Imprisoned Gods

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Imprisoned Gods Page 16

by G. Bailey

  "Let's just go before you say anything else that makes me want to throw something at you," I mutter, standing up and taking my plate to the sink. "Thanks, Killian. Maybe we can talk more later?"

  "We need to leave," Storm interrupts before Killian can reply to me, and Killian only grins over at Storm before looking down at me.

  "Any time, my angel," he replies. Oh, these gods with killer smiles, sharp jawlines and dangerously sexy eyes are definitely going to be trouble.


  "What have you got planned for us then, big guy?" I ask Storm after I close the front door, stepping out into the garden. I run my eyes over the herbs, flowers and various plants that are being grown out here, admiring how healthy they all look. It sure takes some dedication to keep a garden like this alive. Storm looks back at me for a moment, giving me a second to take in his white shirt, black trousers and holder for his axe which is still strapped to his back like he expects trouble at any moment. Storm's black hair is a complicated looking braid, with a long yellow string woven in before it's tied at the bottom, near his lower back.

  "Big guy is a nickname I like, little Karma," he tells me. Dammit, I didn’t mean to call him any nickname at all.

  "Maybe I should call you little guy then," I retort.

  "Nothing about me is little, darling," he teases, and I roll my eyes, swiftly walking past him to the gate which I pull open. He is such a typical guy, and even though I know better, my cheeks still burn a slight red. Thankfully he swiftly changes the subject. "I wanted to show you around, introduce you to some of my people and just have a chat."

  "Alright then," I reply, following him across the bridge that I'm getting a little used to. I'm still not a fan of heights, but jumping off that bridge sure did help with my fears a bit. I briefly glance down, seeing all the bridges with people walking across them, and instantly, I feel a little dizzy and shoot my head up, focusing on Storm's hair instead. We get off the bridge and walk across the ledge and down the steps.

  "The level below our home is the general housing area. I will show you that another day, but there isn't much to see other than homes in caves,” he tells me as we pass another ledge and carry on down the stairs.

  "Are these stairs the only way up?" I ask.

  "No, there are five more stairways on the other side, but this is the only one that goes to our level," he explains to me.

  "How many people live here?" I ask as we get to another ledge, and Storm steps out into it. He pauses, placing his hand on his chin as he thinks about an answer I presume.

  "We did a count about five years ago. It was four hundred and ten, if I remember right," he tells me. "Though many people have children here, people die, and sometimes we get newcomers like you. It could be more or less than that count now." I walk to his side, stopping as I look over the huge bridge in front us, observing the busy group of people that are walking around on the other side between wooden stalls where there are other people handing out food and random goods, by the looks of it. I love the vines of flowers that crawl up the walls, but it makes me pause for a second.

  "Wait, how do the flowers and your plants grow without light? I'm also curious how those balls of light exist in the house and know when it's bedtime and turn off? And who makes that big light I saw yesterday that is now just a tiny ball in the sky?" I ask Storm, who only chuckles.

  "Wait here," he tells me as I frown at him in confusion. Storm walks into the middle of the bridge, and every person on the other side stops to watch. Storm closes his eyes as he raises his hands in the air. In a matter of moments, bright light beams out of his hands into the air, shooting up into the top of the prison. The beams of light start swirling around each other until they make a swirling ball of light that is very much like the sun. You can even feel the heat from it. At this moment, I see why they admire him so much. Worship him almost. He truly is something else. When I look back at Storm, he is watching me as he literally lights the world up. Something about him makes me never want to look away. After a few more moments, he stops the beams of light and lowers his hands. The crowd cheers his name as he walks across the bridge to me.

  "That's how I keep this place alive, little Karma," he says, making me remember that he is still an arrogant asshole. “Though my name is only one of my powers, I control weather.”

  "Impressive," I reply to him, as I'm not going to lie. That is all he is getting though. I step around him and walk across the bridge, hearing his footsteps close behind me. The crowd has gone back to their usual jobs, but the moment they see Storm, they all bow their heads. After making it across, I stop on the pathway.

  "Storm, baby!" I hear a woman shout, and I look to the left as a woman runs through the crowd, in a tight dress that even Mads would say is trashy, though her long blonde hair is stunning, falling around her in waves, and she has these big, blue, doll eyes. Like I'm not even here, she steps around me, and I turn to see her throw herself at Storm, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. And he damn well hugs her back, smiling at her when he lets go a few moments later.

  "Vivian, you seem happy this morning," Storm happily says.

  "I am! I saved those dying apple trees in the yard. It took a lot of work and magic, but they will live now. I've also planted some new orange trees this morning," she says in a bubbly sweet manner.

  "You're a plant goddess," I blurt out, and she turns, very slowly looking at me from head to toe before clearly deciding I'm not her friend, as she tenses up and crosses her arms. No wonder Storm likes her, plant goddesses don't like to wear clothes, their skin is soft, and they smell amazing. My mum had a plant goddess come and help her briefly when the flowers were dying in her garden. I remember watching from the window as she used her powers, and it was so beautiful to see how she connected with the flowers…even though she was naked, as mum couldn't convince her to wear clothes. My brothers thought she was the best thing since sliced bread.

  "Vivian, this is Karma. Karma, Vivian," Storm introduces us, and I step closer, offering a hand out which Vivian looks at in disgust before shaking it.

  "How did you know what I am?" Vivian asks, swiftly pulling her hand back and placing it on Storm's arm. I don't need her to say a word to make it clear she thinks Storm is hers, though he doesn't move closer to her or show any interest back. Not that it matters to me if Storm is single or not.

  "I've met a plant goddess before," I explain, and she nods with a scowl before looking up at Storm with a much nicer expression.

  "Why don't you come over to mine tonight? It must be so difficult with a packed house," she practically purrs. I sniffle a chuckle at her suggestive comment and pull my eyes away as I don't need to hear Storm agree to go over.

  "I like a busy house actually, Vivian. So no, I can't come over. Now, I promised Karma a tour, so I have to go," Storm replies, to my surprise. "See you around." I glance back as Storm comes to my side, only to see Vivian’s look of pure anger directed at me. I guess I will have to watch out for poisonous vines growing around my neck tonight. We walk further into the street that is sort of like a market, but I notice no one pays with money. Everyone is exchanging something for something else, or just giving things away.

  "So, you and Vivian?" I find myself asking and wanting to shoot myself when I realise how it sounds. Storm seems oblivious though as he answers.

  "She is my ex. We dated for a year or so, but after the lust wore off, there was nothing left between us. It wouldn't have ended well either way," he darkly states. "Enough about me though. This is the market, the main part of the prison, and you can get anything you need here. The people trade things they brought in with them or made. If you have nothing to trade, you can trade jobs instead, like cleaning, manual work or even babysitting." I leave all talk of Vivian in the past, because it really isn't anything to do with me. Nope, totally not thrilled that they’re through; doesn’t matter to me.

  "I hate that people are born here when they did nothing wrong. Surely the higher gods should let them out
into the world, they did nothing wrong," I point out.

  "Don't you understand this place yet, Karma?" Storm stops to ask me. "No one in here has ever done anything wrong. We are all innocent, and the higher gods care nothing for the lives of the innocent or guilty. They only care about themselves."

  "How do you know that?" I ask him.

  "Secrets, my little Karma," he whispers to me, making it clear he isn't telling me anything more as he starts to walk off. What secrets could the higher gods have that Storm could possibly know?


  "Hey, stranger," Jade says, making me almost jump out of my skin as she comes into the shower room where I am pulling on my clothes. "How was your day?" she asks as she starts stripping out of her clothes. Luckily, I'm not a shy person as she strips naked and runs, diving head first into the pool at the back of the cave. The room is steamy from the rising steam of the natural rock pool, which is warm and soothing to bathe in. At the front are seats carved directly out of the stone, with hooks for hanging towels on them. Whoever designed this place paid such attention to detail. It is incredible.

  "Wait, don't you hate water?" I ask her.

  "Cold water, yes; warm steam water that smells like lemons...nope," she replies. "Now how was your date with Storm?"

  "It wasn’t a date, remember? Anyways, I met Storm's ex who I think now hates me, I saw the markets, the tree yard where they farm the most food. Then we went to the final level where it is like a big stone clearing where they have classes for the kids in the day on the one side, and on the other, they practice fighting. It's crazy down there," I reply, remembering the place quite vividly.

  "Coxen told me they also do parties there. He showed me around today, it was fun," she kindly sighs.

  "Coxen seems sweet," I remark, watching her expression closely as she pulls a neutral face.

  "He is...maybe too sweet," she says, winking at me as she rests her head on her arms, floating in the water. "Now which one of the hunks we live with are you eyeing up? They are all sure looking at you at every moment they get."

  "They don't—"

  "Karma, I'm a cat with crazy extra senses. I can smell their desire and yours. Even Seth fancies you, who in my opinion is a dickhead so maybe don't choose him," she tells me, and my cheeks burn red as I take in what she just told me. They can’t all be attracted to me…right? Maybe she just got it wrong or something.

  "Dating gods is against the law," I remind her.

  "Yeah, but what is the worst that they are going to do? They have already locked you up, and to me, it looks like all the gods in here are getting it on. Coxen told me both his parents were gods," she explains.

  "And he seems pretty normal. Doesn't the law say that children born of two gods turn into monsters?" I say, remembering my mum telling me and my brothers the laws when we started officially working. We have a book in our house that tells us everything. Mum was lucky that she loved my dad, and even though he is human, it doesn’t bother him what we are. He told me once it makes life interesting.

  "It does, but I am starting to believe everything the higher gods have told us is a load of horseshit," she replies.

  "I'm starting to believe the same thing," I mutter, pulling on the hoodie that a random lady gave me in the market because she said it was my colour. Dark green. The lady was right. All day, people have stopped us, talked in such admiration about Storm, and been nothing but friendly. None of the people here are monsters...well, except maybe that creature in the lake below. I really need to ask Storm what the hell that was.

  "Maybe we are safer in here," Jade muses. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I want to get out and see my friend because it's so important to me...but outside is where we are controlled. Where we are told who we can and can't love. We are governed by the higher gods who rule with an iron fist, and in here, well I don't know about you, but Storm is one hell of a better leader."

  "I need to protect my family and see them again. Staying here isn't an option for me, Jade," I sadly reply to her. "But honestly? You're right. I like the idea of this place, living with no rules."

  "I bet you do with all those hunks looking at your butt," she says, and we both laugh as I pull my shoes on.

  "I'm going to let you bathe in peace," I tell her, walking to the door.

  "Have a good night," she replies as I leave the room, shutting the door and walking into the living room. This room is just as spectacular as the rest of the house. The cream couch is L-shaped and has a lovely wooden coffee table in the middle which faces the fireplace. The fireplace itself is handmade from stone, and there is a fire roaring inside it.

  Above the fireplace is a painting of five people sat around a table with large chairs behind them that stretch up to the ceiling. I walk closer, looking up at the people in old-fashioned white clothes, who I don't know...except for one. Storm sits on the far right in his seat, his head is held high. His hands are holding his axe on the table, and the detail of the painting is so perfect. I pull my gaze to the other four people, two women who look like night and day. The woman sat next to Storm has black hair piled high in a bun; her face is cold and expressionless. The other woman has white hair, except it falls down her shoulders in curls, and she seems nicer from the smile she wears. The other two men in the painting give me shivers. They both have red hair, a deep dark red, and matching red glowing eyes. The women have strange white and black eyes. Actually, they all look creepy.

  "Storm has a strange group of friends, doesn't he?" Seth says from close by, though I never heard him even come into the room. I look back as Seth sits down on the sofa, and I watch carefully for his mood as I choose to sit on the other sofa. I know I should give up and leave Seth be, because he clearly doesn’t like me, but for some reason I just want to find out the reason why. What I actually did to make him hate me.

  "Why do you dislike me so much?" I ask him. "Our date was a disaster, yes, but you actually got to walk away in the end, and I had to find a healer!"

  "It's not about the fucking date, Karma," he huffs. "And I really have said sorry quite a few times about that night. If you hadn't disappeared, I would have gotten you a healer."

  "I thought I'd cut my losses and fix myself on my own. I mean, that flying pig did knock you out and—"

  "Maybe someone shouldn't have made a bet with a leprechaun that pigs couldn't fly," Seth remarks, but we both are smiling by this point, and I can't help but laugh, which sets him off as well.

  "So, what is it that makes you hate me?" I ask, wanting to get to the bottom of this whole thing.

  "You think I hate you?" he asks, looking confused.

  "Well, yeah," I reply.

  "I don't hate you. I liked you after that date, and I would have demanded a second chance at that date if you were human. I hoped you would have a good life, not a fucked up one like you now have. I hated when we were given your name," he tells me and takes a deep breath. “I hate how the people that locked us in here clearly wanted to get to you and make sure we never told a soul about you. Karma, I hate that you are trouble, but actually, you are alright.”

  "Seth..." I reply, not having a clue what to say about that.

  "Don't worry about replying, I really don't want to hear it. I'm not the nice guy you need in your life," Seth angrily comments, the moment we seemed to have just had instantly gone and replaced by his usual attitude. He walks to the door, and I almost regret the words that leave my lips.

  "I liked our date. I never forgot it like every other date I’ve ever had. I wished you were human too." Seth pauses under the doorway to look back, and I can't process what the emotion is in his eyes. Without another word, he disappears, and I'm left wondering what exactly just happened between us. I wouldn’t say we are now friends, but we are a little less than strangers that had one date. I walk through the entrance hall and into the empty kitchen, seeing the study door behind is open. Even though I should know better, I walk to the study door and push it open a little more, seeing Storm reading a book on a c

  “You can come in, little Karma,” Storm says, making me jump. I sheepishly grin as I step into the room, seeing the shelves on each side of the walls that have books on them. “These are all the books that people have brought in with them. Though I’ve read every one of them, and people borrow them from time to time. Any chance you brought a book in?”

  “No, I didn’t,” I say with a sigh, knowing a book could make this place all the more interesting. I’ve never been a big reader, not like Mads is, but whenever I need cheering up or to get lost in another magical world, I’d ask Mads for a book recommendation. That’s when Mads’s nerdy side came out in full force as she found her Kindle.

  “If you could have done, what book would you choose?” he asks. “I find this question very interesting. Your choice of book will tell me a lot about you.”

  “Honestly?” I say, leaning against the door. “I’d find a book on magical prison break outs and how to successfully do them.” He laughs in surprise at my answer, and I grin.

  “You are unexpected, little Karma. Like a breath of fresh air,” he tells me, and I’ve never cared much for simple compliments, but Storm makes them seem that much more.

  “Thank you for taking me out today. This place, it is nothing like I ever imagined or heard about. Everyone out there thinks the prison is full of heartless monsters in cages,” I explain to him, straightening up as I lock my eyes with Storm’s. “This place…the only heartless thing is the walls. I wish everyone outside could know that.”

  “Maybe one day…though I’ve given up hope I will ever see outside of here again,” he says, and for a second, I see the desperation in his eyes. The sadness. “Will you tell me everything you like the most about outside?”

  “Sure,” I say, moving to sit on the chair Storm waves a hand at. I don’t know how many hours I sit in Storm’s office, telling him about the outside world the best I can. It feels like I’m reading him a book, ironically one that we are both stuck reading forever.


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