Leah gasped. Things were suddenly moving at lightning speed. She made a quick decision.
“Okay, I just need to call Mom and let her know, then I will head out.”
“Don’t call anyone, there is no time. Just grab your bag, go to your bank and withdraw some cash.”
“Okay, how much will I need?”
“As much as you have.”
“Okay, on my way.”
A message flashed across the top of the old obscure bulletin board system. The owner of this community website hadn’t updated the software in three years, an eternity in Internet time. The new message popped up in the General Chat category. It was brief, with no introduction and no location or other identifying characteristics.
Please help, it read, I need to find Nova Shock. She is the only one who can help me. If someone here can get me in touch with her, please, please, I beg you, please help me.
My life depends on it . . .
Also by Geoffrey Lyon
Margin Of Safety
Bot 3251
The Girl With The Barbed Wire Hair
Rule 12
The Strange Story of Flight 613
Shock Treatment Page 13