An Introduction to Madhva Vedan

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by Deepak Sarma

  Paõóitâcârya, Nârâyaõa. Sumadhvavijayaþ, Bhâvaprakâúikâsametaþ.

  ed. Prabhañjanâcârya. Bangalore: Sri Man Madhwa Siddantonnahini

  Sabha, 1989.




  An Introduction to Mâdhva Vedânta

  Vâdirâja. Tîrthaprabandhaþ. ed. V. Prabhañjanâcâryaþ. Udupi:

  Bhandarkere Math, 1990.

  Mâdhva works in translation

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  Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1978.

  Bhat, G.M. Khaõóana Trayam. Sukçtîndra Indological Series No. 2.

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  Rau, D.R. Vasudeva. Nârâyaõa Paõóitâcârya’s Úrî Mâdhva Vijaya.

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  Sarma, Deepak. ‘After What? Vyâsatîrtha’s Arguments Regarding

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  Other Sanskrit sources

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  Veezhinathan, N. The Sa§kùepaúârîraks of Sarvajñatman; Critically

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  Advanced Study in Philosophy; University of Madras, 1972.

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  An Introduction to Mâdhva Vedânta

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  An Introduction to Mâdhva Vedânta

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  Scholars consulted

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  Kulakarani, Tirumala – Alaükâra Vedanta Vidvan

  Nagasampige, A.V. – Nyâya Vedânta Vidvan

  Nambiar, Sîtâ – Ph.D. Sanskrit

  Paõóurangi, K.T. – Mahâmahopâdhyâya

D. – Nyâya Vedânta Vidvan

  Svâmi Vibhudeúa Tîrthâ – Úri Admar Mañha



  abhâva 53

  alaukika 46

  prâg 53

  Ambalpadi Uóupi 12

  pradhvaüsa 53

  Ames, Keri E. xii

  sadâ 53–54

  aüúas 70

  abhavya 58

  ânanda 54, 67, 95

  abheda 44–49

  ânanda-târatamya-vâda 95

  abhinava-anyathâ-khyâti-vâda 46–49 nandatîrtha 5, 102

  âcârya 5

  Anatrikùa-loka 95

  acetana 34, 59

  anavasthâ 32, 35, 64

  anitya 59–61

  Andhatâmisro 58

  nitya 59

  aõgula 40

  nityânitya 59–60

  Aniruddha 68–69

  Acyutaprekùa 4

  anirvâcanîya 45–46

  Adamâr mañha xi, 14

  anirvâcanîya-khyâti-vâda 44–46

  adharma 33, 60

  anitya 34, 36, 38, 59–61

  adhikâra 81, 108, 109

  Aõubhâùya 15, 66, 66 n. 46, 67,

  adhikâri 83, 89, 103, 106

  67 n. 48, 67 n. 49, 67 n. 50, Adhokùaja 14

  67 n. 53, 75 n. 1, 87 n. 51, adhyâya 45

  94 n. 75, 95 n. 76, 132

  Advaitakâlânala 39

  Aõu-Madhvavijaya 3

  Advaitasiddhi 18

  anumâna 21, 24, 27, 30–44, 49

  Advaita Vedânta 8–10

  anupâdhika 78

  doctrines 19, 44–46, 50–51, 66–67, anu-pramâõa 21, 24–42

  78, 102–111

  anuùñubh 99

  khyâti-vâda 44–46

  Anuvyâkhyâna 5 n. 9, 17, 20, 27,

  and Madhvâcârya 4, 8, 20,

  27 n. 34, 27 n. 36, 29 n. 39,


  29 n. 40, 29 n. 41, 29 n. 42, Úaükarâcârya 4, 9, 12, 15, 50

  29 n. 43, 39, 39 n. 78, 43 n. 90, scholars 5, 16–17, 26, 39, 45 n. 84,

  44 n. 91, 64 n. 39, 68 n. 56,


  97 n. 1, 97 n. 2, 98 n. 5, 98 n. 6, Sçïgeri 9, 10


  Sçïgeri mañha 5 n. 11

  anyâtha-khyâti-vâda 46–48

  texts 5, 9, 16, 18, 39, 45 n. 84, 102 aparokùa-jñâna see Viùõu

  âgama 17, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33–44,

  apauruùeya 34–36; see also úruti and

  65–66, 68, 79, 85–87, 93,


  96–98, 100–103, 107

  Appayya Dikùita 39

  agni 62

  âpta 36, 39, 42

  ahaükâra 61–62, 68

  âpta-guru 82, 87, 91, 93

  aikyam 103–105

  âptatva 36, 39

  Aitareya Upaniùad 15

  âptavâkya 39

  ajñâna 76–77

  Apte, V. S. 58 n. 19

  âkâúa 62


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