The Christmas Secret

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The Christmas Secret Page 12

by Kristen Kelly

  “Just a ring?” I’d had the ring for months. The minute I’d realized what a dolt I’d been, I’d had it made special. “You’re right, you’re right. It is just a ring but...”

  Claim her, you coward. Claim her now!

  “Do you want to try it on?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “I mean...just to see how it looks with your dress. It’s not your typical engagement ring. In fact, we could just call it a friendship ring. We are still friends, aren’t we?”


  “Friends give each other gifts. Try it on. Even if you don’t want to accept it. Just try it on so I can see what it looks like on a woman’s finger. Please.”

  “Okay, but I’m not keeping it.”

  I slipped it on her finger.

  Yes! Mine.

  “Gorgeous,” I said. “And the ring’s not bad either.”

  She laughed nervously.

  “Abby, I know I messed up. I should never have given you the other ring. It was heartless an stupid and...”

  “Shhhhh,” she said, placing a finger to my lips. “It wasn’t the ring that broke us up, Chase. It was never the ring or the fact that you took Cynthia on all those business trips.”

  The sweet scent of flowers filled my nostrils and a cool breeze lifted her hair.

  “Tell me what to do and I’ll fix it. Fix us. Please, Abby. I’m not a complete man without you. You’re my other half. My better half.”

  “Well that part is almost true. I am the better half anyway.”

  I laughed. “Walked right into that one, didn’t I?”

  “You did.” She was struggling to take off the ring but it wasn’t budging, thank God. “I appreciate the effort, but... Damn, what size is this ring? Zero? It won’!”

  “Same size as the other one. Maybe it’s a sign, sweetheart.”

  “No! No, it’s not a sign, dammit!” She pulled at the ring some more, going red in the face.

  “I don’t see what the problem is. Just keep it, Abigail.”

  She looked at me in horror. “And give you the wrong idea? No way.”

  “Give me one good reason why we shouldn’t try again,” I pleaded. If I could just keep her here, struggling with the ring if that was what it took, I knew I had a chance.

  She let out an exhausted breath and stopped struggling. She swiveled to face me. “If we got back together, what would change, Chase? What in the fucking world would change when we got back home? Can you tell me that? No. You can’t, because it would be exactly the way it was before. With you married to your company and me eating Chinese food out of a box every night surfing the Home Shopping Network. Alone. While you’re off to God knows where. Without me. And that’s who you are, Chase. You’re a fantastic businessman, and I wouldn’t want you any other way. Not really, but... but I want more now. I want a man who puts his family first and that’s never going to be you, Chase. It’s not in your DNA. Not in your blood. Neither of us can change that and we shouldn’t try. ”

  “I’ll take less trips, baby. I’ll be home more. I promise.”

  She shook her head. “Maybe you would do that. At first. But once we settled into a routine, it would start all over again. Chase, you’re great with the kill. It’s why you’re so successful, but I can’t go back to being second. I need to know, for once in my life, that I come first with the man I love. And I don’t see that happening, Chase. You’re not the type of man who can put all that aside. You just can’t. Not even for this week. I’ll bet you didn’t even leave your phone in your hotel room.”

  I fingered the cell in my pocket—I had it on mute—it had been pinging all fucking night. Damn, she was right. Was I that much of a barracuda?

  “Maybe you’re right, but I don’t know how to live without you, Abigail. You’re my best friend.”

  Her eyes welled up again.

  “I’ve missed you so much, Abby” I lifted her chin so I could look into her eyes. God, she smelled so good. Like sunshine and lemon shampoo.

  I kissed her. Slowly. Softly. Waiting to see if I’d pushed her too far.

  I knew I hadn’t, when she kissed me back with so much passion—so much heat, it gave me hope. Despite her harsh words, I thought we would burst into flames with our desire for each other.

  Abby and I had always had terrific chemistry. Was that all there was between us? Just chemistry? At the moment I didn’t care. I needed to have her. To taste her sweet juices. Feel her heart beat near mine. Claim her body, heart, and soul. One last time.

  I growled as her breasts pressed against me. My arousal had been immediate. Since the moment I laid eyes on her in the bar. Something inside me jumped, clambering to get free.

  “We...we can’t,” she said, breathless after pulling free, but then she grabbed me by the vest, and stuck her tongue down my throat.

  So much for rejection. No wonder we men are clueless about what women want.

  If this was Abby saying no to me, I wanted more..

  “I need...” she said, panting, her eyes wild with need. She pulled down the top of her dress and cupped a hand beneath one breast. I brought it to my lips, nipping at her nipple.

  “This... baby? You want this?” My fingers probed the edge of her panties, slipped into her wetness. Probing inside her core.

  Soft. So very soft.

  She arced her back, moaning with desire.

  She needed me. Needed this. The release that drove her over the edge. The place where she couldn’t think, or fight, or hide from me.

  I searched for that secret spot of hers with my finger. The place where a single touch made her mine. “Open wider, baby.”

  She did. As well as lean back to hold onto the trellis behind her head. I felt her bottom rise off the bench, heard her try and suppress her pleasure.

  “No one will hear you, baby. Just let it go. Come. Come for me, darling.”

  Then I dropped to my knees and spread her thighs wider, placing them on my shoulders.

  She gasped.

  “Beautiful.” I ran my tongue along her inner thighs.

  Her breath came in hot frantic bursts as her hands cupped my head keeping me where she needed me. We’d always been good together. Like this. Always.

  Ripping her silk panties, I used both hands to split them down the middle.

  “Chase...,” she said, surprised and then laughed.

  “Say it again, baby. Say my name.” My tongue shot forward.

  “Chase,” she whispered.

  “Again,” I said, pausing in her pleasure.


  “Louder, baby. Say my name louder.” Her nails scraped along my neck. “Oh God.”

  “Not God, Baby. Say my name, dammit!”

  “Chase!” She leaned back, offering herself up to me.

  This was us. Abby and I. We were like animals when we were together. Biting and scratching. Trying to climb inside each other. I did what I did best. What I knew. The only thing I could control. At least, right now.

  Mine. You’re still mine. You just don’t know it yet. I will make you see how much you truly mean to me after this. But for now...Fucking come, wifey! Come along my tongue!

  Her flavor changed, letting me know she was close.

  “Almost there,” she panted. “I... Oh!” Her body bucked and then she screamed.

  I heard a gasp somewhere.

  Not Abby’s voice. So I placed a hand over her mouth. We burst into laughter.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  Charlotte burst through the bathroom door while I was brushing my teeth.

  “What’s wrong with you, and what are you hiding behind your back?”

  I’d managed to get up before Charlotte. I had already taken a shower, dressed, and popped three Ibuprofens for the nasty headache I regretted.

  “Huh? Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumbled, my mouth filled with frothy toothpaste. I shoved my other hand inside the pocket of my bathrobe that covered my formal dress.

“Yes, you do.” She grabbed my hand out of my pocket, grinning like a fool as she stared at the ring on my finger.

  “Holy shit! You did it. And he pulled it off. He really pulled it off. Oh, Abby, I’ve been so worried about all this. I thought you would hate me when you found out, but it worked it really worked. Whew! Now I can relax for a change. Good, I have to get my dress from the cleaners, do my hair up and I need a manicure. Do you think we I have time for a manicure?”

  “What the hell are you babbling about?” I pulled my hand away, spit out the toothpaste, stuck my mouth beneath the faucet, and then drained the water into the sink.

  “That,” said Charlotte, pointing.

  I tried twisting the ring around my finger again, but it still wouldn’t come off.

  “The wedding is at eleven, silly. I asked you if you think I have time...Never mind. I’ll just throw some clear polish on them. They’re fine. I probably couldn’t get into a salon at this late date. Not important anyway. You don’t care, right?”

  “What? Charlotte, you are not making sense.” Then I noticed her dress. Black and plunging with a tasteful strand of pearls. “Oh. Yeah, the wedding. You’re going?”

  “Going,” she said incredulous. “Of course I’m...going.” She shook her head as if to say, what a ludicrous question.

  “I didn’t think you...Whatever. Good, I’ll have someone to talk to.”

  Charlotte stared at me.



  I leaned over the sink, finished applying my mascara, closed the tube and threw it in my makeup bag.

  Charlotte grabbed my hand.“Let me see it, again.”

  “It is pretty, isn’t it?” I glanced down, loving how the overhead lights bounced off the diamonds.

  “God, yes. When Chase Remington does something up, he does it up grand. Know what the best part of all this is? We can finally stop this charade .”

  “You don’t think we... He and I?”

  “You accepted his ring.”

  “I got it stuck, Charlotte. That’s all.”

  “Stuck with the hottest man on the island, you mean. Talk about jumping through hoops. Girl, you do not know what you have in a guy like that. Stubborn. That’s what you are.”

  “I am not!” I grit my teeth. I was still angry that I couldn’t get the ring off. Even more so, because I’d agreed to this ridiculous date for a wedding of someone I didn’t even know.

  “What? You can’t be mad at me now. You accepted his ring so all’s fun in love and war, right?”

  I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “I only tried it on. To see how it... Don’t give me that look!”

  “Yup. Tried it on and...?”

  “To see how it looked on my finger. Simple. I’m giving it back to him.”


  “What do you mean, right?”


  “Charlotte, whatever this...this thing you’re referring to that you did.... Wait. What do you mean...we...can stop this charade?

  The smile on her face drooped. “You don’t remember? I know, I know. Too many mai tais. Understandable.”

  “I was perfectly sober last night.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” She went to grab my hand again, but I tucked it behind my back this time. “So how was it?”

  “How was what?”

  “She rolled her eyes. “Not the sex, silly. At least I hope you had sex. God, it was so romantic. The song. The night. Everything.”

  “You knew he was on the island, didn’t you?” I glared at her and she backed up against the wall.

  “Why do you look angry?”

  “Because I’m thinking my best friend stabbed me in the back. Again.”

  “I did nothing of the kind.”

  “You lured me here on false pretenses just so he could...” I advanced on her, stabbing a finger in the air. “I thought you were my friend.”

  “I am your friend,” she shouted. She appeared confused and a little scared. “You did get back together, didn’t you?”

  “No! No, I didn’t, and I’m not going to. Ever!” I grabbed my purse, threw it over my arm and opened the door. I would put all these rumors to rest once and for all and God help Chase Remington when I got my hands on him.

  I FOUND HIM IN THE lobby, looking smug as can be. Why hadn’t he changed his clothes?

  “There you are,” I said, my heart racing. “What the hell have you got up your sleeve, Chase Remington?”

  “Nice to see you too,” he said. He took my hand, the one with the ring on my finger. “I see the ring is still here.” Then he put it to his lips and kissed it. “And you’re never taking it off again.”

  “The hell, I’m not,” I shouted, trying desperately to twist it off my finger. “Never mind. I’ll have someone at the hotel cut it off.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh wouldn’t I?”

  “You can’t tell me what to do, Chase. I’m not your wife. I’m not even your employee. As of right now, I quit.”


  “Why are you laughing? This is not funny. Not one single bit.”

  He chuckled. “Okay.” He drew a circle in the air around his lips. “Me not laughing anymore.”

  I couldn’t help it. I giggled.

  Then his face grew serious. “Abigail, I don’t want you upset and it’s not my fault the ring won’t come off. Can we sit down and talk about all this?” He took me by the elbow, attempting to steer me over to a circular couch.

  “There’s nothing to say, Chase.”

  “Okay, but. I thought we should...” Just then a man entered the lobby, followed by several ice sculptures of swans and a huge wedding cake covered in fresh tropical flowers. They disappeared in the room off to our right where the wedding would take place.

  Why did I agree to be Chase’s date again? Oh yes. I was drunk. Plus there was that whole orgasm thing that ruled my brain.

  “Tell me what to do, Abby. I’ll do anything. Anything.”

  “Sure you will,” I said, tears streaming down my face. “Now my mascara is running.” I could not and would not admit he was breaking my heart all over again. If he’d only shown me a sign that I was worth more than anything else. That he’d change whatever he needed to, just to be with me. But he hadn’t. He’d tricked me with the whole Steve business. And this weekend? This was just more trickery from a very desperate man.

  “Abigail...” When he said my name like that, I had to turn my face away. I needed to stay strong.

  “Abby, I swear to God, I’m a different man now.”

  If only that were true.

  “It’s not enough, Chase.”

  “All right.”

  My heart sank into despair.

  Right then, a familiar shape walked through the entrance of the lobby, and I stared with my mouth wide open at Zachary Taylor, Chase’s right-hand man. To my surprise, he simply smiled at me, ignoring my tear stained face.

  “You ready, man? No backing out now,” he said, smacking Chase on the back.

  What the...

  “Oh, now I finally can put all the pieces together. Figures. You people are something else.”

  Chase stared at Zac who smiled at me and then shrugged. “Guilty as charged, sweet cheeks.”

  “Sweet cheeks?” I groaned. “Unbelievable.”

  I turned to Chase. “I owe you one last date, but that’s all,” I said, vaulting to my feet. “And then, I quit.”

  “Oh fabulous,” Zac said, not missing a beat. “Not like the two of you need money anyway.”

  I ignored him.

  “Sweetheart,” Chase said, holding out his elbow for me to hook onto. He smiled as if I hadn’t shattered his huge ego just now. Maybe I wasn’t as important as he led me to believe after all. He didn’t seem upset in the least. Perhaps all I was to him was a merger gone bad.

  I took his arm and we strolled toward the banquet room, pausing at the entrance before I noticed something stra

  Was I seeing things? The poster I’d noticed the other day was now on the opposite side of the room. I could just make out one of the names.


  “What, baby?”

  “The groom’s name is Chase?”

  “Um, yeah.”



  As we entered the ballroom, I saw another familiar face.

  Sheila from Accounting.

  And then another. Terrance from Personnel.

  Then the Brooks brothers in Acquisitions.

  The entire office of Corporate Operations, and others.

  “Chase? What’s going on?”

  “You wanted me to show you that you come first. Well, this is the whole company. Our company. And it wasn’t just Charlotte. It wasn’t Zachary either.”

  “It was everyone,”

  The floodgates let loose. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

  “I shut the company down for a full week.”

  “ did?” I asked, my voice quivering.

  “I did. No one is working and they all came here without pay. I paid for their trip but none of them are taking their salary right now.”

  I was speechless.

  “So you see, it’s not just me, Abby. Everyone we’ve ever met wants to see us back together. We’re a team, sweetheart. You and me. A team.

  I sniffed back the tears.

  “Now, how can you argue with that?”

  “I...I can’t.”

  He took me in his arms and held me so tightly I thought I was going to break in half. Then he got down on one knee again.

  This time I didn’t stop him.

  “Abigail Remington, will you be my wife? Again.”

  I looked around the room. It had gone completely silent with everyone frozen in place—the only movement the fans blowing on the draperies and decorations hanging from the ceiling.

  “Yes,” I whispered, gazing down at this kind, overbearing, strong, self-assured man I couldn’t live without, another day.

  “We can’t hear you in the back,” someone yelled.

  “I said yes. Yes, yes, yes!”

  Tremendous cheers went around the room as Chase lifted me in his arms and swung me around.

  Then he kissed me, dipping me dramatically and nearly dropping me on the floor because he was teetering on his good foot. We both stood up laughing through our tears, and the applause didn’t stop for a full five minutes.


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