Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM

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Havenfall Harbor Book Two: Paranormal Ménage Romance MFM Page 19

by Albany Walker

  “What’s the smile for?” Evan asks softly while bumping his arm into mine.

  “I don’t know, just happy to be here, I guess. That sounds weird.” I purse my lips.

  “No, it doesn’t. We’re happy you’re here too,” Evan tells me simply. His brown eyes linger on mine, and I feel like there’s so much lurking behind the warm depth of his gaze. I bet he has stories that would make me want to curse someone too.

  Someday, he’ll open up to me. It’s not a question of it happening, just when. And as I’ve already concluded, we have lots of time for that. Right now, we need to deal with what’s going on at Havenfall.

  “Hey, Randi,” Evan greets when we make it down to the lower level. I’ve seen way too much of this place lately. The stone walls are cold and bare, but nothing about it looks like a prison. It’s too clean, too sterile for that.

  “Hey, boss,” Randi replies with a small smile on her face. It only takes me a moment to place her. She was one of the people who was working the desk when Evan took me to see Jacob and Riley.

  “Any issues?” Evan leans his arms on the desk.

  “Nuttin’ going on here.”

  “Good. I’m going to talk to a few of them. Shouldn’t take too long.” I want to tell Evan he probably just jinxed us, but I don’t.

  Evan makes his way over to one of the doors after Randi pulls the keys off a loop on her belt and hands them over to him. He knocks twice and unlocks the door. Caleb sits up quickly, rubbing his eyes as if he was just sleeping.

  Evan tosses a phone on his bed and demands, “Unlock it and show me the number you called.”

  Caleb blinks a few times, then reaches for the cell. After a few seconds, he holds it out to Evan to take.

  “This is it?” Evan sounds completely confused.

  “Yeah, that’s the number,” Caleb tells him.

  Evan switches the phone to his left hand and holds it out so Griffin can see the screen.

  Slimy is the name of the contact.

  Slimy: It’s about to get lit, i need it loud.

  The message is followed by a meme of a cartoon character with its head exploding.

  Caleb’s reply is another meme of a kid blowing into some kind of horn with his face all puffed out.

  Evan scrolls down the screen, and we see Caleb’s text.

  Caleb: We got 7 deep.

  Slimy: Sounds like a party, gonna make it rain.

  “This is the number and your conversation?” Evan asks incredulously.

  “Yeah, that’s it.” Caleb nods.

  “You never even discussed where to meet or when?”

  “It’s always been the same spot and time—under the stairs after curfew.”

  “You were the only one who contacted them? You set it all up?” Evan runs his eyes over Caleb again, assessing him.

  “It wasn’t just me who wanted it. I just had the number, so I called.”

  “Where did you get the number?” Griffin questions.

  “At lunch, someone was passing it around. I don’t even know who.” Caleb shrugs dejectedly. “I know it was dumb. I won’t mess with anything like that again, please don’t send me back.”

  “You’re right—it was dumb. We haven’t decided what we’re doing with you yet. The most important thing right now is putting a stop to it,” Evan admonishes. “I was hoping you would be more helpful than this. Tell me what you know about Michelle. Who was she close to? Were there any rumors about the teachers or staff being involved?”

  Caleb closes his eyes for a brief moment. When he opens them, there’s a noticeable shift in his demeanor. The little bit of hope he had is pretty much gone. “I didn’t know Michelle well. She didn’t socialize with people like me.” His voice is flat and monotone. “Rumors say she had a thing for the headmaster.” He’s talking about Griffin as if he isn’t even in the room, which seems weird to me. “I saw her trying to get chummy with some of the security people and the floor monitors.”

  “Anyone in particular? Come on, Caleb, help us so we can help you.” Evan’s voice is softer, more cajoling. I think he knows the kid is losing hope.

  “The girls will probably know more. They’re always talking about each other. You should talk to Maya. She wouldn’t even be in this mess if it wasn’t for me. She doesn’t deserve to get kicked out.”

  Evan sets his hand on Caleb’s shoulder, and Caleb flinches a little at the contact. “Keep your head on straight. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s how we handle those mistakes that matters.” Caleb lowers his head even more. The kid looks completely devastated.

  Griffin guides me from the room with his hand on my lower back. I’m tempted to look over my shoulder, but I don’t. Hearing Griffin’s story makes me realize just how dangerous a game they were playing by messing with the blood.

  “You know which one is Maya?” Griffin inquires when Evan closes Caleb’s door.

  “No clue, but I want to run this number first.” Evan makes his way over to Randi at the desk. “I need the computer for a few minutes,” he tells her. She vacates her seat and the immediate area, quickly taking up position near the opposite wall where she can’t see what Evan is doing.

  I lean over his shoulder. “What site are you going to use to search the number?”

  “Site? I was just going to see if it matched anyone listed in our system first.” Evan’s brows are high on his forehead.

  “Mind if I help? I had a few girlfriends in college who took keeping track of their boyfriends to a whole new level. I learned a few things along the way.”

  “You’re a proficient stalker?” Evan grins at me.

  “Angie was the best, but in a pinch, I’ll do.” I don’t tell him that cyber stalking is pretty much the norm nowadays. “Check what you wanted to first.”

  Evan pulls up the staff directory and starts scrolling through all the phone numbers. It doesn’t take him long to realize the number isn’t listed. I don’t think he had much hope it would be anyway, that would be way too simple.

  With a wave of his hand for me to sit, he steps back from the computer. I take the offered seat but pull my phone out of my pocket instead. I know the operating system well, and I also know if I use the private setting, my search will be protected by the VPN.

  A few clicks later, and I ask Evan to read me the number. I enter the ten digits and the response is immediate, but not very telling. “The number is listed as unpublished, but it does say it’s a cellphone and the origin city is nearby.” I point to the info available.

  “It says you can find the owner if you click here.” Evan pokes the screen before I can pull my phone away.

  “They want you to pay for that, and I’m not giving these people my credit card number. Let me try something else.”

  “I’ll give you mine,” Evan offers, pulling a wallet from his back pocket.

  “Unless you plan on canceling it right after, I wouldn’t do that,” I warn, then put the numbers right into a Google search. Surprisingly, a name pops up. “R. Clark,” I say out loud, then turn to look at the guys. “The name might not be right. Sometimes it could be registered to someone else or listed under a false name, though they are supposed to make you show an ID when you get a phone, even if you don’t have a plan.”

  “I know an R. Clark.” Evan’s nostrils flare, and he leans back so he’s no longer looking over my shoulder.

  “Do they work here?” I scroll down the screen, but it only shows the same city the last search did, no actual address.

  “Yes,” Evan grits out through his teeth. “He’s one of the floor monitors.”

  “This is just from a Google search, so it might not be accurate, but it’s a place to start. What are you going to do?” Evan looks like he’s about ready to rip someone’s head off.

  “We’ll ask him,” Griffin interjects calmly. “There’s not much hope of him lying to both of us.”

  “What about Maya, the girl Caleb said might know something? Do you want to talk to her first?” I almost want hi
m to say no. I bet he would scare the dickens out of the girl right now with just his expression, but I also want them to have as much information as possible.

  “Randi, which room is Maya in?” Evan barks, not answering me.

  “Uh, right there.” She points to one of the rooms across from her after only a moment’s hesitation.

  Evan stalks over and bangs on the door twice before he unlocks it and jerks it open. “Maya,” he says with an edge still in his tone.

  “Yes?” Her reply is muffled but quick.

  “We need to talk.” The door snaps shut behind him.

  “Should we go in there with him?” I look at Griffin.

  “Are you worried about the girl? She’ll be fine.” He leans against the desk, appearing relaxed. I stand up from the chair and move to his side.

  “He seemed pretty upset,” I mutter softly.

  “With good reason. If Evan made this person a floor monitor, it means he must have trusted them.” Griffin keeps his voice low, since Randi is still down the hall. I don’t think she would have been able to hear us, but I’m not sure, so I decide to keep my questions for later.

  It seems like a long time passes before Evan emerges, but in reality, it has probably only been five to ten minutes at most.

  His disposition doesn’t seem to have improved at all. The side of his jaw is ticking, and his hands are balled into fists. He jerks his head to the side, beckoning us over to him. “I won’t be back until tomorrow,” he announces when we reach his side, but he’s not talking to us, he’s looking at Randi.

  “I’ll hold the fort down.” She nods and heads back toward the desk as we leave the security office.

  “Informative?” Griffin asks.

  “Hardly, unless you want me to believe you and Michelle are hooking up,” Evan drawls. Griffin just shakes his head. “Well, that’s what Michelle was telling everyone before she disappeared.”

  My steps are hurried to keep up with Evan’s. “Do you think she was trying to get Griffin in trouble?”

  “No, only the humans would care, even if it was true.” My steps falter a little at the anger in Evan’s tone when he says the humans. I feel a palm on my back, urging me to keep up my pace.

  “She’s still a kid, not even out of high school.” My tone is incredulous.

  “Quinn, it’s not true,” Griffin reminds me.

  “I know, but I’m one of the humans who would care. It’s not right.”

  Evan stops in his tracks. He pivots on his foot so he’s facing me, his eyebrows furrowed over a heavy frown. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “Okay, how did you mean it?” I cross my arms over my chest. I’m the first to admit I’ve said some stupid things, disparaging alphas and lumping them with macho assholes is one, so I’m more than willing to listen to what Evan has to say.

  “I didn’t mean humans were wrong. Just that it wouldn’t affect him in the same way it would in the human world. Michelle’s family would be ecstatic if she caught Griff’s favor, especially if it meant an allegiance between the clan names.”

  I get what he’s saying, hell, there are probably a few suitors my parents would have felt the same about for me no matter the age. Maybe that’s why the thought bothers me so much. “Everyone should care, she’s just a kid,” I mutter, then lower my arms and motion for Evan to continue.

  “They care, Quinn, but something like that wouldn’t affect my position or put Havenfall at risk,” Griffin reasons. I nod, realizing I’m taking offense at something stupid. Evan’s words probably came out harsher than usual because he’s angry.

  Evan scans my face as if he’s gauging whether I’m really upset or not. “I’m good,” I tell him, but the way he continues to stare makes me think he’s not completely convinced. “Seriously, we’re good. Let’s go talk to this R. Clark person.”

  That seems to spur Evan into action. He storms up the stairs with renewed vigor, looking left then right when he reaches the main floor. “I don’t want to call him and let him know I’m coming,” he murmurs to himself. “Wish I knew where his room was.” Evan takes a deep breath. He lifts his nose into the air as if he’s smelling something. When I reach his side, I’m slightly winded.

  “I have a solution,” Griffin offers with his phone in his hand. “Are you near a computer?” he asks into the phone without a greeting. After a breath, he nods at Evan. “Name.”

  “Rand Clark,” Evan replies, scowling. Rand, I know I’ve heard that name, but I can’t place it.

  Griffin repeats the name to the person on the phone. “I need his room assignment and his schedule. Text it to me,” he orders briskly before ending the call without so much as a thank you or goodbye. His eyes land on mine as he pulls the phone away from his ear and holds it in his hand, waiting for the text. “What?”

  I pinch my lips together, remaining silent. I think I feel sorry for the people who work for him, but then I remember how unhelpful Millie has been to me since the beginning and my empathy fades.

  Griffin looks down when his phone vibrates. “Schedule says he’s not working now. His room is on the second floor, two-ten.”

  “Well then, let’s go pay him a visit.” Evan stomps up the hall.

  “Hey, wait.” I grab his arm and he pauses immediately, looking down at me. “I think I’ll go up to the room, our room.” I stumble over the words a little. It still feels strange calling it our room.

  Evan wraps his hand half over my shoulder and half over my neck. “We’ll take you up.”

  I know my words will fall on deaf ears, but I say them anyway. “I’m sure I can manage.”

  “We would feel better knowing you’re tucked away.”

  “Tucked away?” I repeat Griffin’s words. “I guess that’s better than saying out of the way, but I get what you mean.”

  Instead of taking the stairs, Evan leads us to the elevator. I make my way to the back of the small box so they can both enter with me. It’s not a tight squeeze, but with how close we all are, you would think there were a few other people in here with us.

  I bite my bottom lip, remembering the first time Evan kissed me. It was in this elevator, back when I thought what was happening between us would be fun, no commitments involved. Boy was I wrong. A smile tugs at my lips as the car bounces to a stop.

  Griffin is the first to step out of the elevator. Evan moves to the side, allowing me to exit before him. The hall is empty and quiet as usual. When we reach the door, Griffin looks at me, waiting. I slide my hand into my front pocket and retrieve the key he gave me and hold it up like it’s a prize. His smirk tells me that’s exactly what he was waiting for.

  “I’m good. Go figure out what’s going on.” I slide the key into the lock, dismissing them.

  “What are you going to do?” Evan asks as if he wasn’t just chomping at the bit to find Rand five minutes ago.

  “Hang out, watch some TV, take a bath.” I shrug and push the door open.

  “A bath.” Griffin’s eyes move up and down my body as if he’s already imagining me naked and wet.

  “Unless you have an objection to me using your tub?” I lift my brows, daring him to tell me no. I would do it just to aggravate him. That’s probably not a healthy way to start a relationship, but I can’t help myself when it comes to him.

  I set the lone key on the table near the entry, vowing to put it on a key chain later so it won’t be so easy to misplace. Evan and Griffin are both still standing at the entrance, as if they don’t want to leave but know they shouldn’t come in either.

  I lean against the door and let it sway a little. “Do you have a key to get back in? I’m locking it,” I warn.

  “He does.” Griffin nods at Evan.

  “Okay, see you soon?” I don’t know why I’m so hesitant to close the door. I’m around them more than any other guy I’ve ever dated, and it still doesn’t feel like it’s enough.

  Evan is the first to make a move. He bends forward and plants a kiss on my lips, nibbling softly. I r
eturn the affection, taking a step closer to him so I can feel the heat of his body closer to mine. Sooner than I would like, he’s pulling back, and I’m licking my bottom lip. He spins on his heel and takes a few steps away from the door.

  My eyes go to Griffin’s. He hasn’t been shy with his affection, but I still remember the times he would check to see if anyone was around before leaving my room, so I’m not sure if he’s going to give me a parting kiss. “Are you anxious to get rid of me, sweetness?”

  “What? No,” I scoff quickly.

  “That’s not what your body’s telling me.” He lowers his chin and peers at me. I click my tongue, not sure how to address what he just said. I’m not anxious. “Is there another reason why your heart rate picked up to a nervous flutter? Do you not want to be alone? One of us can stay with you.”

  “Are you going to kiss me or not?” I blurt.

  Griffin’s brows shoot up before a sly grin graces his lips. “You’re worried I’m not going to kiss you?” He says it like it’s the cutest thing he’s ever heard, and I scowl. This man’s head is already big enough, I don’t need to inflate it any more.

  “No, bye.” I slam the door shut and reach for the deadbolt, but I’m not fast enough. Griffin is standing in front of me, way faster and way closer than I could have imagined.

  “Not so fast,” he mumbles. “You might be okay without a goodbye kiss, but I’m not.” He takes another step forward, and I take one back. “Why would you think I wouldn’t kiss you?” His words are spoken quietly, almost to himself.

  I shrug. “I don’t know, but you would always make sure no one saw you leaving my room.”

  Griffin’s head tilts to the side. “It was to protect you.” By the time he’s done speaking, my back is against the wall and he’s in front of me. There’s not an inch of space between us.

  “From whom?” I breathe.

  “From me.” I don’t have a chance to respond, because his lips are on mine in the next second. His kiss is hard and claiming. There’s no mistaking its meaning.

  When he pulls back, he’s breathing hard and so am I. “Lock the door,” he orders before spinning on his heel. The door snaps closed soundlessly, and I’m still stuck in the same spot, staring after him as I wonder what he meant by his statement. Two loud knocks rattle the door and surrounding frame.


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