Tracking Stolen Secrets

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Tracking Stolen Secrets Page 16

by Laura Scott

  Fortunately, he didn’t.

  “What do you want from me?” There must be some reason he was ordering her into the cave.

  “I want the kid.” Cantwell’s statement was so shocking, she stumbled over a root and almost fell on her face.

  “What? Why?” She glanced at him over her shoulder.

  “It doesn’t matter why, but I want that kid and you’re going to get it for me.”

  It? Did he even know the baby’s gender? “Because she’s your daughter?”

  “Shut up,” Cantwell snapped.

  Helena really didn’t want to go into the cave with him, and furtively glanced around for either Will or Everett.

  Someone had to be nearby and, once they saw what was happening, would back her up.

  And what about Zoe? Where did her true loyalties lie?

  Helena swallowed hard and stepped into the cool dimness of the cave.

  Her mission was to stay alive long enough to escape.


  Moving as quietly as possible, Everett made his way down one of the cave tunnels. But when he heard Gareth Cantwell’s harsh voice telling Helena he wanted the kid and expected her to get it for him, he froze, his heart sinking to the soles of his feet.

  Cantwell had Helena. But where was Luna? And Zoe?

  “Call whoever has the kid, tell them to bring it here,” Cantwell ordered. “Now!”

  “The cop watching Christine doesn’t know where this cave is located.” Helena’s voice was calm and rational. “You need to choose a better meeting point.”

  “I don’t have to do anything,” Cantwell snarled. “You have to get me that kid!”

  “Okay, but again, it’s not going to be easy for Trent to find this place. You could follow me to the suite, if you’d like.”

  “Oh, sure, like I’m going to walk into a trap like that.” Cantwell sounded as if he was losing his cool, which concerned Everett more than anything. Irrational men did unexpected things, like shooting first and asking questions later.

  “Call the guy with the kid,” he said. “And let him know if he tries to bring reinforcements, I’ll kill you and anyone else who gets in my way.”

  Everett eased along the wall of the tunnel to get a visual of the main area of the cave. When he was close enough, he could see Helena standing, her hands laced on top of her head, with Cantwell holding his gun at her chest.

  No weapon or radio, he noted. But he and Will were both in this cave, which gave them an advantage.

  But first, he needed to draw the man’s attention away from Helena.

  Luna materialized next to him, her tall head brushing against his hand. Thankfully, he’d spent enough time with the K-9 that she saw him as a friend and not a foe.

  Everett lowered to a crouch to put his arm around Luna’s neck. “Easy, girl,” he whispered.

  The dog didn’t move, as if sensing the danger Helena faced.

  Now, about that diversion... His earpiece and small radio didn’t weigh enough to make noise if he tossed it against the dirt wall. He needed a heavier object to get the job done.

  But what?

  He knelt and felt along the ground for something solid. After what seemed like forever, his fingers brushed against a rock about the size of an egg.

  Rising, Everett eased forward, getting as close as possible to where Cantwell had Helena. He figured he’d toss the rock at the wall then tell Luna to get him, the command Helena had used.

  And pray that nothing bad happened.

  Before he could move, though, he heard a female voice. “Don’t, Gareth. Leave Helena alone.”

  Zoe? Everett pressed his back against the wall, watching as Helena’s twin emerged from the opening.

  “I told you this sister of yours was a problem,” Cantwell said in a snide voice.

  “You don’t need Helena or Christine. Take me instead.” Zoe bravely faced Cantwell.

  “I don’t want you.” There was a hint of disgust in Cantwell’s tone. “You’re of no use to me now. Haven’t you caused enough trouble?”

  “I got you Camille’s diamonds, the way you told me to,” Zoe shot back. “So don’t act as if I haven’t done my part in all of this. You promised Christine would be safe, but that was just another of your lies, wasn’t it?”

  “I never told you to get rid of the kid,” Cantwell countered. “And that’s a big problem.”

  Everett sensed they were at a stalemate. Zoe’s presence complicated his plan. Big-time. He didn’t want Cantwell to start shooting, possibly hitting Helena or Zoe.

  He couldn’t see any sign of Will and Scout, but imagined they were someplace nearby, likely closer to Zoe than he was. Everett sent up another quick prayer, asking for safety and guidance, then tossed the rock toward Cantwell.

  “Get him!” Everett shouted.

  Luna shot forward, growling low in her throat. At the same time, Helena dropped to the ground, sweeping her legs out to kick at Cantwell.

  Cantwell fired his weapon, but his aim was high and wide as Luna grabbed hold of his ankle and yanked hard.

  “Owwww,” the man cried.

  Helena lunged to her feet and grabbed his gun.

  Meanwhile, Everett rushed into the large section of the cave, Stryker joining from the other tunnel.

  In a heartbeat it was over.

  Cantwell was down on the ground with Luna growling in his face and Helena holding his gun on him.

  “You’re under arrest, Gareth Cantwell,” Everett said, pulling a set of plastic zip ties from the pocket of his security uniform. “You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” He continued reciting the Miranda warning, as he tightened the zip ties around Cantwell’s wrists.

  “Luna, come.” When she complied, Helena quickly praised her. “Good girl.”

  Everett had to admit that, without the K-9, this takedown could have ended very differently. “She’s a great partner.”

  “Yes, she is. Zoe?” Helena called out without taking her gaze off Cantwell. “Are you okay?”

  “Y-yes,” her twin whispered. “But—I don’t understand. Why does Gareth want Christine?”

  Cantwell’s mouth twisted into a sneer, but he didn’t say a word, clearly taking his right to remain silent to heart.

  “I don’t know,” Everett said, hauling Cantwell to his feet. “But we’ve known for a while that Christine was a target, and we checked the pink diaper bag and the infant seat from top to bottom, without finding a thing.”

  Cantwell’s jaw dropped as if that was news to him. “Nothing?” he croaked.

  “Why?” Everett eyed him blandly. “What were you expecting?”

  Cantwell looked away. “I want a lawyer.”

  Of course he did. “You’ll get one, once we have you booked, processed and safely stashed in jail.” Everett hesitated then added, “If you’re not in this alone, now is the time to tell us who else is involved.”

  Cantwell pursed his lips.

  Everett knew the guy with the size twelve hiking shoe had to be out there somewhere. Or maybe he’d seen what was going down and taken off to avoid being caught.

  They’d find out the truth. Hopefully sooner than later.

  “A-am I under arrest, too?” Zoe’s plaintive tone had Helena turning to face her twin.

  “Yes, I’m afraid so,” Helena said gently. “But if you cooperate with us, and give the diamonds back to Camille, we may be able to work with the DA to get you some sort of deal.”

  Zoe’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m so sorry. I only did what Gareth wanted because he threatened to hurt my baby. Even after I dropped her off with Officer Brand, he kept telling me he knew exactly where Christine was and would hurt her.”

  “I understand,” Helena said in a soothing voice. “But you shou
ld have come with me earlier, Zoe. That would have made it easier for us to cut a deal for you.”

  Zoe wiped at her eyes and sniffled loudly. “I know. I was just so panicked about the thought of going to jail—” Her voice broke.

  “I’ll do everything I can to get you the best lawyer possible,” Helena promised.

  Zoe sucked in a loud breath and nodded. “Okay. Gareth has the diamonds, and I can show you where the rest of his loot is hidden.”

  “That would definitely help your case,” she told her sister. “Where is it?”

  “Right here in the cave.”

  Everett, already in the process of running his hands down Cantwell’s pant legs to make sure he didn’t have a second gun, had momentarily forgotten about the theft. He patted Cantwell’s pockets and found a soft velvet bag. Peering inside the bag, he aimed his light until he could see the large diamond pendant and the engagement ring.

  “Both diamonds are here,” he said. “That’s good news and a step in the right direction, Zoe. The stolen goods being found on Cantwell makes it clear he’s involved with the theft.”

  “I saw the area where Cantwell stashed his loot,” Will interjected. “It’s back that way.” He jerked his thumb in the direction of the tunnel behind him.

  “Let’s check it out.” Everett hesitated, realizing he couldn’t leave Cantwell alone.

  “Luna and I will keep an eye on him,” Helena offered. “You know more about the stolen items than I do.”

  Everett glanced at her with admiration. It was all he could do not to haul her into his arms for a kiss. But he managed to restrain himself to offering a small nod. “Thanks, Helena. I won’t be long.”

  “Take your time.” She pinned Cantwell with a stern look. “He’s not going anywhere. And if he tries to run, Luna will get him.”

  As if on cue, the K-9 growled, making Everett smile.

  “Okay,” Everett agreed, moving past Helena and Zoe to join Will.

  The trooper and Scout headed further back into the tunnel. They went so far, he was beginning to feel a bit claustrophobic, until Will made another turn and gestured. “I was right about here when I realized Cantwell had Helena.”

  Everett nodded, using the flashlight app on his phone to better see what was inside.

  Boxes lined the wall, full of electronic devices like phones and computers. Then there were two smaller metal boxes off to the side. He opened the first one and found an impressive amount of cash tucked inside.

  The second, larger box was full to the brim with jewelry. Everett whistled under his breath and poked through the precious stones, looking for the large diamond and sapphire taken from the anniversary party, along with the heavy gold chains.

  There was no sign of those particular pieces, but there were plenty of other items in the box. More than enough.

  Everett smiled with grim satisfaction. This would put Cantwell away for a long time.

  * * *

  Helena felt Zoe inch forward to stand beside her. “How is Camille? Will she be okay?”

  Helena frowned. “I don’t know. We sent the security team in to find her.”

  Her sister sucked in a harsh breath. “If she doesn’t get better...”

  “Try not to think the worst.” Helena kept her gaze on Cantwell. “I’m sure Camille will be fine.”

  “I hope so,” Zoe whispered.

  Helena risked a glance at her twin. “And you really don’t know why Cantwell wants Christine?”

  Zoe shook her head.

  “Is he Christine’s father?” Helena asked.

  “No,” Cantwell barked bluntly.

  Zoe didn’t say anything for a long moment. “Yes. But I didn’t tell him that. It was bad enough that he kept threatening to hurt the baby.”

  “What?” Cantwell looked outraged. “You never told me it was my kid.”

  “Stop it!” Zoe suddenly shouted. Even Luna was startled by the loud noise. “She’s a baby, not an ‘it.’ And her name is Christine.”

  “Easy, Zoe,” Helena cautioned. She didn’t want her sister to lose control and start swinging at Cantwell. “He’s going to prison, so it won’t matter in the long run who the father is.”

  Zoe wiped at her eyes. “I’ve made so many mistakes,” she mumbled.

  Yeah, pretty much, Helena thought, but said, “You can move forward from here, Zoe. Cooperating with Everett is the first step toward being reunited with Christine.”

  “Okay.” She sniffled loudly. “I...would like to see my baby. I missed her more than I thought possible.”

  “I’m sure you did.” Helena was glad that Zoe’s instincts as a mother were kicking in.

  “We found his stash,” Everett said, returning to the cave. “Let’s call the park rangers, get them to pick up Cantwell for us.”

  “Sounds good. Let’s go, Cantwell,” Helena directed. “And don’t even think of running... Luna will easily chase you down like the animal you are.”

  Cantwell walked out of the cave, blinking at the brightness surrounding them.

  Everett used his earpiece to alert the hotel’s security team that they’d recovered the diamonds and needed the park rangers to assist in bringing in a prisoner.

  As they retraced their steps to the hotel, Helena was relieved to find her gun where Cantwell had forced her to drop it. Further down the path, she also found her missing earpiece. She quickly inserted it so she could hear what was going on with the rest of the team.

  By the time they reached the parking lot behind the hotel, several security members had gathered there, along with a bunch of park rangers, including Arch Hanley.

  Helena kept a keen eye on Hanley, just in case he was involved with Cantwell and these thefts. But the guy quickly moved forward to take possession of the perp.

  “Nice work, Helena and Everett,” Arch said. “We have a temporary jail cell that has this guy’s name on it. Just let me know when you need him transported to Anchorage.”

  “Will do,” Everett agreed. “Thanks for your help.”

  Arch flashed a smile. “It’s been our pleasure to work with some of Anchorage PD’s finest.”

  Helena crossed over to the security manager, Ben Watterson. “How is Camille?”

  Watterson raked her and Luna with a harsh gaze. “She’s been taken to the closest hospital, but I’m not happy about any of this. You were supposed to help prevent anything from being stolen and no one was supposed to get hurt.”

  Helena swallowed hard and nodded. He had a right to be upset. “You’re right, this didn’t go as smoothly as I’d hoped.”

  Everett came up to stand beside her. “However, we have found the diamonds. Do you have a pair of gloves?” When Watterson nodded, he handed him the velvet bag. “And I heard through the radio chatter that Camille was awake and talking, so really, things could have been worse.”

  Watterson pulled on gloves, opened the velvet bag and removed the diamonds. “I’m sure Jayson and Camille will be glad to have these returned to them after using them as evidence, of course. The diamond alone is worth a quarter of a million dollars.”

  Helena tried not to gape. Who in their right mind wore something of that high a value around their neck?

  As if reading her thoughts, Watterson continued. “I tried to convince Camille and Jayson not to flash their jewelry while at the party. To replace them with cubic zirconium just in case something like this happened, but they didn’t listen.”

  “You suspected they’d be a target?” Helena asked.

  Watterson grimaced. “Yeah, even before you and Brand came forward asking to be a part of the team.” He glanced at Luna with frank curiosity.

  “My K-9 partner was instrumental in bringing Cantwell down,” she told him. “Despite the fact he was armed with a gun. As Everett said, this could have ended much worse.”

  “I guess
you’re right.” Watterson heaved a heavy breath. “Unfortunately, the hotel manager and my boss isn’t seeing it that way.”

  Helena understood the security manager’s job was likely in jeopardy over recent events. Although it wasn’t his fault Zoe had cornered Camille in the restroom. Or that Cantwell had threatened to harm Christine if her twin refused to follow through with the theft.

  “They had a plan and we did our best to bring them to justice,” she told Watterson. “That’s all we can do, right?”

  He shrugged, not convinced. Then he touched his earpiece. “Yes, sir, right away.” Watterson left the area, no doubt going to face the boss.

  Helena was suddenly glad she worked as a K-9 state trooper, rather than in the private sector. Lorenza was a great leader and very fair. She made a mental note to connect with the colonel very soon.

  “Helena?” Zoe’s voice was timid. “Could I please see Christine? Just for a few minutes at least?”

  Helena glanced at Everett, who gave a brief nod.

  “Sure thing.” Helena put her arm around her twin’s shoulders. “I’ll take you to see your baby now. She’s in a suite with one of Everett’s friends.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Everett offered. “I know I checked the diaper bag and infant seat very thoroughly, but maybe I missed something.”

  Will gestured back to the cave. “I don’t feel good about leaving the stolen goods in there unprotected. Scout and I will stand guard until we can get the crime team out here.”

  Helena nodded in relief. “Thanks, Will, for everything.”

  “No problem.” Her teammate glanced at Zoe, looked as if he might say something like Why isn’t she in handcuffs? but turned and headed into the woods without voicing his thought.

  Helena knew she should have placed Zoe under arrest already, but wanted to wait until after her twin had a chance to hold her baby.

  Zoe deserved that much, didn’t she?

  With Zoe tucked between her and Everett, and Luna at her side, they headed into the hotel to where the suites were located.

  Trent stood when they entered. “Everything okay?”


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