Kuomintang, see Chinese Nationalists
Kurchatov, Igor V.
labor, labor unions
Taft-Hartley Act and
see also strikes
Labor Department, U.S.
LaCapra, Michael James “Jimmy Needles,”
LaGuardia, Fiorello
Lane, James Henry
Langer, William
Lascelles, Alan
Lasker, Morris
Latta, Maurice C.
Lattimore, Owen J.
Lausche, Frank
Lawrence, David
Lawrence, Ernest O.
Lawrence, William
Lawrence Massacre
Lazia, Johnny
League of Nations
Leahy, William
death of
at Potsdam
Lee, Dr.
Lee, Jay
Lee, Robert E.
Lee’s Summit Journal
Leigh, Vere
Lelyveld, Arthur J.
Lend-lease’ Act (1941)
Lenin, V.I.
Lerner, Max
LeRoy (White House leaf-raker)
Leschetizky, Theodore
Lesseps, Ferdinand de
Leviero, Tony
Lewis, J. Hamilton “Ham,”
Lewis, John L
Truman Committee appearance of
Lewis, Sinclair
Lhévinne, Josef
Lie, Trygve
Churchill’s book in
HST’s memoirs in
Lilienthal, David E.
atomic bomb and
on Atomic Energy Commission
communism and
on Z Committee
Lima News
Lincoln, Abraham
Gettysburg Address of
McClellan and
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindbergh kidnapping
Lippmann, Walter
List, Eugene
Littlefair, Duncan E.
Lloyd, David
“Locksley Hall” (Tennyson)
Lockwood, Paul
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.
Lodge, Henry Cabot, Sr.
Long, Earl
Long, Huey
Long, Tania
“Long Telegram,”
Longworth, Alice Roosevelt
Los Alamos
Los Angeles Times
“Lost Battalion,”
Louisville Courier-Journal
Lovett, Robert A
Lowe, Frank
Lowenthal, Max
Loyalty Program
Lubell, Samuel
Lucas, Scott
Luce, Clare Boothe
Luce, Henry R
Ludendorff, Erich
Lykins, Johnston
McAdams, Clark
MacArthur, Douglas
Chiang and
death of
divided-forces tactic of
end-the-war offensive of
farewell speech of
heroic standing of
HST’s firing of
HST’s opinion of
HST’s Wake Island meeting with
Inchon victory of
insubordination of
in Korean War
letter to Martin from
Reminiscences of
Senate investigation on firing of
speaking tour of
VFW statement of
McCann, Gerard
McCarran, Pat
McCarthy, Joseph R.
death of
Eisenhower and
Marshall attacked by
McClellan, George B.
McClintock, Robert
McCloy, John J.
McCluer, Franc L.
McCormack, James
McCormack, John
McCormick, Anne O’Hare
McCormick, Ken
McCormick, Robert “Bertie,”
MacDonald, Donald J.
MacDonald, Jeanette
McElroy, Henry
McElroy, Mary
Macfadden, Bernarr
McFarland, Ernest
McGarrity, W. F.
McGowan, Carl
McGrath, J. Howard
firing of
McGrory, Mary
McKellar, Kenneth “Old Mack,”
McKim, Charles
McKim, Edward
McKim, Mead, & White
McKinley, William
McKinney, Frank E.
McMahon, Alphonse
McMahon, Brien
McNaughton, Frank
MacVeigh, Lincoln
Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum
Madison, Dolley
Madison, James
magnesium production
Malenkov, Georgi M.
Malik, Jacob
Maloney, James J.
Manchester, William
Manchester Guardian
Japan’s invasion of
in Korean War
Soviet Union and
Manhattan Project (S-1)
see also atomic bomb, atomic energy
Mann, Betsie
Mann, Christopher
Mansfield, Mike
Mao Tse-tung
Map Room
Maragon, “Mysterious” John
Marcantonio, Vito
Marcelle, Joseph P.
March, Fredric
“March of Time, The”
Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome
Marine Corps
maritime strike (1946)
Marks, Ted
Marshall, George C.
atomic bomb and
background of
Berlin crisis and
character and appearance of
China mission of
confidence and morale inspired by
death and funeral of
Eisenhower and
Europe and
Harvard commencement speech of
on HST
HST on
Japan and
Korean War and
MacArthur’s firing and
McCarthy’s attack on
Palestine issue and
at Potsdam
retirement of
as Secretary of Defense
as Secretary of State
Vinson mission and
in World War I
World War II and
Marshall, John
Marshall Plan (European Recovery Program; ERP)
authorship and naming of
conception of
congressional approval of
cost of
Harvard commencement speech on
Kennan’s role in
1948 campaign and
partition of Palestine and
Progressive Party’s denunciation of
Martin, Glenn
Martin, Joseph
background of
and firing of MacArthur
as presidential candidate
as Speaker of the House
Masaryk, Jan
HST’s membership in
Matheus, Elijah “Cap”
Mathias, Bob
Matthews, Francis P.
Matthews, T. S.
Mayerberg, Samuel S.
Mays, John
Mead, James
Meader, George
meatpackers’ strike (1946)
meat prices
meat shortages
medical care, see health care and insurance
Médicis, Catherine de
Meisburger, Edward
Mellon, Andrew
Melton, Thomas
Memoirs (Truman)
Mencken, H. L.
Menefee, Walter
Menninger, William C.
Merchant of Venice, The (Shakespeare)
Merman, Ethel
Messall, Victor
Mesta, Perle
Meuse-Argonne offensive
Mexican-American War
HST’s visit to
water treaty with
Meyer, Agnes
Miami Daily News
Middle East
see also specific countries
Miles, John
civilian control of
discrimination in
NSC-68 report on
strength of
unification of forces in
universal training for
see also defense spending; draft, military
Miller, Merle
Miller, Verne
Milligan, Jacob L. “Tuck”
Milligan, Maurice
Milwaukee Journal
minimum wage
mink coats
Minton, Sherman
Mission to Moscow (Davies)
congressional districts in
Depression in
General Order No. 11 and
migration to
slavery in
see also Jackson County, Mo.; specific cities and towns
Missouri Compromise
Missouri River
Mitchell, Richard
Mitchell, Samuel
Mitchell, Stephen A.
Molotov, Vyacheslav M.
Monroe, Elizabeth Kortright
Monroe, James
Monroe Doctrine
Monroney, A. S. Mike
Montgomery, Emmett
Moore, Charles H.
Moore, Elizabeth
Moran, Lord
Morgan, David
Morgan Oil and Refining Company
Morgenthau, Henry
Morison, Samuel Eliot
Morris, Newbold
Mostyn-Owen, Willy
Mount Palomar
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mr. Citizen (Truman)
Mr. President (Hillman)
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Muccio, John
Müller-Grote, Gustav
Mundt, Karl Earl
Murphy, Charles
Murphy, Harry
Murphy, Robert
Murphy, Tom
Murray, Matthew S.
Murray, Phil
Murrow, Edward R.
Mussolini, Benito
Myers, Hank
Mylander, William
Nagasaki, bombing of
Nagoya, bombing of
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Nash, Frank “Jelly”
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Bank of Commerce
National Conference of City Planning
National Defense Advisory Commission
National Defense Mediation Board (NDMB)
National Guard
National Old Trails Association
National Security Act (1947)
National Security Council (NSC)
Korea and
military strength report (NSC-68) of
Z Committee of
NATO, see North Atlantic Treaty Organization
natural resources
Navy, U.S.
contracts for, see defense spending
Navy Bureau of Ships
Nazis, see Germany, Nazi
NDMB (National Defense Mediation Board)
Neild, Edward F.
Nelson, Donald M.
Nesbitt, Henrietta
Neutrality Act (1936)
Nevins, Allan
New Deal
Communists and
Second Hundred Days of
New Republic
election poll in
New Yorker
New York Herald-Tribune
New York Post
New York Sun
New York Times
see also Krock, Arthur
New York Times Book Review
New York Times Magazine
Nicholson, Henry
Niles, David K.
Nimitz, Chester A.
Niños Héroes, Los
Nitze, Paul
Nixon, Pat
Nixon, Richard M.
Nixon, Robert
Noland, Ella Truman (aunt)
Noland, Ethel (cousin)
Noland, Joseph (uncle)
Noland, Nellie (cousin)
Noland House
Norman, Lloyd
Norris, George W.
Norstad, Lauris
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Attleboro Chronicle
Noyes, David M.
NSC, see National Security Council
NSC-68 report
nuclear weapons, see atomic bomb, atomic energy
Nude Descending a Staircase (Duchamp)
Nye, Gerald P.
Nye Committee
Odlum, Floyd B.
Odum, Reathel
O’Dwyer, William
Office of Defense Mobilization
Office of Economic Stabilization
Office of Emergency Management (OEM)
Office of Facts and Figures
Office of Production Management (OPM)
Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion
Ogburn, Charlton, Jr.
Ogden, Betty
Ogden, Sue
O’Hara John
O’Hare, William
oil industry
Middle East and
Oliphant, Charles
Olympic Games (1948)
Omaha Morning World Herald
O’Malley, R. Emmett
OPM (Office of Production Management)
Oppenheimer, J. Robert
Order No. 11 (Bingham)
Oregon Journal
organized crime
Osborne, John
Osmeña, Sergio
Ott, Natalie
Oxford University
Pace, Frank, Jr.
PACs (Political Action Committees)
Paderewski, Ignace Jan
Palawan Massacre
Arabs in
Forrestal and
Great Britain and
partitioning of
U.N. and
Zionists and
see also Israel
Palmer, Ardelia Hardin
Palmer, W. L. C.
Parent, Thomas
Park, Guy B.
Parkman, Francis
Parks, Lillian
Paterson, Newell
Patterson, Robert
Patterson, Roscoe Conkling
Patton, George S.
Patton, Melvin
Pauley, Ed
Pavlov, V.N.
Paxton, Mary
Payne, Robert
Peabody, Endicott
Peacock, James
Peale, Rembrandt
Pearl Harbor attack
Pearson, Drew
Forrestal and
Vaughan and
Pegler, Westbrook
Pendergast, James “Alderman Jim”
Pendergast, James M.
Pendergast, John
Pendergast, Kathleen
Pendergast, Michael
Pendergast, Mrs. Thomas
Pendergast, Robert
Pendergast, Thomas Joseph “T.J.,”
Benton and
character and appearance of
death of
downfall of
HST’s first meeting with
HST’s relationship with
HST’s Senate campaign and
illness of
Lazia and
Pendergast, T. J., Jr.
p; Pendergast political machine
as stigma on HST
see also Defense Department, U.S.
Pepper, Claude
Perkins, Frances
Perlman, Philip B.
Perón, Juan
Perry, J. Lester
Perching, John J.
Pétain, Henri Philippe
Peters, Mize
Petrillo, James C.
Petroleum Administration
Phelps, Margaret
Philadelphia Record
Phillips, Cabell
Pierce, Franklin
Pine, David A.
Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Company
Pittsburgh Courier
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Press
Pius XII, Pope
Plain Speaking (Miller)
Plunkett, J. P.
Point Four Program
Potsdam Conference and
Soviet occupation of
Policy Planning Staff
Political Action Committees (PACs)
“Politics of 1948, The” (Rowe)
Polk, James Knox
poll taxes
Potsdam Conference (1945
atomic bomb and
central issues at
HST’s quarters at
results of
Potsdam Declaration
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.
Powell, Hettie
Powell, Jane
presidential flag and seal, redesigning of
President’s Economic Council
press conferences, SIS-819
press photographers
Prettyman, Arthur
Progressive Citizens of America
Proxmire, William
Pruden, Edward
Public Utility Holding Company Act (1935)
Puerto Rico
Pugh, Conley
Pugh, Noah E.
Purcell, E. T. “Buck,”
Pye, John
Quantrill, William
Rabaut, Louis C.
racial prejudice
HST and
in military
see also civil rights
Radford, Arthur
Railway Labor Act (1934)
railway strike (1946)
Randall, Clarence
Rash, Bryson
Rayburn, Sam
funeral of
HST’s reelection campaign and
1948 Democratic Convention chaired by
Truman Doctrine supported by
as vice-presidential candidate
Reagan, Ronald
Reason Why, The (Woodham-Smith)
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Reddig, William
Redding, Jack
Red Legs
Reece, Carroll
Reed, Clyde Martin
Reed, James A. “Fighting Jim,”
Reed, Nell Donnelly
Reed, Stanley F.
Regan, Phil
Remington, Frederic
Reminiscences (MacArthur)
rent control
Republican National Committee
Republican National Conventions:
of 1944
of 1948
of 1952
Republican Party
Jewish votes and
1946 congressional elections won by
1950 congressional elections won by
see also election of 1948; elections; specific individuals
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