Bull Protectors

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Bull Protectors Page 4

by T B Mann

  After a few weeks—it had been a surprise she lasted that long—their attention became overwhelming. And creepy.

  Men sat outside her house on the street, waiting for her to emerge. The fence surrounding their property became a holder of flower bouquets until you couldn’t see the fence for the flowers. Even their mailbox filled with packages. Through it all her father let her be even if he continued to mumble strange words every time he stepped outside. But he never changed how he acted toward her even though she knew he disapproved of her changed appearance.

  And if their overzealous attention wasn’t bad enough, there was something strange with each of the men. Looks of blank desire covered their faces. Blank because there was something missing, almost like the spark of life within them was hidden or doused. She searched each of their eyes over the next few weeks and what she’d found concerned her. The men surrounding her became shells, only displaying a sense of liveliness when she was in their presence. From her window, she watched them slump and fade, losing any sense of self. It was that night that she took some scissors, hacked off her hair, and dyed it. She scrubbed off all her makeup and borrowed her father’s twice-the-size-of-her sweater to wear over her clothes when she left the house to go shopping for the loose fitting, body hiding clothes she’d worn before.

  With her new—but old—look in place, she left her house without a single man following her. None followed her in the mall. When she stopped to purchase a drink, she had to pay for it. After spending weeks surrounded by bodies, the freedom of being able to move without bumping into someone was refreshing. She didn’t understand what had happened during that time, but since then she’d kept the same look and style, not wanting to experience the same reaction.

  Her current issue and the but to these men who pushed all her buttons was that same look of desire that each one wore when they looked at her. Although none of them exhibited that listless quality she’d seen as a teen. Then again, none of the earlier men looked like death warmed over the first few days. At least not that she’d noticed. She didn’t want the same thing to happen to these three, leaving them off limits.

  Another glance at them over her shoulder left her wavering in her resolve. One night with one of them wouldn’t hurt anyone, would it? And it would fill that craving ache inside her. One night stands with others never produced undesirable effects so this one shouldn’t either. Besides, she’d known Kailee for five years and this was the first time she’d met any of Kailee’s family. The chance of seeing any of these men after their visit was slim to none.

  She leaned in, bringing her lips close to Kailee’s ear. “I was wondering which one you had your eye on because you can’t stand there and tell me that you never thought about it?”

  The strangled laughter from her friend had her wanting to cover her ears. She pulled back and glared as Kailee’s red hair smacked into her face. “Me? Them?” Kailee clutched her arm, using her body to keep upright. “I can’t believe you thought…”

  Heat rose in her cheeks as Kailee’s laughter began to turn heads. “Shh, Kailee. It’s not funny.”

  “Oh, but it is,” Kailee spit out between laughs and wheezes as she struggled to stop.

  “What’s funny?”

  Her eyes widened to the size of saucers at the sound of Dylan’s voice. His breath blew across the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine.

  The shivers turned to goosebumps when the heat of his hand on the small of her back transferred through her clothes as he escorted her out the door and onto the street.

  People stared as they walked by which concerned her, worrying her that she was the attraction until she noticed the glances and stares were centered on the men. She’d noticed Kai’s height when she first met him, but it hadn’t meant much to her since most people were taller than her five foot five stature. And when she first met Zale and Dylan, she’d been too busy soaking in their looks to examine mundane things like height. But as they walked down the street, she realized that they weren’t just taller than her, but taller than most of the men. On average, it appeared that they were a head taller. No wonder they made her feel petite and delicate even if she was truly short and curvy, made to look even heavier with the boxy clothes.

  Kailee, walking next to her, wiped the tears from under her eyes and shot Sarah a mischievous look. Worry gripped her heart. Kailee and mischievous eyes were never a good combination. She attempted to snag Kailee’s arm, but missed as Kailee danced out of the way. “Sarah wanted to know if I ever had a thing with either of you.”

  She glared at Kailee who missed it as she was bent over laughing.

  “Gee, Kailee. It’s not that funny. Actually, it’s kind of gross.” Kai shuddered.

  “Besides, you only wish you could have had something as good as us.”

  “Hardly, Zale. I’d be slumming if I were with you. I mean—”Kailee pointed down toward the well-endowed groins—“I know some of the places where those have been.”

  The shocked expression on Zale’s face made her giggle. But it turned into full on belly laughs, when he bent at the waist, dropped his shoulder into Kailee’s midsection, and then stood.

  “Put me down you big oaf.” Kailee smacked his back as he strode down the street toward their office building, splitting the crowded street like a pointed ship’s bow plowing through the water.

  “She’s family.” Kai’s fingers pressed against the bottom of her chin, tilting her head back until she met his soft smile. “Not just for me, but them, too.”

  When his hand released her chin, she felt bereft. His touch—and Dylan’s as well since his palm remained pressed against the small of her back—filled her with a sense of calmness and security she only felt around her father. Its loss clenched her chest, making it impossible to catch a full breath. But then his fingers wrapped around her hand and her chest expanded. Lungs filled with air as she walked between them. Crap! This isn’t good.

  With each step, she thought back to the first time Kai touched her skin and the matching sensation when Dylan had. That shock. The clenching of her muscles. None of it occurred this time when his hand touched her skin. If it had been anything, shouldn’t she have felt it each time? That wasn’t to say she didn’t feel anything at their touch, considering it certainly made her throb with need. She took a slow deep breath. Obviously, the reaction had been all in her head. Something she didn’t have to worry about.

  She glanced at the two of them. Yup. Those tiny flutters, albeit stronger, the ones she experienced whenever she felt an attraction to a male remained, but nothing else. So, yes, if the letters weren’t part of their case, one of these men would hopefully be in her bed within the next few days before they left.

  She couldn’t wait.

  Two walls of windows in her office showcased the downtown Winnipeg area, revealing her position within the company. Laguna Resita commanded a lot of attention from both the press and within the company which was why Sarah only worked with her as a client. And she didn’t even have to work by herself. While Kailee had her own client list, she was, along with three other staffers, assigned to help Sarah when needed.

  Yet even with the corner office and all those windows, the room felt tiny as the three men piled in with them. Claustrophobia clawed along her skin when Kai shut the door behind him. Her chest hurt with each breath and her fingers shook as she attempted to pull the key from her lanyard.

  The door clicked, popping open a fraction. Not even enough to slide a piece of paper through, but it was enough. The ache eased. Under normal circumstances, her fear of being locked in a room, being restrained against her will, was controllable. She employed breathing techniques her mother taught her and her father practiced with her. But for some reason, having the three men in the room with her, sent her into overdrive.

  She felt the stirrings of her panic earlier as the elevator doors began their slow glide closed, but when another person managed to squeeze onto the elevator, forcing her into Dylan’s chest, his hand t
ouching hers, the feeling left. So why was it back? And what made it leave? Neither of these thoughts were something she wanted to contemplate. Not when the three men watched her every move.

  The sooner she gathered the letters and showed them to the men, the quicker they would leave. She took a steadying breath. She could do this.

  Her key slid in and the lock turned with ease. A little relieved sigh escaped when the open drawer revealed the letters. Each time she opened it, a feeling of unease about their possible disappearance gripped her until she saw them with her own eyes.

  “Here they are.” She handed the stack of letters to Kai who was the closest. “They are in order of their arrival with the latest one on top.”

  She sank into her chair as he nodded absentmindedly while he riffled through them.

  Without a word, he handed four of the six to Dylan who gave a couple to Zale. They skimmed through them, taking the same amount of time, rotating the letters until all were read.

  Dylan gathered them. “Can I use your desk?” He hesitated long enough for her to nod before he spread the letters across her desk and placed a phone almost the size of a tablet, which he’d pulled from a holder on his belt, beside them. Side by side, he examined them using one finger to trace the writing on the paper while another one followed along, tracing something on the screen.

  Curiosity piqued, she leaned over the desk to see what he was doing.

  “The phrasing’s the same.” Kai leaned over Dylan’s shoulder and pointed. “Here. Here. And here.”

  “And the subtle phrasing here.” Zale pointed to one of the lines that gave her the creeps. “It’s written like the person was there, watching. And this one, too.”

  Vindication lit up her face before realization set in. When that letter first arrived, the third one, she’d shown it to security, worried that the person had been close to her and Laguna. But when she’d pointed it out to them, they’d pointed to a tabloid picture containing the same scene, stating the person pulled it from the photo. But she’d never believed them. And from the sounds of it, neither did these three. Yet she needed confirmation.

  “What picture?” Kai asked after she told them about her discussion with security. She searched around her desk before she pulled it out and handed it to him. The three men studied it, examining every detail while they talked in a shorthand she didn’t understand.

  “Do you know who took it?” Zale asked while Dylan concentrated on the screen, like he was searching for something.

  “No. But I wondered…”

  “If it was the same person,” Kai finished for her.


  “If it wasn’t—” Zale began but was cut off by Dylan.

  “It wasn’t. Or should I say, it shouldn’t be the same person since the one who took this photo is well known within the paparazzi circles.”

  “Then you wonder if the person was also there,” Zale finished.

  “Yes.” She stared at Dylan. “Are you sure?”

  The three men looked at each other. Their faces grim. She didn’t need their nod to confirm her suspicions.

  A drawer shut to her right, reminding her of Kailee’s presence. Never before had Kailee been so quiet while in the office. Normally, if she wasn’t talking, she hummed to music which played round the clock. But since they entered the office, she’d been quiet, which concerned her. What was Kailee thinking? Kailee had been just as worried over the letters.

  She glanced at Kailee and watched as she chewed on her lip. Fuck! That wasn’t a good sign. Kailee only chewed on her lips when things went bad. Like the time one of her clients was not only photographed with an underage girl in a compromising position but was also arrested and charged with sex trafficking of minors. It wasn’t until the charges were confirmed that the lip went between her teeth.

  Air rushed between her lips as her muscles deflated, sinking her back into the chair. Her fingers landed on her lap and she laced them together until they were white. “No. No. No.”

  Two warm bodies bracketed her while another large one loomed over her.

  “Hey there. It’s going to be okay.” Two hands rubbed up and down her arms, warming her, stilling her shaking. “We’re here. We’ll keep you safe.”

  Kai’s voice cut through the strange panic. Not since the men followed her around in her teenage years had she felt this feeling. Whatever it was she wanted it to go away.


  “We’re sure.” Dylan’s warm voice pushed the coldness from her limbs. For some reason, she believed them.

  “Thanks.” She lifted her head, meeting Zale’s dark chocolate eyes. “I’m not sure what happened. I’ve never had this reaction before.”

  His hand landed on her sweater-covered shoulder, tracing small circles with his thumb. “It’s perfectly normal. Anyone would be freaked out if they just found out someone was watching them. Not to mention the veiled threats in these letters.”

  She bit the corner of her lip. What he said made sense. Her lungs filled with air. She held it. And then let it out to a four count. All her unease flowed with it.

  Kai pulled out the desk chair and slumped into it as the others fell onto the couch in their hotel suite. He held up his hand to silence their conversation as he pressed the button on his phone to call Director Williams.

  Earlier he sent a quick note informing him of their discovery. Never had he dreamed that a lead would fall into their laps like this even though he’d experienced lucky breaks numerous times during his career. But having to work a case with his mate, the one he was going to spend the rest of his life with, within shooting distance would be a first. The idea scared him, more so than he his worry about getting Zale or Dylan killed during one of their hairier missions.

  Mate! The idea still rattled around his head in a state of disbelief and awe. Never had he thought that his cousin’s friend would be the one. Sure, he’d heard stories about her and found his cousin’s talks interesting. But to think she’d been introducing his mate to him still boggled his mind. Had she known?

  As he waited for the director to pick up, he glanced over to Dylan who was busy running some complex computer program comparing various parameters within the letters Sarah had to those from the other five cases and the seven new disappearances that had been sent. Maybe with all the new data they’d have a better idea of who they were dealing with.

  “Kai. So, you’ve already found a lead. I knew the three of you were right for this job. Tell me about it,” the director boomed in his ear.

  It took only a few minutes to summarize everything they’d learned. While Laguna played a crime solving mermaid on the hit TV show, Sarah had stared at them like they had extra heads when they’d asked if Laguna had anything to do with the ocean or the water outside of the show. Instead, he’d searched out the answer from Kailee who’d mentioned there wasn’t anything that she was aware of. Not that it meant anything. Not all the missing women were confirmed paranormals.

  The letters, though they fit with the parameters of the others, were dead ends so far. From their initial examinations, the paper was mass produced, the printer was a common one, and nothing appeared special about the font. A potential lead raised their spirits when they discovered the envelopes were devoid of any postmarks. Upon further questioning, they discovered that the building had an outside mail drop slot. Gathering security footage from the site would be one of their main tasks the following day whether they were given access to the film or not.

  Just the thought of the envelopes brought a shiver of fear to him. When Sarah first showed him them, he’d seen that they were addressed to her. His muscles had tensed, and his fight or flight response kicked in. It took everything he had to keep himself from grabbing Sarah and forcibly removing her from the building. Only her explanation that they gave out her name and the company address as the way to mail fan mail allowed him to continue with his task.

  “Well, I pulled some strings and got you three employed with BBB security as ou
tside consultants and assigned to Laguna’s team. You’ll start tomorrow.”

  “Thanks. It’ll help because this could happen at anytime.” Kai shoved his fingers through his hair. He hated going into a mission blind and that was what this felt like.

  The laptop dinged. He raised his eyes in hope. Maybe these results would at least shed some light. Give him something to work from because he was scraping the bottom of the barrel when it came to ideas.

  “Holy shit.” Dylan sat up and scrambled to the edge of the bed. “This is bigger than just five missing women. And has been going on longer than a few months. From these results, it looks like it’s been going on for years, possibly decades.”

  “How did no one pick up on this?” Zale yanked the laptop from Adrian and began to scan the information. “There’s some suggested cases from over twenty years ago.”

  “Fuck. All the same?” Kai switched the phone to speaker. “Did you catch that Director?”

  “No, but I’m guessing you’re talking about what Dylan just sent me. I’m sending it on to the FPU. This is why the FPU and task force’s like ours are so important. But I think we also need some paranormals embedded in local police forces as well. And if not paranormals than at least para-friendly ones. So, what are you thinking?”

  Kai stood and paced. No one interrupted him. His friends too used to the way his mind operated just like he was with theirs. He didn’t have to look to know that Dylan, without the computer would be tapping his fingers as if a keyboard was beneath them. And Zale, well, he would be running through various rescue scenarios and amassing a list of possible equipment that they would need even though they didn’t know where the women would be. But it wouldn’t stop him. He’d whittle down the list until they had everything that could perform double and triple duty if needed so they could act on a moments notice.

  No matter what, they would solve this case. They would protect Laguna from being kidnapped even if she kept refusing to have close security personnel. Zale was great at getting women to agree. After all, what woman wouldn’t want his best friend around them, showering them with attention? Yes, he would be the one to take the lead with Laguna.


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