Earl of Darling (Wicked Earls' Club)

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Earl of Darling (Wicked Earls' Club) Page 5

by Maggie Dallen

  “My sister is in dire need of a turn about the terrace. Air is in order, I believe.”

  Darius’s brows rose but he wordlessly held out his elbow to Evelyn as her fingers slipped into the crook. A sliver of pleasure danced up his arm at her touch. “Of course,” he answered.

  He led Evelyn over to the doors as they slipped out into the night. The cool air hit their skin and Evelyn drew in a deep breath.

  “Are you all right?” he asked again as they stood just on the other side of the glass doors, in plain view. He’d not take her any further. She needed a moment of repose, but he’d not risk her reputation.

  She gave a stiff nod. “Fine.” She took another gulp of air and then, to his complete amazement...she laughed. It was soft and sweet and rang like a bell in the night. “I wonder what my father will do when he catches wind of this tale.”

  Darius smiled too. “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “He hates scandal. Our family will go to great lengths to avoid it.”

  He gave a single nod. “I must confess that I didn’t plan that out at all. I just—”

  “You were perfect,” she answered, and he felt her drift closer, felt the light brush of her hip against his outer leg. “Thank you.”

  A bit of relief and a great deal of satisfaction tightened his chest as he stared down at her.

  Her chin was pointed up, her gaze steady on him as a sliver of moonlight broke through the clouds and illuminated her features again.

  She stole his breath. “You’re very welcome.”

  “Tonight feels like some battle has been won. I suppose it’s only one victory in the war—” And then she stopped. “I should not be using such a metaphor with you.”

  He dipped his head lower as if being closer would punctuate his point all the more. “Not at all. In fact, I think it is the perfect comparison. And just to be clear, I still intend to help you fight these battles.”

  Her brow knitted together. “Really?” And then she shook her head. “Not that it is surprising. You helped me tonight and you are a man of great compassion, kindness, and strength.”

  He pulled back in surprise. Of all the words he’d expected her to say, those were not it. “You’re not concerned about my reputation as a—” He didn’t finish. Those were not the sort of names he’d use in front of a lady.

  “I’m not. Not even a little.”

  He didn’t know quite what to say to that and silence fell between them as he dragged his gaze away from hers and stared out into the night. On the surface, those words were the ones he longed to hear. Someone had looked past the rumors and seen the man he actually was. Yes, he had a temper, and certainly he bore some blame in his cousin’s demise, but he wasn’t a murderer and the accusation cut every time he heard it. And up until now, he hadn’t known how to retaliate.

  On the battlefield, counter-attacks were so easy, so straightforward, and clear cut. But here…he’d been fighting in a shroud of cobwebs, curtains, and ferns.

  Her ability to see past the rumor was like light piercing into the darkness.

  And yet, her understanding of who he was and what he was capable of also cut deeply. Because it meant she hadn’t rejected his proposal because she thought he was a terrible person, but more likely, she just found him unsuitable as a husband.

  And that hurt. Far more than he’d ever thought possible.

  He straightened. He was a man. And he’d take the rejection like a good hit to the chin. Sure, it would knock him back. But he’d return for more. “I should return you to your brother, but I hope you will still continue a relationship with my sister. Your guidance proved invaluable.” He turned back toward the doors.

  “Wait.” Her single word, uttered with just a touch of breathy vulnerability, stopped him in his tracks.

  He looked down at her again. “What’s wrong?”

  She drew in a slow, deep gulp of air. “I still need to explain something to you. To apologize for—”

  “Apologize?” He swallowed down a lump, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he tried to push down the rising anticipation in his stomach.

  “When I answered your proposal, I didn’t mean…” She stopped, shifting on her feet in a display of uncharacteristic nervousness.

  “Yes?” he softly encouraged. He needed her next words like he needed water and air.

  “It’s just that I…” Her hand tightened on his arm. “I entered one engagement where there was no affection between myself and the man I was to marry.” Her gaze was far off, staring into the night. “I had no say on that account. I was forced into the match without any regard to my feelings or wishes.”

  He placed a hand over hers and then her free hand lay on top of his. “I understand.”

  She shook her head. “My pride simply wouldn’t allow me to enter another arrangement where I was once again not the object of affection, but simply the recipient of your goodwill.”

  His mouth dropped open before he clamped it shut again. Is that what she thought? That he’d asked her out of charity?

  Without thought or reason he reached for her chin and gently placed his forefinger under the gentle curve, lifting her face higher and turning her head so that she was looking into his eyes. “Evelyn,” he started, trying to find the exact right words. He wanted her to know in what high regard he held her. How beautiful and wonderful...but instead, his voice failed him. And rather than say anything at all, his lips drifted closer to hers.

  She searched his face for a moment, her eyes flitting back and forth from his to his mouth. And then her lashes fluttered closed and her mouth parted in an invitation that stole his reason. He forgot they were in the clear pool of light cast by the party, forgot they’d come out for a brief stroll for Evelyn to gain her composure, forgot that she’d already rejected his offer of marriage.

  Instead, only one thought remained. Evelyn Rathmore was the most lovely of women and he’d give his life to have this kiss.

  But just as he was about to press his lips to hers, the sound of the door opening interrupted the moment.

  He moved back with a speed that would have made his commanding officer proud as Evelyn blinked up at him in confusion. “What just—”

  But she never got the chance to finish.

  “Beast,” a man snarled.

  Darius turned his head to find Stallworth charging the short distance from the doors to where they stood.

  Instinctively, he tucked Evelyn behind him.

  Chapter Seven

  For one heartbeat, all Evelyn could do was gape as Darius moved in front of her and Stallworth came toward them with murderous intent written all over his features.

  “You,” he hissed as he reached Darius.

  Evelyn he ignored completely.

  She straightened, her mouth pressing into a firm line. That, somehow, rankled more than anything this horrible cad had said or done to her in the past. He didn’t even notice that she was out here after he’d publicly humiliated her by sharing an intimate moment with another woman.

  He jabbed a finger in Darius’s direction, not seeming to realize that he was roughly half the earl’s size in height and width. Standing there before Darling, with his features all scrunched up in disgust and his clothes covered in dirt and foliage, he looked like nothing so much as an irritating rodent.

  “I know what you did in there,” Stallworth said. “Everyone saw the way you attacked me.”

  “He attacked you?” Evelyn’s brows arched in surprise.

  Stallworth’s gaze shot to her, finally spotting her there, clearly under Darius’s protection. His frown made her smirk. It was rather delightful to see Stallworth so thrown. In fact, she was rather enjoying herself as she stepped out from behind Darius. “From where I was standing, it looked as though you were accosted by a fern.”

  She did her best to feign concern...and failed, no doubt. Truly, for the first time since she’d had the misfortune of meeting Stallworth, she was finally not afraid of him.

  Perhaps it
was having Darius at her side, or maybe it was because the weight of scandal had fallen on Stallworth for once, but either way she found herself facing her fiancé with a straight back and squared shoulders. “We all saw what was going on, Stallworth. It was hardly Darling’s fault that you were caught with another woman.”

  Stallworth’s eyes narrowed but his voice kept that syrupy sweet quality that irritated her ears. “We were merely talking, love. Nothing for you to fret about.”

  Her lips thinned as she bit back a decidedly unladylike oath. Making it sound as though she were jealous. She huffed. Really? “Everyone saw you with the countess, Stallworth. You cannot lie your way out of this one.”

  Stallworth moved back a step, and everything in his demeanor shifted as well. Gone was the furious knave and in his place was the sweet-talking manipulative charlatan she knew far too well. “Is that what everyone saw, Evie, my dear? Because I made it quite clear that she and I were merely having a private word about the party she was planning for her husband. She required my help to obtain champagne, you see.” His smirk made her stomach turn. “The party was meant to be a secret, of course. She’d intended to surprise him.” He threw his hands up in a gesture that seemed to say, such is life.

  “Liar.” Darius’s growl beside her made her shiver with all the cold hard edge it held. She glanced up and gasped at the granite mask that transformed his kind, handsome features into something...well, something terrifyingly fantastic.

  Her belly fluttered with feelings she could not name as she realized that he was on her side. This strong, courageous man was in her corner. For once, she was not alone in this battle with Stallworth.

  For once, she was a force to be reckoned with.

  She turned back to face the man who’d been strong-arming and manipulating her for more than a month now. This man who’d seen her as vulnerable and likely weak and had used that against her.

  A smile of triumph tugged at her lips when she took in his expression now.

  Even Stallworth paled in the face of Darius’s fury. But that didn’t stop him from confronting Darius again.


  “Who do you think you are to intervene in my life?” Stallworth snapped. He nodded toward Evelyn and spoke of her as if she weren’t even there. “She’s mine. Do you understand?”

  A muscle in Darius’s jaw twitched and his hands curled into fists at his side.

  Her belly did another flip, but this time in apprehension. He was going to lose his temper. Here and now, in front of this entire crowd which was completely unacceptable. Men called each other out…of course. But not in front of mixed company and not at parties. Once again, Darius had lost sight of the rules that governed their set and they’d make him pay for the gaffe.

  He’d confirm all the whispers and suspicions that were spreading about him like wildfire amongst the ton.

  Which was why she spoke up, shifting forward so this time it was her protecting him. “It did not seem that way a moment ago, Stallworth.”

  Stallworth tore his gaze away from Darius and blinked at her with a scowl as if only now remembering she was here.

  Oh yes, don’t mind me. Just the fiancée you’ve tricked into marrying you. Just the woman you thoroughly humiliated only moments ago.

  She clenched her hands as Darius had. His large frame towered behind her and she knew that her attempt to act as a shield was ludicrous. To any onlooker it would look just as silly as he had earlier when he’d tried to disappear behind a fern.

  She swallowed down a wave of horror. How would he ever launch his sisters if he didn’t quell the rumors? “You don’t honestly think that, do you?” Stallworth said.

  She looked back to him, realizing he’d still been talking. Judging by the low growl behind her and the way Darius shifted as though trying to get her out of the way again…

  Whatever Stallworth had been saying, it was nothing good.

  “I mean, honestly, Evelyn. Even you must admit that I am remarkably clever. Hardly one to risk his golden goose.”

  “His golden—” She cut herself off, her jaw dropping at his audacity.

  Stallworth was fool enough to smirk. “Not so good as a marquess’s sister, perhaps, but I’ll make do.”

  She gasped at his cavalier reference to her friend Sarah who’d just narrowly avoided the noose that now choked Evelyn.

  Stallworth leaned in close. “No, pet. I would never do anything to threaten our arrangement.”

  “Our arrangement?” she echoed.

  “You don’t deserve her.” The growl behind her made her start, and Darius took advantage of her surprise by gently moving her out of the way so he was once more looming over Stallworth, his neck muscles bulging and his hands clenched tight.

  Oh dear. He no longer looked angry. He looked...murderous. She glanced from Darius, so tightly coiled with rage beside her, to the veranda doors where anyone might see.

  “Deserve her? Maybe not,” Stallworth agreed with smug satisfaction. “But she’s mine all the same, now isn’t she?”

  The air crackled with tension and in a heartbeat she saw what would happen. Her heart seized with fear at what Darius would do. He drew his arm back, his face tight with anger, and she…

  She acted first.

  Stepping between them, she reached out a hand and struck Stallworth clear across the face. A crack sounded in the cold silence around them and for a moment Evelyn forgot how to breathe. The force of the blow reverberated through her as stinging pain lanced through her fingers and palm.

  Stallworth was bent to the side, a hand to his cheek, and Darius’s hands were on her shoulder. “Evelyn, are you all right?”

  But his words were drowned out by Stallworth’s cursing, and the wild fury in his eyes as he straightened and turned to her with eyes wide with shock. “You hit me, you little—”

  “Evelyn!” Her brother’s voice rang out as he strode out onto the veranda and entered the fray. His gaze took it all in, and from the tight lines around his mouth and eyes, she had no doubt he’d seen.

  “Where have you been?” Stallworth shouted. “Your sister is a little minx. You ought to teach her manners. Or better yet, I’ll teach her—”

  “Watch your tongue.” Darius’s voice sounded like a thunderous boom, and both men drew back from him.

  Evelyn moved closer.

  “You will hold your tongue,” Darius continued, his glare fixed on Stallworth, his body still taut with tension. “Unless you wish to face me at dawn, you will never speak ill of Miss Rathmore, you will never embarrass her, and you will certainly never talk to her as you have today.” He moved in closer and her brother stepped between them.

  A peacekeeper.

  Her hand throbbed from striking Stallworth, but she ignored the pain as she waited with bated breath to see what would happen next. Surely her brother would defend her honor.

  Jacob placed a hand on Stallworth’s shoulder and she blinked at the sight of it. It looked almost as if…

  Almost as if her brother were taking his side.

  Her brows drew together in question as her gaze met Jacob’s. “Where have you been?” she asked.

  “I was smoothing things over in there.” His grip on Stallworth’s shoulder grew tighter as he addressed the man whose cheek was a bright shade of red. “If you hope to maintain any connection with my family, you will do the same.”

  Evelyn’s lips parted with a gasp. Surely, Jacob couldn’t mean…

  But this was their chance to get her out of the dreaded engagement. Surely they should exploit his bad behavior.

  Jacob turned to her and his gaze was dark and filled with meaning...but she had no idea what he was trying to say. Confusion and hurt warred inside her as she met his gaze with questions that she could not ask. Not until they were in private.

  Stallworth looked properly cowed by her brother, and he did not risk glancing up at Darius, who still glowered down at him.

  It seemed Stallworth had finally found some sense, at least,
that he did not push Darius any further.

  Darius, she noted, looked one ill word away from reenacting the battle of Waterloo.

  She placed a calming hand on his forearm but drew it back quickly. Mostly because her hand still smarted, but also because her brother and Stallworth both watched the gesture with too much interest.

  Her brother stepped forward and took command. “I shall walk Stallworth out. He and I will tell everyone how there was just a minor misunderstanding between the engaged couple and hopefully cut off any scandalous gossip before it can begin.” Her brother glanced down at the hand she was cradling against her belly. “For all our sakes.”

  She flinched at the censure in his voice, hating it even more when Stallworth used that moment to give her a smug smirk, as though her brother were lecturing her on his behalf.

  Her brother seemed to be waiting for an answer and so she swallowed down her anger and forced a calm tone. “Very well. What would you have me do?”

  “Stay here.” Her brother’s gaze darted from her to Darius and back again, and whatever was going on in his mind, she could not fathom. “Do your best to appear as though nothing untoward has happened.” He met her gaze evenly. “You are merely getting some air with a new acquaintance. Understand?”

  She nodded, holding her tongue until Jacob and Stallworth were once more inside. Eyes were still on them, that much she knew. But at least she was free to speak. Tilting her face up, her breath caught at the myriad of emotions she saw in his eyes.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  She nodded, ignoring once more the ache in her hand. “I am fine, and...you?”

  She bit her lip. How silly that sounded. Here was a man who’d fought in wars. Of course he could withstand a minor mishap with a pathetic merchant.

  He gave her a small smile as if he could read her thoughts, and she let out a long breath.

  “I apologize—”

  “I am sorry—”

  They both spoke at once and after a stunned silence they shared a grin and short laugh.


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