Wife Swapping Party a Wife Watching Multiple Partner Hotwife Romance Novel

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Wife Swapping Party a Wife Watching Multiple Partner Hotwife Romance Novel Page 5

by Karly Violet

  “Jake,” Marcy whispers. I pretend not to hear her as I show off my erect phallus to the Campbell’s

  “Come on, Marcy. You can do this.” Sadie sits down on a chair and puts her legs up over the arms of it. Her fingers make their way down to her soft pussy before they disappear into her wet hole. I groan a little as I pull on my manhood.

  “Please, Marcy.” Luke waves my wife over to him. She goes over and he reaches out for her hand. After taking it into his own hands, he pulls it down to his hard shaft and wraps it around it. “Your hand is so soft,” he tells her as my wife begins to give him a soft hand job. “So fucking soft.” Luke spreads his legs and relaxes as she puts her other hand on him and begins to jerk a little faster. Though Marcy appears at first to protest this, she seems to begin to enjoy playing with his cock.

  I move toward Sadie as she continues to play with herself. The aroma of pussy is in the air as she pulls more and more of her natural lubrication out to smear over her swelling clitoris. Luke’s wife smiles at me as I kneel down on the floor between her legs. She allows her feet to rest on my shoulders as I go down and begin to taste her sweet twat.

  “Jake…” Sadie is breathless as I begin to run my tongue around her clit and then down between her folds. Her juices are sweet and delightful to my mouth as I enjoy eating her out. “Shit, Jake. That’s it...oh, fuck.” Her hands go to her large, pink nipples where her fingers pinch and pull on each one. The petite woman’s body shudders as she squirms around in the chair as I lick and nip at every part of her beaver.

  “Squeeze my balls,” I hear Luke tell Marcy. “That’s the way. Just gently squeeze them.” He pauses before asking, “Can you suck on it? Please?” I lift my head to look over at them for a moment. To my surprise, Marcy opens her mouth and takes the other man’s cock in. “Holy shit…” He leans back and just enjoys my wife’s sweet mouth running up and down his long, hard shaft. I get even harder thinking about him coming inside her throat as I go back down on Sadie.

  “You’re a natural,” Sadie tells me as I continue to feast upon her muffin. “Finger me, Jake.” I do as she asks and reach up to insert two of my fingers into her pussy. I curl them and run them against her soft bump at the front of her vagina. Sadie’s small body reacts wildly as I stroke her G-spot over and over again. “Jake...oh, Jake…” Her fingers move through my hair as she grinds her pussy into my face. “You’re going to make me come soon.”

  “Oh...ahhhhh…” Luke begins to spurt as Marcy’s mouth seats tightly on his pecker. “Ahhh...uhhh...uhhh...uhhh…” Each burst of semen must be powerful as I hear my wife gag several times while catching his thick spunk in the back of her throat.

  “ACK!!! UTTTT!!!” Marcy isn’t the greatest at swallowing, but I would put her oral skills against anyone. She doesn’t vomit or spit out the man gravy filling her mouth. My wife swallows every bit of Luke’s come as he delivers it to her.

  “GAWWWW!!!” Sadie grips my hair tightly and pulls my face hard into her musky pudding. “OHHHHH!!!” She shrieks loudly as she orgasms and covers my face in her pussy juices. Sweet and light, I lap at them and consume as much of them as I can while she comes. “JAKE! FUCK!!!” The chair moves around on the floor as her small body wags back and forth in it. Marcy has had some pretty intense orgasms with me in the past, but I can’t recall any that were as intense as what Sadie is having at this moment with me. “Ohhhh…”

  In the next few moments, Sadie’s body relaxes and her legs rest fully on my shoulders. She’s finished. I lift my head and ask, “Was that alright?”

  Her hands laying over her breasts as she breathes deeply, Luke’s wife looks down at me and replies, “That was the best orgasm I’ve had in a very long time.”

  “Oh, come on, dear,” Luke laughs as he looks over at his wife.

  I sit up and look over at Marcy. Luke’s spunk is all over her face as she tries to wipe it off with the hem of her tee shirt. She is the only one who has managed to keep her clothes on during this.

  “Would you both like to trade places?” Sadie asks. “We sort of owe you now.”

  Marcy shakes her head. “No, we need to go.”

  “But, dinner,” I say to her. “We came for that.”

  “I think maybe I’ve overdone the appetizer for her,” Luke chuckles.

  “Let’s just go, alright? I just want to get home and take care of some things I need to do.”

  “Have we said or done something to upset you?” Sadie asks as she sits up in her chair, her wetness covering the top of the cushion.

  “No, this was all fine,” Marcy says with a half-smile. “I enjoyed it. I really did. It’s just that I’ve remembered there is something I should have already taken care of and I need to do that as soon as I can.” Looking at me, my wife tells me, “You can stay here if you would like. I just need to go.” Marcy stands up and goes to the door. I reach down and pick up my clothes, putting them on as quickly as I can.

  “Is she okay?” Sadie asks as concern fills her face. She stands to her feet and begins to get dressed as well. “Maybe we shouldn’t have done this so soon.”

  “She’s fine,” I reply as I smile at her. “Marcy can just get a little overwhelmed sometimes, that’s all. I should go with her, though. Otherwise, she might get upset with me later.”

  “Understood.” Luke pats me on the shoulder, his spent cock still dangling freely for all to see. “Let us know if there is anything we can do. Honestly, we didn’t want to do anything to upset either of you.”

  “We’re fine. I’ll talk to you later.” With that, I go to meet Marcy at the door. We leave the house and make our way back home. There is obviously something about this encounter that has bothered my beautiful wife, and I want to find out what it is. The last thing I want is to do anything that could break down our marriage.

  For more books on Hotwife, Swinging, Wife Sharing, Wife Watching and more, check out my other books on my Author Page


  Chapter Seven: Dangerous Guilt

  “Honey, are you alright?” I close the door and then make my way to where Marcy is staring out the front window of our home.

  “I’m sorry that I got that way,” she replies quietly. “I just couldn’t stay in there any longer.” My wife swallows hard as she runs a hand around her neck. “I don’t know that what we are doing is a good idea, Jake. This might hurt our marriage eventually.”

  “What?” I shake my head. “You know that I only love you, right? This was only about sex, baby. There’s nothing else to what happened tonight or last night. It was all just sex between adults.”

  “With her.” Marcy looks hard at me. “She likes you, Jake. That woman wants you more than she wants her own husband.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t think that’s true. Marcy, she’s just a very sexual person, that’s all.”

  “For you.” The accusatory tone in my wife’s voice grows stronger as she continues to glare at me. “She fixed that key basket, Jake, by her own admission. If that’s not enough evidence for you, then just think about how she orgasmed with you. She said that it was the best she’s had in a long time. She said it in front of her husband!” Marcy shakes her head and turns to begin pacing the floor slowly. “Fuck her.”


  “Sadie is going to take you away from me,” my wife continues. “You can see that could happen, right? I mean, you liked it too, didn’t you?” Marcy’s face is drawn as she looks at me now. Her expression has gone from accusatory to resigned. My wife really does seem to believe that Sadie is trying to take me away from her.

  “Look, Marcy,” I say as I put a hand on her shoulder. “You’re reading too much into this. The entire community here has become an adult community. You’ve noticed that there are no children here, haven’t you? They don’t look for people to buy into this area unless they are free of such things. All that is going on here is the neighborhood is having a lot of sex. We are having sex with others.
You had sex with another man last evening. Didn’t you like it?” My wife’s eyes turn from me for a moment as she recalls her time with him.

  “I liked it,” she admits. “But then again, you weren’t watching me with him. Tonight, though, I could see you eating her out. Sadie really liked it.”

  “And Luke enjoyed coming inside your mouth, honey. You’re not normally the type to swallow the way that you did. With me, you usually catch it all in your mouth and then spit. You swallowed his jism.”

  “Doesn’t that bother you a little?” she asks while shaking her head. “Jake, I’m terrible. I know what you want here and I have to confess that I want to screw around too. But, when I saw you with her…” She turns from me again.

  “That’s what this is all about, then. Honey, you don’t like to see me with another woman, do you?”

  “No, I don’t,” she agrees. “But there you were, eating her pussy.” Marcy scrunches her nose as she turns back to face me. “I wanted to beat the hell out of Sadie after she finished coming. I know that doesn’t make any sense, but I did.”

  I laugh. “I know what you mean. To be perfectly honest, when you went to someone else’s house without me, that bothered me even more. Having you in the same room made things easier for me. It seems that we are wired a little differently, huh?”

  Marcy giggles a little. “I guess we are.” She comes closer to me and puts her arms around my neck. I can smell Luke’s spunk still on her breath. “You want to keep doing this, don’t you?”

  “I would like to,” I tell her, “But I would never do anything that would make you too uncomfortable, my love. It wouldn’t be worth having sex with other people if you aren’t willing to go along for the ride.” After kissing her on the forehead, I ask Marcy, “Do you want to keep trying for now, or should I look into getting us moved somewhere else. After all, there’s really no sense in being her if we aren’t going to be a real part of this community.”

  She sighs. “I want to try to make things work here, Jake. I know you want it and so do I. There’s something a little freeing about spending time with another person.” Her face blushes. “What did you think about when you saw me sucking on Luke’s dick?”

  Smiling, I reply, “Well, it turned me on a lot. It got me very hard.”

  “Did it make you want to fuck Sadie?” Marcy asks. “You didn’t get to fuck her the other night, right? She just gave you a blow job.”

  I nod my head. “You’re right, I didn’t get to do that. The thought of mounting her in that chair did cross my mind, but Sadie was really enjoying what I was doing for her. So, I didn’t change it up.”

  “If I hadn’t left, though…”

  “Don’t blame yourself for that,” I reply. “Look, there could be other opportunities if we stick around here, but we need to get ourselves conditioned for living like this. We can’t half-assed do this if we are going to stay in this community. We have to make a choice. Do we give in or get out?” My question might seem a little too direct for Marcy after what she has shared with me, but we need to come to an agreement as to what will happen from now on. If she doesn’t want to continue to have sex with others, we need to leave. Otherwise, the gated community will seem a little too weird to us.

  Marcy looks out the window again as she asks, “What should we do next if we stay? How do we get me into this thing a little better?”

  “Well, I have an idea, but it would require you to lose a little of your modesty, my love. You will need to be ready to show off for people.” Pausing for her to think on that a moment, I add, “You didn’t take your clothes off over at the Campbell’s house. That was the first sign that you were a little too worried about what was happening. If you want to stay and try to make things work out here, you will need to be willing to show off what you have, Marcy.”

  “I did that the other night, Jake.”

  “I know, and it surprised me to find out that you had done it. Still, this is an opportunity for the two of us to really experience sex in a different way, Marcy. If we’re going to do this, we need to do it. What do you say? Can you do it?”

  My wife turns to look at me. A slight smile begins to form on her face. “Let’s try it, Jake. Let’s see if we can really become a part of this place.”

  “That’s the spirit.” I give her a hug as I think about what this means for the two of us. Our sex life has been a little dry over the last few months, and now that we are here and getting to be a part of what is going on in this little gated community, I want to experience so much more. Though I think Sadie might have to stay out of my bed for now, there are others in the neighborhood who will do nicely for me. Marcy and I need to do this to make things a little spicier for our own marriage. I think this could be a real turning point in our marriage.

  Chapter Eight: A Friendly Fuck

  “You can do it,” I tell Marcy as we stand out on our front porch. “Just let it all go.” The breeze across my ball sack feels nice as I stand naked in front of our house. No one has yet noticed and I’m not sure how far we’re going to get if I can’t get my wife to take her bathrobe off.

  “I don’t know,” she replies as her face turns bright red. “I’ve never just walked around in my birthday suit while in public.”

  I smile at her. “Look, they all do that sort of thing here. No one is going to call the police or security to arrest us. Let’s just take a nice walk and see what happens.”

  “Jake, this is not the best idea you’ve ever had.”

  “Just do it, baby. Come on. What do we have to lose?” We lock eyes for a moment as she considers my words. Marcy knows that I’m right. There is very little to lose by walking around naked in a place that encourages trading spouses at their parties. “Maybe we’ll see some other nudists around as well.”

  She laughs. “I think we likely will.” Marcy unties her bathrobe and allows it to drop to the porch. Her small, perky breasts react to the breeze and her nipples tighten. I begin to get a little hard as I look over my wife’s petite form.

  “Here we go.” I step off the porch with Marcy and we begin to walk through the neighborhood. It doesn’t take long for someone to notice us.

  “Hello, neighbors,” Luke says from his front yard. He smiles as he watches us go by. “A nice day for a tan, isn’t it?”

  “A very nice day,” I reply. Marcy barely looks at him as she smiles bashfully. Her waxed pussy glistens as we continue to make our way down the sidewalk. The temptation to simply fuck my wife right here, right now is so strong, but I do my best to avoid doing so.

  “That’s the Marcus house,” Marcy tells me. “I met Natalie Marcus the other day. She’s nice.” We walk around the side of the house to the back yard, where both Natalie and her husband are naked and working in a small garden.

  “Marcy!” The woman runs up to the edge of the yard and smiles at us. “It’s good to see you.” Her eyes then turn to my cock for a quick moment before she puts her attention fully on my wife. “You need to meet my husband!” We walk into their backyard to where the other man is using a small shovel to dig holes for some flower bulbs. “Paul, this is Marcy and her husband Jake.” She looks at me. “It is Jake, right?”

  I nod my head. “Yeah, I’m Jake.” I reach out and shake Paul’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you as well,” he replies. Natalie leads my wife to the other end of the small backyard garden where they begin to work on something else. “Sorry I didn’t get to meet you at the party the other night, but we were out of town.”

  “No problem,” I reply as I try to avoid looking at his large manhood. “We’re new here, so we’re still getting to know everyone.”

  Paul chuckles. “Well, walking around like that will certainly get you acquainted with everyone here.” We both laugh as Paul turns to lead me to where the women are bent over working on something. “Nice,” he says as he looks at the two women’s asses facing us. “Wouldn’t you agree?”


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