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Ishan Page 2

by Saqib Sadiq

  He closely examined the wound and found a ring of burnt flesh surrounding it. Could we be dealing with some kind of an explosion? The inquisitive medic had to find out. He clamored around in the tight confines of the ship’s examination room. Bumping his elbow against a protruding desk he finally found what he was looking for, a pair of MediVision goggles.

  Once he donned the face hugging apparatus his vision was enhanced with a comprehensive set of diagnostic tools. The magnifying effect of the lenses allowed him to peer deep into the wound seeing much more of the injury then he could have otherwise. He activated the device’s taxonomical systems. They immediately painted his vision with vivid multi colored highlights, outlining the convoluted routes that veins and muscle fibers took. He could clearly see how the explosion ripped into the body tunneling deeper and deeper until its energy was spent up.

  When he switched to fluidic view he could see red blotches splattered in and around seared flesh. They were identified as lingering traces of lithium oxide. He stepped back from the corpse to try to understand this new revelation. Lithium oxide was used in the manufacturing of power packs. Could it be that due to a mishap a power pack exploded killing this person? Austin found that to be unlikely power packs were rare yet reliable devices they wouldn’t explode in such a manner, without being tampered with.

  He would have to report these findings to the science team and let them figure it out. However during the debriefing they would ask for his expert opinion, his gut feeling told him that this was no accident. Foul play was afoot. It was very possible that this human was murdered.

  But by whom and for what reason? The Master Sergeant was not used to being baffled it made him feel vulnerable. But being a sleuth was beyond his abilities. He took off the goggles rubbing his tired eyes. The autopsy had lasted several hours but it had only raised more questions. Sighing he switched off the onboard cameras responsible for documenting the procedure. He resigned himself to the fact that he would be bringing back one hell of a mystery.


  A successful preflight systems check allowed the MediCraft to be authorized for departure. By now the closely-knit group of medics had learned of the startling find. Nobody knew what to make of it but one thing was for sure this was one stowaway they weren’t getting rid of. After initial take off they rotated the craft and set a course for home base. Vibrantly burning afterburners propelled the craft forward as it built up momentum it disappeared into deep space. With their lights fading into the dark void peace returned to the troubled hot spot. However the cosmos was not alone for its indigenous caretakers stood guard.

  Be strong my loyal servant…


  About the Author:

  How to describe Saqib Sadiq (a.k.a. Ravi Chen)? Answer, angsty youth (now mature adult), sci-fi geek, and devout Muslim. All three seemingly disjointed aspects of his personalities frequently converge and brew a firestorm within him. Feeling at the perilous center of a trisecting Venn diagram his only solace and means of communicating his raw emotion is through writing. This tempest tossed piece of his being is absorbed by the one and only Ravi Chen, his alter ego.

  The author took his love for Science Fiction and set out on a journey of self enlightenment. Studying his religion he found it awe inspiring and sought to implement it in his life. However after seeing his way of life demonized, believers and non-believers questioning its place in civilized society; he attempted to enlighten the naysayers via a genre he and they both knew and loved. Thus giving birth to his work and mission in life.

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