Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM

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Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM Page 12

by Albany Walker

  I hear a deep chuckle from down the hall. Griffin steps out of the darkness and leans his shoulder against the wall. “I knew I’d get to watch you squirm.” He directs his comment to Evan, who scowls in return.

  “Shut up, vampire,” Evan grumbles.

  Griffin is dressed in a pair of loose-fitting pants and a button-up shirt, and his hair is still damp from his shower. He pushes off the wall and saunters over. I don’t know if it’s because we just had sex or what, but every move he makes is sensual. He takes the seat next to me and leans back in a sprawl with his arms on the back of the sofa. “I’m going to help him out, though he rarely helped me.” Griffin gives Evan a snooty glance.

  Evan growls deep in his throat, then grouses, “Not because I didn’t try.”

  “You’ll now live the long life of a shifter.” Griffin tugs at the ends of my hair softly, ignoring Evan’s comment.

  I turn to look over my shoulder at Griffin. “Yeah right.” I chuckle half-heartedly.

  He gives me a lazy shrug as if he’s not bothered by my disbelief. “It makes you a little less fragile, but when you start taking my blood regularly, that will be a much better solution.”

  “A much better solution?” I repeat, even though I don’t have any problems understanding his words.

  Griffin smiles and nods happily. It’s a strange look for him. It’s Evan’s turn to chuckle now. “Smooth,” he teases.

  I drop my head into my hands. This is a lot to take in. I’ve been doing a pretty good job compartmentalizing, but this conversation isn’t making that easy. “What happened with the kids?” I change the topic, preferring to conquer that than deal with this.

  “I left Wes with instructions. Speaking of, I need my charger.” Evan jumps up quickly and heads down the hall. He’s only gone long enough to retrieve his phone charger before he’s back, plugging it into an outlet along the wall.

  Griffin is still playing with the ends of my hair when Evan sits down. “What instructions?” Griffin continues, ignoring Evan’s interruption.

  “Not to let anyone speak to the kids, and not to leave his post until I tell him to,” Evan answers. “He hasn’t phoned you, has he? I told him to call you if there was an issue before I got my phone working again.”

  “No, nothing,” Griffin confirms. “Did they tell you anything else?”

  “No, I didn’t want to question them with Letty there.”

  “Why not?” I inquire. I’ve been wondering about this since it became clear he was suspicious she was involved. “Why not just ask her what the heck is going on if you think she’s tangled up in this?”

  “Because I need to know how deep it goes. I need to make sure I’m not missing something. We dismissed the shit that happened to you before the attack as childish, but maybe it was just supposed to look that way,” Evan informs me while letting his eyes roam over my face. He sounds completely focused on our discussion, but his eyes are saying something entirely different.

  I tuck my hair behind my ear, feeling a little self-conscious. I haven’t even looked into a mirror today. “You’re not freaking out,” he observes after his long examination.

  I immediately start thinking about my personal life instead of allowing the distraction to divert my thoughts. “Should I be?” I look him over. His long hair is tied up in a way that isn’t quite a bun, but not a ponytail either. His short, groomed beard would make a hipster weep with envy, and those impossibly dark eyes hold nothing but the warmest intent.

  The first time I saw him, his size and demeanor made me take notice, and the fact that he had a gun on his hip was a little surprising too, but I don’t ever remember being scared of him. Intimidated maybe, but not frightened. He makes me want to get close to him and cuddle.

  “Let’s be honest. It’s not like I have a whole lot to be upset about. Unless you’re just pretending to be nice to me and you’re going to turn into a huge jerk or something.” I search his face again, but I already know that’s not the truth. “Did I expect any of this? No, certainly not.” I shake my head. “But there are worse things to discover than learning I’m mated, sung, bonded—whatever you want to call it—to you two.” I glance over at Griffin to include him as well.

  “I’m trying to focus on the present. On what I can control now, because that’s really all I can do.” I lift my shoulders. It’s a simplified version of what’s going on in my head, but it’s the truth. I believe in fate, always have. I think that’s what brought Mr. Mackey into my life and changed my direction. Who knows what I would have turned out like if I only had my parents’ perspective and steady diet of intolerance to grow up with? And if I’m fated to be theirs, who am I to argue with that? Why would I want to anyway? I’m getting off pretty frigging lucky if you ask me.

  After staring at me for another long moment, Evan lets out a big sigh, his shoulders relaxing and his serious expression lightening. “We won’t bombard you, but we will try to be forthcoming,” he assures me, answering for himself and Griffin.

  “Speak for yourself, bear. I like to live dangerously.” I roll my eyes at Griffin’s words. My life is a whole helluva lot more complicated than it was three months ago, but I have a feeling it’s going to be well worth it.

  Chapter 12


  “Remind me why I’m here?” I ask out of the side of my mouth.

  “Because we both wanted to be here, and I didn’t want to leave you without us.”

  “Alone,” Evan amends, clarifying Griffin’s cocky statement.

  “I would have been perfectly fine at home.” I know I sound like I’m pouting, I kind of am. Evan and Griffin share a glance over my head.

  I narrow my eyes on them. “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “No, you just said home.” Griffin smirks at me smugly.

  I click my tongue. “Why are you so weird?”

  “I’m not weird.” He gives me a half-hearted scowl. It might have intimidated me or pissed me off several weeks ago, but now I ignore it.

  People scamper out of our path as we make our way down to the lower level where the containment rooms are. I know it’s Griffin’s presence that has them fleeing. People don’t run from Evan in the same way, but he doesn’t look at everyone like they personally offended him either.

  “At least I’ll get to say hello to Wes,” I mumble.

  Griffin stops dead in his tracks and turns to face me. “For the sake of being forthcoming” —he slides his hands into his pants pockets, seemingly relaxed, but his words belie his stance— “I should probably tell you. It would not go well for another vampire, shifter, man…or woman,” he says with a nod, appearing satisfied, “if I thought you liked them too much.”

  I blink up at him several times, letting my brain process his words. When I realize I heard what I thought I did, I poke my finger into his chest. “Griffin Stone. You will not pull that shit on me right now!” A small grin starts to form on the corner of his lips. “I am not going to be responsible for you going all alpha a-hole because I talk to someone. Do you hear me?” His smile grows as I’m speaking. Someone down the halls slams a door.

  “And if I said I couldn’t help it, it’s in my nature?” he challenges. I purse my lips, ready to counter his position, but I can’t because he might be telling the truth, even though he seems to be enjoying this way too much.

  “I’m going to talk to people,” I mumble under my breath after a few seconds of us just staring at each other.

  “Alpha a-hole?” Griffin echoes my words just as softly with a quirked brow.

  I snap my head to the left and look in Evan’s direction. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. Griffin told me you’re an alpha.” I’m sure my face is bright red. This is a huge face-palm moment. Did I just insult him with something close to a slur?

  “I know what you meant,” Evan reassures me, not sounding at all upset. “Just so we’re clear though, not all alphas are assholes.” He sounds like he’s teasing, but it doesn’t make me
feel any better.

  “I know. I know. I really shouldn’t have said that. I wasn’t thinking about it like that. I promise,” I apologize, but I still feel like shit when we make our way to the lower level.

  Wes is standing near the side of the desk, as if the sounds of us coming down the stairs had him rising from his post.

  I lift my hand in a wave and give him a weak smile. “Hey.”

  “Quinn.” Wes nods, greeting me more formally than he ever has before. I look to the right and see Griffin’s narrowed eyes on the man. I want to tell him to knock it off, but I refrain.

  “Any issues?” Evan inquires.

  Wes gives his attention to Evan. “Not a peep from the kids or anyone else,” he confirms.

  Evan looks around. “You good here for a while longer while we talk to them individually?”

  “For as long as you need.”

  As the guys start to head toward one of the rooms, I make my way closer to the desk, expecting to sit with Wes while they talk to the kids. Both men look back at me expectantly when they reach the door. Understanding their silent demand, I change direction and follow them into the room. This part feels stranger than the fact that we’re all in a relationship. What will my colleagues think about me being involved in these kinds of matters? The phrase ‘slept her way to the top’ circles in my mind.

  Evan enters the room first. I follow him in while Griffin holds the door for us. The room feels entirely too small with all four of us in here. Caleb is standing near the side of a narrow cot that’s been pushed up against the stone wall. It’s covered with a crisp white sheet and a dark gray blanket that looks like it would be scratchy and rough. There’s only one spot on the bed that’s disturbed, and it makes me think he’s been sitting in the exact same place since being put in this room, which had to be an hour or two by now.

  Caleb’s eyes are a little wild as he glances between Griffin and Evan. It doesn’t take a genius to know he’s nervous as heck. “Hey, Caleb,” I greet him.

  “Ms. Shaw,” he replies more by habit than actually welcoming me. The door closes with a heavy thud, and Caleb jumps a little, but his eyes don’t leave Griffin and Evan.

  My instincts have me wanting to comfort Caleb, to tell him to relax, but it’s not my place, nor do I think he would believe me anyway.

  Evan crosses his arms over his chest, and it makes him seem even larger, especially when he looks down his nose at the boy. “We have a few things to discuss,” he states.

  I watch Caleb’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. “I don’t know what else I can tell you.”

  “Would you rather I go ask the others?” Evan’s brows are high on his forehead, and he makes a move as if to turn and leave the room. “Doesn’t matter who talks, as long as you understand what your silence is buying you.”

  “Wait!” Caleb reaches out like he might grab Evan’s arm, but he pulls back before getting close enough to touching him. “I just mean I don’t know if I know anything else. Not that I don’t want to help.”

  Evan turns so he’s facing Caleb again. “I need to know where you’ve been getting the drugs. Unless you can give me that, you’re not very useful.”

  The boy licks his lips. “I don’t know,” he replies. Caleb rushes to add, “But I might be able to find out,” when Evan moves like he might leave again.

  “Get to talking,” Griffin orders.

  “I have a number.” The boy pats his front pocket as if he’s looking for something. “That’s how we would set up the trap.”

  “Give me the number,” Evan demands.

  “I don’t have it, it’s in my phone.”

  “Where the hell is your phone?” Evan growls.

  “Letty took it. She took all of our phones when she found us,” the boy says with his brows furrowed, as if Evan should have already known this.

  Evan’s jaw tics, and his lips tighten to form a hard line. “You don’t remember the number?”

  “No, I just put it in my phone.” He shrugs.

  “This can’t be the first time you’ve done this. Who else did you buy from?” Evan sounds disgusted.

  “It was Michelle before…” Caleb’s eyes dart over to me, and he doesn’t finish the rest of his response. “The new number and contact just started floating around over the last few days. That’s why there were so many of us,” he explains, looking at the floor.

  Griffin starts slowly prowling around the little room. “When did all this start?” The boy’s eyes track his movements, and he makes minute adjustments to keep Griffin in his sights the entire time.

  “I’m not sure, maybe longer than I’ve been here,” Caleb answers.

  “It doesn’t seem like you know much of value,” Griffin comments.

  “I have the number in my phone. You guys can trace that or something, right?” Caleb looks young in that moment, his eyes pleading for help. I bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from reassuring him.

  “You think your contact is stupid enough not to ditch that number? The entire school knew you guys were out all night and everyone was looking for you.” Evan lets his frustration seep into his tone.

  “Tell me why I shouldn’t send you packing right now.” Griffin sounds almost disinterested.

  “I won’t screw up again. I’ll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust. I can’t go back.” Caleb shakes his head vehemently. “They’ll kill me for leaving. I’m a traitor.”

  “Yet you were willing to risk it just to get high.” Evan folds his arms over his chest again and peers down at Caleb.

  “It was so dumb.” Caleb rubs his palm against his forehead roughly.

  “What can you tell me about the dope?” Griffin resumes his prowl around the tiny space.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything. What’s it called? What does it do? How long has it been around?” Evan answers.

  “Wet,” Caleb replies quickly, as if he’s just realized he does have something to offer. “It’s called Wet. I’d never heard of it until I came here.”

  “And the effects?” Evan prompts.

  “Smoke doesn’t usually do much for us.” Caleb shrugs, looking slightly embarrassed, but half eager too.

  “I’m aware of the effects of human drugs on supernaturals,” Evan drawls. I make a note to ask them about this later. This is new information to me. I’m not privy to what effects street drugs have on supernaturals.

  “Well…Wet works. You get a buzz” —Caleb rubs the side of his face— “and a boost.”

  “You know what sippin’ can do to you, right?” Evan’s tone takes on a censuring note.

  “Yeah, but this was just a little bit, and…” The boy’s eyes lower until he’s staring at the ground.

  “And what?” Griffin snaps.

  “Everyone acted like it was no big deal. Nobody talks about it like sippin’.” Caleb doesn’t lift his head to speak.

  “It is a big fucking deal. We have no idea what the consequences are,” Evan snarls harshly.

  Caleb nods. “I won’t ever touch it again.” He lifts his head. “I promise.” He looks completely sincere, but I’ve heard friends make the same oath after a night of drinking and partying too much.

  Griffin comes to a stop and faces the young man. “If you do, you won’t have to worry about your clan ending you, because I will.”


  “Are you not going to talk to any of the other kids?” Quinn’s voice is soft as we make our way out of the lower level. We left Evan with the newly blooded vampire to work out a schedule, but if I know him, he’ll be catching up with us any minute.

  “There’s no need right now. Plus, I want them to sweat a little longer.” I reach for her hand, and she meets me halfway, threading our fingers. I hear Evan coming well before Quinn has any clue, but I note the way she looks over her shoulder as he grows nearer. Now that the bond is formed between them, she’ll be able to pick up on so much more if she just opens herself up to it.

p; When Evan rounds the corner, and she catches a glimpse of him, her brows furrow. “I just had the strangest sense of déjà vu or something.”

  “It’s not déjà vu, it’s the bond,” I tell her and continue walking. Evan catches up quickly and joins us on her other side. “You knew he was close,” I inform Quinn, waiting for her to confirm it. Her head is turned to the side as she examines Evan.

  “I was just thinking about him and when he would come back. That’s all.” She sounds slightly defensive.

  “What are we doing about the phones?” I change the subject. I want to pat myself on the back for taking a hint without Evan having to intervene. It’s clear she isn’t ready to accept all the new aspects of her life. Plus, it’s probably been at least a few days since I’ve been an asshole without reason—not that Quinn ever gave me a reason—so there’s no need to be one now.

  “I want to see if she turned the phones into security. Funny she never mentioned having them.” Evan meets my eyes over Quinn’s head. Most people wouldn’t know it because he’s so versed in masking, but I’ve been his friend for longer than I care to remember, so I know Evan is pissed.

  “I was thinking the same thing.” We lead Quinn back to the main hall where the security office is. Evan unlocks the door, and we enter a small exterior room. Behind another door is a long hallway that branches off into offices, some hold the surveillance cameras while some of the others are just regular offices and equipment rooms.

  A shifter pokes his head out of a room, leaning back on a chair. “Shit!” he curses and rushes to his feet.

  “Jon.” Evan stares the man down once he’s standing.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you.” Jon lets his eyes skip over me quickly and avoids Quinn altogether. Not dumb then. In this small of a space, Quinn’s and Evan’s scents are so deeply mingled, there’s no mistaking she’s his mate. Newly mated shifters can be almost as dangerous as freshly blooded vamps without enough blood to get them through the transition.


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