Tricked: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 1)

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Tricked: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 1) Page 28

by Amy Brown

  I have a fire going in a small fire pit, and the sun has gone down by the time Charity arrives. I’m surprised to see it isn’t her mom’s car, it’s Paula dropping her off. I didn’t think she’d have told Paula about us, so I’m a bit shocked. Paula isn’t a fan of mine. I guess maybe Paula is willing to overlook her dislike of me, to make her friend happy?

  She gets out and waves to her friend, and Paula drives away. As she approaches, her eyes glitter in the firelight. My pulse ramps up and I stand, desperate to touch her. I was afraid after our little spat in the library, she wouldn’t want to see me, but here she is. She must crave me as much as I do her.

  “My mom was busy, so Paula was nice enough to drive me,” she calls out.

  “I’m just glad you’re here.” I smile.

  As soon as Paula’s car is out of sight, I tug her close and kiss her. She’s a bit stiff in my arms, but that might be because we left on strange terms today. After a few seconds of coaxing, she’s wiggling against me like always. I stroke her pussy through her jeans, and she moans. My dick is hard and I need to be inside her. I start to unzip her jeans, and she grabs my wrist.

  “Wait,” she says breathlessly. “I thought we were going to talk.”

  “Talk?” I ask, my brain fuzzy with lust.

  “Yes. You said we should get together and talk.” Her eyes are wide and innocent.

  I frown. “Oh, well, sure. We can talk… first.”

  She perches on top of the picnic table, and when she leans her elbows on her knees, I can see down her blouse. The creamy curve of her breasts has my dick throbbing, but she wants to talk, so let’s talk. “I’m not sure I like the idea of being a secret,” she says softly.

  I grimace. “It’s just temporary.” I don’t bother to explain the reason for that is because soon we won’t be anything at all. Not a couple. Not a secret. Nothing.

  “It’s temporary?” She looks relieved. “Oh, that’s good news.”

  “For now, we need to keep things under wrap. Like I explained earlier today.” I smile at her. “We don’t want to set Sophia off again.”

  She bites her bottom lip. “I suppose it’s true that if Sophia knew you were fucking me, she’d want to scratch my eyes out.”

  I nod. “Oh, yeah.”

  She smiles sweetly. “Thank you for sparing me that unwanted attention, Mason. You’re so good to me. Always protecting me.”

  My stomach churns with guilt. “I try.” God, I hate this shit. Lying to these poor girls is one reason I rarely get involved with the transfer students. I don’t like hurting them, and I especially hate hurting Charity. But this is self-preservation, and they’d probably do the same to me if our positions were reversed. Anyone would. Saving your own skin is just instinct.

  She opens her knees wider, and leans back, watching me. “I’m glad we got that settled.”

  “Me too.”

  “It’s good to know you have my back, Mason.”

  “Of course.” I force a tight smile.

  “I’m so lucky you took an interest in me.” She sighs. “There are so many girls at school, but you picked me.”

  I shrug. “You’re beautiful. You caught my eye.”

  “That’s flattering.” She smiles. “Remember when we first met?”

  I nod. “Yep.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t hold a grudge about how rude I was to you.”

  “No problem.”

  She studies me, something odd in her expression. “I’m glad you overlooked where I lived. That Sunshine Trailer Park sure is an eyesore.”

  I laugh gruffly. “Living in a trailer beats a cardboard box.”

  Her laugh is brittle. “That is so true. I guess we should count our blessings, right?”

  I’m not sure how to respond.

  “Anyway, I don’t want to talk about that depressing old trailer park.” Running her tongue over her lower lip, she says. “I wanted to ask you for something, but I’m not sure if I should.”

  “Ask me anything,” I say gallantly.

  “You sure?”


  She hugs herself. “It’s sort of a request. A personal request.”

  I like the sound of that.

  “Go for it.”

  “You know how you have a few photos of me… naked?” She laughs shyly.

  “Yes.” It wasn’t easy to get them either. I had to ask about a million times, and the last time we fucked at my house, I finally got two beautiful shots of her lying on the bed with no clothes. I’ve put them to good use already, jacking off every morning. Unfortunately, soon they’ll be taped to the door of her locker at school to humiliate her. I made copies though.

  “I was hoping… maybe…” She covers her face. “I’m so embarrassed to ask.”

  I know what she wants, and I grin. “You want a naked photo of me too?”

  She drops her hands to her lap, looking embarrassed. “Is that okay? Do you think I’m a slut?”

  I frown. “I’ve told you already, I don’t think you’re a slut.”

  She sighs. “Okay.”

  I have no problem being naked, however, I don’t want to be arrested for indecent exposure or anything. I glance around, but it’s a school night, and the park is deserted. I pull my T-shirt off over my head, running my hands through my hair. “I’m happy to give you a photo for your own… personal use.” I wink. I’m flattered she wants one. I’ve never had a girl ask me for one before, and I like the idea of Charity lusting over my picture.

  She holds up her phone, focusing on me. “I’ve never taken a photo of a guy naked before.”

  “Good.” I say gruffly. I undo my jeans and push them down to my ankles, then I step out of them. I have an erection because just kissing Charity does that to me. Once I’m completely nude, I pose, flexing my biceps for her.

  “Oh, that’s a nice one,” she coos as she clicks a photo. “Your body is perfect.” Lust gleams in her eyes, but she swallows, and goes back to looking at me through her phone lens.

  The night air is cool on my sensitive body parts, but it’s rather freeing standing naked in front of her. I can’t wait until she’s naked too. She gets down off the bench, and walks toward me. My breathing picks up as she nears, and she runs her hand over my chest, down my stomach, and lightly brushes my erection. I give a little growl, but she just giggles.

  “Guess what I brought in my purse?” she asks softly.

  Frowning, I say, “No idea.”


  I laugh. “Okay, um… flavored lube?”

  “Ooh, good guess.” She smirks. “But you’re wrong.” She runs her soft hand over my bicep. “Guess again.”

  I’m frustrated this is how she wants to spend our time together, but figure it will eventually end up with me inside her, so I’ll be patient. “Handcuffs?”

  She laughs. “Close.”

  I wrinkle my brow. “Charity, what did you bring?”

  She kisses me softly, and the taste and touch of her full lips on mine calms me. When she pulls away, she whispers, “Rope.”


  Shocked at her answer, I grimace. “I’m not into bondage.”

  “Me neither. But you liked it when I bossed you around before.” Her stare is unblinking. “You know, the day you took my virginity?”

  Is it my imagination or does she sound slightly accusing? “I don’t remember taking anything that wasn’t offered first.”

  “Good point. I did offer myself to you,” she muses. “I wanted you to be my first.”

  “That was a perfect day,” I say. I’ve thought of it often, and even now, the memory of entering her for the first time leaves me yearning for more of her.

  Her cheeks are flushed in the firelight. “Every day since, you’ve made me feel things I’ve never felt before.”

  “You affect me too, Charity. Deeply.” I’m surprised when that slips out. It wasn’t my intention to share my feelings for her.

  She looks thrown by my response, and
she blinks at me. Then her jaw clenches, and she says, “Will you let me tie you up?”


  She nods. “Yeah.”

  Anxiety and raw lust flush through me in a hot wave. I’ve never allowed anyone to tie me up during sex. But the idea of being at Charity’s mercy has my dick throbbing. “Why?”

  A moan escapes her parted lips, and lust glistens in her eyes. “I want to ride you.”

  “Shit.” I almost come just hearing her say that. I pinch the base of my cock, trying to hold myself in check. “You want to use me?”

  “Oh, yes.” She closes her eyes. “I like the idea of pleasuring myself on you, but you can’t move or touch me. I would just slide up and down on your cock, over and over.” She opens her eyes, panting slightly. “Do you want that, Mason?”

  Fuck yeah.

  Somehow I stop myself from yelling that aloud. It’s not easy. She has me so turned on, my dick is seeping onto the dirt near the fire pit, and I feel out of control. I hold out my wrists. “Tie me up.”

  “Yeah?” She brightens, giving a triumphant smile. “Your ankles too?”

  “Sure.” I’m lost in the fantasy of her using my cock for her pleasure. I’m excited and nervous, but I trust her. I don’t see Charity being a serial killer or anything, but allowing another person to restrain me is unusual for me. “Let me put the condom on first.”

  She nods. “Oh, yeah.”

  I move to my jeans, and pull one from my wallet.

  “You certainly always are prepared,” she says.

  I glance at her over my shoulder. “Good thing or we couldn’t have sex.”


  Once I have the rubber on, she pulls the rope from her purse. She has two pieces of ordinary white nylon rope. She has me move toward a grassy patch, and lie down. I do so with a grunt, ignoring the anxiety rippling through me.

  “Be gentle with me, baby,” I say gruffly.

  Her eyes flicker. “Of course.”

  I laugh. “I’m giving you a lot of trust.”

  “I won’t tie you very tight.”

  “Okay. Good.”

  She carefully binds my ankles, and then she moves on to my wrists. The grass tickles my back and thighs, and there’s an owl hooting somewhere over my head in the trees. She’s still fully clothed, and I’m really hoping that changes soon.

  “When are you going to strip?” I ask. “I know I can’t touch, but I love looking.”

  “You’re so funny.” Her smile is stiff, and she tugs the rope around my wrists a little too tight.

  “Ouch.” I frown.

  “Sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She stands, staring down at me. “You don’t want to hurt me either, right, Mason?”

  “Never.” It’s the truth. I don’t want to hurt her. Life is full of shit you don’t want to do that you have to do.

  “Sure about that?”

  Her tone makes me uneasy. “Why would I want to hurt you?”

  She shrugs. “Oh, I don’t know. It’s hard to figure you Elites out.”

  I run my gaze over her body. “How about you get naked too?” She smiles, and throws back her head, laughing. Not exactly the response I expected. “Did I say something funny?”

  “Not really.” She drops down to her haunches, and her eyes spark with resentment. “I think it’s time we cut the crap, don’t you, Mason?”

  What the hell?

  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out she’s up to something. She’s trembling with anger, and it finally sinks in I’ve been set up. My dick led me into this trap, and now I’m at her mercy. Only she doesn’t look particularly merciful as she glares down at me.

  “What’s going on, Charity?” I demand, struggling against the restraints.

  “I know all about what you had planned for me,” she hisses.

  Shock rolls through me. She knows? How? I stare at her blankly, unable to form a coherent sentence. She set this entire thing up? The rope wasn’t an afterthought. She obviously came here intending to use it on me. Just not the way I’d hoped.

  I find my voice. “What do you think you know?”

  “All of it.” She narrows her eyes. “How many girls have you humiliated, Mason? Ten? Twenty? A hundred?”

  I scowl. “What are you going on about?”

  “You know perfectly well what I’m talking about. I know how you and The Elites seduce unsuspecting transfer students and humiliate them. Does the name Lucia mean anything to you?”

  I wince.

  “I can see you remember her. How touching.”

  “I… I didn’t want to hurt her.”

  “But you did hurt her. You and your fucking rich buddies made her life a living hell. And I was next? How dare you? Who the fuck do you think you are?” Her voice is shrill. “You’re not gods. You’re kids with rich parents. What gives you the right to decide who should be treated with respect and who shouldn’t?”

  I struggle against the ropes, cursing and desperately trying to break free. Who knows what this crazy bitch will do to me right now? For all I know she’ll try to cut my junk off and claim insanity.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you, Charity. I actually really like you.”

  “Yeah. I’m so sure.”

  “I’m serious.”

  “Save it,” she snaps. “I don’t want to hear any of your excuses just so I’ll untie you. You like humiliating people, so I think it’s time you had a taste of your own medicine. I just wish Travis and Jeremy were here too.”

  I scowl. “I did the least of any of The Elites. I’ve probably only seduced and tricked six girls my whole time in high school.”

  She laughs again, but it’s a humorless laugh. “Only six? You’ve only humiliated and destroyed six girls? What a great guy.”

  I glare at her. “Look, I have to do what the others tell me, or I’ll be picked on like the rest of you.”

  “Bullshit,” she hisses. “You’re one of the ring leaders. Just because Travis and Jeremy have seduced more girls doesn’t make you an angel. You’re horrible. You’re despicable. I can’t believe I let you touch me.”

  I fight with the ropes some more. “But you did let me touch you, Charity. In fact, you wanted it. You wanted it every single time we fucked. Don’t act like you’re an innocent victim. You had some of the best sex of your life. You should be thanking me.”

  She widens her eyes. “Thanking you? Thanking you for making me think you cared about me, when it was all lies? I already wasn’t the most trusting person in the world, Mason. Thanks to you and The Elites, I’ll probably never trust anyone ever again.”

  “Good. You shouldn’t trust people,” I growl.

  Shaking her head, she stands and pulls out her phone. She texts someone, and then she kneels down beside me again. “I’m going to leave you here to think about what you’ve done to all those girls. It’s important to be introspective, don’t you think?”

  “Charity,” I grumble. “Don’t you dare leave me here like this.”

  She laughs. “Or what?”

  I manage to sit up, and she stands and moves away with a yelp. “I could be eaten by coyotes,” I yell.

  “I pity the coyote that eats you.”

  “Very funny. I could get hypothermia.”

  She rolls her eyes. “It’s not that cold. Besides, I didn’t tie you up that tight. I figure you’ll be free in an hour or so. By then the mosquitoes and chiggers will have had a chance to nibble on you, of course.”

  Anger flares through me as she holds up her phone to take a picture. “Bitch, don’t you dare take a photo of me like this!”

  “Smile for the camera, Mason.” She takes several pictures.

  I lunge toward her, but end up on my face. I wiggle until I’m on my back again, and I sit up once more. I spit the dirt out of my mouth, glaring at her. “This is assault.”

  “Boo hoo.”

  “I’m serious, Charity. I could have you arrested.”

  “Then do it.”

I sneer at her. “Jail might be an improvement over that shithole you live in.”

  She sighs. “Oh, Mason, you don’t know anything about me.”

  “Really? I seem to remember delivering a couple of pizzas to your home. If you can call that run down tin can a home.”

  “Oh, I don’t live there anymore. I haven’t for ages.” She gives a malicious smile. “My mom married Fred Cartwright.”

  I know that name. Fred Cartwright owns the biggest cattle ranch in all of Blue Horn, Texas. “What?”

  “That’s right. My mom married Fred Cartwright. I haven’t lived at that trailer park in weeks.” She laughs at my shocked expression. “Surprised?”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “Because where I live has nothing to do with who I am.”

  “Not sure I agree,” I mumble. How the hell did her mom snag Fred Cartwright? Jesus, I can barely believe I’m not dreaming right now. First Charity goes nuts, and now her mom is married to one of the richest men in town? This whole time I’ve felt sorry for her, she’s been the stepdaughter of Fred Fucking Cartwright?

  “Seriously, where you live is just an address. Let me show you how little where you live matters.” She taps her chin. “See, you live in a fancy mansion on the good side of town, but you’re a piece of shit. I used to live in a rundown trailer park on the bad side of town, and I’m a good person. See? Our addresses are irrelevant.”

  I laugh. “A good person who ties up unsuspecting men.”

  “You’re not a man, Mason. You’re an angry little boy.”

  “Fuck you, Charity. You better hope I never get my hands on you.”

  She hugs herself. “Oh, but I simply loved having your hands on me, Mason. Please, please promise me you’ll fuck me again one day.”

  “I’d rather be celibate the rest of my life,” I growl.

  She shrugs. “Same.” Headlights appear behind her in the parking lot. “Oh, there’s my ride.”

  “God damn it, Charity. Don’t you dare leave me here like this.” My tone is threatening, but she looks unaffected.

  “Sorry. You messed with the wrong girl this time.”

  “Charity!” I yell. “Get back here and untie me!”

  Her laughter is the only response as she trots toward the parking lot. I see Paula’s car, and my heart sinks. Those stupid bitches set me up. I’m boiling with frustration and rage. Charity somehow found out what I was going to do to her, and she turned the tables on me. I still have photos of her, and I did fuck her. Maybe she’s got me hogtied and my balls are shrinking in the cold night, but I can still humiliate her at school.


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