Morrell, Daniel J., 597
Morton, Captain, 157
mosquito, 95 illus., 406
conveyors of disease, 142–43, 315, 422, 423
different kinds, 409
fight against, 410, 448–49, 452, 467, 468, 502, 572, 573
malaria carrier, 410, 416, 418–20, 468, 502, 572
yellow-fever carrier, 413–14, 416–421, 429 illus.
Mosquito Brigades (Ross), 410
Mount Hope, 522 illus.
Munsey’s, 263
Murdock, Jessie, 416, 425
Murphy, Grayson M.-P., 355, 356
Naos Island, 155, 539, 548, 549
Napipi River, 29, 44
Napoleon I, 129, 141
Napoleon III (Louis Napoleon), 50, 51, 55, 56, 67
Nashville, U.S.S., 300 illus., 360, 364, 365, 367, 371, 372, 385
Nast, Thomas, 89 illus.
National Geographic Magazine, 522
Naval War of 1812, The (Roosevelt), 252
Nelson, Wolfred, 134, 145, 149, 163, 170
New Algonquin Club, 284
New Edinburgh, 21
New Granada, see Colombia New Orleans, 141
New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, 142
New Panama Canal Company, see Compagnie Nouvelle du Canal de Panama
New York:
Lesseps’ visits, 118–20, 192
Amador’s visit, 343
Panamanian insurgents in, 343, 345
Bunau-Varilla in, 349, 356
Panama’s investment in, 399
New York Chamber of Commerce, 187, 285
New York Evening Mail, 304 illus.
New York Evening Post, 188, 270
New York Globe, 303 illus.
New York Herald, 56, 268, 341, 450
New York Journal, 264–65, 268
New York Sun, 278, 317
New York Times, The, 19, 102, 265, 303 illus., 360, 462, 496, 605
on Bunau-Varilla’s role, 391
on T.R.’s “sordid conquest,” 381
New York Tribune, 117, 120, 150, 183, 486, 505
on death rate in Panama, 172, 173
on Lesseps’ “unscrupulous audacity,” 199
on Panama Affair in France, 212, 223
on putrid conditions in Colon, 406
New York World, 106, 107, 271, 273
on Lesseps’ appearance, 119
on U.S.-Colombia crisis, 334, 338, 339, 381
T.R.’s libel suit, 385
New Zealand, 30fn.
Nicaragua, 11
earthquakes and volcanic activity, 82, 283, 285–87, 299 illus., 315–318, 323
exploration for best canal route, 26–32, 40, 65, 312, 612
U.S. relations with, 265, 340–41, 348
Nicaragua, Lake, 28, 29, 75, 80, 271, 316
Nicaragua Canal Commission, 264, 274, 284, 311
Nicaragua Canal Construction Company, 407
Nicaraguan canal (proposed), 31–32, 38
apparent project of U.S., 123, 240, 253, 259–65, 281, 308–9, 313, 326–327
construction plans, 83, 269
location favored by Menocal, 74–77
location favored by U.S. Commission, 59
Roosevelt’s attitude toward, 253, 266–67, 269, 326–27, 332, 334, 340–41
Senate vote against, 324–27
still-possible alternative, 328, 332, 334, 340, 341, 348
Nipsic, U.S.S., 20, 25, 40
Noble, Alfred, 274, 278, 313, 482, 484–85
Nombre de Dios, 112, 594
Normandie, S.S., 612
North American Review, 333
Northwestern Christian Advocate, The, 381
Nostromo (Conrad), 380, 385
Nott, Josiah Clark, 142–44, 412
Nourse, Joseph E., 59
Nuñez, Rafael, 175, 179, 335
Obaldía, José de, 362, 366, 369–71, 401, 588
Obaldía, Señora, 588
Obarrio, Nicanor de, 300 illus.
Obispo, 549
Obispo, Rio, 111
Olmsted, Frederick, Jr., 603
Ometepe, 316
Oregon, U.S.S., 254–55, 257, 315, 608
Oregon Railway and Navigation Company, 470
Orinoco, S.S., 375–76
Osier, William, 407, 426
Ossa, Maria de la, 341
Ossa, Senorita Maria Amelia de la, 363
O’Sullivan, John, 31
O’Sullivan, Timothy H, 20, 42
Otis, Camp, 568
Otis, Henrietta, 571
Our Times (Sullivan), 573
Outlook, The, 441, 474, 556, 557, 563, 585, 586
Pacific Mail Steamship Line, 35, 106, 176
Padilla, S.S., 363, 371, 376
Painter, Joseph H., 565
Palais de Justice, Paris, 223
Palais d’Hiver, Paris, 203
Palmerston, Lord, 53, 55
Panama, Republic of, 11, 334–35, 339, 343, 445
Chinese-exclusion law, 475
revolutionary secession, 339, 343, 361–69
Roosevelt’s part in creation of, 379, 495, 512
treaty negotiation with U.S., 334–335, 338–39, 387–400
U.S. role in revolution, 343, 363–367, 379
Panama Affair, 212, 223, 228, 231, 232, 235–37, 289
see also France, Chamber of Deputies
Panama Canal
accidents, 545–46
Americans at, 135, 145–47, 157, 365, 372, 425, 452, 491, 557–59, 586–87; see also Canal Zone, social life in
beginning of French work on, 131, 147–48
contracts, 148, 150–51, 155–56, 169–70, 491, 601
cost of, 75–76, 81–83, 117–18, 151, 183, 184, 194–96, 235, 308, 483, 610–11; see also Compagnie Universelle; Compagnie Nouvelle
dams, 165, 307, 308, 484, 488–89; see also Chagres River
dredges, 156–59, 193, 311, 607
dynamiting, 545–46, 581, 607
earthquakes, see earthquakes and volcanic eruptions
electrical components, 599–603
engineering problems, 130, 155, 165ff., 193, 479–81, 506, 539–40; see also Chagres River; landslides (this entry)
equipment, 148–49, 156, 170, 241, 267, 440–42, 464–65, 470–71, 545fn., 546–47, 598; see also dredges (this entry)
excavation, 155–59, 168–69, 184, 195, 267, 440–41, 529–31, 537, 546–50, 610–11; see also Culebra Cut
failure of French project, 182ff.; see also Compagnie Universelle
health hazards, death rate, 159, 161, 171–73, 464–65, 501, 581–85, 610; see also malaria; yellow fever
health and sanitation facilities, 134, 174–75, 406, 421–22, 450, 466–68, 500–501, 575; see also hospitals; Gorgas, Wm. C.
housing, 133, 444, 478–79, 542, 577, 585
International Advisory Board, 481–85, 531
labor: living and working conditions, 133–34, 159, 174, 180–81, 444, 450, 465, 472, 502–3, 544, 567, 577–79
labor: recruitment and supply, 131, 137, 147, 170, 178–79, 181, 444, 469–78, 559
labor: unions, 490–91, 533–34, 579
labor: wages, 158, 161, 181, 472–73, 478–79, 559–60
landslides, 165–69, 180, 531, 550–554, 613
locks: design and dimensions, 195, 539–40, 590–604
lock-type plans, 189, 192–93, 237–238, 481–89, 531, 539
management personnel (French), 131, 138–39, 148, 153ff., 162–65, 180, 185, 191
——(U.S.), 438, 444, 449–50, 459, 469–70, 490fT., 540–43
opening of, 605–10
reorganization of project, 540–42
Roosevelt’s favoring of, 266–67, 327, 334–35, 339–41, 379–80
Roosevelt’s supervision of, 449, 462, 467, 491–92, 507, 511
Roosevelt tour of, 493–500
Russian purchase solicited, 279
sea-level plan, 116–17, 189–96 passim, 237, 307, 446, 481–88, 531
s, 184, 529–31, 545–47, 589–599, 610–13
and Suez, comparisons, 49, 130–31, 155, 188, 199, 235, 239, 530, 579, 610, 611
surveys, 136–39, 154–55
transportation (of spoil) problem, 169
U.S. interest in, 240, 262–63, 270–271, 590
U.S. purchase of (projected), 188, 266–69, 291–94, 399–401
U.S. takeover, 402
see also Canal Zone; Isthmian Canal Commission
Panama City, 21, 28, 133, 267, 276, 332, 335, 392, 401, 476
earthquake, 149, 606
health, sanitation, 142, 175, 419, 428 illus., 447, 448, 454, 466, 467
history, 111–15
housing, 444, 445, 467, 477, 478, 577
Lesseps’ visit (1885), 186
Prestan Uprising, 175–79
recreational facilities in, 560–61, 563
Republican revolution, 345, 352–353, 355, 363–67, 372–73, 378, 379, 382
Roosevelt visit, 493
Panama Expedition of 1875, 143
Panama Lobby, 127, 263, 265, 271, 273, 280fT., 292; see also Bunau-Varilla, Philippe; Cromwell, William N.
Panama or Nicaragua? (Bunau-Varilla pamphlet), 285
Panama-Pacific International Exposition, 608–9
Panama: Past, Present and Future (Bunau-Varilla), 279, 281
Panama Pathwork (Gilbert), 453
Panama Railroad, 21, 62, 66, 106, 147, 169, 173, 178, 423, 464, 555
condition, equipment, 148–49, 440, 470–71
and Cromwell, 273, 342–43
earthquake damage to, 149
French acquisition of, 67, 81, 118, 135–36, 150, 197, 240
history of, 33–40
Lesseps’ trip on, 110–11
personnel of, 147, 470–71
and Panama revolution, 361, 366, 371–79, 385, 393, 440
racial discrimination, 576
removal of, in Gatun area, 489, 507
role of, in excavation, 548
U.S. military protection of, 177–179, 330, 377–79
U.S. purchase and operation of, 266–67, 333, 341–43, 567
Panama Star & Herald, 113, 146, 318, 505, 532
on Lesseps’ visit, 116, 199
management connections with revolutionary elements, 343, 345
obituaries, 171
on Roosevelt visit, 495
yellow-fever report in, 452–54
Panama Steamship Company, 471
Paraiso, 111, 148, 180, 194, 493, 585
anti-Semitism in, 205, 223, 235
International Canal Congress at, see Congres International…
Lesseps’ popularity in, 59, 201, 203
newspapers of, see France, press
riot in, 223
rumors and conjectures, 191, 228
Paris Exposition of 1889, 195, 204, 208
Paris-Lyon-Mediterranee railway, 127
Park, Trenor W., 67, 106, 115, 135, 136, 185
Parker, Alton B., 442
Parra, Aquileo, 63–65
Parsons, George, 285
Parsons, William Barclay, 407, 408, 482, 487
Pasteur, Louis, 143
Paterson, William, 21
Paúl, Jose Telesforo, 114, 160
Pauncefote, Sir Julian, 256, 257, 259, 264, 292, 330
Pavey, Frank D., 280, 282, 284, 292, 391
Peck, Harr y Thurston, 248
Pedrarias, see Avila, Pedro Arias de
Pedro Miguel, 484, 496, 539–40, 543, 546, 571, 592–93, 606, 607, 609
Pelée, Mount, 316–17, 319, 325
Pennell, Joseph, 525 illus., 559, 591
Pennsylvania, U.S.S., 539
Pennsylvania Railroad, 595
Pére Lachaise Cemetery, 234
Perez, Raul, 333
Periere, Isaac, 60
Périvier, Samuel, 207, 223, 225
Perkins, George C, 324
Perry, Matthew, 39
Petit Journal, Le, 126, 191, 230, 232
Pettus, Edmund W., 324
Philadelphia, 141, 285
Philippines, 254, 255, 257, 459, 506
Piercy, Norman, 583
Pim, Bedford Clapperton, 171
Pittsburgh, 487–88, 598
Piza, Nephews & Company, 347
Piatt, Orville, 325
Plume, S. W., 165–67, 173, 306
pneumonia, 454, 465, 501–2, 577, 581, 608
Poe, Colonel, 542
Political Essay on the Kingdom of New Spain (Humboldt), 29
Porto Bello, 594
Port Said, 25, 51
Portsmouth, N. H., 460
postage stamps, Nicaraguan, 285, 323, 325
Powell, John Wesley, 24
Prairie, U.S.S., 379
Prescott, Herbert G., 342, 361–64, 366, 368, 371, 374–75
Prestan, Pedro, 96 illus., 175–79, 372
Prestan Uprising, 96 illus., 175–77
Princeton University, 285
Prinet, Henri, 207–9
Puerto Rico, 254
Pulitzer, Joseph, 385
Queen Elizabeth, S.S., 612
Queen Elizabeth II, S.S., 612
Queen Mary, S.S., 612
Quellenac, F., 482
racial discrimination, 474–77, 557, 574–83
Raggi, Arthur, 610
Randolph, Isham, 482
Raspadura, Lost Canal of the, 29–30, 39
Rattazzi, Madame, 61
Reclus, Armand, 103, 131, 133–35, 148
canal-survey expedition, 62–63, 65
canal-tunnel plan, 66
at Congres International, 75, 76, 78
Red Star Line, 321
Reed, Thomas B., 273–74, 294
Reed, Walter, 407, 413, 414, 417, 422
Reid, Whitelaw, 120
Reinach, Jacques de, 60, 98 illus., 228, 235
agent of Compagnie Universelle, 191, 197, 209, 218–20, 224–25, 231–32
and Drumont, 217–19
and Herz, 218–20
death of, 210–13, 220
Reinach, Joseph, 210, 220
Renault, Leon, 216, 227
Rennie, Sir John, 25
Republican National Committee, 291
Republican Party, 291, 460, 506
Reynolds, Russell, 228
Ribot, Alexandre, 212, 228
Ribourt, Engineer, 77–78
Ricard, Louis, 209, 210, 212, 219
Richardson, Henry H., 246
Richier, Commodore, 148
Rinehart, Mary Roberts, 562
Rio Grande, 80, 111, 114
Ripley, Joseph, 482, 485, 489, 542
Rixey, Presley, 493
Robeson, George M., 19, 21, 26, 44
Robinson, Corinne, 347
Robinson, Tracy, 104, 106, 116–17, 145–47, 157, 557
Rock Creek Park, 592
Rodgers, Raymond, 158–59
Rodrigues, J. C, 107, 108, 113–17, 121, 183, 184
Roebling, Emily, 120
Roebling, John A., Sons, 599
Roeblings, 24
Rogers, Henry Huddleson, 272
Rome, 143
Roosevelt, Alice, see Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Roosevelt, Edith Carow, 248, 493, 495, 588
Roosevelt, Kermit, 493, 498, 499
Roosevelt, Nicholas, 348
Roosevelt, Theodore, 15, 26, 207fn., 295 illus., 302 illus., 304 illus., 316, 320, 546, 570fn., passim
background, 247–69
and Bunau-Varilla, 277, 292, 350–351
for canal in Central America, 249rT., 317
and Colombia negotiations, 332, 334–41, 348, 379, 384–86
and Congress, 258, 262, 266–68, 317, 381, 500, 502–3
election victory (1904), 442
expansionism and imperialism, 255
family, 248–49
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty, 255–59
and Isthmian Canal Commission, 266–67, 406, 449–50
libel suit against World, 385
r /> and Lesseps compared, 249
and Mahan, 250–53
for Nicaraguan canal, 253, 259, 261, 266
for Panama canal, 269, 326–28, 379–86, 390, 616–17
Panama Canal purchase, 400
and Panama revolution, 351–53, 355–57, 362, 373, 379–86, 390, 396–97
Panama visit, 430 illus., 492–502, 577, 581
personality, 12, 332, 347
and the Presidency, 247–50, 258, 320, 442
sea-power advocate, 250–55
White House life, 248–49
Roosevelt, Theodore, Jr., 397, 499
Root, Elihu, 348, 380, 383, 384, 450, 492, 509, 588
and Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty, 393
Secretary of State, 460
Ross, Ronald, 144, 405, 409–10, 415, 422, 426
Rothschild, Baron Alphonse de, 53, 223
Rothschild family, 59, 126, 206
Rough Riders, 494, 495
Rouleau, Sister Marie, 172, 178
Rourke, Louis K., 541
Rousseau, Armand, 185, 186, 188–90, 224, 432–33 illus.
Rousseau, Harr y Harwood, 510, 511, 542, 568, 588
Rouvier, Maurice, 219, 220, 228, 231, 233
Royal Geographical Society, 22
Royal Mail Steam Packet Company, 375–76, 476
Russel, S. C, 563
Russia, 279
Russo-Japanese War, 460
Saavedra, Alvaro de, 27
Sagamore Hill, 341, 347, 348
Sage, Russell, 120
Sahara desert, 57–58
Said, Mohammed, 51–53, 103
St. John, Clifford, 580
St. Lucia, 501
St. Pierre, Martinique, 316–17
Saint-Simon, Claude Henri de Rouvroy, Comte de, 48, 559
Saint-Simonianism, 49, 206
St. Vincent Island, 317
Salazar, Captain, 370, 376
Salgar, Eustorgio, 64
San Bias, 44, 62–63, 77
San Bias, Gulf of, 43
Sanclemente, Manuel, 336
Sands, William Franklin, 557, 568fn., 587
San Francisco, 34, 65, 71, 83, 213, 542, 606, 608–9
San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 214
San Juan del Norte, Nicaragua, 38
San Juan River, 27, 65, 15
San Lorenzo fort, 566
San Pablo, 133
Sans-Leroy, Charles Francois, 196, 217, 222, 227, 229, 231, 232
Santiago Bay, Battle of, 255
Santo Tomas Hospital, 341, 447
Saratoga, U.S.S., 611
Saturday Evening Post, The, 537
Savalli, Paul, 171
Savoy, Edward, 259
Schaefer, Will, 450
Schildhauer, Edward, 594, 597, 600, 602, 605, 610
Schulze, Lieutenant, 42
Scientific American, 530, 550, 589, 591
Scott, Irving M., 315
Secunderabad, India, 409, 410
Seager, John, 451
Sedan, 12, 55
Selfridge, Thomas O., 19, 23–27, 40–44, 71, 73–74, 82, 283, 616
Seligman, Isaac, 289
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