The Twelve Lives of Alfred Hitchcock

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The Twelve Lives of Alfred Hitchcock Page 43

by An Anatomy of the Master of Suspense (epub)

  London, AH’s relationship with, 234, 250–75

  London County Council School of Marine Engineering and Navigation, 6–7

  London Evening News, 261

  London Film Society, 207, 258

  London in the Twentieth Century (White), 271

  London Life, 130

  Look, 129–30

  Los Angeles Times, 127

  Lowndes, Marie Belloc, 40, 41

  Lynley, Carol, 282

  Macfadden, Bernarr, 119

  MacGuffin, AH’s use of, 219, 268

  MacLaine, Shirley, 119, 183, 280

  MacPhail, Angus, 73

  Mad Men (television series), 232

  male gaze, 182–85

  Malice Aforethought (film), 62

  Malice Aforethought (Iles), 62

  Maloney, Russell, 10

  Mann, Philip, 139

  Man Running (Jepson), 173

  Mansfield, Richard, 41

  Man Who Never Was, The (Montagu), 190

  Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1934 film), 14, 34, 45–46, 70, 81, 190, 271

  children in, 13–14

  London’s influence on, 252, 255, 263

  themes in, 45–46, 111–12, 163, 247

  Man Who Knew Too Much, The (1956 film), 13, 152, 179, 191, 202, 209, 252, 280

  children in, 13–14

  Hayes as screenwriter for, 72–73, 274

  London’s influence on, 252, 274

  themes in, 14, 111–12, 163, 247

  Manxman, The (film), 52, 85, 163

  Marnie (film), 7, 99, 101, 227, 244, 270

  critical response to, 104–7, 109, 184, 245

  Hedren in, 21–22, 99–103, 101, 151

  style of, 248–49

  themes in, 20–22, 105–9, 141, 151, 184, 291

  Marnie (Graham), 105

  Mary (film), 81

  Mary, SS, 88

  Mary Rose (Barrie), influence on AH, 1–3, 25

  Mason, James, 143

  Mastering the Art of French Cooking (Child), 130

  Matisse, Henri, 281

  Maxwell, John, 52

  MCA, 204, 246

  McCall’s, 127

  McCrea, Joel, 123, 269

  McEwen, Todd, 143–45

  McGilligan, Patrick, 60, 102, 156–58, 175, 225, 289, 293–95

  McKittrick, Casey, 121

  Men of the Lightship (film), 47

  Men Who Made the Movies, 180

  #MeToo movement, 102, 104

  Metropolitan Museum of Art, 197

  MGM, 192

  Michelson, Harold, 242

  Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare), 219

  Mieris, Willem van, 182–83

  Miles, Vera, 95, 141, 163

  Miller, D .A., 199–200

  Miller, Edwin, 99

  Miss Marple (char.), 36

  Modleski, Tania, 109

  Monroe, Marilyn, 96–97

  Montagu, Ewen, 189–90

  Montagu, Ivor, 56–58, 81, 189–90, 205–6, 234, 258–59

  moors murders, 15

  Morfield, June, 94

  Morgan, Phillip (char.), 134, 137, 244

  gay subtext of, 153–54

  Morton, Michael, 84

  Motion Picture News, 164

  Motion Pictures Production Code, 245

  Motion Picture Studio, 61

  Mountain Eagle, The (film), xii, 55, 59, 260

  Mount Rushmore, 67

  Mr. and Mrs. Smith (film), 170, 208

  Mrs. Peabody (or Number Thirteen) (unfinished film), 27, 84

  Mulvey, Laura, 184

  Mumy, Bill, 6

  Munson, Audrey, 182


  relationship of creativity to, 39, 43–45, 51, 134

  relationship of sex to, 35

  Murder! (film), xiin, 25, 81, 155, 166, 185, 217–18, 252

  Murnau, F. W., 28, 258

  Museum of Modern Art, AH retrospective at, 79

  Music to Be Murdered By (Eminem), 45

  Muybridge, Eadweard, 182

  “My Screen Memories” (Hitchcock), 61

  Mystery Writers of America, 72

  Nabokov, Vladimir, 79

  National Film Theatre, 51

  Natwick, Mildred, 219

  Neame, Ronald, 52–53, 190

  Newman, Paul, 49–50, 148, 209, 255–56

  Newton, Charlie (char.), 160–61, 240, 290

  Newton, Emma (char.), 160–61

  New Yorker, The, 10, 64, 215, 219

  New York Times, 34, 35, 72, 105, 107, 120, 136, 140

  New York World-Telegram, 192

  Niagara (film), 96

  Nine till Six (film), 165

  No Bail for the Judge (unfinished film), 227

  Nocturnal Animals (film), 210

  Normand, Mabel, 83

  North by Northwest (film), 7, 19, 63, 66–69, 80, 211, 215, 232, 247, 250, 252

  crop-duster scene, 192

  Grant in, 19, 143–46, 144

  homosexual subtext in, 155–56

  Mount Rushmore in, 67, 197, 218

  Saint in, 142–43, 148

  themes in, 34, 190, 270, 290

  working titles for, 67

  Nosferatu (film), 117, 258

  Notorious (film), 97, 118, 207, 211, 219

  Bergman in, 91, 92, 109

  Grant in, 85, 219

  innovative techniques in, 44–45

  themes in, 85, 91, 109, 111, 164, 282

  Novak, Kim, 78, 94–95, 107, 179

  clashes with AH, 95, 142, 151

  Novello, Ivor, 155, 234, 260, 284

  Nude Descending a Staircase (Duchamp), 182

  Number Seventeen (film), 81, 156, 215, 252

  Number Thirteen (or Mrs.Peabody)(unfinished film), 27, 84, 265

  Nuremberg trials, 48

  Oakley, Charles (Uncle Charlie; char.), 160–61, 277, 290

  “Oath Against Modernism” (Pope Pius X), 285

  O’Casey, Seán, 73, 263

  Olivier, Laurence, 82, 273

  Olsen, Chris, 13

  Olsson, Jan, 124, 127, 129

  Once Upon a Midnight (radio program), 62n

  Ondra, Anny, 85, 212, 238

  “On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts” (De Quincey), 41

  On the Waterfront (film), 95

  Operation Mincemeat, 189–90

  Ormonde, Czenzi, 77, 86

  Orwell, George, 36, 217

  Oscars, see Academy Awards

  Our Town (Wilder), 162

  Owen, Wilfred, 255

  Pageant, 207

  Paradine Case, The (film), 109, 133, 163, 179

  Paramount, 72, 181, 186, 198, 205, 280

  Parker, Cornelia, 196–97

  Parker, Dorothy, 86, 233

  Pascal, Gabriel, 104

  Paul VI, Pope, 285

  PBS, 48

  Peabody Trust, 265

  Peck, Gregory, 20, 109, 133, 241

  Peckinpah, Sam, 51

  Peele, Jordan, 210–11

  Pengallan, Humphrey (char.), 136

  Perils of Pauline (film), 108

  Perkins, Anthony, 210, 228

  Peter Pan (Barrie), 1

  Phantom Thread (film), 96–97

  Phoenix, Joaquin, 40

  Photoplay award, 99

  Picasso, Pablo, xiv

  Pickford, Mary, 84

  Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde), 38

  Pilbeam, Nova, 14

  Pinter, Harold, 65

  Pius X, Pope, 285

  Pleasure Garden, The (film), xii, 27, 55, 59, 88, 89, 178, 259–60

  lesbian subtext in, 156–57

  themes in, 28–29, 184, 281

  Poe, Edgar Allen, 11, 154

  Poppins, Mary (film), 242n

  Preminger, Otto, 95

  Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, 280

  Pride, Margaret, 258

  Pritchett, V. S., 71

  Private Life of Henry VIII, The (film), 267, 273

  producers, AH’s conflicts with, 3, 57, 66, 82, 1
10, 121, 122, 133, 149, 232, 267

  propaganda films, of AH, 46–49, 261, 308

  Prude’s Fall, The (film), 28

  Psycho (Bloch), 29, 38

  Psycho (film), 3, 98, 111–12, 178, 197, 218, 226–30, 241, 242, 246, 252

  advertising campaign for, 228–30, 232

  critical response to, 30, 35, 199, 226–27, 248

  Leigh in, 42, 44, 145n

  shower scene, 15, 29–31, 35, 37–45, 44, 49–50, 63–64, 140–41, 196, 221

  themes in, 20, 22, 49–50, 182–83, 248, 282–84, 291

  Psycho (1998 remake of AH film), 17

  psychoanalysis, AH’s interest in 22–23

  Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 258

  Pulitzer Prize, 162

  Quintino, 143

  Rabwin, Marcella, 104, 128

  “Raffles and Miss Blandish” (Orwell), 36

  Rainbow Pattern, The (Canning), 65–66

  Rainier, Prince of Monaco, 95

  Rains, Claude, 85

  Randolph, Elsie, 222

  Raphaelson, Samson, 123, 156

  Rear Window (film), 90, 91, 93, 178, 184–89, 188, 198, 217, 219, 234

  color in, 141, 280

  copyright dispute over, 64–65

  Greenwich Village used as location for, 185, 198–99, 255

  screenplay of, 64–65, 71–72

  themes in, 108–9, 181–82, 184–87, 201, 255, 292

  Rebecca (du Maurier), 81–82

  Rebecca (film), 81–82, 87, 97, 108, 133, 192, 218, 239, 266–67, 284

  Redgrave, Michael, 207–8

  Reduco Obesity Slayer, 111, 122, 124

  Reed, Rex, 15

  Renfro, Marli, 29

  Reville, Alma (wife), 9, 11, 56, 88, 139, 156, 167, 173, 268, 269, 285, 293

  as AH’s collaborator, 59–60, 65, 73, 84, 86–89, 97–98, 128, 164, 176–80, 235, 271

  AH’s proposal and wedding to, 60, 164, 280, 285

  AH’s relationship with, 60, 87–89, 91, 117–18, 131–32, 158, 159–60, 168–70, 176–77, 180, 223–24, 276, 289, 292, 295

  childhood of, 58–59

  Cook’s relationship with, 174–78, 183

  first meeting of AH and, 27, 59

  health problems of, 22, 59, 131–32, 179, 180, 276

  homelife of AH and, 86–87, 128–32, 147–48, 164–68, 170–72

  as influence on films of AH, 165, 166

  separate film career of, 58, 164–65, 179

  Reville, Lucy, 58

  Reville, Matthew, 58

  Revolting Rhymes (Dahl), 18

  Rich and Strange (Collins), 169–70

  Rich and Strange (film), 81, 111–12, 169–70, 222, 233, 252, 254

  Richardson, Ralph, 207

  Ring, The (film), 52, 234, 236, 252, 284

  Ritter, Thelma, 91, 219–20

  Robertson, Peggy, 29, 86, 103–4, 146–47, 171, 213

  Rohmer, Eric, 54

  Roman, Ruth, 209

  Romm, May E., 22

  Room with a View, A (Forster), 89

  Rope (film), 11, 124, 134, 137, 159, 184, 192, 234, 235–36, 255

  homosexual context of, 153–54, 155, 177

  publicity for, 244

  unbroken scenes in, 133–34, 153, 244

  Rope (Hamilton), 154

  Rose, Helen, 142

  Ross, Anita, 84

  Rossellini, Roberto, 95

  Rothman, William, 106, 109

  Roud, Richard, 54–55

  Rowlandson, Thomas, 256

  Royal Academy of Arts, 280

  Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts (RADA), 159, 173

  Royal Magazine, 36

  Russell, Lillian, 118

  Rutland, Mark (char.), 104–7, 109

  Sabotage (film), 15–17, 46, 164, 217, 252, 254, 271, 279

  critical response to, 16–17

  Saboteur (film), 62, 86, 192, 197, 233, 290

  Statue of Liberty in, 197

  Sacrilege (Deller), 196–97

  Said, Edward, 247

  Saint, Eva Marie, 34, 95–96, 112, 142–43, 146, 148

  St Ignatius College, 5, 225, 278–79, 284, 289, 291

  St. Vitus dance (Sydenham’s chorea), 59

  Sala, Oskar, 242–43

  Salesian College, 5

  Salomé (Wilde), 37–38

  Sardou, Victorien, 108

  Sarris, Andrew, 226–27

  Saturday Evening Post, 121

  Schreiber, Taft, 62n

  Scorsese, Martin, 276–77

  Screen Directors Guild, 220

  screenwriters, AH’s conflicts with, 64–80, 90

  Secret Agent (film), 45–46, 87, 89, 165, 207, 221

  Selznick, Daniel, 104

  Selznick, David O., 104, 110, 136, 148

  AH’s conflicts with, 57, 66, 82, 121, 132, 133, 232, 267

  as producer of Rebecca, 81–82, 267

  as producer of Spellbound, 22, 232

  Selznick, Myron, 62

  Selznick International Pictures, 121

  Seventeen, 99

  Seven Year Itch, The (film), 96

  sexism, in film industry, 83–84, 103–4, 106–7, 166, 180

  Shadow of a Doubt (film), 32, 37, 74–76, 107, 121–22, 160–63, 172, 191, 239–40, 290

  Shaffer, Anthony, 123

  Shakespeare, William, 34, 206, 208, 219

  Shamley Productions, 246

  Shaw, Brandon (char.), 134, 136, 244

  gay subtext of, 153–54

  Sherwood, Robert, 267

  Short Night, The (unfinished film), 106, 180

  Shourds, Carol, 159, 241

  Sickert, Walter, 42

  Siege of Sidney Street, 263

  Sight & Sound, 54, 201

  silhouette, of AH, xii, xvi, 114–16, 132, 321

  Skin Game, The (film), 73, 81, 164, 237, 263

  Skin Game, The (Galsworthy), 73, 81

  Skot-Hansen, Mogens, 270

  Slezak, Walter, 110

  Sloan, Jane, 50

  Smith, H. Allen, 120

  Solitaire (Van Druten), 172

  “Sophistication of Violence” (Hitchcock), 41

  Spellbound (film), 20, 22, 62, 91, 133, 141, 218, 232, 290

  Spielberg, Steven, 190

  Split (film), 210

  Spoto, Donald, 7, 86, 100, 169, 199, 284, 293

  Stage Fright (film), 91, 109, 159, 173, 174, 178, 181, 271

  Stannard, Eliot, 64, 69–70

  Star Wars (film), 246

  Stefano, Joseph, 22

  Stein, Gertrude, 62

  Steinbeck, John, 76–77, 110

  Steinberg, Herb, 213

  Stevenson, Robert Louis, 41

  Stewart, James, 29, 145, 209, 235, 241

  as AH’s idea of maleness, 151–52, 155

  as man of reaction, 188–89

  in Rear Window, 185–89, 188

  in The Man Who Knew Too Much, 13, 14, 152

  in Vertigo, 19, 78, 90–91, 94, 142, 187–89, 239

  Stoppard, Tom, 65

  Story, Jack Trevor, 218, 219

  Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The (Stevenson), 41

  Strangers on a Train (film), 86, 159, 178, 200, 209, 224

  Chandler’s rejected screenplay for, 77–79, 86

  gay subtext in, 155

  themes in, 37, 282, 290

  Strangers on a Train (Highsmith), 77–78

  suffragettes, 83

  Sullivan, Thomas, 293–95

  Susannah and the Elders (van Mieris), 182

  Suspense (radio program), 62n

  Suspense Stories, 200

  Suspicion (film), 32, 112, 123, 282

  Svengali (char.), AH compared to, 82, 94

  Swerling, Jo, 76

  Sydenham’s chorea (St. Vitus dance), 59

  Taft, William Howard, 118

  Taking of Pelham One Two Three, The (Godey), 69

  Tanner, Peter, 47–48

  Target for Tonight (film), 47

  Tatler, 104

  Taxi Driver (film), 276–77r />
  Taylor, John Russell, 8, 24, 25, 100, 119

  Taylor, Rod, 21–22

  Taylor, Samuel, 65, 70, 137, 204

  television, AH in, 62–63, 202–5, 226, 241, 265, 270, 281, 334

  see also Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The; Alfred Hitchcock Presents; Alfred Hitchcock Show, The

  “Telltale Heart, The” (Poe), 154

  Temple, Shirley, 174

  Tester, Desmond, 217

  Tetrazzini, Luisa, 118

  Theatre Arts, 192

  themes, of AH’s films, 84

  ambiguity, 107

  anxiety, 7, 39, 95, 277

  class dynamics, 217–18, 263, 264, 269, 274

  cross-dressing, 155, 157, 158

  disassociation, 24

  doppelgängers and doubles, 84, 150, 161, 215

  dreams, 18–20, 77, 291

  eating and drinking, 112

  fears and phobias, 7, 9–10, 37

  guilt and shame, 20, 29, 52, 277, 287–91

  happy home, destruction of, 161, 163–64

  homosexual subtext, 153–58

  incest, 23, 161

  innocent children, cruelty to, 13–17, 20, 25, 105, 141, 161, 227, 279

  juxtaposition of familiar with horrible, 49

  male destructiveness, 41, 104–8, 186

  married life, 165, 211

  mistaken identity, 84, 215

  objects, supernatural properties of, 283–84, 292

  parents, single, 164

  pariahdom, 52

  power, 46, 104–7, 109

  repressed inner child, 20, 21–22, 105, 141

  retribution, 20, 289–92

  sacred and profane, 284

  sadomasochism, submission and domination, 40, 104–9, 284

  senses, unreliable nature of, 111–12

  sex, and its relationship to murder, 35, 245

  sexual transgression, 23, 29–30, 36, 161, 183–84, 227, 247, 284, 288

  social relevance, 80, 244–45, 247, 263–64

  time, 16

  travel, 7

  violence, 27–51, 104–9

  voyeurism, 29, 181–89, 201

  women, see women, in AH’s films

  Thinnes, Roy, 209–10

  Thirties, The (Gardiner), 272–73

  39 Steps, The (film), 45–46, 89, 118, 223, 235

  AH’s alleged abuse of Carrol in, 107–8, 221

  London’s influence on, 252, 256, 263

  themes in, 247, 252, 256, 263

  This Week, 158

  Thompson, Edith, 34

  Thomson, David, 39, 155

  Three Hostages, The (Buchan), 178

  “300–Pound Prophet Comes to Hollywood” (Johnston), 121

  Times (London), 261

  To Catch a Thief (film), 54, 72, 97, 102, 155, 185, 211

  AH’s visual technique in, 145, 196, 280–81

  Kelly in, 90, 127–28

  themes in, 155

  Todd, Ann, 133

  Todd, Richard, 109

  Tomasini, George, 226, 240, 247

  Tonight Show, The, 99

  Topaz (film), 65, 191, 247, 270

  Torn Curtain (film), 15, 49–51, 79, 126, 178, 209, 216, 247, 255–56, 292

  Transatlantic Pictures, 133, 159


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