Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM

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Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM Page 16

by Albany Walker

  “Evan, I…” She shakes her head quickly. “I just wanted to know what they were doing, and I thought I could get it out of them. Hearing you say it that way, out loud, makes it seem like you don’t trust me.”

  “Are you saying I should? You think you’ve been behaving above board?” I watch Letty’s fist ball up on her thigh at Evan’s words.

  “I would do anything to protect you—this school.” She blinks several times, almost as if her slip surprised her.

  “I’m putting you on suspension for not following orders. I was very specific when I said I wanted it called in as soon as the kids were found.”

  “Suspension? For how long?” She furrows her brows.

  “Three days.” Evan crosses his arms over his chest. That will be more than enough time for us to sort out how, and if, Letty is involved with the drugs. But watching her with Evan, I think most of her actions are stemming from jealousy and wanting to impress him rather than her being deeply embedded in the sippin’.

  That still doesn’t let her off the hook for the shit with Quinn either. If anything, we have more reasons to believe she could have been involved in Quinn getting hurt and what happened in her room.

  “Make sure you keep your phone on you. I might have more questions.” Evan opens the door to the surveillance room, dismissing her.

  “What about my shifts? Should I get someone to cover them?” the wolf asks as she gets to her feet.

  “It’ll be taken care of.” The dispassion in Evan’s voice causes her to wince, but she nods and sulks out of the room.

  “That bought us enough time to find out what’s really going on and handle it,” I comment once she’s gone.

  “That was the point.” He gathers the phones from the desk. “She seems good.” Evan nods toward Quinn, who is happily munching on something while smiling at Alice. “Let’s go threaten some kids to get their passwords. That will be easier than trying to get someone to crack them, we could risk losing all the information that way.”

  “Let’s just make it fast.”

  “In a rush?” Evan taunts.

  “No more than you were this morning,” I retort, reminding him it wasn’t that long ago when he was in the doghouse. It works, his grin falters.


  I chuckle at his response, but I can’t really disagree.

  Chapter 14


  “Ugh, I don’t really want to talk about them right now,” is what I say, but I can already feel a blush working its way up my neck. Alice did warn me that the next time she saw me, she would want details.

  “If you won’t give me the good stuff yet” —her eyes go wide to make sure I know my reprieve is only temporary— “then tell me what they did to piss you off.” She pops another bite into her mouth. I feel my leg under the table start to jiggle. I want to tell her, want to talk to someone.

  I look around the room. There aren’t many people here, but I don’t want to be overheard. Leaning over the table, I lower my voice a little. “Want to come up to my…”

  As I flounder for what to say, Alice supplies, “Your place?”

  “I mean it’s Griffin’s, but yeah, that’s where I’m staying.”

  Alice gives me the side-eye. “Girl, own that shit. It’s your place now too, right?” She says it in an encouraging way, as if she’s trying to get me to agree with her as opposed to answering a question.

  I get a little flustered, but I nod and smile at her. “Come on.” We grab our trays and trash from the table and drop it off where it belongs before heading out of the cafeteria. As soon as we make it to the hall, a curse falls from my lips. “Shit.” I stop dead in my tracks.

  “What is it?”

  “I didn’t grab my key when we left.”

  “We can go to my place,” Alice offers simply.

  It only takes me a second to come to a conclusion. “No.” I pull my phone out of my back pocket. “Just give me a second.” I bring up my favorites in my contacts and see both Griffin’s and Evan’s numbers. It would be easier to call Evan and avoid Griffin for a little while, but that feels pretty immature.

  The phone only rings once before Griffin answers. “Quinn, what’s wrong?” He says it in a single breath, sounding slightly unnerved.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I just…I wanted to go home, and I didn’t grab my key when we left.”

  There’s a slight pause. “Where are you?” All of the tension in his voice has vanished.

  “Just leaving the cafeteria. Are you still with Evan at security?”

  “No,” Griffin replies.

  “Oh, are you guys already done?” I glance over at Alice. Maybe going to her place would be a better idea. I can’t talk about them if they’re in the same apartment with us.

  “Evan is retrieving passwords to unlock the children’s phones. We’re on the lower level. I’ll bring you the key.”

  “No, that’s okay, I’ll come grab it, you guys are busy.” The door behind us opens, and I do a double take. Jon, the man from the security office, is standing in the open doorway. He looks a little surprised to see me.

  I step to the side of the hallway to allow him to pass, but he just remains at the door, watching me. Griffin is still speaking, and I realize I have no idea what he said. “Pardon, can you repeat that?” I make eye contact with Alice and give her a funny look, saying what’s up with this guy?

  “Tell them they can call off the bodyguard. I’m with you.” Alice plants her hand on her hip.

  “Did you send him to watch over me?” I whisper into the phone. I know the man can hear me, but it feels weird talking about him as if he’s not even there.

  “You wouldn’t allow Evan to accompany you, and I don’t want you being on your own right now…not until we figure out what’s going on,” Griffin answers unapologetically.

  “You could have told me.” I turn my back on Alice and Jon, not wanting them to see the anger on my face. When he doesn’t respond, I let out a frustrated groan. “Griffin, are you still there?”

  “I am,” echoes through the phone and from behind me. I spin on my heel and see Griffin in the flesh, standing just a few feet away from me. I pull the phone away from my ear and hit end. I want to scowl at him, but I end up just running my eyes over him from head to toe. He got here really fast.

  “You may go,” he orders while looking right into my eyes, but I can tell by the cold indifference in his tone he’s not speaking to me. In my peripheral, I see Jon walking away in the opposite direction.

  I cross my arms over my chest. “I get that you think I might be in danger, but you should have told me you had someone follow me. That makes me feel weird.” I push my hair back from my face. “I didn’t even know I was being watched,” I admit reluctantly, which, more than anything, might prove I need a frigging bodyguard if I’m that obtuse.

  Griffin takes a step closer, inching into my personal space. “It’s not forever. I won’t allow you to be threatened. I have many other properties. Or I can just make everyone leave.”

  I snort, but the smile that was lifting my lips falls. “Wait, you’re not joking?” I search Griffin’s face.

  “What would I be joking about?” He tilts his head.

  My eyes widen. “About the fact that you would displace hundreds of kids, people, because of me. I would never let that happen.”

  Griffin reaches for my hand and wraps his fingers around mine. “Then I won’t allow it to come to that. Would you like the key?” He changes the topic swiftly, and I hear Alice let out a short, deep chuckle. I’m slightly embarrassed she heard him say that. I mean, we haven’t even known each other very long.

  “I’ll take the key,” I murmur softly. “And you have to tell me if you send someone to watch me in the future.”

  “You should just assume if Evan or I aren’t with you, then that it’s a definite possibility.”

  I close my eyes slowly and grumble, “Has anyone ever told you that you’re overbearing?”

The corner of Griffin’s lips tip up in a minute smile. “Never, but not because it’s not true.” He brings his face close to mine and lowers his voice to a seductive whisper. I lick my bottom lip and remind myself I’m supposed to be aggravated with him. “They just aren’t brave enough to say it.” His smile widens, and I’ll be damned, but I swoon a little. He’s just too handsome for both our sakes.

  I narrow my gaze on him. “Well, I am.”

  Griffin edges even closer and ghosts his lips over mine. “I know, and you were well before you knew I would never hurt you.” I’m not sure why, but that somehow feels like a compliment. The cool metal of the key slips into my free palm, and his hand closes over my fingers to ensure I don’t drop it. “Make sure you always have this. Please.” The courtesy comes out sounding a little foreign, but the effort isn’t lost on me.

  I nod. “Are you going back to help Evan?”

  “Should I?” He raises his brow as if he’s tempting me to tell him he shouldn’t. “I could tag along with you.”

  Alice clears her throat. I roll my lips in so I won’t smile. She knows if Griffin is around, I certainly won’t spill any details, juicy or not. “We’ll be in the room when you guys get done,” I offer instead.

  Griffin takes a slow step back but doesn’t release my hand. Rather, he brings it up to his lips, staring me right in the eye, and announces, “I’m sorry about earlier. Remember how I told you to shut me up when my mouth runs away with me?” His tongue snakes out, and he flicks it between my fingers and up to my knuckles. My lower stomach clenches, and a startled breath escapes me. The image of Griffin underneath me with his face between my legs assaults me.

  His reaction is immediate. His pupils dilate, and he jerks me closer so I can feel every inch of his body against mine. With his mouth near my ear, Griffin whispers, “I can hear your heart racing, you’re singing to me.” His lips trail over the side of my neck, and I tilt my head to give him better access. It’s not intentional, but it happens all the same.

  “Should I leave you two alone, or is this something I can stay and watch?” Alice sounds almost hopeful about the last part of her question. I lightly push Griffin’s chest away, knowing the distance isn’t going to offer me much reprieve but still hoping the space might help clear my head.

  “Nothing to see here,” I say, but my voice betrays me, and it comes out sounding way too husky.

  “Really? That’s nothing? I’m starting to wonder if you and I share the same definition of the word.” Alice’s brows are high on her head, but she’s grinning at me.

  Griffin gives my hand a little squeeze before releasing me. “I’ll be back for her soon,” he mutters to Alice as he turns and strolls away. I stare after him for way too long, but it’s a really nice view.

  Alice eventually links her arm through mine and urges me to start walking. “It should be illegal for someone to exude that much sex and pheromones.” She sounds a little disgruntled. “It will be hours before Wes is off.” I chuckle, and she jabs me lightly in the ribs with her elbow. “Not funny, I’m going to be walking weird until my undies dry.”

  “Alice!” I admonish.

  “Like yours are any better?” She snorts. A few heads turn our way when I really start laughing in response. She’s not lying. Even my quick trip to the bathroom before going to the lunchroom to clean up didn’t help matters much, not to mention that little stunt Griffin just pulled.

  We finally make it up to the third floor, and I unloop my arm from Alice’s so I can unlock the door. “I’ve never been in here before. What’s it like? No, wait, don’t tell me.”

  I push the door open and wave my hand for her to enter ahead of me. Her eyes are wide as she looks around, she even spins to take everything in as I remove my shoes. “Huh, I thought it would be…bigger.” She cocks her hip out. “Please don’t tell me everything has been underwhelming?” Alice’s smile is out in full force as she waggles her pinky finger at me.

  “Oh Lord.” I cover my flaming cheeks with my hands, but I can’t help but shake my head in denial. “Nothing about either of them is even close to underwhelming. Quite the opposite in fact.” I wiggle my eyebrows in return once I drop my hands. This is fun, I’ve missed having a girlfriend to chat with.

  “Lucky bitch.” Alice sighs with absolutely no heat. I nod, agreeing easily.

  “Want something to drink?” I’m already halfway to the kitchen when I ask.

  Alice follows behind me, her eyes still zooming around, taking everything in. “Sure, whatever is fine.”

  I fill the new kettle that appeared several days ago and place it on the stove to heat. Next, I drag the huge wooden box filled with more teas than I’ve ever tried over for Alice to look through. “There’s coffee and water too,” I offer.

  “No, this is good. What do you like?” Her fingers are sorting through the little envelopes quickly.

  “This is my favorite.” I take one from the largest section, and she grabs one of the same.

  Alice leans her butt against the counter and looks me over. “I heard Stone apologize to you, so he really did screw up?”

  I end up mirroring her posture, but my arms are crossed over my chest. “Sometimes his mouth gets him into trouble. It’s like he doesn’t think about what he’s going to say or how it’s going to sound.”

  “Considering he barely even speaks to most people, I can see that,” Alice agrees. “What kind of stuff does he say?”

  I roll my eyes. “It’s probably going to sound dumb that it even pissed me off, but that man has a way of getting under my skin.”

  “No, really?” Alice retorts teasingly. “Just tell me. It will make you feel better to get it off your chest.”

  “I said something about working, and he was like” —I deepen my voice to sound more like Griffin— “you’re not working, we’re working, you’re just here.” Alice scrunches up her nose in distaste. “Believe it or not, I think he was actually trying to make me feel better when he said it, he just doesn’t think about how it’s going to sound.”

  “How would that have made you feel better?” I push my hair away from my face at her question. “Oh, that face. Now I have to know.” I can hear the smile on Alice’s lips.

  “We were fooling around…” I start.

  “Fooling around. What are you, like eighty?” Alice snickers.

  I plant my hand on my hip. “I got all hot and bothered, and Evan pretty much told me he needed to take care of me,” I blurt, feeling a little affronted that she just called me an old biddy.

  Alice rolls her wrist, gesturing for me to get on with it. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”

  “Well, we were going over surveillance footage. I’m not even sure I’m supposed to be talking about this. Anyway, we were in the security office.”

  “Wait, was it just Evan? Paint me a picture.” Alice laughs at my expression. The kettle whistles, offering me a few moments of reprieve. “Don’t leave me hanging, Quinn,” she whines jokingly.

  “No, it wasn’t just Evan,” I admit.

  Alice starts clapping her hands and looking up toward the ceiling. “Oh, I knew I wanted to be your friend the first time I saw your big blue eyes and beat-up Chucks, but thank you, moon goddess, for making it the right decision. Go on,” she urges quickly after looking back at me.

  I chuckle. “My shoes are what made you want to befriend me?”

  “Hell yes, you showed up here real. No pretenses. Now don’t change the subject.”

  Can a friend make you swoon? I think I just swooned for my girl. I smile and pour the hot water into our mugs. “Where was I? Oh yes, in the security office. Griffin was being a jerk, and I called him one.”

  “Quinn,” Alice warns. “Paint. Me. A. Picture.”

  “I thought you said you would know if I slept with them?”

  “I do, I’m just being polite and letting you get comfortable with telling me,” she responds. “Plus the bite mark on the side of your neck and the fact that you and Evan are bond
ed is pretty evident.”

  I slap my hand over my neck. I don’t need to be reminded where Griffin bit me. I’ve been feeling the lingering effects of that bite for a while. “Bite mark?” I whisper.

  “More of a scar really.” Alice shrugs. “You didn’t notice it?”

  “Uh, no. Evan broke the bathroom mirror, and we’ve been rushing around all day,” I explain, remembering I haven’t even looked in a mirror for more than a second today when I was in the washroom near the cafeteria.

  “Evan broke the mirror. I’m sure that’s another story I’ll need to hear. Please tell me it had something to do with sexy time?”

  “Geez, no, thank goodness. I actually haven’t gotten the story yet either. Griffin told me it was Evan.”

  “Okay, save that one for another time. Now back to the security room.” She wiggles her brows.

  “You certainly are persistent.” I grab my mug and head toward the living room. “Why don’t you tell me about you and Wes?” I plop down on the couch, cradling my cup.

  “I have no problem going first.” Alice sets her mug on the table after taking a sip, and then she plops down next to me and curls her legs under her. I’m a little envious at how comfortable she already seems here.

  “I’ve actually had a thing for him for a while. He’s so shy and reserved.” Alice smiles softly. “Good thing I’m persistent, he might have gotten away from me if I hadn’t been.” I get comfy on the couch, blowing over my mug before taking a sip. “I asked him out a few times before he transitioned, but he always made an excuse to take a raincheck.” She rolls her eyes.

  “He did seem kind of shy when I first met him,” I agree.


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