Reformation - Part 1:Psychic Knights

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Reformation - Part 1:Psychic Knights Page 8

by P.B. Thompson

  "I have no weapon because I am not here for trouble. I require a residence for myself and two friends down on Chaulk."

  The station master looked down into Thorns eye protector.

  "I see you have your eyes hidden."

  "I have very sensitive eyes."

  "I find you can tell a lot about a species by their eyes and am very suspicious when I can't see them."

  "I assure you I am hiding nothing. If you have a darkened room I can remove my protector for you to see. I am just here to find somewhere to stay and maybe sample the hospitality that you have on this station."

  The tall Jornaern came from behind his desk and walked around Thorn. As he did his large nostrils flared while he sniffed the scent around him. Thorn saw what was coming next and went with the flow. The slap on his back jerked him forward almost toppling him over.

  "Then you've come to the right place Earth man. I have access to the finest living quarters on the whole of Jornaer. And I know all of the best places that a man like yourself would enjoy."

  Thorn returned to the Shafian having secured living quarters and a list of bars to visit on the station. Enyar had found some clothes for Saul and Tianu to wear that would help them blend in more until they got down to the surface where they could purchase more suitable attire.

  "Until two months time then, my friends. I wish you luck on your search and may Hoolash protect you on your quest."

  The three left the ship and headed for the bars as the Shafian glided out of the docking area.

  Chapter 19

  The walkways were buzzing with life. From all over the galaxy they had travelled. Whether to find a better life, to find their fortune or to escape from something or someone. Thorn didn't recognise half of the beings there, but somehow knew everything about them. A benefit from the stasis field he had spent time in while travelling on Torst's ship.

  He was on his own now having instructed Saul and Tianu on what to do and how to act in this place. They had arranged to meet down on the main concourse in a couple of hours.

  He remembered well the places he was about to visit. He hadn't been here before, but a bar was a bar no matter what end of the galaxy it was. Drunks in the corner, groups of loud mouth youths who were just old enough to visit these places and sometimes you may find a couple on a date.

  The first place he entered seemed like most of the places on the floor and had some kind of music streaming out of the doors and windows. The sounds stopped about six feet from the entrance, as it did in other bars, to stop it annoying passers-by. Not the sort of thing he would listen to, or understand if he didn't know deep in his mind that it was from a planet in the Delta System.

  Inside it was darker. Enough for him to remove his shades, but he left them on. High tables were dotted around the centre of the room and long rows of tables lined the walls. The temperature had increased as well. Quite a bit. No doubt the owner felt more at home in this heat than in the cooler air outside as he was from Pent, a planet much closer to a sun than Jornaer.

  The place wasn't busy at all. A handful of customers dotted around enjoying the music and drink. Thorn walked over to the bar and was greeted by the Pertruan serving.

  "Welcome to Thrush. The best bar on the Station. What can I get you?"

  Obviously the Pertruan had no idea what Thrush meant on Earth.

  "Do you have Earth rum?"

  "Ah. An Earther. No. We don't get much call for it here. How about Jornaern Sholn mixed with the juice from a Ween fruit?"

  "OK. I'll try that."

  The Pertruan mixed the drink and passed it to Thorn. The sweet smell of the drink floated up into his nostrils as he took a sip. He was expecting a sickly sweet taste going by the aroma, but was surprised by the bitter sweet taste that greeted his taste buds. The blend of the two created a satisfying drink.

  "That's quite good," Thorn said with a smile.

  "Have you just arrived?"


  "Is there anything I can help you with? Accommodation, entertainment?"

  "No. I have somewhere to stay, thanks. I am looking for someone, though. You may be able to help. I understand he frequents this Station. His name is Ifor, another Earther like me."

  There was a blank look on the Pertruans purple face. The marks on his cheeks seemed to spin or glow.

  "No, I don't recall another Earther being in here. We don't get many of your kind on this Station so I would remember if there was one. Your best bet is to check with the Station master. He would know if there have been any other Earthers around."

  "Thanks. I'll do that."

  This had crossed Thorn's mind already, but since talking to the Station Master, he had sensed distrust in him. Besides, he felt that he knew what he was here for already. For now Thorn wanted to get his face known and show that he was serious in securing Ifor's services.

  He finished his drink and left. The small device, no bigger than a flea, that had been following him since he left the Station Master dropped from the shadows and followed.

  Thorn, Saul and Tianu all met after the two hours, each coming with the same information. Nothing. Thorn was not surprised. He expected at least a month of searching before any sort of contact.

  The shuttle down to the surface took only ten minutes. Then another thirty minutes to their accommodation. The city was vast. The boundaries could just be made out as the shuttle entered the planet’s atmosphere. It was equal in size to a continent on Earth; it sprawled across the surface like pond weed on water.

  The landing area was circled by four vast towers that were the entrances to the four quarters of the south side of the city. All off-worlders tended to congregate there so Thorn thought this was the best place to stay and search for Ifor.

  Their building contained six apartments spread over three floors. Thorn had reserved an apartment on the second floor. It housed three bedrooms, a lounging area and a balcony overlooking the hustle a bustle of the night life that entertained visitors. Though the area was busy, any noise that would have disturbed them was disbursed silently by the invisible field that covered the walkways.

  "You two settle in here while I scout around outside. Study the maps of the area and plan out routes for us to take. We'll continue our search tomorrow. I'll bring back some food and clothes for you."

  Chapter 20

  The days turned to weeks with no successful contact. They moved on to the next city. A completely different environment. Where the weather in Chaulk was warm and dry, Kriln was snow covered and cold. Still a very bright city from the sun in the sky, but the environment was a contrast to that of Chaulk. Each of the cities had their own micro climates that the Jornaerns could control. Something that had been successful for the last five hundred years.

  The weeks turned into a month. Saul had given his communicator to a possible contact, but that had turned out to be a hoax. Thorn had been updated by Torst, but nothing much that aided them any further. The third city, Geesh, was underground. This was at the Northern most tip of the planet and here the environment couldn't be controlled. It was a harsh and barren place on the surface, so the Jornaerns created an underworld that was as fulfilling as any of the other cities. Great carvings had been created from the rocks and the city attracted artistic crowds that spent most of their time letting their creativity run wild.

  Six weeks had now passed and the three of them were becoming weary and disillusioned. Thorn was beginning to question the reliability of Torst's information. How long should he continue before he decided that Ifor wasn't actually on this planet? Enyar would be back in a few weeks. Would he wait until they had finished? Thorn got the feeling that he wouldn't. He decided to consult with Torst again.

  Later that evening he made contact. He explained his concerns about the information he was getting.

  'I've had no indication that he's even been here let alone is here. I'd have thought someone would have at least heard of him'

  'The information we are getting is very reliable. Y
ou must continue with your search. It is very important for the future, not of just my race, but of your own people.'

  There was a moment’s silence.

  'There may be something that you can do to verify that he is on the planet. I'm not sure how effective it will be on such a large scale. I don't even know if you have the mental power. We've only been able to do it in a small city at best. That was only one of our kind. The majority of us can only perform it in a room.'

  'What is it?'

  'If you concentrate hard enough you may be able to spread your mind out across the city and sense if your friend is there.'

  'Why didn't you tell me this before?'

  'The stress could be too much for you. The one who managed to sense across the city ended up with irreparable brain damage. Even those of us who have tried it in a room were incapacitated for a while. The potential for damage is enormous. I didn't want to chance it.'

  'Well I'm going to try. If there is any way I can verify that he is here I'm willing to give it a go.'

  'Whatever you do, don't perform it on your own. You need someone around you who could snap you out of it if they think it's going too far.'

  'OK, I'll get Saul and Tianu to watch over me.'

  Torst went on to explain the techniques to get Thorn's mind prepared for the mind spreading. He would have preferred to have been by Thorn's side at the time, but that was impossible. For now he had to trust in Saul and Tianu.

  Thorn gathered the two together in the lounging area and explained what was going to happen.

  "I need you to watch over me while I do this. I've no idea how it's going to affect me. If you think there is going to be a problem pull me back through the communicator."

  Saul nodded as he rolled the communicator in his hand.

  Thorn sat comfortably on a chair near the centre of the room. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, relaxed and let his mind go. At first he was contained within the room, feeling as though there was a barrier preventing him from leaving. He looked at his body with the two young men looking on. He could see there was still a little tension in his body. Another deep breath and he was free. Out of the room, out of the building, sensing every life form as a dull outline close by.

  Faster and faster his mind washed over the surrounding streets and buildings picking up every life sign there was. He slowed his progression to register the forms. Most he didn't recognise. The ones he had met over the time that they had been on Jornaer showed up as brighter shapes. Not of the being he knew. Just an irregular shape with no discernible form, but he could see with his mind’s eye who it was.

  The drunk on the shuttle to the bar area, the street speaker who was preaching, the numerous bar tenders and clientèle he had spoken to. All as clear to him as if they were in the same room. Further and further his mind went. The brighter forms were becoming less now. He was reaching the edges of the city and felt the blank coldness of the wasteland.

  Back in the room, sweat trickled down the side of his head. Saul felt his forehead. He was getting hot. Saul left the room and returned with a cold wrap from the medi-kit that was attached to the wall in his bedroom and applied it to Thorn's head.

  Across the wasteland and the mental wave grew larger and faster, ever increasing in speed. The next city and Thorn was having trouble recognising the brighter lights. They were still bright, but he couldn't pin point who they were exactly. Further and further onto more wasteland. Another city, more bright lights. The wave was almost uncontrollable. Still further it went, by now having covered half the planet.

  Thorn's body began to tremble slightly. The sweat was making his skin shine.

  "I think we should bring him back," said Tianu.

  "Not yet. He's still got time."

  Faster and faster he went tenuously hanging on. He felt as though he was on a ride and was slowly losing control. Still more bright lights and it was getting harder and harder to see their form. Now it was just a feeling of knowing them. That feeling you get when you see someone that sparks a light of recognition, but no matter how hard you try you can't find who they are in your mind. Faster, faster, another city, faster, faster, more wasteland, faster, faster...

  Chapter 21

  He didn't know what it was. A feeling? It was as though something had brushed his mind. Whatever it was it unnerved him and since being woken from his sleep he was unable to return.

  He padded up and down the room unable to shake it off. He got himself a cold drink and eventually settled down to watch the entertainment viewer, the unease always with him.

  Saul and Tianu watched on as the physician checked over Thorn. Since Saul had brought Thorn back he had been in an unconscious state. Tianu had found the Doctor at the local medical centre and persuaded him to come with the lure of credits.

  "Physically he is fine. However, his mind is a different matter. It's like it has been wiped clean. There's no activity there at all." He turned to Tianu. "You say he had a fit. Well I'm afraid he's not going to recover. He will be in this state for the remainder of his life."

  The two young men looked at the Jornaern shocked.

  "I will leave my assistant here to look after your friend and return in a day. I will bring back some information on how you can proceed from here." He collected his things and left as the synthetic assistant took over.

  A solemn silence fell over the room and hung there for what seemed like an eternity. The assistant busied itself around Thorn for a moment then stood next to him with the monitoring machine plugged into it and powered down to monitoring mode.

  ‘Saul, Tianu...’

  A recognisable, but weak voice came through to their minds.

  ‘Thorn, is that you?’ Saul replied.

  ‘Yes...I'm very weak...but still alive. I need to shut down my brain for a while...Need time to repair...Stay close.’ Then silence.

  Both men turned to each other smiling.

  "Don't worry. We're not going anywhere," said Tianu.

  The next few days were spent by Thorn's side. The Doctor returned with information for the two men on what could be done for Thorn. Showing all of the procedures that could be performed to give him some sort of life. To keep the Doctor away, Tianu explained that they hadn't thought about what to do yet and would contact him when they had. To keep his assistant, a few more credits were added to the Doctors account.

  Thorn would check in occasionally to let them know he was still around. Each time he would sound stronger. Saul and Tianu took it in turn to look over him while the other continued the search. Each time one of them went out, a familiar flea sized device would follow.

  Day three and Saul and Tianu had just finished their morning meal. The rain had freshened the air and now the sun was drying the ground. Tianu had settled down in a chair next to Thorn about to study and plan the routes for the next city. Saul was preparing to go into the market square that was the hub of this part of the city. The bars weren't as busy during the day, but the market square was and so were the eateries.

  The sun shone through the window highlighting Thorn's hand that lay on his chest. A sudden flick of his finger cast a temporary shadow on his chest. Then another. Tianu looked up suddenly and caught the movement. He put down the Holo-Map and moved closer. The hand began to flex and Thorn's eyes slowly opened. Saul saw Tianu's movements as he came into the room.

  "What is it?" He then saw the open eyes.

  "Are you back?" asked Tianu.

  Thorn turned his head towards the young man.

  "I am and I’m very thirsty."

  Fetching some water from the dispenser, Saul gave it to Thorn when he finally settled himself in to a sitting position. He drained the cup in a fraction of a second.

  "How are you?" asked Saul.

  "Still a little groggy and very hungry." He turned to the assistant. "They give you just enough to keep you alive."

  "Was it successful?" said Tianu.

  Thorn smiled.

  "I sensed something, very slightly, t
hat I'm convinced was Ifor. It was in the city of Jarad. That is where we must go next."

  Jarad was situated towards the southern edge of Jornaer. A city grown from within a jungle. All of the living quarters and shops and bars were built from the wood of the Bangoi tree. The tree canopy above let in speckled light from the bright sun that shone almost all day allowing only a couple of hours of darkness.

  In one part of the city a large residence sat entrenched in the thicker part of the jungle. An inconspicuous building indiscernible from many others close by. Inside Ifor was finishing off his breakfast of eggs and meat produced from the local animals. The experience of the previous night was wearing off slowly and he was beginning to feel like himself again.

  He again began to think about the three men that were looking for him. Things had become quite hairy recently. Three jobs ago things hadn't quite gone to plan and since then he'd heard rumours that his then employers were looking for him. Bounty hunters had been sent to find him and he'd had to dispose of one of them already. From the description of the leader of this little group, it looked like another one had taken his place.

  He flicked on the communicator button with his mind and a reply came back almost immediately.

  "Yes boss?"

  "Get four or five men together and send a welcoming party for the bounty hunter and his two friends. They should be turning up in a day or two. Use your best judgement as to how you deal with them. Remember, they could still be customers."

  "Will do." The communicator fell silent and Ifor drained the last of his orange juice.

  Chapter 22

  The shuttle touched down just outside of the jungle area. The transport system branched off from here to all areas of the city. Thorn had already secured somewhere to stay and the three of them headed straight there.

  Once again it was in the busy part of the city. It overlooked the bars in the centre of the city that was the best place to try to make contact with Ifor. There were a couple of hours before dark so they could have a scout around before it got too busy.


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