Dutch relations with,
embargo on exports to,
fear of highwaymen in,
in French and Indian War,
French relations with,
French Revolution and,
gardens in,
JA as minister plenipotentiary to,
in JA’s preamble,
JA’s work published in,
John Quincy as minister to,
natural rights of,
navy of,
in peace talks,
property confiscated by,
Sewall’s views on,
Spanish America and,
U.S. relations with,
in War of
English Channel,
Enville, Duchesse d’ (Marie-Louise-Elisabeth de la Rochefoucauld),
Eppes, Elizabeth,
Eppes, Francis,
Eppes, Mary Jefferson (Polly),
death of,
in London,
equality, JA’s views on,
Essay on Man Pope),
executive branch:
JA’s views on,
Jefferson’s views on,
Farewell Address,
Federalist Papers,
Alien and Sedition Acts and,
in Callender’s attack on Jefferson,
in election of
French policy and,
JA’s cabinet and,
JA supported by,
John Quincy as,
Louisiana Purchase opposed by,
Fenno, John,
Field, Esther,
in England,
in France,
Field, Joseph,
first Continental Congress, see Continental Congress,
first fishing rights,
Fitch, John,
Fitzherbert, Alleyne,
food and diet,
in Philadelphia,
in Quincy,
on ships,
Foreign Ministry, British,
Fort Ticonderoga,
artillery captured at,
Fort Washington, battle of (1776),
Fox, Charles James,
Fox, Gilbert,
Abigail’s shock in,
in American Revolution,
Barbary States and,
British relations with,
JA as commissioner to,
JA influenced by,
JA’s approval of,
JA’s disapproval of,
JA’s feelings of failure in,
Logan’s views on,
monarchy restored in,
naval power of,
politeness in,
Spain as ally of,
spies in,
U.S. alliance with,
U.S. loan from,
see also French Revolution; Quasi-War; specific places
François, Duc de La Rochefoucauld,
Franklin, Benjamin,
Abigail’s views on,
in art,
Arthur Lee’s conflicts with,
Barbary pirates and,
as commissioner to France,
on Committee of Five,
in Continental Congress,
death of,
French adoration for,
illegitimate son of,
JA compared with,
JA’s change in opinion of,
JA’s correspondence with,
JA’s parting with,
JA’s reputation blackened by,
JA’s respect for,
Jefferson’s advice from,
London years of,
Madame Helvétius’s relationship with,
as man of science,
in meeting with Lord Howe,
as minister plenipotentiary to France,
Montreal mission of,
as peace commissioner,
retirement of,
slavery and,
writings of,
Franklin, William,
Franklin, William Temple,
Frazier, Mary,
Free Masons,
French and Indian War,
French Huguenots,
French language,
Franklin’s knowledge of,
JA’s knowledge of,
John Quincy’s knowledge of,
French Revolution,
Directory in,
end of,
Jacobins in,
Reign of Terror in,
French Revolution (Wollstonecraft),
Freneau, Philip,
Fresh Brook,
Fries, John,
Gainsborough, Thomas,
Gallatin, Albert,
Galloway, Joseph,
in France,
Gates, Elizabeth,
Gates, Horatio,
in South Carolina defeat,
Gazette de Leyde,
Gazette of the United States,
Genêt, Edmé-Jacques,
Genêt, Edmund Charles,
geography, JA’s views on,
George III, King of England,
Declaration of Independence and,
JA compared with,
JA’s audiences with,
Jefferson presented to,
library of,
petitions to,
statue of,
Continental Congress delegates from,
legislature of,
Gérard, Conrad,
German (Pennsylvania Dutch) farmers,
German Moravians,
Germans, as mercenaries,
see also Hessians, in American Revolution
Gerry, Elbridge,
as Continental Congress delegate,
death of,
election of and,
as envoy to France,
JA’s correspondence with,
Ghent, Treaty of (1814),
Gilbert, Sir Geoffrey,
Giles, William Branch,
happiness as aim of,
JA’s views on,
see also republican government; specific branches
Grand, Ferdinand,
Grand, Marie,
Grand Banks,
Grand Hôtel Muscovite,
Grand Turk (U.S. ship),
Grasse, Admiral de,
Gray, Harrison,
Green, Mr.,
Greene, Nathanael,
Grenville-Temple, Richard, Lord Cobham,
Gridley, Jeremiah,
JA’s advice from,
Griswold, Roger,
Hackney, village of,
Hague, The,
“Hail Columbia” (song),
Hall, John,
Hamilton, Alexander,
Abigail’s distrust of,
in Army,
assumption plan of,
background of,
death of,
election of and,
electoral college manipulated by,
as Federalist,
JA’s cabinet manipulated by,
JA’s correspondence with,
JA’s fears about,
Jefferson vs., retirement of,
Reynolds Affair and,
as Secretary of the Treasury,
Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler,
Hancock, John,
in Continental Congress,
as governor of Massachusetts,
as slave owner,
JA’s views on,
virtue and,
Harlem Heights,
Harper, Robert G.,
Harrington, James,
Harrison, Benjamin,
Harrod, Ann, see Adams, Ann Harrod
p; Hartford, Conn.,
Hartley, David,
Harvard College,
Charles at,
description of,
JA at,
JA’s standing at,
JA’s visits to,
John Quincy at,
Hauteval, Lucien,
Haverhill, Mass.,
Hayward, Zab,
Heer Adams (Dutch ship),
Helvétius, Claude-Adrien,
Helvétius, Madame,
Hemings, Betty,
Hemings, Bob,
Hemings, James,
Hemings, Madison,
Hemings, Sally,
Hemmenway, Moses,
Henry, Patrick,
Herschel, Sir William,
Hessians, in American Revolution,
Hewes, Joseph,
His Majesty’s Royal Bell Ringers,
Historia delle guerre civili di Francia (Davila),
JA’s meditations on,
natural, JA’s advocacy of,
History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution (Warren),
Hogarth, William,
Holbrook, Amos,
Holland, Province of,
Holland (Netherlands),
British relations with,
Golden Age of,
JA’s “militia diplomacy” in,
John Quincy as minister to,
U.S. embassy in,
U.S. financial aid from,
U.S. independence recognized by,
honor, Roman ideal of,
Hoochera, C. F.,
Hooper, William,
Hopkins, Stephen,
Hopkinson, Francis,
Hopkinson, Joseph,
Hôtel de Langeac,
Hôtel de Valois,
Hôtel du Roi,
Hôtel d’York,
Hôtel Valentinois,
Hottinguer, Jean Conrad,
Houdon, Jean-Antoine,
Hough’s Neck,
House of Commons, British,
House of Lords, British,
House of Representatives, Massachusetts,
House of Representatives, U.S.,
assumption plan and,
election of 1800 and,
election of 1824 and,
Franklin’s death and,
Jay Treaty and,
physical assault in,
titles issue in,
X, Y, and Z Affair and,
Howe, George Augustus, Lord,
Howe, Richard, Lord,
Congress’s meeting with,
Howe, Sir William,
Hudson River,
human nature:
JA’s study of,
Jefferson’s lack of interest in,
titles issue and,
Hume, David,
Humphreys, David,
Huntington, Samuel, JA’s correspondence with,
Hutcheson, Francis,
Hutchinson, Thomas,
Huxham, John,
Abigail’s views on,
British recognition of,
Common Sense and,
Dutch recognition of,
Jefferson’s views on,
opposition to,
see also Declaration of Independence, U.S.
Indian wars,
influenza epidemics,
Ireland, Irish,
Irish Rebellion (1798),
Izard, Ralph,
in Senate,
Jackson, Andrew,
Jacobin clubs,
Jay, James,
Jay, John,
as Chief Justice,
JA compared with,
JA’s correspondence with,
as peace negotiator,
as special envoy to London,
Jay Treaty (1795),
Jefferson, Isaac,
Jefferson, Jane Randolph,
Jefferson, Lucy Elizabeth (Jefferson’s daughter, d. age four),
Jefferson, Lucy Elizabeth (Jefferson’s daughter, d. age two),
Jefferson, Martha (Patsy), see Randolph, Martha Jefferson
Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton,
death of,
Jefferson, Mary (Polly), see Eppes, Mary Jefferson
Jefferson, Peter,
Jefferson, Thomas,
Abigail’s correspondence with,
Abigail’s first meeting with,
Abigail’s views on,
account books of,
American Revolution and,
in Amsterdam,
appearance of, in art,
atheistic views ascribed to,
cabinet of,
as commissioner in France,
Constitution as viewed by,
in Continental Congress,
death of, Declaration of Independence and,
in departure from Philadelphia,
in election of 1792,
in election of 1796, i
n election of 1800,
in election of 1804,
in England,
extravagant claims and “large stories” of,
family background of, finances of,
in France, French assignment turned down by,
French Revolution and,
as governor of Virginia,
Hamilton vs.,
health problems of,
as horseman,
inaugurations of,
instinctive silence of,
on JA,
JA compared with,
JA’s correspondence with,
at JA’s inauguration,
JA’s public controversy with,
JA’s renewed friendship with,
JA’s views on,
Kentucky Resolutions and,
Madison’s correspondence with, see Madison, James, Jefferson’s correspondence with
Maria Cosway’s relationship with,
“Mazzei Letter” and,
as minister to France,
personal tragedies of,
as President,
purchases of,
as Republican,
Reynolds Affair and,
in rumored cohabitation with slave women,
Rush as supporter of,
as Secretary of State,
slaves of,
as Vice President,
Washington’s death and,
will of,
writings of,
Jenings, Edmund,
Johnson, Catherine,
Johnson, Joshua,
Johnson, Louisa Catherine, see Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson
Johnson, Samuel,
Jones, John Paul,
Jouett, Jack,
Journals of Congress,
Judah (servant),
Judiciary Act (1789),
judiciary branch, JA’s views on,
Kemble, John,
Kent, William,
Kentucky Resolutions,
Knox, Henry,
Knox, Thomas,
Lafayette, George Washington,
Lafayette, Madame de (Adrienne Françoise de Noailles),
Lafayette, Marquis de,
La Fontaine, Jean de,
La Luzerne, Chevalier Anne-César de,
JA’s removal sought by,
Lambert, Luke,
Lambert v. Field,
Langdon, John,
Languedoc (French ship),
La Rochefoucauld, Duc de,
La Rochefoucauld, François, Duc de,
Laurens, Henry,
British capture of,
in peace negotiations,
Laurens, John,
La Vauguyon, Duc de,
Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory (John Quincy Adams),
Lee, Arthur,
as commiss
ioner to France,
JA’s correspondence with,
Lee, Charles,
Lee, Francis Lightfoot,
Lee, Henry (Light-Horse Harry),
Lee, Richard Henry:
in Continental Congress,
JA’s correspondence with,
in Senate,
legislative branch, JA’s views on,
see also Congress, U.S.; House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
L’Enfant, Pierre Charles,
Lenôtre, André,
Letombe, Philippe-Henry-Joseph de,
Letter from Alexander Hamilton, A (Hamilton),
Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer (Dickinson),
Lewis, Meriwether,
Lexington, battle of (1775),
Leyden, University of,
Library of Congress,
life masks,
Lincoln, Bela,
Lincoln, Benjamin,
L’Insurgent (French frigate),
Liston, Henrietta,
Liverpool (British sloop-of-war),
Livingston, Robert R.,
Franklin’s correspondence with,
JA’s correspondence with,
Lloyd, James,
Locke, John,
Locke, Samuel,
Logan, George,
Abigail’s views on,
Adams family houses in,
description of, Franklin in,
French ambassador’s ball in,
JA in, Jefferson’s visit to,
newspapers in,
Philadelphia compared with,
theater and concerts in,
Tories in,
London Daily Universal Register,
London Gazette,
London Morning and Daily Advertiser,
London Public Advertiser,
Long Island,
battle of (1776),
Louis XVI, King of France,
French Revolution and,
JA’s meetings with,
Louis XVIII, King of France,
Louisiana Purchase,
Lovell, James,
Abigail’s correspondence with,
JA’s correspondence with,
Loyalists, see Tories
Lucretia (U.S. ship),
Luzac, John,
Lynch, Thomas,
Lyon, Matthew,
Macbeth (Shakespeare),
McHenry, James,
election of and,
JA’s correspondence with,
JA’s outburst at,
McKean, Thomas,
Maclay, William,
on French Revolution,
Madison, James,
election of 1800 and,
French post considered for,
in House of Representatives,
Jefferson’s correspondence with,
Jefferson’s views on,
as President,
as Republican,
retirement of,
as Secretary of State,
Madison, Rev. James,
Manchester, Duke of,
Marat, Jean Paul,
Marie Antoinette, Queen of France,
Marriage of Figaro, The (Beaumarchais),
marriages, arranged,
Marsh, Joseph,
Marshall, Christopher,
Marshall, John,
as Chief Justice,
as envoy to, France,
JA’s correspondence with,
as Secretary of State,
Marston, John,
Martha (British ship),
Maryland, Continental Congress delegates from,
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