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Adams, Brooks, 156
Adams, Charles Francis, 76–78, 156, 206
Adams, Henry, 126, 130, 157, 207, 374
Adams, William, 191
Adirondacks, 120–21
Advocate, 213, 216
Agassiz, Alexander, 327
Agassiz, Louis, 141, 204, 220
Age of Innocence, The (Wharton), 71
Alabama (Confederate raider), 46, 67, 75–78
Allotment Commission, 61ff., 65, 159
Alsop, Mrs. Joseph, Jr., 252
Alvord, Thomas, 263, 271, 273
American Journal of the Medical Sciences, The, 102
American Museum of Natural History, 88, 116, 141, 175, 294
founding of, 32
new building, 136, 142, 179, 202
TR donates specimens to, 121
Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 356–57
anthracite coal strike, 374
Arnold, Matthew, 33
Arthur, Chester A., 280
and Chicago Republican convention (1884), 297–304
passim, 309, 310, 312–13, 321
at Cincinnati Republican convention (1876), 160, 162
and Customhouse, 158, 159, 175–80, 183–84, 196
Garfield’s running mate, 237
illness of, 292–93, 315
pledges support of Blaine, 315
as President, 245, 275, 299–300, 375
Associated Press, 269
asthma, 93–111
and causes of difficult breathing, 99
circumstances surrounding TR’s attacks of, 102–9
influence on TR of, 108–11
medical theories of, 94–95
nineteenth-century remedies for, 97
and psychological factors, 95–97, 101–3
see also under Roosevelt, Theodore Astor, Caroline Schermerhorn, 67, 240, 269
Astor, John Jacob III, 179, 269
Astor, Mrs. John Jacob III, 67, 143
Astor, William Waldorf, 260
Astor Library, 238–39
Atlanta Journal, 49
Atlantic Cable, 270
Audubon, John James, 120, 121, 123, 219
Autobiography (Roosevelt), 376, 377
Bacon, Martha Cowdin, 214, 221, 228, 230
Bacon, Robert, 209, 210, 214, 215, 327, 376
Bad Lands, 257, 296, 316, 318, 326–60
Bad Lands Cow Boy, The, 334–35, 360
Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 120, 219
Baker, Evelyn King, 49, 53
Ball, Willis, 45
Barnum, P. T., 29, 121
Beecher, Henry Ward, 144, 300, 317
“beef bonanza,” 327
Beef Bonanza, The, 331
Bell, Alexander Graham, 145
Bell, John G., 121
Belmont, Mrs. August, 67
Benson, Alfred, 331
Benton, Thomas Hart, 352
Berry-Boice Cattle Co. (“Three Sevens” brand), 331, 337, 347
Bess (Anna Bulloch’s slave), 47, 55
Bickmore, Albert S., 32, 33, 39
Bierstadt, Albert, 184
Bigelow, John, 327
Bigelow, Poultney, 251, 260, 261, 327, 374
Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, 321
Black Friday, 86
Blackwell’s Island Lunatic Asylum, 266
Blaine, James G., 158, 260
and Chicago convention (1880), 299
and Chicago convention (1884), 280–81, 297–316
and Cincinnati convention (1876), 161, 162, 298
defections following nomination of, 316–24
election campaign, 346
and Mulligan letters, 161, 299, 323
Boston Daily Advertiser, 316
Boston Daily Globe, 316
Boston Herald, 323
Bostonians, The (James), 260
Boston Transcript, 314, 316, 318
Boy Hunters, The (Reid), 118
Brace, Charles Loring, 30, 31, 142, 280
Bright’s disease, 291, 292–93, 315
Bristow, Benjamin H., 160, 162, 317
Broadway Improvement Association, 29
Bronson, Theodore, 61, 64, 65, 85, 245
Brooklyn, N.Y., 282–83
Brooklyn Bridge, 113, 175, 239, 282
Brooklyn Eagle, 265, 274
Brooks, Erastus, 279
Brooks, Phillips, 206
Browning, Robert, 115–16
Bryant, William Cullen, 156
Bull Moose Party, 379
Bulloch, Anna, see Gracie, Anna Bulloch
Bulloch, Anne Irvine, 43
Bulloch, Archibald, 43
Bulloch, Ella, 249
Bulloch, Harriott Cross Foster 74
Bulloch, Hester Elliott, 43–44
Bulloch, Irvine, 44, 55
in Confederate Navy, 46, 57–58, 64, 67, 76–77
Mittie reunited with, 73–74
Bulloch, James I, 42–43
Bulloch, James II, 43
Bulloch, James Dunwody, 44, 48, 54–55, 114, 180
and Alabama, 46, 67, 75–78
blockade runner, 58, 64, 67
family reunion with, 73–75
and Mittie’s death, 295
TR and, 76, 78, 170, 245, 255, 375
Bulloch, James Stephens, 43–44
Bulloch, Jean Stobo, 42–43
Bulloch, Mary de Veaux, 43
Bulloch, Martha Stewart Elliot (Grandmamma Bulloch), 43–44, 46–47, 50, 54, 67, 68
and Civil War, 57–58, 60, 64, 66–67
death of, 66–67
in Roosevelt household, 35, 38, 39, 55, 56
Bulloch Hall, 45ff., 55, 67
Bunyan, John, 378
Bureau of Charities, N.Y.C., 141–42
Butler, Pierce, 44
Carow, Charles, 39, 147
Carow, Edith, 187
childhood friendship with the
Roosevelts, 39, 108, 126, 147, 169
on Elliott, 254, 380
engagement to TR, 366–68
girlhood relations with TR, 180, 195, 227
and TR’s first marriage, 230, 236, 245
Catalogue of North American Birds (Baird), 120
Catalogue of North American Mammals (Baird), 120
Century Association, 23, 156, 159
Century Magazine, 349, 353
Chapin, Harry, 204, 215, 222
Chapin, Joshua Bicknell, 95
Chemical Bank, 29, 144
Chicago, conventions at, 297–316, 317
Chicago Fire, 135, 138
Chicago Times, 320
Chicago Tribune, 302, 318, 320
Children’s Aid Society, 31, 117, 135, 142;
see also Newsboys’ Lodging House
Children’s Asthma Research Institute and Hospital, 102
Choate, Joseph H., 32, 146, 175, 180, 261
Cigar Bill, 267–68, 279–80
Cigarmakers’ Union, 267
Cincinnati, Republican convention at, 155, 157–63, 298
civil service bill (New York State Assembly), 275–76, 279
Civil War, 23, 29, 56–66, 138
Clay, John, 331
Clayton, Powell, 303–4, 307
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