Yellow Eyes

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Yellow Eyes Page 24

by Sonya Lee

  Chapter 18


  The Guardian entered Holy Crest Hospital via the visitors’ entrance.  He got his visitors pass and set out to visit his dear old Uncle Tony in I.C.U.  The hall was quiet when he entered, hardly anyone was around.  He proceeded down the hall unchallenged.  One of the officers guarding Maxi had gone to the restroom.  The other was busy chatting with a pretty brunette nurse.  The Guardian walked pass Maxi's room and proceeded around the corner. He entered the custodian's closet unnoticed.  He slipped out of his overcoat and added the cushion to his middle.  He placed the black wig on his head and adjusted the make-up on his face.  He pushed the cart out of the room and walked around the corner towards Maxi's room.  The police officer glanced his way, "hey Jim," he said before returning his attention to the nurse.  A muffled "hey," was the response he received from the Guardian.  The Guardian slipped into Maxi's room.

  Once inside Maxi's room he heard moaning. "Are you okay, Mr. Cruz? Is there anything I can get you?" he asked.

  "I need some pain pills," was the whispered reply from Maxi.

  "Sure, let me adjust your drip.  It will only allow so much morphine to be dispensed because you've just come out of a coma," he said to Maxi. He had made it close enough to Maxi to stifle any cries he might make.  He covered Maxi's mouth with his hand.  "I will make all the pain go away and you won't feel anything ever again, if you don't tell me what I want to know. Flick you fingers if you understand me," said the Guardian in a low menacing voice.  Maxi flicked his fingers several times.

  “All your friends from the ambush are dead.  Is there anyone else coming after Katrina?” asked the Guardian.

  Maxi shook his head no.

  “I’ve seen Sophie hanging out with you and Adan.  Was she your partner?” asked the Guardian.  He moved his hand slightly to allow Maxi to answer his questions.

  “No, she stole diamonds,” he whispered.  “Got some back, but she hid others.”

  “That’s why you killed Kim for the other diamonds?” asked the Guardian.

  “She wouldn’t tell us, let sister die,” said Maxi in pain.

  “Where are the diamonds now?” asked the Guardian.

  “Buried in the back yard of neighbor's apartment building, don’t want to die have evidence, didn’t want Kim to die,” said Maxi in a stilting manner.

  “You have evidence of what?” asked the Guardian.

  “Bastian kill Kim cause Sophie told him to or she wouldn’t give diamonds,” said Maxi laboring to breathe.

  The Guardian asked Maxi several more questions.  Once he was finished, he told Maxi not to mention him to the police. "I'm going to give you a little more morphine," said the Guardian.  Maxi's eyes bulged open.  "Don't worry it won't kill you, it'll just lessen the pain. The police are on their way.  Tell them exactly what you told me.  Give them the evidence against Sophie and tell them the location of the diamonds.  If you don’t give them what they need, you'll leave this hospital in a wooden box instead of your own volition. And don't forget, I don't exist, you never saw me.  Do you understand me?” asked the Guardian.

  Maxi shook his head in acquiescence.  The Guardian gathered his cart and left the room.  He stopped at two other rooms before finally returning his cart to its rightful place and leaving the building.


  45 minutes later     


  Det. Johns and Christian arrived at the hospital forty five minutes later.  They had discussed their strategy for getting Maxi to cooperate, but found they didn’t need one when they arrived in his room.  Maxi was forthcoming during the interview.   He told them everything they needed to know.  He told them where to find the diamonds and what happened to Kim. They found out everything including the fact that Sophie Dubois was complicit in her sister’s murder.  They left the hospital and headed to Maxi’s and Adan’s apartment, they had a treasure to dig up. 

  The diamonds were easy to locate in the neighbor's yard.  They retrieved the diamonds and a mini-cassette recorder and headed for the captain's house.  Det. John's and Christian couldn't believe what they heard on the mini-cassette recorder.  They now had irrefutable evidence that Sophie was complicit in her sister’s murder.  They decided to continue with the sting.  They had learned long ago when you are dealing with people with unlimited funds, it is best to have evidence that is insurmountable no matter how deep the pockets are.  They decided to wait to tell the captain about the tape.  They didn't want to have to play it in front of Katrina.  That would be too much for her to bear. They wanted to formalize the plans for the sting tomorrow.  It wasn't easy for them to tell Katrina that Kim's sister was complicit in her murder.  Katrina was saddened and shocked by the information, but it also galvanized her into assisting the police in the sting operation.  She didn't want Sophie to get away with Kim's murder.



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