fact that I am a surviving child of a dad who died by suicide adds
credibility, I think, to the reassurance.
Regarding the involvement of genes in behavior, twin samples are
the most useful to study; they can help determine whether a genetic
contribution to some trait or behavior exists. A usual strategy is to
compare monozygotic, or identical, twin pairs, who share all of their
Genetics, Neurobiology, and Mental Disorders ● 175
genes, to dizygotic, or fraternal, twin pairs, who share on average half
of their genes (as do any siblings who are not identical twins). If
genes are involved, identical twins should share the trait or behavior
more often than fraternal twins, because identical twins share all
their genes, and fraternal twins share approximately half of their
A potential complication is that the family environment may also
be more similar for identical twins than it is for fraternal twins, be-
cause identical twins may be treated more similarly (e.g., dress alike)
than fraternal twins. So, an even better strategy is to study twins
separated at or near birth and reared apart from one another, as
might happen when twins are adopted by different families. How-
ever, because the confluence of twinship, adoption, and later suicide
is rare, no twin adoption study on suicide has been conducted, to my
knowledge. There have been informative nontwin adoption studies,
Overall, twin studies have found that 13 to 19 percent of identical
twin pairs were concordant for death by suicide as compared to less
than 1 percent of the dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs, a significant differ-
ence.2 Given that one twin has died by suicide, this means that the
chances that the other will die by suicide are around 15 percent for
identical twins and less than 1 percent for DZ twins. One percent is
an elevated rate, it should be noted; the probability of any given indi-
vidual in the United States dying by suicide is around .01 percent.
Therefore, 15 percent is an extremely elevated rate.
Researchers in Denmark have used an adoption register to
study the genetic aspects of suicide. From a register of thousands of
adoptions, they identified fifty-seven who eventually died by suicide.
These fifty-seven were compared to fifty-seven matched adopted
controls who had not died by suicide, specifically with regard to fam-
ily history of suicide among their biological relatives. Over 4 percent
of the biological relatives of the suicide group had themselves died by
suicide, as compared to well under 1 percent of the biological rela-
tives of the control group.3
Further evidence of the role of genetics in suicide is shown through
family studies. One early study examined the Old Order Amish over
a hundred-year period. During this time there were twenty-six peo-
ple who died by suicide, the majority of whom came from only four
families. Interestingly, while these four families had a high genetic
loading for depression in addition to suicide, other families had a
similarly high loading for depression but no suicides. This suggests
that the genetic component for suicide may be independent from the
genetic component for depression.4 Other studies, too, have pointed
to a unique genetic contribution to suicide, over and beyond the
genetic contribution to mental disorders like depression.5 This is a
key point about the relation of mental disorders to suicidality—
mental disorders, though very important in understanding suicid-
ality, do not fully explain it. Further, a simplistic view of the asso-
ciation between mental disorders and suicidality does not explain
why most people with mental disorders do not attempt or die by
The twin and adoption studies converge to show that genes are in-
volved in suicidal behavior. To return to the issue of the serotonin
system, suicide’s “shoeing horn,” we are now honing in on specific
genes that may confer risk for suicidal behavior. One gene that has
received much attention is the serotonin transporter gene. As noted
earlier, the neurochemical serotonin is important in mood, sleep,
and appetite. The serotonin transporter maintains control over the
availability of serotonin in the synapse, essentially by acting as its
recycler—the transporter recycles serotonin back up into the neuron
after serotonin is released into the synapse. SSRI drugs used to treat
depression like Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil exert their effects by shut-
ting down or inhibiting the action of the transporter, one effect of
which is to leave more serotonin “in play” in the synapse.
Genetics, Neurobiology, and Mental Disorders ● 177
A single gene is responsible for encoding, or for the “architectural
plans,” of the transporter—the serotonin transporter gene. In hu-
mans, this gene is located on chromosome 17. A region of this gene
has been identified as having what is called a “polymorphism” in it. A
polymorphism just means that something can take multiple forms.
In the case of the serotonin transporter gene, there are two possible
forms, depending on the presence or absence of an additional string
of gene building blocks in the gene sequence. Each of the two varia-
tions is referred to as an allele of that gene. If an allele has the inser-
tion, it is called a long allele; if it does not, it is a short allele.6 Since all humans carry two copies of each gene, there are three possible combinations of the two alleles: two long alleles ( l/l), a long allele and a short allele ( l/s), or two short alleles ( s/s).
There is some emerging consensus that those with the s/s genotype
have more dysregulated serotonin systems and thus are more prone
to attendant problems. A recent study that followed 103 suicide at-
tempters over the course of a year found that the s/s genotype was more common in people with higher numbers of suicide attempts.7
A postmortem study found that the s/s genotype was more common
among suicide victims than among others, although this difference
did not reach statistical significance.8 My colleagues and I reported
that those with a significant family history of suicide were more likely
to have the s/s genotype than were those without a family history.9
This latter study is of personal interest to me, not only because it
was my study, but also because I have the s/s genotype and have a significant family history of suicide, having lost my dad to suicide. I do
not know my dad’s genotype, but he had to have had at least one s allele, because people get one allele from their mother and one from
their father. Since I have two s alleles, my dad had to have had at least one himself, as must my mom, making both either s/s or s/l. It is not possible to know for sure which my dad was, though if I tested my
sisters and both were, like me, also s/s, the likelihood increases that
my dad was s/s. Given the research, my guess is that my dad did carry the s/s genotype.
There are other serotonin-system genes besides the serotonin
transporter. Perhaps the one that has received the most overa
ll atten-
tion is the tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) gene. Tryptophan is a
precursor, or ingredient, of serotonin. TPH breaks down tryptophan
and thus serves as a kind of braking system in the making of seroto-
nin. This gene is located on chromosome 11, and two polymor-
phisms in particular have been studied: A218C and A779C. The A and C represent different alleles (sort of like “long” and “short” on the serotonin transporter gene), and the numbers 218 and 779 represent locations on the chromosome.
A meta-analysis (pooled results across studies) of the association
between the A218C polymorphism and suicidal behavior found that
presence of the 218A allele was significantly related to increased risk for suicide.10 Other studies have examined the A779C polymorphism, and its relationship to suicide is less clear.11
One final gene that deserves mention is not a serotonin-system
gene—the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) gene has only re-
cently been studied with regard to suicide. Somewhat similar to the
relation of TPH to serotonin, COMT is responsible for breaking
down neurochemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine, and thus
can be viewed as a braking mechanism for these neurotransmitter
systems. A gene on chromosome 22 codes for COMT activity and oc-
curs in two variations, the H allele and the L allele, which trigger high or low COMT activity, respectively. As with most other research on
candidate genes, results have been mixed. One study identified no
difference in COMT genotype between patients at high risk for sui-
cide and controls.12 However, other studies have suggested that varia-
tions in the COMT gene are associated only with violent suicide.
In one sample, the L allele was more frequent in violent suicide
attempters versus nonviolent attempters and nonattempters. The
Genetics, Neurobiology, and Mental Disorders ● 179
nonviolent suicide attempters and nonattempters showed no differ-
ence in COMT genotype.13 A similar study stratified the results by
gender and found that the L allele was more frequent in males with a history of suicide attempts but not in females. Furthermore, males
who carried the L allele were more likely to have made violent suicide attempts and more attempts overall, but this relationship did not
hold for females.14
In summary, twin, adoption, and family studies of suicidality have
clearly shown that there is a genetic component to suicidal behavior.
This genetic risk for suicidality appears to be partly independent of
risk for mental illness. Several candidate genes for the transmission
of suicide risk have been identified. The serotonin transporter gene,
the TPH gene, and the COMT gene have all shown links to suicidal
behavior, at least in some studies. At the same time, it is important to
note that suicidal behavior is too complex to be accounted for by any
one gene; the analysis of the effects of multiple genotypes in combi-
nation may help to differentiate levels of genetic risk.
Neurobiological variables also implicate the serotonin system in sui-
cidal behavior. One of the most well-replicated findings involves 5-
hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), which is the major metabolite
of serotonin; that is, when the body breaks down serotonin, one of
the main things it breaks it down into is 5-HIAA. Studies have found
low levels of 5-HIAA in the spinal fluid of suicidal individuals. A
meta-analysis (review of pooled studies) examining 5-HIAA, as
well as metabolites of other neurotransmitters like dopamine and
norepinephrine, found consistent evidence for lowered 5-HIAA in
suicide attempters and completers but no evidence for consistent
changes in other metabolites.15 This suggests that the serotonin sys-
tem specifically is linked to suicidality, whereas other neurotransmit-
ter systems may not be, at least not as strongly. A subsequent review
came to similar conclusions and also indicated that low levels of 5-
HIAA in suicide attempters is predictive of subsequent attempts.16
Another approach to documenting abnormalities in the serotonin
system is by administration of what is called a fenfluramine chal-
lenge. Fenfluramine stimulates serotonin release. Results have gener-
ally shown a decreased release of serotonin in suicide attempters ver-
sus depressed patients and controls, indicating less serotonin activity
despite the fenfluramine challenge. It is noteworthy that this applies
to suicidal patients specifically, even as compared to depressed pa-
tients.17 Those who attempted suicide by more lethal means show de-
creased activity in an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, as
compared to low-lethality attempters, and this was particularly ap-
parent after the fenfluramine challenge.18 The prefrontal cortex may
be involved in impulse control. These high-lethality attempters also
show decreased serotonin release in response to the fenfluramine
challenge, as compared to low-lethality attempters.19
Still another method of evaluating the serotonin system’s role in
suicide is by postmortem analysis of the brains of individuals who
have died by suicide. This area of research is not as clearly defined
as the 5-HIAA and fenfluramine literature, as some have found no
difference in important serotonin-system parameters between those
who died by suicide and those who died by other means.20 However,
a postmortem study found decreased serotonin transporter binding
in the prefrontal cortex of those who died by suicide.21 This means
that the serotonin transporter was not working optimally in those
who died by suicide; note also that the relevant brain area, the pre-
frontal cortex, was the same as that identified in a previous study as
important in suicide. In this study, as in others, results were specific
to suicide as compared to major depression—emphasizing that the
genetic vulnerability to suicide is distinct from the vulnerability to
other conditions, even including depression.
Genetics, Neurobiology, and Mental Disorders ● 181
Another interesting angle to the association of the serotonin sys-
tem to suicidality involves sleep. Serotonin appears to play a sig-
nificant role both in suicide and in the regulation of sleep.22 The re-
lease of serotonin is highest during waking states, reduced during
slow-wave sleep, and lowest during REM sleep. Interestingly, seroto-
nin-system dysfunction, particularly a reduction in the synthesis of
serotonin, is believed to promote wakefulness.23
Several studies have also demonstrated that disturbed sleep is
related both to suicide attempts and to completed suicide.24 One of
the first studies to examine sleep, depression, and suicide over time
found that symptoms of global insomnia were more severe among
those who later completed suicide within a thirteen-month period.25
Depressed patients with self-reported repetitive and frightening
dreams are more likely to be classified as suicidal compared to those
without frequent nightmares.26 A similar relationship recently
emerged in an impressive study conducted in Finland.
The study re-
vealed a direct association between nightmare frequency at one point
in time and completed suicides roughly fourteen years later. Com-
pared to subjects reporting no nightmares, those reporting occa-
sional nightmares were 57 percent more likely to die by suicide.
Among those with frequent nightmares, the risk for suicide increased
dramatically; individuals reporting frequent nightmares were 105
percent more likely to die by suicide compared to individuals report-
ing no frightening dreams.27
My colleagues and I recently studied this issue at the FSU Psychol-
ogy Clinic. Among a large sample of psychotherapy outpatients, we
assessed the associations of sleep problems to suicidal symptoms.
Our results indicated that insomnia, nightmare symptoms, and sleep-
related breathing problems collectively predicted suicidal ideation,
but that nightmare symptoms were uniquely associated with suicidal
ideation, whereas insomnia and sleep-related breathing problems
were not. Put differently, nightmare problems were clearly related to
suicidality; on the other hand, the only reason insomnia and breath-
ing problems appeared to be related to suicidality is because they
were more common in those who had frequent nightmares—they
had no independent influence on suicidality.28
The specific association of nightmares to suicidality is interesting
to consider in light of the framework developed in this book. People
who have frequent nightmares, especially those in which they are
subjugated or victimized, often have the thought, “I’m ineffective
and powerless even in my sleep.” Insofar as ineffectiveness is a general
quality of which perceived burdensomeness is a severe subset, night-
mares may relate to suicidality partly as a function of general feelings
of ineffectiveness. Also, those who are having nightmares often dis-
turb the sleep of their partners, which could have implications for
belongingness. In fact, this seemed to have been an issue for my dad,
whose snoring (a sleep-related breathing symptom) was problem-
atic. In our study at the FSU clinic, sleep-related breathing symptoms
were not uniquely associated with suicidality; however, that study
used a very rough measure of sleep-related breathing problems, and
Why People Die By Suicide Page 23