” Sean said. “We don’t really need to talk. I know when he’s happy or sad or whatever.”

  Corrine leaned forward. “How is he now?”

  Sean grinned. “Sickeningly happy.”

  “Correct,” Lance said.

  Adrian moved away from the group that was standing around the sand pit and came to them.

  “Have you found someone for the social media job?” he said to Sean.

  Corrine was well versed in the happenings at Candin Inc, having worked there and also because Lance kept her updated. The board had finally agreed to an acquisition and Lance couldn’t be happier.

  It was a long process, from what he’d told her. It would take a year and a half at least.

  “No, not yet,” Sean said.

  “Leah suggested her friend Maisie Jacobs,” Adrian said.

  The name sounded familiar to Corrine. She remembered. Maisie Jacobs was Leah’s best friend. She had come for her and Lance’s wedding. It had been small and intimate, and just for family and close friends. Lance had been adamant that he did not want a circus of a wedding like his brothers.

  They’d held it in Utah when her parents returned from their cruise and Aunt Maureen and Sam returned from their extended road trip. Corrine chuckled now as she remembered how shocked everyone had been, especially her parents when Aunt Maureen and Sam returned to Lockwood as man and wife.

  She had been the least shocked having seen how suited they were for each other.


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