Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM

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Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM Page 2

by Albany Walker

  “What’s wrong with you?” the girl hisses at the boy while stealing glances at me, probably to make sure I’m not going to attack her. She’s not in any danger from me. “What were you thinking?”

  “I heard what you said about the tithe. I would never let that happen.” The boy lets the blood flow freely from his arm and reaches for the girl. He puts himself between her and me, even though he knows I could rip through him without much thought. I tilt my head to the side, examining him.

  “Somebody better start talking,” I command.

  “Oh shit, that’s a lot of blood.” I feel Quinn’s hand wrap around my bicep. She doesn’t seem bothered that my arms are still furry. My bear likes her touching us. “Should I call a doctor?”

  “He’ll be fine,” I tell her, and then to the kids, I add, “I’m going to need an explanation as to why you stormed into my mate’s office growling?”

  “Your mate?” the girl says just above a whisper as she glances at Quinn. She reaches over and slaps the boy’s shoulder. “He could have killed you, you idiot!”

  The kid lowers his head, like a decent male who’s getting railed by his mate. There may be some hope left for him yet. “I wasn’t thinking. I can’t stand imagining what could have happened to you if I hadn’t found you.”

  “You mean if I hadn’t found you,” she retorts sassily as she peels back the sleeve of his T-shirt. The wounds are still seeping blood, though it’s much slower. She winces.

  I cross my arms over my chest as my bear recedes, taking my claws and fur with it as I realize there’s no real threat here, not even to Quinn. “It’s obvious there’s been some sort of misunderstanding, but that kind of behavior isn’t acceptable.” My tone is firm, but it’s lacking the harshness that was present moments ago. “What’s your name, kid?”

  “Jack,” he answers without hesitation.

  “It seems I might have overreacted, Jack,” I remark. It’s about as close to an apology as he’s going to get from me. Even if Quinn wasn’t mine, what he did was wrong. Heaven help him if it would have been Griffin who caught him sneaking around and rushing into her office snarling. I peer over at Quinn. Griff wouldn’t have used the same restraint I did. He would have killed the kid and asked for forgiveness later, or maybe not.

  “Sorry, Mr. Winters. I’ll get it under control,” Jack replies. I can’t be too mad, I just had a similar reaction. Hearing a female talk about tithes would push a lot of shifters over the edge. I can tell by their mingled scents they’ve already bonded, so his reaction is understandable.

  “You better!” the girl mumbles, her jaw clenched.

  “Why don’t you go get that cleaned up?” I nod to the boy’s wounds. His shirt is ruined, but the cuts should heal soon.

  “Sorry about the floor.” The girl twists her lips in a grimace while glancing at Quinn and half shoving Jack out the door.

  “Sorry about the floor,” Quinn mimics once the kids are gone. She spins on her heel and gives me a pointed glare. “What just happened?”

  Chapter 2


  Evan drops his arms from barring his chest and reaches for my hand. “Do you have any more appointments today? I can call down to get this cleaned up,” he offers instead of answering me.

  I shake my head slowly, astonished he’s pretending like everything is normal and the pool of blood on my carpet is something so easily addressed. “We’ll get to the carpet. What the hell was that?” I point to the door.

  “That was a cub who got a little too big for his britches.”

  I blink several times in response and decide to try again. “What are tithes, and why did it piss him off so badly?” Maybe if I ask direct questions, he’ll answer. Evan winces and looks over to the left. It seems he doesn’t want to respond. I’m torn between telling him to forget I asked and needing to know. If he expects me to be with him and Griffin, I think I should know these things. Especially when it’s clear it has something to do with supernaturals.

  Evan uses my hand to guide me over to the chair, making it clear he wants me to have a seat. Once I’m settled, he releases my hand and walks back to the door, closing it with a soft snap. “Geez, you’re making me think I might not want to know.” I let out a deep, nervous chuckle.

  “Oh, you don’t want to know, I can promise you that, but I’m not going to leave you in the dark.” I turn to face him fully as he takes the other chair, watching as he scrubs his hand over his face. I can tell when he’s ready to explain from the expression on his face, it’s half reluctant, half determined. “Tithes…” He says the word with equal parts disgust and anger, but he pauses for a few moments. “Tithes are what some packs require from unmated females to be a part of the pack.”

  “Like they have to pay?” I ask. The only thing that comes to mind is when my old church requested a tithe. They wanted money, a monthly commitment from regular parishioners. Ten percent of your income was encouraged, but not required, at the church my family attended.

  “Not with money.” Evan stares at me with his chin tipped down. It’s like he’s begging me to understand so he doesn’t have to say it.

  “What else…” I shake my head at the possibility that just occurred to me. I can’t be right, but Jack’s reaction… He got so upset just hearing the word. I suck in a harsh breath. “You’ve got to be kidding me?” I didn’t judge the arranged matings, but I can’t let this go.

  “Not many packs do it anymore,” Evan hedges, but his tone tells me he’s not defending the few that still do.

  “You’re telling me if that girl hadn’t found her mate, when she joined a pack, she would have had to…” I don’t want to say it, but I need confirmation. What I’m thinking is so frigging crazy, I have to be wrong.

  “They would have expected her to service the males sexually if she joined a pack that still practiced tithes.”

  I half flop back in my seat. “Well, why the hell would she?”

  “I would hope she wouldn’t. Not after being here and seeing there are other options. But there are some people who don’t know they have alternative choices. You saw how Thomas ran his pack. It’s people like him who pretend to cling to old customs like tithes.”

  I raise my hand to halt the conversation, wishing I never asked the question. No, that’s not true. I’m happy I know so I can help put a stop to it. What I’m sorry for is that it’s some poor woman’s reality.

  “It’s not just shifters, Quinn. Humans sell themselves for many things, perceived security is just one of them.” He doesn’t deliver the words harshly or to reproach me, more like he’s trying to explain how it can happen.

  I squeeze my temples between my thumb and forefinger. He’s right. I send up a prayer of thanks that I’ve never found myself in such a situation. “I know you’re right, it’s just…she’s so young, and I can’t imagine having that hanging over her head. I guess I can understand Jack’s reaction now,” I mutter.

  “Does she need to talk to someone? We have people who’ve been through that and can help her,” Evan offers kindly.

  “I don’t know. She said it was what would have happened to her had she not found her mate. God, I hope she hasn’t already…”

  “I’ll have someone reach out to her,” he interjects. There’s a lapse in our conversation as I mull over the events of the past fifteen minutes. It brings my lack of supernatural knowledge to the forefront, which is something I plan on rectifying immediately.

  “Should I make that call to the janitor?” Evan finally speaks up.

  I turn my head to the right and look at the drops of blood on the rug. They appear almost black against the short nap of the gray carpet, but they blend in much easier than I would have anticipated. I wonder if that was by design. “Yeah, I suppose.” I push up from the chair, and Evan rises too, tugging his phone off his hip as he does.

  “Hey, I’m up in Ms. Shaw’s office. I need a small mop up.” Evan darts his eyes to me. “Just a one,” he adds, then ends the call.

>   “Just a one what?” I question.

  Evan purses his lips in a slight wince. “Level one. This kind of incident isn’t uncommon.” He motions his hand over to the small stain. “Level one tells them they need a spot cleaner, not a whole cleanup crew.”

  “How high does that scale go?” I inquire hesitantly.

  “Just to ten, and we don’t have anything like that happen often.”

  “What was my room with all the blood?” I bite my bottom lip, mad that the question slipped out.

  Evan gives me a sideways glance and grimaces. “Maybe an eight?” I blink and swallow, regretting the question even more. “There usually isn’t that much blood,” he rushes out. “But if there’s a fight, there may be broken furniture or blood smears… It’s really not as bad as it sounds.”

  I nod my head rapidly. Holy hell, sometimes I forget just how out of my element I really am. “Why did you do that?” I point to the stains. “I mean, to his arms.”

  Evan takes a few steps closer, but he seems to hesitate before reaching me. “I saw a kid sneaking around your door. Before I could ask him what he was doing, he charged in here, growling. I reacted. I didn’t hurt him.” He looks down at the ground. “Well, not too badly anyway. He’ll be completely healed in an hour or two tops. Even quicker if he shifts,” he adds hurriedly, sounding more reassuring.

  “He wasn’t going to hurt us,” I argue.

  “But I didn’t know that at the time, and neither did you.” Evan rolls his shoulders back before continuing. “I would never chance it, Quinn. Not with you. Especially after what just happened. It’s just not who I am.” It’s a subtle reminder of just how different we truly are.

  I feel guilty immediately. I’m being judgy, yet I don’t know what to say to him to make it better. Instead, I close the distance between us. Evan’s eyes are a little wide as he gazes down at me. I open my mouth to tell him I understand when I hear a soft knock on the door before a woman announces, “Janitor,” in a light voice.

  I don’t know if I should feel like I’ve been saved by the bell or regret how truly efficient the workforce is around here. Evan grabs my arm, stopping me when I move to turn away from him so I can answer the door. I look down at his large hand wrapped around my wrist, noting how gentle his touch is. He immediately releases me, making me feel as if he may have just misunderstood my gaze.

  I make sure to look right into his eyes when I reach for his fingers and state as plainly as I can, “I get it. I may not understand everything, but I get it. Sorry I have so many questions. I’m still learning.” I squeeze his hand before releasing him to hustle over to the door.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting,” I say as I twist the doorknob, but it jerks out of my hand and the door snaps shut before it could even fully open.

  I look over to find Evan standing next to me, his palm flat against the heavy wooden door. “Give us a minute,” he mutters while staring down at me. “If there’s something you want to know, a question about anything, ask. Don’t feel bad. I just don’t want to overwhelm you.” His eyes search my face before landing on my lips.

  “Right now?” My voice comes out soft. The way he’s looking at me doesn’t make me want to ask questions.

  His hand slides down the door, and he reaches for me, skimming his fingers along the side of my neck. He lets his thumb caress my jaw. “Anytime, anywhere,” he replies, and I feel like he means more than just answering questions, especially when he leans down slowly and places a kiss on my lips. I respond instantly, pushing up on my toes so I can reach him better. All the concern I had for making the person on the other side of the door wait disappears as his tongue sweeps into my mouth.

  Evan makes a sound that has my toes curling in my boots. It’s masculine and raw, like he’s been thinking about this for a long while. I know I have been. Ever since I got knocked out, which also happened to coincide with them telling me they wanted a whole lot more than just casual dating, both guys have been treating me with kid gloves. I appreciated the gesture. Finding out two supernaturals want to spend…forever with you is a bit intimidating. Exciting as heck, but a little scary too. I still don’t understand everything, but I want to, which tells me a whole helluva lot. Commitment usually gives me hives, or at least a good case of the wanna runs, but not this time.

  I grab hold of Evan’s shirt to steady myself and end up brushing my knuckles over his chest and taut stomach. It’s my turn to make an appreciative sound. Evan is big, and strong in ways I’m sure I can’t quite fathom, but damn do I like being in his arms. I feel small, feminine, and delicate.

  Evan’s kiss isn’t hurried, but it is eager. He kisses me as if he’s pouring everything into the act, and I’m not talking about a guy just keen to get into my pants. Evan curls his tongue around mine, pushing deeper into my mouth, and I manage to keep up with him. I stroke my tongue over his, nipping at his bottom lip when he pulls back just a little, and I’m rewarded with that sound again. His hand glides from my neck to curl over my back, and then he drags me forward so my body is flush against his, only he’s so tall, the action ends up breaking the kiss—that is until he palms my ass and lifts me up with one hand so our mouths are level. I watch his lips curve in a devilish smile before he slants his head and dives his tongue right between my parted lips.


  Shit, I have Quinn right where I want her, in my arms, but I know we’re about to be interrupted.

  “Did you knock?”

  “Mr. Winters said they needed a minute,” the woman replies, and even through the door, I can hear the smile in her voice.

  I start to pull away from Quinn, but she bites my bottom lip. She probably can’t hear the people talking. Hell, I know she can’t. If she knew, she wouldn’t still be kissing me. That, more than anything, makes me pull away from her kiss again.

  Her eyelids are slow to open as she meets my gaze. I still have her pressed up against me, so I can see the tiny flecks of gold in her heavy-lidded blue eyes. Her lips are pink and a little swollen, but the way she traces her tongue along her bottom lip has me wanting to lock the fucking door and lay her on her desk. If she were a shifter, she probably wouldn’t care that we’re putting out enough pheromones to have half the floor looking for a quicky. But she’s not, and I’ll be damned before I let that happen without making sure she’s fully aware of what’s going on.

  I place my forehead against hers, letting my eyes close. “As much as I wish we were alone at home right now, we’re not.”

  “Oh!” Quinn’s eyes flare wide, and she starts to squirm to get out of my hold. My dick doesn’t mind at all, but I need to stop her because it’s making matters worse. I reluctantly lower her down my body and take a step back. My hands are still on her though, so I force myself to let go, creating even more distance.

  Quinn runs her palms down her sides then over her butt, smoothing her shirt. I don’t tell her that her hair is a little messy or that she smells like me. It wouldn’t be helpful. Instead, I prowl over to the door and wrench it open. There’s a woman in a blue uniform leaning against the wall looking down at her phone while biting her lip. She jumps so hard at my abrupt arrival, her phone slips out of her grasp and falls. “Sorry,” she mumbles while reaching down to grab the device from the ground before sliding it back into her pocket. As she looks up, I recognize her. I’m pretty sure her name is Lisa. She’s been working here since she graduated four or five years ago. She gives me a wide berth as she tugs the rolling cart she brought with her over, jiggling all the items as she wheels it into Quinn’s office.

  “Hey.” Quinn extends her hand to Lisa. “We haven’t met yet. I’m Quinn.”

  The other woman glances at me quickly before taking Quinn’s proffered hand. “Leslie,” she says, and then swiftly pulls her hand free from Quinn’s. Lisa, Leslie, at least I was close to her actual name.

  “Sorry to trouble you and keep you waiting.” Quinn’s face flushes a light pink as she smooths her hands over her sides again.

; “No bother,” Leslie answers.

  I’m torn between closing the door or leaving it open. Quinn’s arousal is permeating the entire room. If I leave it open, it may keep me from jumping her the moment Leslie leaves.

  “It’s just there, near the door.” Quinn motions to the area to her right.

  “Oh, that is a little one.” Leslie nods her head before turning to the cart, opening the curtains, and pulling out a spray bottle and cloth. “This will be quick, then you can get back to it.” She winks, but thankfully, Quinn doesn’t seem to notice. She’s too busy moving back to her desk.

  “Thanks, Leslie,” I reply. My voice is a little gravelly, but I’m not growling like a caveman, so that’s a win.


  I lower myself into my chair, pretending I’m not all hot and bothered from the brief encounter with Evan. I’m almost embarrassed by how excited I got. When I shift, I feel the thick seam in the crotch of my jeans pressing against my clit, and I’m tempted to wiggle again. I mean, it was just a few stolen kisses, but damn, I was ready for so much more, and in my office no less. I shake my head to dislodge the thoughts and jiggle my mouse to rouse my computer. I definitely need a distraction.

  The harsh chemical odor of cleaning supplies wafts over to me as Leslie gets to work scrubbing the carpet, while Evan stalks around the room as if he doesn’t quite know what to do with himself.

  “I have one more meeting scheduled this afternoon.” I don’t add if you want to come back later to pick me up in front of Leslie. It feels weird, so I just let the statement hang.

  “What time do you think you’ll be done? I’ll come back for you then.” Evan doesn’t seem to filter his words before the other woman, which I like. Neither he nor Griffin have ever been shy about what’s happening between us.


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