Flower, Roswell P.
Flume of Pittsburgh aqueduct
“Flying Pendent Lever Bridge” (Rainbow Bridge)
Foley, Antoine
Folger, Charles J.
of Brooklyn Bridge
of Cincinnati Bridge
Farrington and
of Niagara Bridge
Ford, Gordon
of Brooklyn Bridge
for approaches
going below riverbed with
projected depth of
J. Roebling on
wooden (for towers)
of Cincinnati Bridge
for St. Louis Bridge
See also Anchorages; Caissons
Fox, Richard K.
Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper,
Franklin, Benjamin
Frederick the Great (Carlyle)
Frelinghuysen, Theodore
Frémont, Gen. John (Pathfinder)
Fulton, Robert
Fulton Street (Brooklyn)
Garfield, James A.
Garvey (Prince of Plasterers)
General Slocum (ship)
George, Henry
George Washington Bridge
Gilded Age, The (Twain)
Gill, Washington
Gleizes, Albert
Godkin, E. L.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Golden Gate Bridge (Calif.)
Gould, Jay
Grace, William R.
audit of New York Bridge Company and
Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and
removal of W. Roebling and, 491
Grand Central Depot
Grand Pont (Switzerland)
Granite, use of
Grant, Julia
Grant, Ulysses S
Beecher compared with
Brooklyn Bridge and
at Centennial Exhibition
in Civil War
St. Louis Bridge safety and
Tweed Ring and
Warren and
Great Blowout
Great Bridge, see Brooklyn Bridge
Great Central Railroad
Great Eastern (ship)
Great Railroad Strike
Great Western Canada Railroad
Grecian Bend
see also Bends
Greeley, Horace
Green, Andrew H
Greene (professor)
Greenwood Cemetery (Brooklyn)
Guglielmi, O. Louis
Haigh, J. Lloyd
bankruptcy of
cable contract award and
wire fraud of
Hall, A. Oakey
Harbison, Massy
Harney, Gen. William S.
Harper’s Monthly (magazine)
Harper’s Weekly (magazine)
on Avondale coal mine accident
award of cable wire contracts and
breakup of Tweed Ring and
on Brooklyn caisson
Harpers Ferry bridge (Va.)
Harris, Frank (worker)
Harris, Frank (writer)
Hassam, Childe
Havemeyer, William
Hayes, Rutherford B.
Heffner (worker)
Hegel, G. W. F.
Hemp hawsings, iron rope replacing
Henry, John
Henshaw (doctor)
Herting (grandmother of John Roebling)
Hewitt, Abram
award of cable wire contracts and
breakup of Tweed Ring and
at Brooklyn Bridge
at 1882 Democratic state convention
Rink Committee investigation and
as Tilden’s campaign manager
Hewitt, Charles
Hildenbrand, Wilhelm
designs of New York anchorage and
trusswork and
Williamsburg Bridge built by
Hill, Albert
Hoffman, John T.
Hoisting engines
for positioning cables
to raise stone blocks of towers
Honeymoon Bridge (Niagara Falls)
Hook, Mrs. (sister of Emily Roebling)
Hooker, Gen. Joseph (Fighting Joe)
Hoosac Tunnel (Mass.)
“Hospital lock,”
Houses built by J. Roebling
Howell, James
Howells, William Dean
Huckleberry Finn (Twain)
Hull (manufacturer)
Humphreys, Gen. A. A.
Hunter, John W.
Hunter, W., Jr.
Husted, S. L.
Hydraulic jacks for excavating for caissons
Immigration, German (1831)
Inauguration (Brooklyn Bridge)
Brooklyn prepares for
ceremonies described
electric lights turned on
excitement in New York
invitations to
planning of
reception following
speeches made at
Inclined stays, see Diagonal stays
Income tax, introduced
Independent (newspaper)
Injuries, see Casualties
Inman Line (ship line)
Innocents Abroad, The (Twain)
Intelligencer (newspaper)
International Suspension Bridge, see Niagara Bridge
Investigating committees, see Investigation, Committee of; Rink Committee; Seventy, Committee of
Investigation, Committee of (New York Bridge Company)
Iron Age, The (magazine)
Iron buildings
Iron ropes, first manufactured
Iron superstructure, weight of see also Superstructure
Irving, Washington
Jacobs Creek chain bridge (La.)
Jacobson, Andrew
Jackson, Gen. T. J. “Stonewall,”
James, Henry
James, Jesse
Jaminet (doctor)
Jarvis, Charles H. (husband of Josephine Roebling)
Jarvis, Josephine (daughter of John Roebling)
Jay Cooke & Company
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins, J. W.
Jenks, G. T.
John A. Roebling’s Sons
award of cable contract and
bought out
Hildenbrand’s work for
W. Roebling in charge of
size of
wire fraud and
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Gen. Jeremiah
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, George
Journal of Commerce (newspaper)
July Revolution (German; 1830)
Jumps from Brooklyn Bridge
see also Suicides
Kalbfleisch, Martin
Kearsarge (ship)
Keefer, Samuel
Kenney, Abner
Kelly, “Honest John,”
at 1882 Democratic state convention
withholding of funds for Brooklyn Bridge by
Kelso (New York Police superintendent)
Keystone Bridge Company
Keystones of Brooklyn tower arch
King, Major W. R.
Kings County Democrats
breakup of Tweed Ring and
at Brooklyn caisson launching
at Democratic state convention
Kingsley, William C.
breakup of Tweed Ring and
Committee of Investigation
New York World investigates
Rink Committee investigates
Brooklyn Bridge and
award of cable wire contracts
bridge plans
bridge trains
bridge idea spearheaded by
cost estimates
fare cost
at inauguration ceremony
money furnished by
Brooklyn caisso
n and
Brooklyn Theater fire and
Brooklyn tower and
building of Central Park and
death of Murphy and
at launching of New York caisson
political ambitions of
1882 state Democratic convention
on quality of American manufacturing
J. Roebling’s funeral and
W. Roebling and
removal of Roebling
Roebling’s staff
sale of bridge stock
Steinmetz’s hostility to
Tweed denounced by
wire fraud
Kingsley, Mrs. William
Kingsley & Keeney (contractors)
Kimbel, Charles
Kinsella, Thomas
award of cable wire contracts and
breakup of Tweed Ring and
in Bridge Party
bridge plans and
bridge trains and
on Brooklyn caisson
1882 Democratic state convention and
footbridge work and
at launching of New York caisson
leaves New York Bridge Company
on politicians
removal of W. Roebling and
Rink Committee investigation and
on J. Roebling
at Roebling’s funeral
Kirkwood, James Pugh
Kloman, Andrew
Kohrner, William
Krupp works (Essen, Germany)
Land spans, defined
Lane, William
Latrobe, Benjamin Henry
Laveille, Gussie
against J. Kelly
against New York Bridge Company
against W. Roebling
involving Lincoln
started by Miller
Leavy (shipmaster)
Lee, Gen. Robert E.
Lesseps, Ferdinand de
Levy, Jules
Lewis, John W.
Lewiston suspension bridge (N.Y.)
Liberty, Statue of (N.Y.C.)
Lickey, Phebe (mother of Emily Roebling)
for Brooklyn caisson
at inauguration
for terminal buildings
turned on
Limelights (calcium lamps) in Brooklyn caisson
in anchorages
first block of
specifications for
Lincoln, Abraham
assassination of
on Beecher
lawsuit involving
H.C. Murphy and
Paine promoted by
W. Roebling on
Linville, J. H., 1
Literature, Brooklyn Bridge in
Littlejohn, A. N.
Long Island Historical Society (Brooklyn)
Lott, John A.
Low, A. A.
Low, Seth
auditing New York Bridge Company and
Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and
removal of W. Roebling and
Lyman, Col. Theodore
Lynch, Mike
McAlpine, William J.
McCann (worker)
McCarey, Francis
McCarthy, Timothy
McCue, Alexander
as attorney for New York Bridge Company
Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and
Committee of Investigation and
McDonald (worker)
McDonald, Charles
McDowell, Gen. Irvin
McGrath (worker)
McKay, Patrick
McLaughlin, Hugh (Boss)
breakup of Tweed Ring and
bridge plans and
Brooklyn Ring and
corruption of
Kingsley and
Low and
wire fraud and
McLean, Samuel
McNulty, George
Brooklyn anchorage accident and
Brooklyn caisson and
Brooklyn terminal building designed
cable positioning and
design of Brooklyn tower and
footbridge work and
Tay Bridge collapse and
testifies in Miller suit
Madison, James
Maginnis, Arthur Ambrose
Maginnis, Mary (Mary A. Tweed)
Maid of Mist (ship)
Maintenance of Brooklyn Bridge
“Man. Conscience” (J. Roebling)
Manhattan, see New York
Manhattan Bridge (N.Y.C.)
Mansfield, Josie
Marin, John
Marshall, William
removal of W. Roebling and
wire fraud and
accidents at Brooklyn tower and
award of cable wire contracts and
Bridge plans and
cable installation and
Farrington’s quarrel with
fire in Brooklyn caisson and
footbridge work and
maintenance work and
promenade accident and
at J. Roebling’s funeral
W. Roebling and
removal of Roebling and
replaces Roebling
Roebling’s bends attacks and
suffers bends attack
testifies in Miller suit
trusswork and
wire fraud and
Martin, James
Martin, Kingsley
Mary Powell (ship)
Meade, Gen. George
Melville, Herman
Menai Strait bridge (Wales)
Mercantile Library (Brooklyn)
Merrimac (ship)
Methfessel, Laura (daughter of John Roebling)
children of
death of her father and
Methfessel, Mr. (husband of Laura)
Miller, Abraham
Miller, William
Mills Building (N.Y.C.)
Mineola (ferry)
Minnesota (ship)
Monitor (ship)
Monroe, James
Mont Cenis Tunnel
Montauk (ferry)
Morgan, J. P.
Morgan, John
Morgan, Junius
Moreaux (French engineer)
Morris, George Pope
Morse, Samuel F. B.
Morse Building (N.Y.C.)
Motley (board member)
Mullen, Neil
Mumford, Lewis
Murphy, G. I.
Murphy, Henry C.
award of cable contracts and
breakup of Tweed Ring and
Brooklyn Bridge and bridge idea spearheaded by
bridge plans and
bridge trains and
Brooklyn anchorage accident and
cable positioning and
cost of bridge
footbridge work and
Kelly’s decision to withhold funds and
Committee of Investigation report and
death of
Kingsley compared with
New York Bridge Company and
as president
progress reports submitted
reorganization of board of trustees and
New York World attacks
Rink Committee investigation and
at J. Roebling’s funeral
W. Roebling and Roebling’s bends attacks and
Roebling’s correspondence with
Roebling’s removal and
at RPI alumni gathering
sale of bridge stock and
wire fraud and
Murphy, John
Music Academy (Brooklyn)
My Life and Loves (Harris)
Myers, John
Napoleon I (Emperor of France)
Nast, Thomas
Nation, The (magazine)
National Historic Landmark, Brooklyn Bridge as
New York (N.Y.) Brooklyn compared with (1869)
fects of bridge building on
first subway in
impressions of
population of
1869: 104
1883: 506
1930: 551
social life of
New York Bridge Company (Brooklyn)
accident at tower site and
Board of Directors of
Chief Engineer of, see Roebling, John A.; Roebling, Washington A.
Committee of Investigation of
changes following report
report of
engineering staff of
see also Collingwood, Francis, Jr.; Farrington, E. F.; Hildenbrand, Wilhelm; McNulty, George; Martin, C. C.; Paine, Col. William; Probasco, Samuel; Roebling, John A.; Roebling, Washington A.
Kinsella leaves
Murphy and
see also Murphy, Henry C.
New York World attacks
offices of
original charter of, modified
powers of
Rink Committee investigates
stock of
graft and
ownership of
scandal over
Tweed Ring control of
value of
wire fraud and
New York and Brooklyn Bridge, (official name of Brooklyn Bridge), see also Brooklyn Bridge
New York & Brooklyn Saw Mill and Lumber Company
New York Central Railroad
New York City (N.Y.), see also Brooklyn; New York
New York Evening Post (newspaper)
New York Herald (newspaper)
award of cable wire contracts and
Centennial Exhibition and
footbridge work and
marriage of Tweed’s daughter and
positioning of cables and
New York Illustrated Times (newspaper)
New York Mirror (newspaper)
New York Polytechnic Society
New York Star (newspaper)
New York Sun (newspaper)
Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and
Centennial Exhibition and
on W. Roebling
New York Times (newspaper)
breakup of Tweed Ring and
Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and
cable wire positioning and
1882 Democratic state convention and
on Vanderbilt fancy-dress ball
wire fraud and
New York Tribune (newspaper)
breakup of Tweed Ring and
Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and
footbridge work and
removal of W. Roebling and
Rink Committee investigation and
New York World (newspaper)
attacks New York Bridge Company
Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and
on cable positioning
on Committee of Investigation
Kingsley interviewed by
Rink Committee investigation and
New York’s Novelty Iron Works
Newell, Stub
Newport Daily News (newspaper)
Newport Guide,
Newton, Sir Isaac
Newton, Gen. John
Niagara Bridge (International Suspension Bridge)
Ellet and
footbridge of
plans for
Niagara Falls Gazette (newspaper)
Nicholas II (Czar of Russia)
Nitrogen, effects of sudden release of, in bloodstream
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