Big Easy (Cowboy Craze)

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Big Easy (Cowboy Craze) Page 33

by Sable Hunter

  “Enough!” Taking her in his arms, he moved to the bed.

  “Is playtime over?” She pouted her lips, enjoying the look of near desperation on his face.

  Seeing her lying there, spread out and waiting for him, Easy groaned, “Just beginning, treasure.” Losing the jeans in record time, he shucked off his underwear and stood before her. His cock was strutted with desire – huge and throbbing. Taking the thick shaft in hand, he pumped it a few times in anticipation. “Give me your mouth.” He moved over Jewel, nipping her bottom lip, eating at her mouth.

  Jewel clung to him, reveling in his passion, kissing him back just as feverishly. When he pulled away, she thought she’d weep, until he moved down her body to kneel at her feet. Raising her left leg, Easy caressed the arch of her foot, kissing a path from ankle to knee. “Roll over,” he spoke in a hushed, intense tone.

  Turning over quickly, Jewel hoped she preserved some semblance of grace. She was so excited, the cream of her arousal trickled down the inside of her thigh.

  “On your knees, place your head on the pillow.”

  His demanding, commanding tone did it for Jewel. Willingly, she did as he asked, literally shaking with desire. Two heartbeats later, she moaned as his warm mouth found her sex. “Oh, God, yes,” she keened, clawing at the bed sheet. Being unable to see what he was doing just made the sensations he gave her more intense. The hot licks from his talented tongue made her whimper and when he spread her open with his fingers and buried his face in her sex, Jewel thought she’d black out. From that point on, all Jewel could do was hang onto the mattress, Easy set out on a quest to make her scream—and he succeeded. Jewel came so hard she bit a hole in her pillowcase.

  Easy couldn’t stop looking her. Jewel was stunning. There was no sexier woman in the world. Taking his engorged cock in hand, he fit himself into the cleft of her sex, coating his shaft in her cream before pulling back to push the wide crest slowly into her opening. Closing his eyes, he reveled in the ecstasy of his cockhead being enveloped in the silky heat of her pussy.

  “So good,” Jewel whispered as he worked his way inside of her. She was far more addicted to him than she could’ve ever thought possible. When he pulled out to thrust back in, she countered his move, impaling herself.

  Taking her hard, he came over Jewel, kissing her neck, grazing the soft flesh with his teeth. When she tightened down around him, begging, “More, please! Harder!” Easy saw stars.

  Hammering into her, Easy gave her what she needed. Her little channel caressed him, milked him, burned him with her hunger. “Oh, merciful fuck,” he growled, his body already shaking with the need to explode. Sliding his hands around her, he grasped one quivering globe while the other hand found the pearl of her clit. “Come for me, baby. Come for me, love.”

  Whether it was his words or his touch, Easy didn’t know – but she shattered for him, her body responding in the perfect way a woman surrenders to her man. With a sexy cry, Jewel came all over him, the pulsing contractions of her womanhood pushing him over the edge. A deluge of sensations kept his cock pumping in and out of her even after the clasps of her femininity milked him of every drop.

  With a groan, he kissed Jewel between her shoulder blades. “That was amazing.”

  “Incredible.” She panted, her body trembling with the effort to stay on her knees.

  Easing from her body, he wrapped an arm around her, rolling to one side with him landing on his back and her spread on top of him. “Do I make you happy, treasure?”

  Without thinking – without weighing the cost, Jewel gave him her answer. “Completely.” She sighed, relaxing fully against him. “Completely.”


  “You are a witch,” Easy gasped as his head hit the pillow, his whole body vibrating with the aftershocks of a climax strong enough to knock the wind from his lungs. “Come here.” He pulled Jewel into his arms and kissed her softly. “Good morning to you, beautiful.” A lazy smile formed on his face when he thought of how she’d awakened him with her warm, sexy mouth on his cock. “How can I say thank you for such an amazing wake-up call?”

  Jewel yawned and snuggled deeper into his embrace. “The way you returned the favor was all the thanks I needed.” She felt thoroughly sated from the way he’d pleasured her until she screamed for joy. “Let’s go back to sleep now. Okay?”

  Easy chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. “Close your eyes. I’ll hold you until the sun greets the new day.”

  …A few hours later, a dip in the mattress and the aromatic scent of fried bacon brought Jewel’s eyes wide open. “Easy?”

  “Sit up in the bed, treasure. Breakfast is served.”

  She levered herself up, scooting to lean against pillows he arranged behind her back. “You cooked for me?”

  “I did.” Easy watched her stretch, pushing her hair from her eyes. “You’re so cute. I love this sleepy-eyed, fresh from the bed look you’ve got going on.” Ignoring her blush, he sat a tray across her lap, making sure it was level so nothing would spill. “Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast, and some interesting looking jelly I found in the fridge. I’m not sure what flavor it is, but it smells great.”

  “Mayhaw,” she whispered, totally touched that he would go to so much trouble for her. “I picked the berries not far from here and made the jelly myself.”

  “You’ll have to teach me.” He took his own plate off the tray to sit next to her while they ate. “I used to pick wild mustang grapes for Mom. She’d make some of the best jelly in the world with them.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” She nodded, licking her fingers. “Mayhaws ripen in May, of course. “We’ll gather some and I’ll show you how – if you’re still here.” As she said the words, uncertainty hit her like a freight train.

  “Sure.” Easy took a big bite of toast, chewing it thoughtfully. “I’ll still be here. This job could…turn into something permanent. Philip has offered Jed and I a stake in the profits.” A wave of homesickness washed over him. The job at Belle Chasse was great – but he never intended to stay forever. But that was before…

  “Well, that’s great, Easy. Congratulations.” Jewel could sense his confusion. From his thoughts, she could pick up the faces of his brothers, his parents, even the land he called home. Afraid of what he might say next, she jumped onto the next topic. “So, what do you want to do today?”

  “Huh.” He finished a slice of bacon. “I don’t care. We can stay close to home. Take a drive. Maybe a picnic?”

  “Oh, I like that idea.” She ate a forkful of eggs, licking a little butter from her lips. “Just a lazy day will be great.”

  “When I want to have a relaxing day, I take a horseback ride to nowhere in particular.” Spreading a little more jelly on his toast, he gave her the first bite. “How about you?”

  Waiting to answer until she swallowed, Jewel shrugged. “I tend to piddle around the house and just catch up on work.” She placed her fork on her near empty plate. When she did, Jewel noticed the hapless state of her nails. “I don’t even remember the last time I had a manicure.”

  “Do you want to find someone to do your nails? My treat!”

  Instinctively, she curled her fingers into her fists, wishing she hadn’t brought attention to them. “I know they look terrible, but I can’t do that – I’m not for people touching me too much.”

  “Hey.” Seeing he’d struck some kind of chord he moved the tray and their dishes out of the way. “Hey.” He took her hand in his. “Your nails are fine.” Easy raised her palm to his lips. “And I’m just grateful you let me touch you. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Jewel was embarrassed. “I’ll clean up the dishes.”

  “No.” He shut that idea down fast. “I’ll do it. You get ready for our excursion while I set things right in the kitchen.”

  “All right. Thank you.” She let him go, needing a few minutes to herself. What was she doing? Was this the adventure of a lifetime or the biggest mistake of her life?

  After freshen
ing up, she dressed, then headed to find Easy. She was a bit surprised to run into him when she rounded the corner. “Sorry.”

  Grasping her arms, he steadied them both. “Hey, I just got a phone call from Philip. Would you mind driving out to Belle Chasse with me?”

  “Not at all,” she told him, taking the opportunity to place a kiss on his cheek. “I’ve always wanted to see the place.”

  “Great. Thanks.” He grabbed her purse from the back of a chair and guided her out the door. “This won’t be entirely a joy ride, but we can make the best of it.”

  Jewel picked up her pace, sensing he was in a hurry. “Is something wrong?”

  “Well, yea. Maybe.” He helped her in the truck, then ran around to climb behind the wheel. “Philip had to fly to Texas. There was a family emergency.”

  “Oh, no. What’s wrong?”

  “His sister, Pepper, flew to Vancouver with her musician husband for some type of interview. On their return trip, the private plane they were in dropped off the radar. There was a radio transmission of some kind, but it’s assumed they’ve crashed somewhere over northern Montana.”

  “How horrible!” Jewel exclaimed. “I’m so sorry. Poor Philip.”

  “Oh, they’re in hopes they’ll find them alive. Those McCoy’s just don’t give up.”

  “I can’t imagine how worried they are.” Jewel felt frustrated, wondering if there was anything she could do.

  “Yea, he sounded very concerned. I know they’re putting together some search parties.” He put on his blinker to turn onto the main highway. “In the meantime, Philip wants us to check on Wren Rabalais. Apparently, he gave her a satellite phone before he left, and now she’s not answering.”

  “A satellite phone? Wow. Those are expensive.”

  “Yea, I imagine they are.” His eyes followed a hawk as it flew over a nearby sugarcane field. “Hopefully, she’s fine and just wandered outside leaving the phone in her cabin or something.”

  “I hope so too.” Jewel placed her hand on Easy’s thigh. “Don’t worry. I’m sure everything will be fine.”

  “I know.” He placed his hand over hers, linking their fingers. “We’ll get there and she’ll be right as rain.”

  “So, is Philip seeing Wren?”

  Easy looked a bit surprised. “I’m not sure. Apparently, he’s checked on her a few times. I do know he’s grateful for the way she rushed in to help him when he was in trouble with the snake and the trap.”

  “I would guess so. She sounds very brave.”

  “Yea, I suppose. Wren is a little different from the women Philip normally dates.”

  Jewel giggled a bit self-consciously. “Well, I’m different from the women you usually date too.”

  Easy glanced at her, his brow furrowed. “Yes. Thank God.” He brought her hand to his lips for a kiss. “I know he asked her to the Blue Goose Friday night, but she turned him down. So…who knows?”

  “Philip won’t be back until they find his sister and her husband, will he?”

  “I suspect not.” Easy exhaled loudly. “Hopefully, they’ll locate them quickly. All safe and sound.”

  “Yea, I hope so too.”

  “You don’t…see anything about it, do you?” Easy asked with a bit of hesitation.

  “No. I don’t. It doesn’t really work like that. I don’t have a connection to them. I’d need something of theirs to read.”

  He swallowed and nodded. “They’ll find them soon.”

  As they drew into town, he slowed down for an upcoming traffic signal. As he did, Easy noticed a pickup next to the road with a sign advertising Fresh Crawfish. “Alzophine is selling today. I met her the day I moved in at your place.”

  “Oh, she’s a character. She’s been around a long time. Her family lost their shrimp boats in Katrina. Like so many, they fell on hard times. I think she lives with her granddaughter now, a pretty girl named Chastity.”

  “Chastity? There was a performer at the Blue Goose last night by that same name.”

  Jewel stiffened at the mention of the club. “If she had pale blonde hair, it might’ve been Alzophine’s granddaughter.” She cleared her throat and sat up straighter. “The only reason I say that was because I heard her sing once.”

  “This woman had a truly beautiful voice.”

  Jewel tested his words for a hint of attraction, but she found none. “Remember me telling you I was asked to leave a church function once?”


  “Well, Chastity was there. This was an after-school program that catered to neighborhood kids whose parents didn’t go to church regularly. It provided somewhere safe for the youth to go and get a good meal, have some fun together. They were able to mix with the children of the faithful, maybe pick up a few good habits, learn some church songs, play games together – you know, harmless stuff.”

  “Only you weren’t welcome.”

  “Well, no.” Jewel laughed. “Apparently, there had to be some standards.” As Easy scoffed, she fought back a nostalgic feeling of dismay. “Anyway, during the brief moments before I was escorted out, I heard Chastity singing. She sounded like an angel.”

  “Was the pastor’s last name Vincent, per chance?”

  Jewel lifted her head to stare at him. “Well, I think it was. How would you know?”

  Easy tapped the side of his head. “Putting two and two together.”

  “A Jed Vincent works with you,” she spoke slowly. “That Jed Vincent. I remember him! Wow, small world!”

  “I guess so. Jed told me his dad was a preacher. In fact, he’s ordained too. He just chooses not to preach now, I guess.”

  “Was he at the Blue Goose Friday night?” Jewel asked in a curious tone.

  “Yea, he was,” Easy said. “With a woman named Kris Donnell. Do you know her?”

  “Not really. I do recognize the name, I think. Isn’t she the one who owns a plant nursery on the outskirts of town?”

  “Yea, I believe so. I didn’t get the feeling Jed considered Kris to be a date. I got the distinct impression she was there to be a buffer.”

  “Huh. Well, I’ve heard people talk about Kris.” She laughed wryly. “When they’re not talking about me, that is. I don’t tend to give the opinion of those critics too much weight.”

  “Marion made some sort of snide comment about Kris, but I didn’t ask her what she meant.”

  Marion? Jewel’s inside clenched. This must’ve been the name of Easy’s date. “Rumor has it that Kris Donnell is gay. I don’t know if it’s true or not, and it certainly doesn’t matter to me. Unfortunately, this small southern town doesn’t look much more favorably on a lesbian than it does on a witch.”

  “Huh.” Easy frowned. “I didn’t get that vibe from her at all.”

  Jewel giggled. “Well, you being a connoisseur of women, I guess you’d pick up on that sort of thing pretty fast.”

  “Oh, hush.” He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips for another kiss. “Jed did say he and Kris were old friends. She used to go to a church his dad pastored in another parish.”

  “So, how was Kris being a buffer for Jed?”

  “Well, when Marion mentioned Chastity would be performing, I noticed he and Kris both froze for a second.”

  Marion. Again.

  “And when Chastity began to sing – I’d swear, she sang right to Jed. He looked like he was hypnotized by her. It almost seemed like he was staring at her from behind this invisible wall. A wall too high for him to climb.”

  Jewel blinked at Easy. “Wow, that was deep. So, you think there’s something between Chastity and Jed?”

  “No.” He shook his head as he put on the brakes, noting that several cars were stopped ahead of them. “I didn’t say that.” Easy sighed. “I’m not sure what I’m saying.”

  “You left the Blue Goose fairly early the other night.” She weighed her words. “After the first show, the entertainment changes a bit.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked as he peered ahead of the

  “Some of the performers strip.”


  Jewel laughed. “Is that disappointment I hear in your voice?”

  “What?” He grimaced and scoffed. “No, no disappointment.”

  Their conversation was cut short when a man in a highway patrol uniform came walking down the center stripe toward them. He stopped at each vehicle and said something to the driver before moving on.

  “What’s happening?” Jewel asked.

  “I don’t know,” Easy muttered as he rolled down his own window. “Hello, officer.”

  “Morning.” He pointed behind him. “There’s been an accident up ahead. It’ll be a little while before the road is cleared.”

  “Was anyone hurt?” Jewel asked the officer, who wasn’t anyone she ever remembered meeting before.

  “A pedestrian was killed.” He gave a nod of his head, then moved on to the vehicle behind them.

  “How awful,” Jewel muttered, staring straight ahead as people climbed from their cars to see what they could see.

  Easy watched also, glancing around to see where they were. “What’s that over there?” he pointed to some rustic looking cabins in the distance.

  “Laurel Plantation. Those are old slave cabins.” She nodded ahead of them. “Some guy is coming this way.”

  He turned his focus to greet the young redheaded man approaching. “Hey.”

  “Man, this is crazy.”

  “Do you know what happened?” Easy asked.

  “Yea, this trucker ran over some woman. She came running out of the cane field and right into the path of the truck. Like she was trying to get away from somebody. Weird thing was – she was naked.”

  Jewel shivered, suddenly overwhelmed by remnants of the past. There was so much sorrow at this place. She knew what happened here today had nothing to do with what transpired a century ago, but the impressions lingering from the slave days and the massacre that took place here were hard to ignore.

  “I don’t guess they figured out what or who was chasing her?” Easy asked as he gazed down the center line of the highway to where he could see flashing lights in the distance.


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