Finding Summer (Nightwind Book 3)

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Finding Summer (Nightwind Book 3) Page 16

by Suzanne Halliday

  “Actually,” she cooed breathlessly, reminding him she had bigger balls than he. “You are a very big boy,” she said with emphasis and a wink.

  Yep, yep, yep. They were made for each other. Her charming audacity was everything he didn’t know he needed.

  “Would it do any good to ask you to behave?”

  She giggled. “You can give it a shot, I suppose.”

  “Summer,” he growled.

  “Arnie,” she replied in a charming sigh.

  Another load of bricks tumbled into him. The women he’d known before now weren’t interested in making a connection. It was sex, and he was fine with that. He’d willingly participated in decades of empty, meaningless encounters, but it was different with Summer. From their first words to here and now, she playfully challenged him.

  She was testing him, so he might as well enjoy it. Still gripping the back of her head, he held her still and boldly fondled her breasts. Her hands grasped the sides of his shirt, and after a few seconds, she moaned.

  When she softened and went still, he released her hair and tweaked her nipples through her clothing one last time.

  “That’s better.” He didn’t hide his arrogant triumph at having subdued her so easily. “Now. Where were we?” He chuckled. “I believe you were going to find some music.”

  Satisfaction roared inside him when her hands trembled as she played with her phone. Knowing he affected her the same way she stirred him was deeply gratifying.

  “This might do,” she murmured after a minute passed. “It’s a Sunday playlist.”

  He knew the first tune within a few notes. “Rewrite the Stars” from The Greatest Showman was a pretty song with an ill-fated lover’s vibe.

  Sometimes destiny came with a dose of reality. “Dance for me, golden girl.”

  Summer rose without hesitation. Arnie was mesmerized as she moved around the courtyard. She was graceful, powerful, and one with the song. Her movements combined floor dance, ballet, and hip-hop. He watched her face. His sunshine lady did more than just dance. She experienced the music.

  He’d been in her apartment and saw with his own eyes how she dabbled in things outside the mainstream. She had bowls of crystals, fairy figurines, and hung a rustic, homemade mandala. There were romantic paranormal paperbacks in her book stack, and then there was the picture of Tintagel and Merlin’s cave. Even if she didn’t fully understand it, Summer had one foot in other realms. It made sense he’d be drawn to a girl who wasn’t afraid of spirits.

  Out of breath but glowing with happiness, she dropped onto his lap when the song finished and proceeded to kiss him with escalating fervor. He gave her full rein just to see how far she’d take things, and goddammit if the sexy girl who gave him her virginity didn’t go for the gusto.

  Summer liked to kiss. She shyly asked for more until the passive approach got old. Then she turned demanding and greedy.

  He liked greedy. Greedy was good. So was demanding. They were markers indicating her level of arousal, not that he needed one.

  Still, before they went any further, he had to check and be sure.

  His hand slid up her thigh and under her dress. At the same time, he bent her over his arm and tongue kissed her with ravenous abandon. She responded by whimpering and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  He lost no time finding the waistband of her stretchy lace boy shorts and moved his big hand inside. She parted her legs to give him access. He responded to the unspoken permission by touching her pussy lips. Finding her drenched with need, he groaned into her mouth and thrust his finger into her.

  The wet heat scrambled his thoughts and tested what control he had. She undulated. He responded by sinking deep and teasing her clit with his thumb. He knew in seconds that she was close to coming, and he didn’t want that. Not yet.

  Withdrawing his hand, he patted her delectable mound through the shorts and grinned into her shocked face.

  “You’re going to make me wait, aren’t you?” she hissed with aroused frustration dripping from every syllable.

  “Do you know what edging means?”

  “No,” she pouted, “and I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna like whatever it is.”

  “Maybe not, but you’ll be a believer when I let you come.”

  “Oh. I see. I get the picture.” Her growl was cute as fuck.

  “Good girl,” he crowed with great satisfaction.

  She blushed, rolled her eyes, and shook her head. Summer’s first real brush with earning good girl points went over well, so he took it a step further with a sexy scene he knew would live in her head.

  “I still have the blindfold. If you’re a very good girl, perhaps we can play later.”

  Her eyes snapped to his when he said play. Summer’s curiosity was a potent turn-on.

  He started to get up, and in doing so, he totally threw her off balance. She scrambled off his lap and steadied herself. Without saying anything else, he went back to removing his clothes. She stared wide-eyed but didn’t move.

  The shirt was first. He took it off and draped it over the back of the lounger. She licked her lips and gazed longingly at his exposed chest.

  His belt was next, and he most certainly did not miss the way she panted and stared as he worked on the buckle. Maybe one of these days, he’d wrap it around her hands and give her a bondage thrill that she’d never forget and would beg to repeat.

  First though, he’d have to educate himself because what he knew firsthand of the kinky arts was pathetically meager. His God-given genetic attributes in the manhood department had always been enough, plus he’d never stayed with anyone long enough to get adventurous.

  “Um, should I undress?” Though uncertain, her voice was very, very turned on.

  “Absolutely not,” he answered huskily. “The striptease is a part of the seduction.” His wink and grin were meant to be cheeky and earn a laugh. She came through with a short giggle.

  “In that case, you might find it easier if you stripped to a song—in your head.”

  “Are you implying I’m an awkward stripper?”

  Her snicker was priceless. “Well, you seem to be struggling with the zipper. Do you need help?”

  Did he need help? Good lord, she was beyond incredible. There was a depth to her smile he knew was only for him. Same for the teasing.

  “I got this,” he muttered. But did he? The force of his hard-on, preliminary as it was, had enough oomph to pose a zip dilemma. If he wasn’t careful, the dreaded metal teeth had the ability to kill an erection.

  She crossed her arms, and the movement accentuated her tits. His damn cock throbbed, and the problem got worse.

  When she cocked her hip just so and tsk’d while boldly staring at the front of his pants, he almost tackled her to the floor.

  “I wish you’d let me help.”

  He mock scowled. “Your help would have the opposite effect.”

  “Don’t be such a baby.” She sniggered, and before he could orient himself, she was on him. “Here, let’s do this. I’ll tug on the zip seam to give you a bit more room to maneuver, and you worry about the other, okay?”

  Jesus. She sounded so reasonable as if helping him navigate the dreaded hard-on versus zipper predicament was an everyday occurrence.

  Not waiting for feedback, she fingered the flap of material covering the zipper and pulled. Did the action give his strangled dick breathing room? Yes. But only for a few seconds because her assistance was a turn-on.

  He sucked in his stomach and cautiously lowered the zipper. The goddamn second he was out of jeopardy, she yanked his slacks down to the floor.

  “Success!” she squealed and jumped up to do a victory dance while he kicked his pants out of the way.

  Arnie stood, hands at his waist, looking between his bulging underwear and her silliness. He almost bit his tongue off trying to maintain a straight face.

  “I don’t think you’re taking me, taking this,” he drawled with a gesture at the bulge, “seriously.” />
  She immediately stopped cavorting and waved a hand in front of her face. “Back to one,” he heard her murmur, and that was when he almost lost it. The acting term was something he had experience with. When he was on assignment, acting accounted for ninety-nine percent of staying alive. Turning it around into something light and playful gave him a weird thrill.

  Standing before him, she put her hands behind her back, hung her head slightly, and did a wicked downcast lashes thing that made his heart thump. Swaying slightly, she looked like a naughty kid.

  “Is this one of the times you’d like me to behave?”

  Maintaining a sober expression was harder than his dick.

  “It’s too late for that, young lady,” he scolded. “Come here,” he commanded. She stepped forward, and he twirled his finger. “Turn around.”

  Brushing her long hair over a shoulder to give him full access, Arnie pulled the dress’s zipper down by the tab—nice and slow. He could smell her soft perfume and marveled at the pale skin of her back.

  Leaning close, he spoke next to her ear. “Are the sleeves going to be a problem?”

  She shook her head. “Um, elastic at the wrists.”

  He saw her tremble when he ran a finger down from the back of her neck, avoiding the band of her bra, and continued to the top of her ass, where the zipper ended.

  Standing as close as he could and still have room, Arnie took his time pushing the dress off her shoulders. Goose bumps covered her skin.

  Sliding first one arm out of its sleeve and then the other, he paused to enjoy the sight. When there was nothing left to do but push the material down her hips, he made fast work of helping her step out of the dress.

  The view from behind took his breath away. Up close, the modest boy shorts made his mouth go dry. Skintight stretchy lace covered her ass and the tops of her thighs. He put his hands on her hips to let her know he was admiring her bottom. Naughty Summer responded by wiggling her butt. She had no idea how hard it was for him to pass on the invitation.

  He touched her shoulder so she knew to turn around. Summer’s boobs were a work of goddamn art. Erotic art. A black lace bra barely managed to contain her breasts, and the peek-a-boo lingerie left little to the imagination. He smiled at the sight of her tasty nipples. Primal satisfaction thrummed in his bloodstream when he saw the love bites he’d left.

  She didn’t wait for his next move and simply reached behind to undo the bra. Peeling it off her spectacular body, she dropped it on the floor and covered her boobs with both hands. The pose was shy and reeked of modesty.

  He moved her hands away and stared longingly at the beautiful mounds. His focused attention affected her. He stared in mute fascination as her nipples bloomed until they became harder right before his eyes.

  His mouth watered, and he reacted. Barely licking one and then the other, he grinned at her and then dropped slowly to one knee.

  Grabbing her ass cheeks to yank her forward, he buried his face in the juncture of her thighs. Inhaling deeply, Arnie moaned his pleasure as he exhaled.

  “You want me,” he said.

  Her eyes turned smokier, then she bit her lip and blushed. “Yes.”

  Satisfaction coupled with fierce pleasure took control of his actions. He held her gaze while peeling the clingy lace off. When her beautiful mound was exposed, he wasted no time placing a wet kiss tantalizingly close to her pussy lips.

  He looked up at her. Panting and quivering, she watched him with wide eyes.

  “Tonight, we don’t bother with pretty words or phrases. Vocalize your needs, baby. Do you understand?”

  She caressed his cheek and held his chin while their eyes remained connected. “Goddess slut,” she said with a wicked smile.

  “Yes. The filthier, the better.”

  He rose, took her hand, and guided her to the pool as if she was a queen. Impressed by how smooth he was being, Arnie wasn’t prepared for her to bark, “Oh, crap. Hold on.”

  She dropped his hand and dashed to the table to dig around in her purse.

  “Voila.” She giggled while holding up a hair clip. “No self-respecting slutty mermaid is gonna get her hair wet unless necessary.”

  When she turned away from the table and bent at the waist, he nearly dropped like a stone as her sweet, delectable ass and pussy were gloriously revealed. His cock throbbed like a motherfucker. He squeezed his eyes shut as she secured her hair. Unfortunately, all that did was doom him to watching the X-rated scene playing out on the insides of his eyelids.

  “Ready,” she announced as her hand gripped his arm to help her step into the water.

  She didn’t sink below the bubbles right away and stayed where he had full view of her hot, sexy body. As she scooped the warm water over her shoulders, he was mesmerized by the sight of the clear liquid cascading over her tits, dripping from the turgid nipples, and sliding in rivulets down her body.

  “Are you going to join me?” she asked coquettishly. Her eyes moved to his underwear and made him laugh. The girl wasn’t hard to read.

  “Hold that thought.” He made quick work of placing the champagne bucket, one dish of assorted sugar cubes, and their flutes on the edge of the pool for easy access.

  “Your attention, please,” he announced like a circus barker. When he had her attention, Arnie peeled off his underwear, giving his happy cock a chance to stretch.

  Her smile was huge, and her laugh sounded giddy. “Turns out, I like my men on the cocky side.”

  He gave her a show and calmly stroked himself while she pretended to get the swoons and collapse in a faint.

  Stepping into the warm, swirling water, he gathered her in a fierce hug and held her tight against his body as he sank onto the spa bench and took her with him.

  “Oh god,” she sighed in a husky moan. “This feels awesome.”

  Squirming around until the jets hit her where she wanted, his golden girl slutty mermaid completely ignored him while she played in the water.

  He let her splash around and get goofy while he poured champagne and enjoyed the show. When he handed her the flute, she stood in front of him to accept it. Droplets of water clung to her nipples and to the small patch of golden fuzz barely covering her mound.

  She was completely unconcerned with her nudity. The realization that she wasn’t playing him and was coming from a place of freedom shook him to his core. The women he’d known were only after his cock—or his money. He’d never known a single second of openness or freedom before Summer.

  Over the rim of her glass, she smiled slyly, and asked, “How do you suppose mermaids do it?”

  “Do what?” he answered.

  “You know.” Summer giggled. “It.”

  “The filthier the words, the better, remember?”

  Happiness filled their jungle hideaway when her laughter rang out. She hummed the Jeopardy tune and drawled, “I’ll take Mermaid Fucking for a thousand, please.”

  In the next heartbeat, she sank next to him and sipped the champagne. “Confession?”

  “Sure. Go for it.” He drank his champagne and waited.

  “I like looking at you.”

  That constituted a confession? He looked at her with a curious expression.

  “The whole package is nice, but I’m talking about …” She pointed at his lap beneath the bubbling water.

  “Words, baby,” he reminded her through a pleased smirk.

  She made a face and slugged down the rest of the flute in what felt like an act of courage. “Your cock,” she blurted out. “It’s beautiful.”

  For effect, he made a display of reaching into the bubbles to stroke himself. “My cock thanks you and wants you to know how much we enjoy your pussy.”

  Her hand joined his in the water and touched him with tentative fingers.

  “No need to be shy, baby. I like a firm grip.”

  “Like this?” she asked in a breathy voice.

  Her grip was nice but nowhere near what his cock could take. He covered her fingers
with his and demonstrated. With her hand wrapped tightly around the base, he grunted to share his pleasure.

  “Say hello with a hearty squeeze.”

  She did as instructed.

  “Then slide to the head and ease up. This is your tease-zone, okay?”

  Her grip lessened, and he felt her thumb rubbing that spot on the underside of his cock that made him moan.

  “You like that,” she whispered.

  “Yes, baby. Maybe too much.”

  She repeated the squeeze, stroke, and tease maneuver several times until his leg shook. He moved her fingers away before he lost it.

  That was when the kissing began. They made out with increasing urgency. She climbed all over him until he pinned her beneath his body, half in and half out of the water as he ravished every inch of her until she was shaking uncontrollably.

  Their passions flamed to life in a roaring bonfire of lust. Even if he wanted to go slow, it wasn’t going to happen. Summer was too needy, and he wanted her with such desperation that nothing else mattered.

  “Straddle me,” he demanded as he sank onto the bench seat.

  She clutched his shoulders and spread her thighs over his lap. As she sank down, Summer kissed him with thrilling abandon, telling him with her tongue and lips what she wanted.

  Primal instincts overtook him. He felt vital and alive but slowed slightly because he wasn’t fucking her until she was on fire. Until her body was ready for the powerful mating they rushed toward.

  When the kissing stopped long enough for them to breathe, he noticed her boobs were floating on the churning bubbles. The sight was quite alluring.

  Even in the throes of passion, Summer still managed to touch his funny bone.

  “Like what you see, big guy?”

  How should he respond? With words? A smirk? He put his hands on her and sized up the situation.

  “You’re a lefty.” Fondling her boobs was a good time. So was messing with her.

  She jolted on his lap and pushed away to look down. “What do you mean?”

  “Well,” he drawled while weighing her boobs with his hands. “The left one sits lower than the right one. And it’s a bit heavier.”

  Slapping his hands away, Summer yelped and scrambled off his lap. Standing in front of him, she covered her breasts with her hands. “Nuh-uh!”


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