by Sonya Lee
Jason, Diane and Katrina were playing a game of scrabble when Vasquez and Timms arrived at the house. Jason answered the door.
“Hey Jason, how have you been?” asked Vasquez.
“Pretty good and you?” replied Jason.
“Can’t complain for the most part, Johns asked me to give Katrina her laptop. The techs finished with it the other day but he forgot to give it to her,” said Vasquez.
“Okay, did you want to come in?” asked Jason.
“No, we just got here, so I don't need to right now,” she replied.
“Okay, mom's cooking lasagna tonight. I'll bring you a plate when it's done,” said Jason.
"Is she making her famous garlic cheese toast to go with that lasagna?" asked Vasquez.
"Yes, I guess this means you want double?" asked Jason.
"You are such a wise young man. Don't bother to bring Timms any, he isn't a connoisseur of fine cuisine like I am," said Vasquez.
"If I tried that, I'd never live it down. When I bring it out, I'll just short him a little, between you and me," said Jason.
"I thought you had brains like your father," said Vasquez as she started walking back to the car. Jason chuckled as he closed the door. As he re-entered the room Diane and Katrina looked up.
Katrina had spotted the laptop as soon as he walked in the room. A sad look crossed her face.
“What’s wrong?” asked Diane looking at Katrina with concern on her face.
“Seeing my laptop reminded me of Kim.” replied Katrina. “The last time I saw her she was returning my laptop to me from Sophie." She thought about Sophie. "I need to call Sophie but I just don't have the courage right now."
Diane looked at Jason. Jason excused himself from the room. He knew that look on his mother's face. She was about to go into Super Mommie mode.
"Katrina, you've had a rough couple of days. You haven't had time to truly grieve for your friend with all that has happened. Perhaps when everything has cleared up you'll be able to deal with Kim's death and talking with Sophie. Right now, don't be so hard on yourself. You are only human," said Diane.
Katrina shook her head in acceptance. Do you mind if I go upstairs for a little while? I need to check my e-mail and contact some professors,” Katrina said in a hurry. She appeared to have tears in her eyes.
“No, go ahead. I need to check on the lasagna anyway. I'll call you when dinner is ready,” Diane said.
Katrina took the laptop upstairs to the guest bedroom. She sat down on the bed. There was so much she needed to do, but she just didn't have the strength to do it. She had never felt like this before. Not even when her mother had gotten cancer and was facing an uphill battle. She laid the laptop on the bed and lie down. Thoughts of Kim and all the fun they had at boarding school the first and only year they attended flowing through her mind. She could picture Kim in pigtails hurling a snowball at James Walters for calling her skinny. The ensuing snowball fight between Our Sacred Lady and Thomas Aquinas School was still on record as being the best snowball fight ever. Her cell phone brought her out of her rivalry. She went to answer it thinking it might be her parents calling her back. When she bent down to pick up the phone, Sophie's name was on the display. She was reaching for the phone when Diane knocked at the door to let her know dinner was ready. Perhaps it wasn't time for her to face Sophie just yet, thought Katrina as she laid the phone down and walked downstairs.