An Introduction to Madhva Vedan

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An Introduction to Madhva Vedan Page 19

by Deepak Sarma

  anirvâcanîya: indescribable, a component of Advaita khyâti-vâda

  anirvâcanya-khyâti-vâda: the Advaita theory that the ontological status

  of the object of false cognitions is indescribable




  An Introduction to Mâdhva Vedânta

  anitya: non-eternal, finite, an acetana, there are two: saüsçùña and asaüsçùña

  anumâna: reasoning

  anupâdhika: not having a limiting adjunct, part of Madhvâcarya’s


  anu-pramâõa: indirect knowledge, there are three: pratyakùa, anumâna, âgama

  anuùñubh: a class of meter with four segments of eight syllables each,

  totaling thirty-two syllables

  anyâtha-khyâti-vâda: the Nyâya theory that false cognition is knowing

  [something] as otherwise

  aparokùa-jñâna: unmediated knowledge, of brahman

  apauruùeya: sentences and/or texts not having human authorship, úruti, the Vedas

  a posteriori: reasoning proceeding from the effects to the causes

  a priori: reasoning proceeding from causes to the effects

  âpta: authoritative, reliable

  âptaguru: authoritative teacher

  âptatva: authority, the state of being authoritative

  âptavâkya: authoritative statements

  Arjuna: name of the hero of the Mahâbhârata/ Bhagavad Gîtâ, one of

  the Paõóava brothers

  artha: material things, one of the puruùârthas

  arthâpatti: presumption, under the scope of anumâna

  asaügati: incongruity or irrelevance, a reason for defeat in a debate

  asaüsçùña: not combined entities: mahat, ahaükâra, buddhi, manas, indriyas, pañca-tanmâtras and the pañca-bhûtas

  asat: unreal, a component of Madhvâcârya’s khyâti-vâda

  âúrama: stage in life, there are four: brahmacârya, gçhastha, vânaprastha and saünyâsa

  aùñamañhas: the institution of the eight monasteries founded by


  âstika: philosophical traditions based on the Vedas

  asura: a type of demon

  asurîs: female demons

  asvatantram: dependent things, all things other than Viùõu

  âtman: the enduring self

  tman: the Self, another name for brahman

  âtmânyonyâúraya: mutual dependence, a tarka-doùa

  atyantâbhava: permanently non-existent, sometimes called sadâbhâva,

  for example, the son of a barren women

  avatâra: incarnation, Viùõu has ten, including Kçùõa


  Appendix C: Glossary


  avidyâ: ignorance, a component of Advaita khyâti-vâda

  ayogi-jñâna: one of the four types of kevala-pramâõa

  Balarâma: Kçùõa’s older brother, another name for Saükarùaõa

  bandha: bondage

  Bhagavad Gîtâ: lit. ‘The Song of the Lord,’ a section of the

  Mahâbhârata containing a dialogue between Kçùõa and Arjuna

  Bhîma: name of the hero of the Mahâbhârata/ Bhagavad Gîtâ, one of the Paõóava brothers, avatâra of Vâyu/Madhvâcârya

  bhakta: devotee

  bhakti: devotion

  bhakti-yoga: the path to mokùa via bhakti

  bhâùya: commentary

  bhâva: existent entities, there are two: cetana and acetana

  bhavyatva: the capability to achieve nirvâõa held by some jîvas according to the Jains

  bheda: different

  bhedâbheda: different and non-different

  bhedasâdhanam: establishing difference

  bhûta: apparitions

  bhûtârâdhana: worship of apparitions

  bimba: object of reflection

  bimba-pratibimba-vâda: Madhvâcârya’s theory of reflection

  Brahmâ: a God in the Vedic and Vaiùõava pantheon

  brahmâõóa: Brahmâ’s egg, the locus for the evolution of the universe, a

  saüsçùña entity

  brahmabandhu: a wicked and non-practicing brahmin

  brahmacari: a celibate student

  brahmacârya: the first stage in the âúrama system, the life of a celibate student

  brahma-jñâna: knowledge of brahman

  brahman: the divine principle, in Mâdhva Vedânta, brahman is Viùõu

  Brahma Sûtras: by Vyâsa/Viùõu, the central texts to all schools of


  brahmin: the priestly class, one of the four varõas

  Buddha: the awakened one, founder of the tradition of Buddhism, an

  avatâra of Viùõu

  buddhi: the intellect, one of the twenty-four emanations of prakçti

  buddhi-indriyas: the sense organs: ghrâõa, rasana, cakùus, úrotra, tvak

  cakra: discuss, a symbol and weapon of Kçùõa

  cakrakâ: circularity, a tarka-doùa

  cakùus: eye, a buddhi-indriya



  An Introduction to Mâdhva Vedânta

  cetanas: sentient entities

  daityas: demons, one of the tamo-yogyas

  darúan: vision

  daúaprakaraõas: Madhvâcârya’s ten short treatises on specific topics

  dayivagaëu: worship of apparitions (in Tuëu)

  deha: body

  Devî: the Goddess

  dharma: law, order, duty, religion, etc.

  dharma-úâstra: a treatise on dharma

  dodumma: a Tuëu and Kannaóa word for a grandmother, aunt, or any

  older female relative

  doùas: fallacy, defect

  Draupadi: the epic heroine of the Mahâbhârata and wife of the Paõóava


  duþkha-saüsthas: jîvas whose state of being is suffering

  duþkhaspçùña: cetanas who are connected with suffering

  Durgâ: a goddess

  dvâpara-yuga: the third age

  dvijas: twice born, in reference to a second birth following the

  upanayana initiation rite. Limited only to the first three varõas.

  epistemology: the theory of knowledge

  eschatology: theories about death and the final goals of a philosophy or


  gandha: that which is detected by the olfactory organ, a pañca-tanmatra

  ghrâõa: the olfactory organ, one of the six indriyas

  granthas: unmetered thirty-two syllable verses

  gçhastha: the second stage in the âúrama system, the life of a married householder

  guõas: attributes

  guru: teacher

  guru-prasâda: the grace of the guru, required for aparokùa-jñâna hagiography: biography of a religious figure

  Hanumân: name of the monkey God of the Râmayaõa, an avatâra of


  Hari: a name of Viùõu and his avatâras

  hetu: the reason, one of the components of anumâna

  indriyas: six physical sense organs; manas, ghrâõa, rasana, cakùus, úrotra and tvak

  Îúa -jñâna: one of the four types of kevala-pramâõa

  itihâsa: narrative history, lit. ‘so it has been’

  jaóa: non-sentient material entities

  jala: water, a pañca-bhûta


  Appendix C: Glossary


  jalpa: wrangling, a debate whose purpose is to bring fame and glory to

  the competitive victor

  janaloka: a place of temporary residence for jîvas between lives

  Jana-loka: the Region of Creatures, a place in mokùa

  Janardhana: a name for Viùõu

  jâti: caste, a subdivision of varõa

  jîva: the enduring self, also known as the âtman

  jîva-traividhya: three-fold classification of jîvas

  jñâna: kno

  jñâna-yoga: the path to mokùa via jñâna

  kâla: time, a nityânitya entity

  kali-yuga: the fourth age

  Kalki: an avatâra of Viùõu appearing at the end of kali-yuga

  kalpa: one day in the life of the god Brahmâ

  kalpanâgaurava: complexity (Ockham’s Razor), a tarka-doùa

  kâma: pleasure, one of the puruùârthas

  karma: actions and rituals having an impact on this life and future lives,

  puõya and pâpa

  karma-indriyas: the organs of action: vâc, pâõi, pâda, pâyu and upastha karma-yoga: the path to mokùa via action and ritual

  kartçtva: agency

  kevala-pramâõa: direct knowledge of an object as it is: Îúa, Lakùmî, yogi and ayogi-jñâna

  khyâti-vada: theory of false cognition

  Kçùõa: an avatâra of Viùõu, the god-hero of the Mahâbhârata/ Bhagavad Gîtâ

  kçta-yuga: the first age

  kùatriya: the warrior class, one of the four varõas

  Kùîrasagare, the Ocean of Milk, a place in mokùa

  Kumbipâka: the Pottery [Kiln], one of the Hells

  Kûrma: the tortoise, an avatâra of Viùõu

  Lakùmî: a goddess, known as Úrî and Ramâ, Viùõu’s consort

  Lakùmî- jñâna: one of the four types of kevala-pramâõa

  lîlâ: playful sport, usually in reference to the activities of the divine

  liïga: an aniconic form of the god Úiva

  Mâdhva: pertaining to Madhvâcârya and his school of Vedânta, a

  follower of Madhvâcârya

  madhya: middling jîvas, a classification of svarûpatraividhya

  Mahâbhârata: the Hindu epic of the war between the Paõóavas and

  Kauravas, held to be an âgama by Madhvâcârya, composed by Vyâsa

  Mahâraurava: [Place of] Great Terror, one of the Hells

  Mahar-loka, the Great Region, a place in mokùa



  An Introduction to Mâdhva Vedânta

  mahat: the great principle, one of the twenty-four emanations of prakçti Mahâ Tamas: the Great Hell, one of the two deepest Hells

  manas: the mind, an indriya

  maõgala-úlokas: adulations found in texts

  manovçtti-jñâna: experiential knowledge, a vçtti, of the manas

  Manu: the ancestor of all humans

  manvantara: an age of a Manu, one cycle of the yugas and pralaya martyâdhamas: vilest of the mortal jîvas, one of the tamo-yogyas mañha: monastery

  mâtras: objects, see pañca-tanmâtras

  Matsya: the fish, an avatâra of Viùõu

  mâyâ: the means to illusion, a central component of Advaita


  mohaúâstras: confusing teachings created intentionally by Viùõu

  mokùa: liberation from the cycle of birth and rebirth

  mukti-yogyas: jîvas qualified for release who can be liberated from suffering

  mukty-ayogyas: jîvas who cannot be liberated from suffering

  munitrayam: the three major thinkers in Mâdhva Vedânta: Madhvâcârya,

  Jayatîrtha and Vyâsatîrtha

  nâgas: snakes

  naras: the highest among men, one of the vimuktas

  Narasiüha, the man-lion, an avatâra of Viùõu

  Nârâyaõa: a name of Viùõu

  nâstika: philosophical traditions not based on the Vedas

  nîcâ: lowest jîvas, a classification of svarûpatraividhya

  nirguõa: without attributes

  nirvâõa: the Buddhist and Jain term for liberation from the cycle of birth

  and rebirth

  niùkâma-karma: acting without desire for the fruits of one’s actions, a

  concept found in the Bhagavad Gîtâ

  nitya: eternal, infinite, one of the three acetanas

  nityabaddhas: those held by the Pâñcarâtrikas to be eternally bound to

  the cycle of birth and rebirth, part of the Pâñcarâtrika doctrine of


  nityâduþkha: eternally without suffering, Úrî

  nityânitya: both eternal and non-eternal, one of the three acetanas

  nitya-saüsârin: jîvas who are eternally caught in the cycle of birth and rebirth

  nityasûris: jîvas who, according to Râmânuja, are never subject to birth and rebirth

  nyâya: logic


  Appendix C: Glossary


  Nyâya: a school of South Asian philosophy

  nyûna: omission of evidence, a reason for defeat in a debate

  ontology: theories about the nature of being and what exists and does not


  pa: protectors of the world, one of the vimuktas

  pada: complete word

  pâda: going, a karma-indriya

  pakka-guruji: fully developed and esteemed teacher

  pakùa: the minor term, the subject, the probandum, a component of the anumâna

  pañca-bhûtas: the five elements: âkâúa, vâyû, agni, jala and pçthivî pañcabheda: five-fold difference; between jîva and Viùõu, Viùõu and jaóa, individual jîvas, jîvas and jaóas, and individual jaóas Pañcakaùña: the [Place] of Five Miseries, one of the two deepest Hells

  Pañcarâtrâgamas: a body of texts that are held to be agamas by


  pañca-tanmatras: five subtle elements deriving from the ahaükâra, the mâtras of the indriyas; úabda, sparúa, rûpa, rasa and gandha.

  Paõóavas: five brothers and epic heroes of the Mahâbhârata: Yudhiùñira,

  Bhîma, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva

  pâõi: grasping, a karma-indriya

  pâpa: demeritorious karma

  paraüpara: lineage

  Paraúurâma: Râma with the axe, an avatâra of Viùõu

  paratantra: entities that are dependent on another

  paratantratva: dependence, the state of being paratantra

  parokùa-jñâna: mediated knowledge of brahman

  pauruùeya: sentences and/or texts having human authorship, úruti

  pâyu: excreting, a karma-indriyas

  piúacas: ghastly lurkers, one of the tamo-yogyas

  pitçs: ancestors, one of the vimuktas

  [Place of the] Vaitaraõi [river]: one of the Hells

  pradhvaüsâbhâva: posterior non-existence, the non-existence of a

  substance after it is destroyed, one of the three abhâvas

  Pradyumna: father of Aniruddha, and son of Kçùõa, one of the vyûhas

  prâgabhâva: prior non-existence, the non-existence of a substance

  before it comes into being, one of the three abhâvas

  prakaraõa: minor philosophical tract

  prakçti: material cause, a nityânitya entity

  pralaya: the destruction of the universe

  pramâõa: the means of valid knowledge, there are two types: anu and kevala-pramâõa



  An Introduction to Mâdhva Vedânta

  prâptâdhatamasas: tamo-yogyas who suffer in complete darkness

  prârabdha karma: latent karma accumulated over time

  prasâda: grace

  prâúnika: questioner, arbitrator of the dispute

  prasthânatraya: three-fold systems. The Bhagavad Gîtâ, Brahma

  Sûtras and ten Upaniùads

  pratibimba: reflection

  pratijñâ: proposition, a component of anumâna

  pratyakùa: perception, one of the three anu-pramânas

  pçthvî: earth, a pañca-bhûta

  puõya: meritorious karma

  purâõaprasthâna: system of Purâõic texts

  puruùârthas: the human goals; dharma, artha, kâma and mokùa râkùasas: orcs, one of the tamo-yogyas

  Ramâ: a name of Lakùmî, Úrî, Viùõu’s consort

  Râma: the epic Hero of the Râmâyaõa, an avatâra of Viùõ

  Râmânujâcârya: (1017–1137 ce) the founder of the Viúiùñâdvaita School

  of Vedânta

  Râmâyana: the Hindu epic about the Râma, an avatâra of Viùõu, held to be an âgama by Madhvâcârya

  rasa: taste, a pañca-tanmâtra

  rasana; the gustatory organ, a buddhi-indriyas

  Raurava: [Place of] Terror, one of the Hells

  çùis: seers, one of the vimuktas

  Rudra: a name of Úiva, assists Viùõu by producing mohaúâstras

  rûpa: color, a pañca-tanmâtra

  úabda: sound, a pañca-tanmâtra

  sadâbhâva: always non-existent, for example, the horn of a hare, one of

  the three abhâvas, see also atyântâbhava

  sâdhya: thing to be proven, the major term, a component of the


  saguõa: with attributes

  Úaivite: a pertaining to Úiva, a devotee of the god Úiva

  sâkùî: the internal witness, it is sva-prakâúa and is a pratyakùa úakti: female power

  sâlokya: jîvas residing simply in Kùîrasagare, a place in mokùa sâmîpya: jîvas residing close to Viùõu in Kùîrasagare, a place in mokùa Úaükarâcârya: (788–820 ce) the founder of the Advaita School of


  Saükarùaõa: a name of Balarâma, Kçùõa’s older brother, one of the


  Sâükhya: a school of South Asian philosophy


  Appendix C: Glossary


  saünyâsa: the last stage in the âúrama system, renunciation

  saünyâsi: an ascetic, one who has renounced

  saüpradâya: community and institutions

  saüsâra: worldly existence in the cycle of birth and rebirth

  saüúaya: doubt

  saüsçùña: a combined entity, brahmâõóa

  saüvâda: accepting a disputed fact, a reason for defeat in a debate, also

  refers to the debate itself

  úaïkha: conch, a symbol of Kçùõa

  sapakùa: a similar instance confirming the vyâpti, a component of the anumâna

  sarûpa: jîvas similar to Viùõu residing in Kùîrasagare

  úaúaúçïga: the horn of a hare, a sadâbhâva entity

  úâstra: teachings, the âgamas

  sat: real, a component of Madhvâcârya’s khyâti-vâda

  Satya-loka: the Region of Truth, a place in mokùa

  Úiva: name of a Hindu god

  smçti: traditional human-authored texts

  sopâdhika: having a limiting adjunct, part of Madhvâcârya’s


  soteriology: theories about salvation

  spçùta-duþkhas: jîvas who are completely connected with suffering

  sparúa: feeling, a pañca-tanmâtra

  Úrî: a name of Lakùmî, Ramâ, Viùõu’s consort, an honorific


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