Braddock, Edward
Braintree, Mass.
Bray, John
Breed’s Hill
Bristol, Pa.
British army:
aristocrats in
in Boston
Boston abandoned by
buying of commissions in
casualties and hardships of
cavalry of
Continental Army compared with
councils of war in
court-martials for rape in
deserters from
elite troops in
English battle style of
formidable numerical strength of
German mercenary troops hired in support of, see Hessian troops
GW’s early experience in
health and hygiene of
Loyalists recruited by
morale of
in New York
night raids and plunder by
prisoners taken by
punishment in
purloined letters of GW acquired by
recreation in
red coats of
regulars in
reinforcement of
sentries in
spies for
training and discipline of
women and camp followers with
British Articles of War
British Empire
see also American colonies; Canada; England; Ireland; Scotland
British Foreign Ministry
British navy, see Royal Navy
British Parliament
conduct of war in debated in
George III’s appearances at opening of
war opposition in
see also House of Commons; House of Lords
Bronx River
Brooklyn, Battle of
American casualties in
American defeat in
British casualties in
capture and treatment of American prisoners in
GW at
savage and valiant fighting in
secret escape of American forces after
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Bedford Road in
British occupation of
ferry landing in
Flatbush Road in
fortifications in
Gowanus Road in
Jamaica Pass in
Brooklyn Heights,
fortification of
strategic importance of
Brown, Philip
Brunswick, N.J.
Brush, Crean
Bunker Hill
British fortifications at
Bunker Hill, Battle of
American surprise attack at
British casualties at
British victory at
terror and confusion of
veterans of
Burgoyne, John
character and personality of
plays of
Burke, Edmund
Burlington, N.J.
Burr, Aaron
Bushwick Creek
Cadwalader, John
Caesar, Gaius Julius
Cambridge, Mass.
American occupation of
army hospital at
Common in
GW’s headquarters in
Campbell, John
camp fever
Caner, Henry
Cape Ann
Cape Cod
Carcass, HMS
Caribbean Sea
Carysfort, HMS
Castle Island
Castle William
Cato (Addison)
Cavendish, Lord
Centurion, HMS
Charles River
Charleston, S.C.
Charlestown, Mass.
American attack on
British occupation of
see also Bunker Hill
Charlotte Sophia, Queen of England
Chatham, HMS
Chatham, Lord
Chatterton’s Hill
Church, Benjamin
Civil War, U.S.
Clarke, William
Clinton, George
Clinton, Henry,
military strategy of
in New York
physical appearance and personality of
Rhode Island expedition of
South Carolina defeat of
William Howe and
Closter, N.J.
Cobble Hill (Mass.)
Cochrane, John
Common Sense (Paine)
Concord, Mass.
army units from
Connecticut Rangers
Continental Army:
absence, desertion and defection from
alcohol available to
ammunition and provisions lacking in
blacks and Indians in
bonuses granted to
at Boston
British army compared with
British capture and treatment of soldiers in
British contempt for
casualties in
cavalry lacking in
chaplains in
cowardice and insubordination in
daily prayers in
decline of
diverse ethnicity, trades and classes in
drinking and foul language in
exchange and reinforcement of troops in
experience and discipline lacking in
fife and drum corps in
firearms of
fitness of
flag of
French and Indian War veterans in
GW’s divisions of
GW’s personal exhortations to
hard labor and resourcefulness of
in march from Boston to New York
medical care in
military dress of
militias and volunteer troops in
monthly pay in
morale of
mutiny and fighting in
numerical strength of
older men in
prisoners taken by
punishment and restriction of
recruiting of
reenlistments in
regional differences and biases in
reinforcement of
sentries in
sickness and lack of hygiene in
signal system of
slaves pressed into labor by
as “Sons of Liberty,”
spies for
tents and shelters of
unruliness and theft in
young boys in
see also specific army units
Continental Congress
appointment of GW as commander-in-chief by
Baltimore relocation of
Board of War of
delegates to
Executive Committee of
GW honored by
GW’s communications with
Hancock as president of
inactivity in
independence declared by
Cooke, Nicholas
Copley, John Singleton
Corbin, John
Corbin, Margaret “Molly,”
Cornell, Ezekiel
Cornwallis, Charles, Lord
background and education of
in Battle of Brooklyn
leadership and popularity of
Coventry, Earl of
Coventry, R.I.
Crisis (London)
Crisis, The (Paine)
Cumberland, Duke of
Curwen, Samuel
Custis, Eleanor
Custis, John Parke
Custis, Patsy
Daby, John
Danbury, Conn.
Dartmouth, Earl of
Declaration of Independence
principle contributors to
DeLancey, Oliver, Jr.
Delaware, army units from
Delaware River
GW’s crossing of
Demont, William
inson, John
Dismal Swamp
Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.
Dorchester Heights
artillery barrages covering preparations at
British failure to gain control of
elevation of twin hills of
secret American fortification and capture of
strategic importance of
Dorchester peninsula
low-lying causeway of
Douglas, William
Draper, Margaret
Duchess of Gordon,
Dunscomb, Edward
Durham Iron Works
Dyer, Eliphalet
Eagle, HMS
East River
British ships in
fortifications on
Hell Gate on
old ships sunk to block passage in
secret retreat of American troops across
treacherous tides and currents of
Whitehall dock on
Elizabethtown, N.J.
Ellery, William
Elting, Peter
Emerson, William
country estates of
Devonshire in
Loyalists in
ritual and pageantry in
see also Great Britain; London, England
Erskine, William
Erving, George
Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Locke)
Essex Gazette,
Evelyn, William Glanville
Ewald, Johann
Ewing, James
Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, The (Smollett)
Falmouth, Maine
British attack on
Faneuil, Benjamin
Faneuil, Peter
Faneuil Hall
Fellows, John
Ferguson, Adam
Fitch, Jabez
Fithian, Philip Vickers
Fitzroy, Augustus Henry (Duke of Grafton)
Flatbush, N.Y.
Flucker, Hannah
Flucker, Sally
Flucker, Thomas
Fort Box
Fort Constitution
Fort Defiance
Fort George
Fort Greene
Fort Lee
American abandonment of
Fort Putnam
Fort Stirling
Fort Sullivan
Fort Ticonderoga:
American capture of
retrieval of artillery from
Fort Washington
American defense of
British siege and capture of
building of
casualties at
disadvantages of
heroine of
plan and fortification of
prisoners taken at
Fox, Charles James
Framingham, Mass.
Franklin, Benjamin
French mission of
Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia
Fredericksburg, Va.
Freeman’s Journal,
French and Indian War
American veterans of
British veterans of
GW’s experience
Gage, Thomas
Galloway, Joseph
Gardiner, Sylvester
Gates, Elizabeth
Gates, Horatio
Canadian mission of
General Evening Post (London)
George I, King of England
George III, King of England
artistic sophistication of
Cabinet of
“madness” of
marital fidelity of
Parliamentary appearances of
political opposition of
political policy and appointments of
political support of
popularity of
simple tastes of
sense of duty and patriotism of
succession to the throne by
Germain, Lord George
Gerry, Elbridge
Gibbon, Edward
Gist, Mordecai
Glover, John
“God Save the King,”
Gordon, William
Governor’s Island
Grafton, Augustus Henry Fitzroy, Duke of
Graham, Michael
Grant, James
in Battle of Brooklyn
Graves, Samuel
Gravesend, N.Y.
Gravesend Bay
Gray, Harrison
Graydon, Alexander
Great Britain
see also England; Ireland; Scotland
Greene, George Washington
Greene, Katherine “Caty” Littlefield
Greene, Nathanael
in Battle of Trenton
character and personality of
childhood and adolescence of
as field commander
Fort Washington defense urged by
friendship of Henry Knox and
on GW
GW and
illness of
Long Island command of
marriage of, see Greene, Katherine “Caty” Littlefield
militia organized by
physical appearance of
physical disability of
Quaker background of
recommendations to GW by
self-education of
Thomas Paine and
Greene, Nathanael (Gen. Greene’s father)
Green Mountain Boys
Greenwood, John
Greyhound, HMS
Gridley, Richard
Griffith, Dorcas
Hackensack, N.J.
Hackensack River
Hale, Nathan
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Hallowell, Benjamin
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hancock, John
correspondence of GW and
as president of the Continental Congress
Hand, Edward
Handel, George Frederick
Harcourt, William
Harlem, N.Y.
Harlem Heights
Hollow Way in
Harlem Heights, Battle of
Harlem River
Harrison, Robert Hanson
Harvard College
GW awarded honorary degree by
Harvey, Edward
Haslet, John
Heath, William
Heights of Gowan
Heister, Leopold Philipp von
Henry, Patrick
Henry V (Shakespeare)
Hessian troops
Americans as viewed by
arrival and numbers of
in Battle of Brooklyn
in Battle of Kips Bay
in Battle of White Plains
in capture of Fort Washington
casualties of
marauding and pillaging by
professionality of
treatment of captured Americans by
Hickey, Thomas
Hill, William
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Gibbon)
Hodgkins, Joseph
infant son of
marriage of, see Hodgkins, Sarah Perkins
Hodgkins, Sarah Perkins
Joseph Hodgkins’s letters to
Hooper, William
House of Commons
House of Lords
Howard’s Tavern
Howe, George Augustus, Lord
Howe, Richard, Lord
attempted contact with GW by
character and personality of
peace overtures of
Royal Navy commanded by
Howe, William
British forces in Boston commanded by
British forces in New York commanded by
character of
criticism of
education and early career of
French and Indian War e
xperience of
Henry Clinton and
leisurely and cautious military style of
Loyalist mistress of
Order of Bath conferred on
political life of
troops and Loyalists withdrawn from Boston by
Hudson Highlands
Hudson River
British ships on
fortifications on
old ships sunk to block passage in
strategic importance of
Tappan Zee in
Hughes, Hugh
Hull, William
Humphreys, David
Huntington, Earl of
Huntington, Jedediah
Hutchinson, Foster
Hutchinson, Thomas
Ipswich, Mass.
Isle of Wight
Jacobs Creek
Jefferson, Thomas
on GW
Jewett, John
Johnson, Samuel
Johnstone, George
Journal of Major George Washington, The,
Kemble, Stephen
Kennebec River
Kennedy, Archibald
Kennedy Mansion
Kentish Guards
Kew Gardens
King’s Bridge
King’s Chapel
King’s College
King’s Highway (Mass.)
King’s Highway (N.J.)
King’s Highway (N.Y.)
Kips Bay, Battle of
American flight in
British attack in
Knowlton, Thomas
Knox, Henry
artillery from Fort Ticonderoga retrieved by
bookselling business of
character and personality of
diaries of
marriage of, see Knox, Lucy Flucker
military academies urged by
military leadership of
Nathanael Greene and
Knox, Lucy
Knox, Lucy Flucker
Henry Knox’s letters to
motherhood of
Knox, Mary Campbell
Knox, William (Henry Knox’s brother)
Knox, William (Henry Knox’s father)
Knyphausen, Wilhelm von
Lake Champlain
Lake George
Langdon, Samuel
Lapham, John
Lechmere Point
Lee, Charles
British capture of
criticism of GW by
as defense expert
eccentricities and colorful past of
as GW’s second-in-command
New York fortifications built by
South Carolina command of
Lee, Richard Henry
Lee, William “Billy,”
Leffingwell, Ebenezer
Leitch, Andrew
Leonard, Abiel
Lewis, George
Lexington, Mass.
Light Dragoons
Lighthouse Island
Lillie, Theophilus
Little, Moses
Livingston, Philip
Livingston, William
Locke, John
London, England
Americans in
fashionable society in
political corruption in
war dispatches received in
war opposition in
as world capital
London Book Store
London Chronicle
London Magazine
London Public Advertiser
Long Island, Battle of, see Brooklyn, Battle of
Long Island, N.Y.
American occupation and fortification of
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