Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM

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Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM Page 10

by Albany Walker

  Griffin snags my hand and pulls me to his side. I give him a small smile. When I look back at Letty, the scowl is gone, but it’s too late, I already saw her disdain.

  Chapter 10


  Griffin pushes open the door to his room and urges me to enter before him. I have to admit I wish he would have locked it. It makes me a little leery. I glance around, but nothing seems disturbed.

  Once the door closes, I peek over my shoulder to see Griffin unbuttoning his suit jacket. I watch transfixed as he moves to undo his cufflinks next. His actions aren’t designed to arouse, but Lord, this man is sexy as heck. Watching him undress is a pleasure I don’t want to miss like I did last night.

  Seeming to sense I’m ogling him, Griffin looks up and meets my eyes. “Don’t stop on my account.” I try to sound teasing, realizing I got caught, but I probably gave my thoughts away with my breathy tone. With a shift of his shoulders, he shrugs out of his coat and pulls it up from behind him with one hand. His shirt is slate gray and obviously tailored to fit him perfectly.

  With a quick toss, he sends the jacket sailing over to the back of the couch, uncaring where the expensive fabric lands. I let my eyes roam over him. I can’t decide which of Griffin’s looks I prefer. Well, that’s not true. He looked amazing last night in nothing at all, but what I’m considering right now is the buttoned-up Griffin, or the version I met the very first time in crumpled linen.

  Without any more prompting from me, he moves his fingers to the top button of his shirt and releases it slowly, as if he’s expecting me to stop him. Boy is he wrong. I take a few steps backwards until I feel the edge of his sofa behind me, then I lower my butt to lean against the top. Might as well get comfortable if I’m going to get a show.

  With his eyes still on mine, Griffin continues to unbutton his shirt, not at all hurried. When he reaches the bottom, he tugs the hem out of his belted pants and finishes the job of unbuttoning. The shirt splits open, revealing all the toned skin of his chest and torso beneath.

  Finally breaking eye contact, he bends down and tugs at the thin laces of his shoes and steps out of them, leaving them near the door. He takes a few steps closer to me but keeps far enough away that I can see all of him as he reaches for his belt. He unfastens the buckle but leaves it in the loops, the heavy metal making a tinkling sound. It’s not until then when I realize my breathing has become a little louder, but I’m pretty sure he already knows just how much he’s turning me on.

  Another shift of his arms, and his shirt slides off his shoulders. With deft movements, he tosses it next to his jacket, which happens to be right beside me. A whiff of his cologne hits me when it lands. He smells so much different than Evan, but just as yummy, peppery with a hint of dark musk that makes me think of sex.

  Griffin tips his chin down just enough so he’s looking at me from under his brow. The predator is back. My heart rate picks up, but it has nothing to do with fear. His hands go to his trim waist, and he undoes his pants but not the zipper. I lift my eyes to his, hoping he isn’t stopping there. What a tease.

  “We didn’t feed you this morning. Are you hungry?” His words are considerably more casual than I would have expected, considering I’m about ready to jump him where he stands.

  I swallow, food is the last thing on my mind. “No, are you?”

  “For you, always, but I’m more concerned about your needs right now.”

  “Are you offering to make me a sandwich? I can think of a few other things I’d like to do first.”

  Griffin slides his hands into his pants pockets, and it makes the button widen a little so I can see just a sliver more of his skin. “What things?” he asks conversationally.

  I push off the couch and walk closer until I’ve closed the distance between us. He’s peering down at me, and no matter what his tone may indicate, his eyes say so much more. His pupils are large, and he’s watching me as if he may pounce at any moment. I lift my hand and slowly trace my fingertips over his bare chest. “A shower, laundry.” I shrug and spin on my heel, preparing to walk away from him. He’s not the only one that can tease.

  I don’t make it far though. Griffin grabs my waist and hauls me back against his chest. He lowers his face so he’s nuzzling the side of my neck. I’ve learned several things about Griffin Stone. He’s an observer, especially when it’s not just the three of us. He rarely speaks to anyone unless it’s unavoidable, but again, the same rules don’t apply to Evan or me. He’s tactile, likes touching me often and holding my hand. And the newest thing I’ve learned is how much he favors the spot on my body where he bit me.

  I don’t know if his lips can always find the exact spot, or if every place he touches flares to life under his lips. Griffin runs his tongue up the side of my throat, and my knees get frigging weak in response. Thank goodness for ponytails.

  “Is that all you want, Quinn?” His breath curls around the back of my ear.

  “Are you offering me more than lunch, Griffin?”

  He spins me so I’m facing him. The quick shift leaves me feeling a little unsteady, but he’s there to catch me. Griffin lifts my arms and wraps them over his shoulders, then slides his hands down to my ass and picks me up. It’s sexy as hell. I cling to his neck and wrap my legs around his waist as he starts walking, bypassing the living room.

  My mouth is just above his, so when he starts speaking, it’s against my lips. “I wanted to feed you so when I was fucking you, I could be at your vein too.”

  “I’m good with that.”

  “Not if you haven’t eaten since yesterday. I didn’t even get you anything to drink today,” he growls as if he’s chastising himself.

  “I thought we went over this. I’m a big girl, I can fend for myself.”

  Griffin reaches the bedroom, but instead of dropping me on the bed, he plants his hand on the mattress and climbs in with me holding onto him. When he lowers me to the sheets, I realize I’m yet again in his bed with far too many clothes on.

  “You might need to stop toting me around like an accessory. I’m not letting you ruin these clothes too.”

  “I have far more patience than that.” Griffin rocks forward until his hips grind against mine. I let out a small huff of air, thinking maybe I’m willing to let him wreck the clothes after all. I run my fingertips over his back. Griffin shifts and rolls his shoulders, allowing me to feel the way his muscles tighten and bunch under my touch. I dated a few athletes in college, but Griffin’s body is ridiculous in its perfection.

  Griffin lowers his head until his lips are just brushing against mine. Our eyes are locked, and it’s probably one of the most intimate moments we’ve shared. There’s no teasing or anger, it’s just the two of us breathing each other in.

  He starts nibbling my lips with pillow soft kisses. My eyes fall closed as I return his caresses. My hands are all over him, reaching for every inch of skin I can find. With every second that passes, our kisses grow more urgent, more needy. Griffin slides his hand up my shirt and palms my breast. I arch into his touch as much as I can with him over me.

  He breaks the kiss, and I’m left damn near panting. He lowers himself, kissing his way down my neck and caressing my breast over my bra. He continues on his path until he’s near my waist. I lift my head and peer down at him. Those turquoise eyes are watching me, gleaming wildly with intent.

  Griffin uses his hand to push up my shirt. I raise my arms when he makes it clear his objective is to get my shirt off. I tug it over my head and leave it near the top of the bed. My bra is simple and black, and the cups are sheer enough that I know he’ll be able to see my nipples, but I hope he’s planning on taking it off too.

  He takes his time looking me over, scanning every inch of exposed flesh as if it’s the first time he’s seen me. I reach behind my back and struggle with the latch. The shift brings my torso up, and Griffin starts kissing my stomach as if he can’t help himself. When I get the back undone, I settle against the bed and drag my bra down my arms, tossi
ng it to the side with my shirt.

  Griffin observes me hungrily and makes his way up until his mouth is over my breast. He blows a cool breath over my hardened nipple and watches as my body reacts. He makes a soft sound of approval, then lowers his lips to lick and suck. My back lifts off the bed, and he brings his other hand up to caress my free nipple. Every tug and pinch sends a wave of desire through my belly until I’m writhing beneath him. My hands are in his dark hair, urging him to keep going.

  When my hips grow too persistent, he skims his hand down my body and lifts his torso so he can slide his fingers between our bodies. A disappointed sigh falls from my lips, and Griffin bites my nipple just hard enough to have me holding my breath. When he releases me from his mouth and pulls away, I look down but realize he didn’t break the skin. I think I’m kind of disappointed.

  He continues kissing his way down my body until he reaches the waistband of my pants. I lift my hips in an invitation for him to remove them. Having his gorgeous face that close to where I want him is giving me all kinds of ideas of what he could do with that devilish mouth of his and where he might be able to bite me.

  I let my head fall back to the bed. God, I remember when Angie told me about a vampire she dated who would pierce her clit with his fang to feed. I shooed her and her story away, thinking she was joking or just crazy, but now I wish I would have listened to the rest of her story. It doesn’t seem so scary now, especially after knowing the pleasure that came with Griffin’s bite last night. Are vampire kisses enough to make you bite drunk? I’m feeling very uninhibited.

  Griffin unbuttons my pants and drags them down, leaving my yellow panties behind. No matching set today. I was rushing when I got dressed this morning. I miss the feeling of him against my skin when he leans away to pull my pants all the way off. After pitching them to the side, he trails his hands up the inside of each of my inner thighs until he’s past my knees, and then he spreads my legs. His intent is pretty clear when he lowers himself to the bed with his face between my thighs. I have the urge to close myself off from him.

  As much as I was thinking about him licking me, it was more of an idea than an expectation. The only guy I ever dated who did that was Brad, and we had been together for months before he went down on me.

  “Uhm.” I scoot up the bed a little, but Griffin grabs my hips and jerks me back down so his nose is nearly buried in my panties.

  “What?” he growls at me.

  “You don’t have to…” I can’t say the rest.

  “Have to?” He looks up at me with narrow eyes, and I almost giggle at the absurdity of it, but that would just be my nerves. “Please don’t tell me you don’t want me to lick your pussy, I think I would fucking cry.”

  I can’t help but let out a little chortle. He looks dead serious. “It’s so crucial you’re going to cry?”

  “Fuck yes I will. It’ll be embarrassing for everyone.”

  “Please don’t cry, Griffin. I’m a sympathetic crier, it really would be embarrassing. I just don’t want you to think you have to, and now I’ve made this weird.” I cover my eyes with my inner elbow.

  I feel the bed shift before Griffin’s fingers wrap around my wrist to remove my arm. He’s looking down at me from above. “If I cry, that would be weird. This, this isn’t weird. If you’re uncomfortable, or don’t like it…” He trails off like he can’t imagine that’s a possibility. “I won’t do it. I won’t even make you watch me cry about it.” He gives me a slightly crooked smile.

  “Oh, I’m sure I’ll like it. It’s just you haven’t known me for very long, and guys don’t usually like that,” I reason.

  “What guys?” The smile drops, and he looks at me sideways. “Never mind, don’t answer that or I might have to kill someone.”

  I blink up at him, dumbfounded, unsure how to respond. It feels like he’s being serious.

  “Talking isn’t my strong suit,” Griffin admits, then leans down so his lips are near my ear. “You know what I’m going to be really good at though? Eating your pussy,” he growls. “I can’t wait to taste you. My fucking mouth is watering from how good you smell.”

  I nod. I want to tell him his talking skills are pretty damn stellar when he’s whispering in my ear, but I’m not sure I can get a word out. My tongue seems to be glued to the roof of my mouth.

  Taking my nod for acceptance, he slides back down my body and makes a point of inhaling deeply when his face is between my legs.


  Quinn is lying on my bed in nothing but a pair of panties. I want to run my hands and teeth across every inch of her flesh. Fucking hell, everything about her is intoxicating, especially her scent. When I told her my mouth was watering, it wasn’t a lie. I lower myself down her body and slide my tongue along her inner thigh. I can’t help myself. One day soon, I’m going to sink my teeth into the vein under my tongue. I can just imagine what my bite would look like high on her inner thigh. Turning my head, I focus on her center. I can feel how fucking hot she is, tell how her blood flow to her pussy has increased with her arousal.

  I slide my fingertip down the center of her panties, and I’m rewarded with the quick intake of her breath. One more little movement, and I have her panties pushed to the side. My knuckles come back wet from running along her skin. Her lips are bare and soft as silk under my touch.

  I planned on teasing her, on building her up before I finally put my mouth on her, but the patience I’ve credited myself for having evaporates when her hips roll right in front of my fucking face. I curl my fingers over the top of her panties and start to tug them down. She lifts her hips to help. I damn near growl at the little victory but manage to make it more of a grunt so I don’t frighten her.

  I’m captivated by every inch of exposed flesh after the scrap of fabric is gone. Evan was a beast last night, not that I blame him, and I didn’t get to see enough of her, let alone touch her. Right now, she’s all mine though, and I plan to get to know every inch of her personally.

  I slide my hands under her legs and to the outside of her hips just below her waist. With a quick tug, I have her yanked down against my waiting mouth. Quinn emits a tiny yelp, but I don’t let it stop me from sliding my tongue between her lips.

  I have to force myself not to jerk her even closer. Fuck, she tastes better than I imagined. She’s hot and soft, but her arousal has me ready to lose my damn mind. I slide my tongue along her slit as my venom mixes with her juices, and she lets out a soft as silk moan. My back goes ramrod straight, and my fucking spine tingles. I’ve never felt anything like it, but my dick is on board. I’m about to fuck a hole right into my mattress with how hard I am.

  I grab her hips tightly and roll. “What the…” Quinn squeaks, but then I stab my tongue as deeply as I can inside of her while she’s sitting on my face. Quinn leans forward so her palms are on the bed above my head and raises up a little. I do snarl then and jerk her back down. She tenses for a few short seconds before her entire body relaxes. She lets out another of those delicious moans that I would be willing to do terrible things for just to hear over and over again.

  She starts rocking her hips forward, and I swirl my tongue around her clit before sliding it back inside her. I fuck her with my tongue until she throws her head back and her legs start to quiver. I reach up and grab her hand in mine, and she looks down at me, her lips parted as she lets out short little pants of air. I guide her to lean back. Her eyes flutter closed again, and her back arches. Fucking hell, I wish I could see all of her, not just the curve of her tits and the smooth expanse of her stomach.

  Now that her weight is balanced on my chest, she really starts grinding against me. She’s so wet from my mouth and her own arousal, I know when I slide into her, it’s going to be a fight not to come on the first stroke. Quinn squeezes my hand, her nails digging into my skin. “Oh God,” she groans, and her hips jerk. I pull her clit into my mouth and suck. I want to bite her so badly, but I resist the urge. I promise myself I will make sure she’s fed ne
xt time, and then I will drink so much more than just her juices.

  Quinn comes hard with my name on her lips as she fucks my face, riding out her orgasm. When she goes limp, I roll us again so she’s flat on her back. Not wasting any time, I prowl up her body and grind my cock against her. Her eyes open, and she curls her lips up in a smile that speaks of satisfaction.

  I want to howl that I put that expression on her face, that I’m the one she’s looking at with awe. “You may not always know the right thing to say, Griffin Stone” —she trails her finger over my lips, and I nip her— “but your mouth sure knows how to speak to me.” She licks her bottom lip, and I’ve never seen anything sexier.

  “Anytime you need to shut me up, you know how.” I lean down and kiss her. My face is still damp, and I smell like her pussy. When her tongue slides into my mouth, I have a flashback of how soft she is on the inside and how badly I want more of her.

  Quinn cradles me against her body, her knees high on my sides. My hips push forward, and I break the kiss so I can get high enough to slide my cock inside her. As I push deeper, I let out a long groan. She’s tight and a little swollen after her orgasm.

  Quinn kisses my chest and neck as I start thrusting. That fucking tingling is back at the base of my spine, and I feel like every single movement is going to push me over the edge. Gritting my teeth, I slide in and out of her while her hands are all over my back. I want her to come again, but I’m so lost in the feeling of her wrapped around me, I’m not even sure if she’s close.

  I lean down and put my mouth near her ear. Quinn tips her head back and gives me an amazing view of my mark on her throat. Does she even know what she’s doing to me? I lick the crescent scars and her breath catches and her inner muscles squeeze me. I can’t stop the orgasm from barreling through me.

  Quinn wraps her arms around my neck and clings to me tightly as my thrusts become erratic. Her body’s reaction to mine is more than enough to have me coming so hard, I get fucking lightheaded, but then her hot breath fans over my neck in short little huffs. Never in my long life have I wanted someone to bite me so badly.


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