Inferno Island

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Inferno Island Page 3

by Simon Archer

  As Amazoness and City Master held open the doors for us like we were royalty of some kind, the air changed again, but this time there was heat, excitement, and something wild that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

  I knew this was supposed to be somewhat of a formal event, but my eyes caught flashes of fire and cheers as a woman in a sparkling leotard and peacock feathers spun balls of colorful electricity from metal balls attached to chains. A bar made of what looked to be crystal shimmered in the lights from the various attractions around the hall, filled to the brim with alcohol and three bartenders manning the station. There was a dance floor in front of what appeared to be the main stage, where most of the students and other faculty of Valcav had gathered in wait of our grand entrance.

  And oh, how very grand it was. The assembled party-goers cheered our names, clapped and whistled as we walked by, even in the presence of the feared Lord Inferno, it didn’t dampen their moods. Elation and pride resonated throughout the room.

  “Do all of your victories have such grand parties such as this?” Aylin asked in my ear.

  I shook my head. “Not usually. This is just a special occasion that my dad was blown way out of proportion.”

  “Out of proportion?” Eric laughed incredulously, his eyes filled with wonder. “Dude, I’ve never felt more alive than right now, in this moment. If this is your dad’s way of celebrating, I want to celebrate with him all the time.”

  I rolled my eyes good-naturedly and noticed that he and Andie were on the same page, living it up in the lights and soaking in the atmosphere like sponges. Matt paled a little at the attention. He didn’t like to be at the center of it but managed to keep himself composed until he could stalk off into the shadows and watch from afar.

  Triton and Inferno lead us up the small set of stairs to the stage, and we lined up on either side of the mic stand. With a raise of his hand, the crowd fell silent, and he took the quiet to take a long, deep breath.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight is a night of celebration and frivolity, so I will not waste much of your time,” he began. “We are here not only to rejoice in the Valcav victory in the World’s Finest competition but to also remind you that you are all capable of being up here on this stage. The coming weeks will test you in the field as we introduce you to ride-alongs with a hero assigned to you. Out there, you will refine your skills, and learn what it takes to harness your abilities to the fullest.

  “That said,” he continued for a dramatic effect that seemed to be straight out of one of my father’s playbooks, “it is with great honor that I introduce you to your World’s Finest Champions!”



  Last night was a blur, but I knew one thing for certain. I hadn’t had a hangover this bad in a long time. My head pounded, and my limbs were heavy and sluggish. When I cracked open my eyes, the dim light of early afternoon slammed against the back of the curtains, and I recognized that I was in my bedroom. At least I’d made it home.

  I groaned. Even the filtered light hurt my eyes, and there was a weight pressing on my bladder. I reached down to push it off but stopped when my fingertips met with soft hair that splayed across my abdomen. I smiled when I realized that Aylin had fallen asleep atop me, naked and snoring just loud enough for me to distinguish it over heavy breathing. I ran my fingers through, and a flash of memories from the night before came back to me.

  Aylin had been completely blitzed at the party. There had been no nicer way to say it, and there was no reason to beat around the bush over it. We’d all had drinks, some of us just had enough to stop counting how many. I knew she had still been riding a bit of her buzz from the limousine ride, and I didn’t stop her from taking shots with me. I should have. I didn’t know how her body would process the amount of alcohol she’d had.

  The problem was that she was so fucking delicious in that dress and I wanted a piece of her without the weight of apprehension weighing on her shoulders, with Nick’s permission of course. He’d been eyeing us all night like the gentleman he was even though he himself had plenty to drink, but as it grew later and later, his watchful eye turned more and more clouded with lust.

  I caught him looking towards the end of the night, and I slid my hand along the hem of Aylin’s dress. He observed with a curious glance, and I smirked when Aylin leaned into the playful touch.

  “He can see us,” I whispered in her ear, and I felt her shiver against me as she giggled.

  “He is not mad, is he?” she asked, though her speech was slurred.

  “Not at all,” I replied swiftly, and I pressed a reassuring kiss to her neck. All the while, Nick leaned against a nearby table. His staring became less and less subtle with each swig of whatever blue concoction he had in his glass.

  After that, the details got hazy. I was sure I’d remember them eventually. If not, I was positive one of my lovers would recall the night we’d spent together.

  However, as beautiful as Aylin was, I had to pee, and my bladder wasn’t going to wait. I pried her off of me as gently as I could with my noodle arms, literally, and noted as I crawled from the bed that Kara and Nick had curled up beside us. Even drunk, we couldn’t sleep without touching one another.

  Bladder emptied, I slipped into one of the t-shirts that Nick had left in his travel bag from the competition and meandered into the rest of my apartment. I wasn’t necessarily shocked to find clothes everywhere. Nick’s tie had landed draped over the television, and shoes and dresses left a trail from the living room to the bedroom door. A smirk curled on my lips I leaned down and straightened them up, piling them all in the hamper in the hallway. I wasn’t a neat freak by any means, but Kara’s need for tidiness encouraged me to keep a cleaner home, especially now that I had people coming in and out of here all the time now. When it was just me, I didn’t care all that much. Now, I took a little bit of pride in keeping a slightly tidier home.

  Satisfied with my haphazard cleaning, I stumbled into the kitchen. Coffee. I needed coffee. I didn’t even know if we had any. We hadn’t gone shopping since we’d gotten back from our visit to Lord Inferno’s island.

  That was when I vaguely recalled the conversation before the party. Was there really going to be an exchange program between the Brand and us? The idea of it was somewhat appealing, but what could possibly be offered to me there that I couldn’t get here. They would probably try to brainwash me into becoming a villain or something.

  I snorted at the thought. Andie, the Elastic Evildoer, wrecking homes with one supercharged stretchy punch at a time. Yeah, that would go over real well.

  Still, I entertained the thought as I searched for a canister of ground java on the top shelf of the cabinet. I reached up with a stretched out arm and sighed in relief. There was just enough for a pot. I bounced a little on my heels, trying to loosen the tightness in my legs from dancing in heels, amongst other things. I distinctly recalled having Nick’s hands around my ankles, soothing me and holding me still as I writhed from the pleasure of Aylin’s tongue sliding over me. The memory made me shiver, and a flush raced up the back of my neck. How she was so good and attentive to me even while she was intoxicated made me bite my lip as I filled the coffee pot with water to pour into the reservoir.

  No sooner had I gotten the coffee set up and brewing did I feel tentative arms slide around me. The shade of purple skin told me without turning around that Aylin had found me after all, and I smiled as I leaned into her.

  “Good morning,” I cooed as I let her nuzzle my neck.

  “It is indeed,” she hummed. Her kisses were less heated than last night’s and definitely shyer.

  I relaxed further into her and lolled my head to the side to kiss her properly. There was a lingering taste on her tongue that I recognized as come, my come, and holy shit, did I want her again. I turned in her arms and realized that she was stark naked, indigo nipples pert and sensitive as they rubbed against the fabric of my t-shirt.

  I would wait, though, not because I needed Nick�
��s permission, but because there was something I wanted to ask her before I dove into her again. I pressed my palm gently on her chest and put myself in check so that I didn’t lunge for her lips again as we parted.

  “Is there something the matter, Andrea?” she questioned, and I promptly shook my head. At least we hadn’t gone back to using my full name. Last night, though she was calling me everything but my name, and it sounded so fucking good coming from her.

  “No, no,” I started, “well, yes, but nothing to do with this,” I laughed as I tripped over my words and held her closer.

  “Well, that is a relief,” Aylin smiled, and I gave in to give her a soft peck on her lips.

  “Have you thought about the exchange program at all?” I asked. “I know it’s kind of out of the blue, but I couldn’t help thinking about it this morning, and I was wondering what your thoughts were about it?”

  Aylin blinked at me, clearly confused, and before I could try to explain it again, she asked, “What shade of blue?”

  I held in a giggle that bubbled up from my chest and took a deep breath. Of course, she wouldn’t know that expression.

  “No, um…” I trailed off, giving way to the giggle before I right myself again. I brushed a stray hair from her beautiful face and tried to explain. “Like, it’s just something that’s been on my mind since last night and doesn’t have to do with anything in particular.”

  I watched as Aylin worked through my shitty definition with her brows furrowed, then nodded with understanding as she smiled again.

  “I think I know what you mean,” she told me. “I, too, admit that I have given the exchange program a bit of thought, though I do not think I have evaluated all of my options thoroughly.”

  “That’s fair,” I agreed. After all, we had only just learned about it last night, and to be honest, it wasn’t at the forefront of my mind. Not when I had two banging hot girlfriends and a fine ass guy who I adored with all my heart giving me steamy looks the whole time.

  “You are thinking of attending the Brand Academy?” Aylin questioned.

  I nodded. “I don’t know what I would do there, but something in the back of my mind is telling me that I should.”

  Aylin’s fingers brushed over my cheeks, and I kissed her fingertips as they grazed over my lips. I melted into the sweet touches. I could see why Nick was so keen on adding her to our little group.

  “Then you should,” she replied simply, “and if you do not want to go alone, I would be more than happy to accompany you.”

  My fave split into a curious grin. “You would?”

  “Indeed, Andrea. Someone from my home is there that I would like to speak with.” Her words were sure and determined, and her eyes were suddenly intense.

  I knew a little about the war on Aylin’s home planet, and that she was a princess driven from her home in search of finding help. If there was someone in the Brand that could help her, then, of course, she should go.

  “I thought you had to weigh your options,” I teased in an attempt to lighten the mood.

  Aylin flushed, but her determination didn’t falter. “If you were to go with me, then I would not be so hesitant,” she told me in earnest.

  “Why me?” The question fell out of my mouth before I could stop it. She really didn’t have to explain herself to me, even if I wanted to know.

  “Why not you?” she answered with a smirk. “There is no reason why I should hold myself back from you any longer, Andrea. I am sure Nick would be understanding and more comfortable with me going if I had someone else to go with that he trusted.”

  I considered her words. It was true that Nick was probably not going to like the idea of us leaving for the semester, but he wasn’t a fool. He knew how much making an ally with one of Aylin’s people here meant to her, and how deeply she wanted to end the conflict at home. He would never stop her from pursuing that.

  After a moment of thought, I nodded and kissed Aylin’s forehead.

  “So I’d, like, be your bodyguard and stuff?” I asked jokingly, and the tension finally fled from Aylin’s face.

  “Yes, I believe you would be,” she replied with a kiss to my lips.

  Just as we pulled apart the coffee pot hissed, signaling that it had finished brewing. I was brought back to the reality that I was standing in the kitchen with nothing but an oversized t-shirt that did absolutely nothing to cover me up if I lifted my arms with my gorgeous alien girlfriend who was as naked as the day she was born and looking as edible as ever.

  I looked to the coffee, then back to Aylin, and I wicked smirk grew on my lips as I drank her in with my eyes.

  “Is there something else that is troubling you, Andrea?” Aylin asked though the dark look that glazed over her eyes told me she was merely playing along with me.

  “Yes,” I answered with a sharp kiss to her neck. “I think I’ll skip the coffee and have dessert instead.”


  Classes weren't slated to start again for another few days, but the halls of Valcav Academy had several handfuls of students wandering the halls looking for something to do. I didn't know why they hung around here when there was plenty to do in Alexandria, but I suppose not everyone wanted to be outside when it was so cold out. Winter was coming, as a popular television show once coined.

  Despite my father's fiery disposition, I didn't mind the chill in the air. I wanted to be out in it, but orders from Amazoness weren't to be ignored, and today she had our group scheduled for cardio training, as she had promised before we left the Brand.

  Apparently, City Master had something set up specifically for us. That was the only reason I was here. Otherwise, I'd be sporting my leather jacket and letting the cool air hit my face.

  As we passed by several groups of students, I saw them all turn to look at me, then turn back to their friends with hushed tones. I sighed, knowing full well what they were on about. Whispers echoed through the Academy’s halls about the emailed newsletter detailing the upcoming ride-alongs as well as more about the exchange program, though I had a feeling that the whispers were more about speculating what my role in this was going to be versus what they actually wanted to do themselves.

  Personally, I was more than content right here with my girls, my friends, and far away from the Inferno worshipping students in the Brand. There wasn't anything wrong with them. On the contrary, they were taught well and were skilled with their superpowers, as they more than proved at the World's Finest competition. But it weirded me out how they bowed and hailed to me. That wasn't something I ever wanted, I don't think, at least not in that sense. I wanted to be recognized for my talent to save people, sure. Being exalted like that though? Not really my thing, even if I did use it to my advantage from time to time.

  So when Eric enthusiastically mentioned wanting to sign up for the program, I half tuned out of the conversation. I wasn't mad or anything, and I was actually not surprised by his desire to go. Eric was a naturally curious being with a burning need to learn everything he could about as much as he could. Why wouldn't he jump at the chance to study the curriculum that his favorite hero, my father, put together?

  “You, at the Brand?” Matt interjected him with a snort. “They’ll eat you alive over there.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Andie huffed in Eric’s defense and crossed her arms over her chest.

  Matt shrugged, probably because he didn’t want to get into it with her, but he tightened his lips, clearly showing that he necessarily approve.

  “Don’t mistake my high energy for naivety,” Eric countered with a smug look of his own. “If you don’t want to go, you don’t have to. It’s optional for a reason, but when I think about studying under my favorite hero, or at least what he used to stand for and could very well stand for again, I get goosebumps.”

  “He’s no hero,” Matt spat quietly, which earned him a sharp jab in the side from Kara’s elbow. “What? It’s true.”

  “I don’t expect you to understand,” Eric continued
to go on in an unusually serious manner, “but I do expect you to respect my decision as a friend without grilling me and telling me I can’t handle myself. Don’t forget, I was a part of the winning team at the World’s Finest, too.”

  At Eric’s proclamation and quiet death glares from Andie and Kara, Matt backed down with a quiet sigh of defeat.

  “I know. Just watch yourself over there is all,” he added, and I was just thankful that Matt had the forethought to leave it at that. There were a million things he could say to Eric at that moment, foul mouthing Lord Inferno and insinuating with some hair-brained notion that he was going to become “one of them” if he went.

  Instead, he listened to Eric quietly. Whether that was out of respect for Eric or for me didn’t really matter. I was thankful all the same.

  "You think it's a bad idea." Eric smiled a bit weakly as he hung back a bit to stride beside me. It wasn't a question, which made me wonder if I had outwardly shown any distaste.

  "I do not," I gave him my own reassuring smile. "Just because it's something that I'm not interested in doesn't mean that I'm going to stop you from exploring new endeavors."

  Eric laughed quietly. "To be honest, I thought you'd be a little mad."

  "Nah," I countered. "My dad and I have a rocky relationship, but it's getting better.”

  “Thanks, Nick!” He suddenly cheered and skipped ahead of me to where Kara, Andie, and Aylin had been walking.

  An off-handed smile curled my lips as their hands bumped into one another’s, clearly more comfortable with our dynamic relationship and being with one another. Andie was generally accepting of anything and anyone new. After all, she and Kara had given me express permission to pursue Aylin in the first place. I had a feeling that if there were someone that she wasn’t keen on sharing me with, she would let me know, and I would respect her.


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