Love/Hate: The Complete Enemies to Lovers Series

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Love/Hate: The Complete Enemies to Lovers Series Page 7

by Lilian Monroe



  I flop down in my bed and groan. My palms fly to my face and I roll over onto my side, groaning louder. The whole drive home was a blur, and now I’m just replaying the kiss in my head over and over.

  And over.

  And over.

  My whole body is still buzzing. Every time I think about his hands on my skin, the way he ripped my shirt out from my skirt, I groan again.

  Why did I stop him?

  Maybe he would have bent me over the hood of his car right then and there. I squeeze my eyes shut. I could feel his hard length pressing into my stomach when he pushed me up against the car. I take a deep breath and groan again.

  I was so turned on. I’m still turned on! I want him—I know I do. So why did I freak out? That was the craziest kiss and I ruined it.

  I have to go back into work tomorrow knowing that we did that. Knowing that I stopped it!

  Pushing myself off the bed, I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I gulp it down and then grab my phone. Should I text him?

  I snort at the thought. What would I even say?

  My phone ringing startles me. I take a deep breath when my sister’s name pops up on the screen.

  “Hey, Jenna.”

  “Nic! I haven’t heard from you all week. How is work going?”

  “Work is good.” I run my finger along the edge of my glass. “You know, busy. The usual.”

  I cringe. I shouldn’t have kissed him, but I liked it.

  Jenna makes a noise. “Look, I wanted to talk to you because Gabby’s birthday is coming up. I was thinking of having a family dinner on Saturday if you’re free? Nothing too crazy, just us and you and a birthday cake.

  “Sure, sounds good,” I say as I walk back toward the bedroom. “What time?”

  “Five o’clock?”

  I chuckle. “I ate dinner at almost nine tonight. Five is practically lunchtime.”

  “Try having kids,” she laughs. A jolt passes through my heart. I was supposed to have a baby by now, but then the accident happened.

  Jenna sense my mood. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay,” I say. “I’ll see you Saturday.”

  “Get some sleep.”

  “Okay, Mom.”

  She laughs. “Someone needs to take care of you.”

  We hang up the phone and I lie back down in bed. Someone does need to take care of me. Today, it felt like Martin was the one to do it. He could have taken care of me, right there in the parking lot. My hand drifts down to my mound and I take a deep breath.

  But… it’s wrong. He’s practically my boss. If anyone were to find out, I could lose my job. He certainly wouldn’t, he’s a partner at the firm. But me?

  I’d be right back where I started, with no money, no job, no insurance payment, and a whole heap of medical bills.

  On cue, my side starts to ache. I rummage through the medicine cabinet and find some painkillers, and then get ready for bed.

  Alone, as usual.

  When I get to work in the morning, the nervousness inside me is still there. I glance down the hallway toward Martin’s office and then sit down at my desk. I think I slept funny because my back is aching—but maybe it’s just nerves. My pain seems to get worse when I’m stressed.

  I glance at the clock—just after 7 a.m. With a deep breath, I turn on my computer and open the files for one of Carmen’s cases. She needs me to do a lot of filing today, which is mindless and tedious, and gives me a lot of time to think about last night on repeat.

  I know I’ll be imagining the kiss over, and over, and over…

  After only a few minutes, I blow the air out of my lungs and stand up. I need a coffee.

  I take the long way around to the kitchen, just to walk by Martin’s office. The light is on—of course it is, he’s always one of the first ones here.

  My hands tremble as I make a coffee. I hesitate, then say ‘fuck it’ under my breath and make another one. The two mugs steam, and coffee sloshes back and forth as I walk toward Martin’s office.

  Call it a peace offering—or maybe just an excuse to see him. I wonder if he knows how good he looks in a suit.

  Of course he does. He’s Martin Henderson. He wouldn’t be buying expensive, perfectly-tailored suits if he didn’t know how good he looked in them… and how much it makes me want to rip them off.

  The door is closed, so I set one of the mugs on the ground and knock.

  “Come in,” his deep growl comes through the door. Heat pools between my legs. I turn the knob and pick up the cup of coffee, kicking the door closed behind me.

  I lift the cups. “Coffee?”

  He’s going over a big stack of files. He glances up and his face softens. He nods.


  I walk forward and put the mug down on his desk. He thanks me again and takes a sip. We look at each other for a few moments. I shift from foot to foot, running my finger along the edge of my mug.

  “Look, Martin, about last night—”

  “Don’t mention it. It was inappropriate.”

  My mouth is still open so I close it. I nod.


  His eyes are burning a hole through me. We stare at each other for a long moment, and then he stands up from his chair. My heart starts beating faster as he comes around toward me. He takes the mug out of my hands and places it next to his on the desk.

  I watch him, immobile. He takes a deep breath, looking at my pencil skirt, and my shirt. His hand drifts up the buttons that line the front and he touches my jaw with the backs of his fingers. He runs his hand back to my hair, tilting my chin up toward him.

  “Why are you here?”

  I falter. “I brought you coffee.”

  “Is that all?” He brings his other hand up and runs his thumb across my lower lip. I part my lips and my breath hitches at the touch. My legs are shaking. He slides his thumb between my lips and I close my eyes, sucking it gently. He exhales, pulling it out again. When he slides it back in again, I roll my tongue over the tip of it. He groans. His fingers curl into the nape of my neck and he slides his thumb in and out of my mouth once more.

  “I don’t think you’re here to bring me coffee,” he growls.

  I whimper.

  “I think you’re here because you haven’t been able to stop thinking about last night.” He backs me up so that my ass presses up against his desk. His hand is still holding my head tilted up toward him, and he trails his thumb from my lips down to my chin.

  “I think you went home and thought of me,” he says in a low voice. His thigh nestles between mine, and I know he can feel the heat emanating from my core.

  He parts my lips with his thumb. Slowly, torturously, he slides his thumb between my lips again. He dips his head down so his breath tickles my ear. His big, muscular body cages me against the desk.

  “I think you masturbated to the thought of me.” Thumb in, and out, and in. “I think you wish that was my cock.”

  I moan.

  He drops his hand from my chin and moves it to my thigh, tugging my pencil skirt up around my hips.

  “See, I think you want something else,” he growls, his lips close to mine. His foot kicks my legs apart and he presses me up against the desk. With his hand behind my neck and his body pinning me against his desk, I can’t move. Not that I’d want to.

  My whole body is on fire. My heart is hammering in my chest and I whimper when he moves his hand between my legs. He runs his fingers over the thin fabric of my panties. My breath is ragged and I roll my hips toward him.

  “See?” He grins. “I know what you want.”

  His lips brush against mine as gently as his fingers touch my underwear. He kisses me harder, sliding his fingers along the edge of my panties. My legs tremble. His grip on the nape of my neck tightens.

  His fingers slide underneath my panties and he growls when he feels my slit.

  “You’re soaking wet.”

  “I know.”

  His thick, str
ong fingers start sliding back and forth, teasing my opening and just brushing my bud. I’m panting now. His body presses into mine, making me lean back against the desk. His fingers move a little harder as he keeps his face close to mine. I can feel his hot breath washing over me as his hand sends waves of pleasure through my whole body.

  “Anyone could walk in,” I pant, not really caring about it at all.

  “Well, you’d better hurry up and come, then.” He lifts his hand up to his lips and tastes my honey. He closes his eyes and groans. “I’ve been wanting to taste you since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

  I exhale at his words, and he pulls my head back. He kisses my neck, returning his fingers back to my sopping wet slit. When he slides his fingers inside me, I gasp. He curls them just the right way, driving them in and out of me as his thumb brushes against my clit.

  My head is spinning. My whole body is on fire. He growls next to my ear, running his tongue up the side of my neck. It might be the fact that a man hasn’t touched me in a very long time, but it feels like more than that.

  He’s got total control over me right now. I’m his, completely. He tilts my head back and crushes his lips against mine as his fingers find that spot on the front of my walls. He grins as my body jumps in his hands. I moan again, burying my face in his neck. I bite down on his suit jacket, moaning louder.

  His hand moves faster and I’m getting closer to the edge. He drops his hand from the back of my neck and leans me back, popping open the buttons of my blouse in a swift movement. With his fingers buried deep inside me and his thumb twirling around my clit, he rips my bra down and cups my breasts. I lean back on the desk and hear papers falling to the ground, but I don’t care.

  His head dips down and he takes my breast in his mouth.

  My back arches, my legs shake, and my mouth drops open in a silent scream.

  “That’s it, angel,” he growls, teasing my nipples. “Come for me. Come right here on my desk like that bad girl you are.”

  He drives his fingers deeper and they make a wet, slurping sound that vaguely registers in my mind. I can’t think straight, because all I can focus on is the heat between my legs and my inability to hold myself up.

  I fly over the edge as Martin’s deep growl urges me onward. “Come all over my hands, angel. Soak through those dirty little panties of yours.”

  He pulls me to him and crushes his lips against mine, and I’m done. I shake in his arms, holding onto him for dear life as I come over and over and over onto his fingers.

  When it’s over, I stare at him, panting. He looks at me, with my blouse ripped open and my bra pulled off my breasts. He stares at my skirt bunched up around my hips and shakes his head.

  “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he says. “Do you know that?”



  I gently replace Nicole’s underwear and pull her skirt down over her legs. She leans into me, laying a soft kiss on my lips. Her hands drift downward and she feels the rock-hard erection tenting my pants. I pull her hands away, shaking my head.

  “Uh-uh,” I sigh. “Not yet.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  “Greedy girl,” I grin, smacking her ass. I kiss her, and the feeling of her breasts pressed up against me sends another rush of blood between my legs.

  “I want you to feel like I do,” she says, reaching for my pants again. “I… I don’t know why I stopped yesterday.”

  I grab her wrists with one hand and spin her around. I use my other arm to pull her body into mine and press my erection into her ass.

  “You’ll get it soon enough,” I growl. “But I’m going to make you wait.”

  “Why?” Nicole’s eyes are closed as she leans her head back into me. Her blouse is still open, and I let my fingers drift over her breasts. She shivers.

  “I want to enjoy every second of this,” I say. “First, I’ll make you come again with my hands.” I tighten my hold on her wrists and run my other hand up toward her neck. “And then my mouth.” I kiss the sensitive skin below her ear. “And then my cock.” She whimpers when I press my length against her ass. “And I want to take my time. I’m not going to bend you over and fuck you on this desk. Not yet.”

  “What if I want you to?”

  “Well, you’re just going to have to be patient.” I let go of her wrists and turn her back around toward me. I kiss her softly, and then start buttoning her blouse again. “Better get dressed, people will be arriving at the office soon.”

  Nicole stares at me, wide-eyed, as she buttons her blouse. I watch her straighten her clothes and tie her hair back. She looks at my desk and grabs her cup of coffee, grimacing when she takes a sip.


  “Wonder why that is.”

  She laughs, shaking her head. “You know, I did just come in here to bring you a cup of coffee as a peace offering. I didn’t think…”

  I run my fingers along her jaw and kiss her again. “I dreamt of you all night,” I growl. “I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you when I saw you again.”

  She sighs, closing her eyes and leaning her forehead against mine.

  “What happened to being inappropriate? This hardly constitutes professional conduct.” She grins at me.

  I shrug. “I’m only human.”

  “I liked…” She blushes. My cock throbs. “I liked it. You… What you did.”

  “I know you did.” Her pupils dilate and my cock throbs. She fucking loved every second of it. “I know what you like, Nicole. I’m sick of holding back.”

  She nods, and her eyes linger on mine. Then she turns and straightens her shoulders before walking out the door. I hear Kelly’s surprised greeting and Nicole’s over-enthusiastic response. I grin and turn to the mess of papers on my desk and the floor.

  I don’t see Nicole for the rest of the day, and I do my best to focus on work. Once in a while, though, I think of the way she looked with her skirt up near her waist. I think of the face she made when she came, and how she bit into my shoulder to stifle her scream.

  I never knew working late was a perk until Nicole slips into my office around nine o’clock.

  “Hey.” She leans against the door as a blush creeps up her cheeks. “You miss me?”


  I stand up, and she locks the door. There’s no preamble, no wasting any time. The instant the door is locked, my arms are around her and I’m devouring her. She reaches for my belt buckle and I tsk.

  “What did I tell you this morning?”


  I put my fingers to her lips and she pouts. I guide her toward the couch.

  “I told you I was going to take my time,” I growl. She bites her lip, and I wonder if I’ll even be able to hold back. I sit down on the couch in front of her.

  “Take off your clothes. Let me see you.”

  Her eyes widen and a flush creeps over her cheeks. Then, without a word, she starts unbuttoning her blouse, one button at a time. I groan and my eyes lower with her fingers. She slips the blouse off her shoulders and lays it on a chair. Then, she unzips her skirt and slips it off. She starts taking off her shoes but I stop her.

  “Keep them on,” I growl. She bites her lip and nods.

  “Yes, sir.”

  I groan. “I like when you talk to me like that.”

  She takes a step toward me and I lean forward, running my hands up her legs. Her panties are the same color as her bra—white with delicate lace on the edges.

  “You like when I call you ‘sir’?”

  I nod and she turns around for me. I run my hands over her ass and she looks at me over her shoulder.

  “Mr. Big Shot likes to be in control.”

  I smack her ass. “Maybe I do.”

  “Well, what do you want me to do?”

  My cock throbs. She looks at me, fluttering those long lashes at me. Her hands run up her arms and she lets her bra straps fall off her shoulders. I watch, entranced, as she un-clasp
s her bra and tosses it toward the chair with her other clothing.

  “Show me your pussy.”

  She bites her lip again, and I exhale slowly. I’ve hardly touched her and I feel like I’m going to explode. She hooks her fingers into her panties and drops them to the ground, kicking them aside with her tall black stilettos.

  I can’t resist any more. I growl, pulling her toward me. I drag my fingers through her slit and gasp at her wetness. She straddles me on the couch, grinding her naked body on top of mine. My hands run over her body, touching and tugging and feeling and grabbing. I reach between her legs and she gasps when I slide two fingers deep inside her.

  Then, she rocks her hips back and forth and fucks my hand. She lets out little moans as I curl my fingers inside her, reaching deep for her most sensitive spot.

  “Come all over my hand, baby girl,” I growl. “Make a mess of my pants. I want you to come all over me.”

  She gasps, moaning again as she rides me. With one hand still inside her, I reach back and smack her ass with a loud clap. She yelps, falling into me and pressing her breasts into my face. She rides my hand harder as I suck her tits until I feel her come all over me.

  I moan with her, loving the way her body is contracting and convulsing on top of me. When she lets out a long moan and falls quiet, I groan and slip my fingers out of her.

  “Martin—” she gasps. Before she can speak, I hook my arms under her thighs and lift her up. She gasps.

  “Sit on my fucking face, angel,” I growl. She lets out a loud moan when my mouth connects with her clit.



  I didn’t think Martin was serious when he said he’d make me wait. But when a second orgasm washes over me as I quiver on his face, I know he meant it.

  He growls, lowering me down and holding me close to his chest.

  “Mmm,” he says, licking his lips. “You taste so fucking good.”

  I blush. “You think so?”

  “Fucking right I do.”

  There’s a primal, animalistic look in his eyes that turns me on like never before. He runs his hands down my body. He cups my ass and gives it a squeeze. I straddle him, toying with the buttons of his shirt.


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