Big Deal Sweetheart (Sweetheart, Colorado)

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Big Deal Sweetheart (Sweetheart, Colorado) Page 3

by Elle Boon

  Delilah’s head whipped up, surprise in the blue depths. “I’ve been better honestly.”

  She nodded, then moved to sit next to her. No way was she going to stand and tower over the girl like an adult ready to berate her. “Haven’t we all?”

  “I’m sorry I lied to you,” Delilah whispered.

  “I’d say it was okay, but I don’t want to encourage you to do something like that again. I know lots of kids use fake ID’s, but honestly, there’s a reason that you have to be a certain age to do things, and the main reason is safety.” She reached over and grabbed the other girl’s hand. “You are lucky I’m a good stylist.” Nova winked.

  “You really are amazing. Even if my dad hates it, I think it’s awesome. I already sent a snap to my friends, and they love it. If you lived near me, you’d have enough new clients you’d be booked solid.”

  Nova didn’t tell the girl she had clients booking her months in advance, or that she had a waiting list. She gave her a little squeeze instead, then let go. “So, Mr. Delilah, what did you want to say to me?” Since she didn’t know his name, she used the girl’s instead. Petty? Maybe, but he wasn’t very nice to her either.

  “It’s Mr. Sparks, not Mr. Delilah. Obviously as my daughter came in under false pretenses, which someone of your profession couldn’t know she was using a fake ID, this isn’t your fault. Due to the circumstance, I won’t be pressing charges. However, in the future, you should be more careful when taking on new clients and ensure they are who they say they are.” Mr. Sparks stood by the door, his eyes a darker shade of blue than his daughter’s staring straight at Nova with an intensity that warned of danger and heat.

  She got to her feet and turned her back on the young girl, meeting his glare with one of her own. “I appreciate your generosity,” she said with a bite. “I would like to assure you that I am very good at what I do. As a matter of fact, my clients are normally booked months in advance. Your daughter got lucky and came in when I had an opening. Now, if you’re done, I have a client waiting.” The client was a bride-to-be who her Nana was set to color for her big day. Thankfully she was okay with Nova doing it. Another blessing just happened that color was one of Nova’s strong points. Heck, the lady had no clue what she was getting would’ve cost her three times what she was paying had she come to Nova’s salon.

  “I’m sure you get a lot of” His words and tone contradicted one another.

  Nova walked past him, her body brushing against his when he wouldn’t move back so she could get out the door. “Delilah, make sure your father approves of your color before you have it redone and remember to take the card with the details to whomever you go to next. I hope you both enjoy your stay in town.”

  No way was she making it anymore pleasant for the jerk to stick around inside the salon any longer. Grr, the nerve of him to suggest she wasn’t a professional.

  “I’ll be sure to find a professional when we get home to fix her up right. Have a great day, ladies.”

  Delilah and her father walked out, snow blowing inside before the door shut after them. Nova had never wanted to throttle a man who looked that good in all her life.

  “That man is a complete and total dick,” Nova muttered.

  “Yes, he is, but what a damn fine specimen if I do say so myself. Why are all the men who look like that either taken, or assholes?” Linny asked, then turned the hair dryer on.

  “He’s probably making up for the fact he has a small penis,” Nova said, her back to the door, laughing along with a hooting Linny. When the other woman’s mouth clamped shut and her eyes widened almost comically, Nova blamed the crazy. She always blamed the crazy. It was something her and her Nana always had done, much to her father’s dismay. Anytime she’d been a little wild, which hadn’t been too often, her mother would laugh and say, ‘It’s my mother’s fault. I blame the crazy on Mama Nell’, and that was that.

  Nova turned around to head back over to her borrowed styling station, bumping into a hard form. A sense of déjà vu hit her like a freight train, knocking the out of her.

  Hands gripping her arms kept her from falling. “Hmm, I assure you I have had no complaints about the size of my penis. If you’d like to see for yourself, I’ll gladly step inside the office over there to show you.”

  Wicked and wanton thoughts swirled through her befuddled mind. She wanted to nod and say yes please. Sanity kept her lips from forming the words, wondering what the heck he was doing back already.

  “Delilah forgot her purse,” he answered the unspoken question, proving the man had to be a mind reader or something.

  “Are you going to let me go?”

  “My name is Keifer.”

  His sudden change of subject made her shake her head. “What?”

  “I didn’t introduce myself earlier.” Keifer shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks, drawing her eyes downward.

  When she realized where she was staring, she jerked her head up, catching the smirk on his face. “Um, okay. Nova, which I told you earlier. Where’s Delilah?”

  Don’t look at his dick.

  Don’t look at the bulge that is clearly his sizeable dick.

  Jeezus, he has a big penis if the outline of the package behind his zipper is any indication.

  Stop it, she admonished herself inwardly. If she didn’t get her mind off of his penis, she was going to embarrass herself and him.

  “She asked if you’d like to come with us.”

  Nova shook her head.

  “I said I was sorry. Are you sure you can’t come to dinner with us?”

  Nova realized she’d missed part of his conversation and had to cough in order to clear her throat. “Sorry, can you repeat that? Not the apology, but the other.”

  “Delilah and I are having dinner at Stacks. She heard they have pancakes, and since I...made her upset, I promised her she could choose.”

  He sounded as if he was upset, but it was the way he rocked back on his heels that drew her attention downward, again. “Err, yeah, they’re known for their unique pancake creations. They’re the best I’ve ever had, and trust me, I’ve had pancakes all over the world.” She slammed her mouth closed, not wanting to disclose any more information to this man.

  “That’s what she’s assured me. So, can you join us? We can come by and pick you up at six this evening.” He brought one of his hands up to rub the back of his neck looking almost as uncomfortable as her.

  “I’ll meet you there. I might be a few minutes late, since my last client comes in at five, and I don’t like to rush them.” Which was true and she had no prior knowledge of their hair other than what was beside their appointment. Her Nana was very detailed, but not like she was. She kept meticulous notes and images in the computer she could access prior to each client coming in to see her.

  “Sounds good. If you can’t make it, no biggie.” Keifer turned on his expensive loafers, walking toward the door without a backward glance.

  “Wait, Delilah’s purse.” She handed him the expensive bag, their fingers brushing. The zing that went from her hand all the way to her toes should’ve warned her that the man was trouble with a capital T, but as her Nana had always said, she was never one to listen to signs. Or rather, she preferred to live dangerously. Either way, she knew she wasn’t going to not meet with the duo because she wanted to see Keifer and Delilah.

  “Thank you. Hope to see you, but we’ll understand if something comes up.” He gave a nod then left.

  She didn’t know why his dismissal stung, but it did. She fought the urge to stick her tongue out at his retreating back. It was a little harder to resist the urge this time, but she did. Nova counted that as a victory. For the next couple hours, she worked, cutting and styling all her clients’ hair and hearing stories about her Nana that had her laughing like a loon. By the time the last client left, it was almost six. Stacks was a short walk from the salon, and if she left right then, she’d make it on time. But her mind kept thinking of the dismissive
way he’d spoken.

  “What’re your plans for the evening, Linny?”

  Linny walked out of the bathroom with her purse slung across her chest, fixing the messy bun on top her head. “I have a date with Mr. Advil and Mrs. Slouchy Pants.”

  Nova stared across the short expanse, wondering if she’d misheard Linny. The woman was dressed impeccably, hair and makeup on point, and her outfit would look great at any nightclub or restaurant. “You’re going home?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I can’t wait to strip outta these and into the softest, baggiest things I own and veg out all weekend long. I have no client’s hair to do, and that is fine by me,” she sighed.

  “Do you have a boyfriend or...” She trailed off since she didn’t know if the other woman had a girlfriend or partner.

  “Is that your way of asking if I’m a lesbian.” Linny wiggled her eyebrows, laughing lightly.

  “Listen, I don’t care if you like women, men, or both as long as you’re happy. One of my best friends said he’d known he was gay when he was five but hadn’t been able to tell his family until he was twelve. Up until then, he said his life was terribly lonely as he tried to be a real boy, as his family had put it. Once he came out, he said all of a sudden, his life was so much better. Even though some of his family wouldn’t accept him. He’s thirty-two and living life authentically for himself.” She had vowed to never judge, and to be openminded, when, or if, she was blessed with children.

  “I knew I’d like you, especially if you were anything like your Nana. Now I’m off to get cozy and comfy with my couch and some John Wick. You need to go and eat some pancakes with the delectable Keifer and Delilah. If for nothing else, do it for me so I can live vicariously though you.” Linny winked as she passed Nova.

  “Why don’t you go in my place and tell him I have a migraine?”

  Linny stopped with one hand on the door, looking over her shoulder. “For one, he didn’t invite me. For two, I don’t want or need a man in my life right now. Have a good night and lock up. I already locked the back door, so just use your key to lock the front. The alarm is set with the app on your phone, but if you forget, your Nana will pop on and make sure it’s done. She’s good like that,” Linny said with a chuckle.

  Nova had no doubt her Nana would do just that. “See you tomorrow, Linny.”

  She stared around the salon, noticing it was as pristine as when she’d first come in. With Darla constant picking up after them when they finished a client, along with the lull between them, she found herself going around and straightening or organizing things. Not that her Nana and the others didn’t already have the place looking good, but it wasn’t in her to sit around and do nothing. If she had been a full-time stylist there, she’d have installed a software system for the stylist to enter information about the clients, but as her Nana said, if things weren’t broke, don’t fix them.

  Taking her purse out of the closet in the back, she checked to make sure her phone was inside before grabbing her coat and then slipped her boots on after she took the pumps she’d worn off. She slid the pumps into the oversized bag she carried just in case she wanted to look cute. “No girl, you don’t want to look cute or sexy,” she reminded herself, walking out the door and locking it. A quick look up at the camera above the door, she remembered to give a little wave. Her Nana was more than likely watching to ensure she was safe, the little gesture was her way of allowing her Nana to relax she hoped.

  A cold breeze hit her when she left the shelter of the entryway, making her pull her hat up on her head. “To pancake, or not to pancake, that is the question?”

  Her phone rang from inside her bag, the familiar tone most thought silly, but she loved the Adams Family. “Hi, Nana. How’s the injured patient?”

  “I’m good, dear. I hear you got an invite to eat at Stacks. I don’t want to hear you say you’re not going, because I’ll be mighty disappointed. I’ll have you know I already have my heart set on calorie overload. Plus, I might’ve called and placed an order to go for you to bring me when you finish.”

  As far as manipulations went, her Nana was clearly superior at the game. “I can always pick yours up and get myself some and bring it home to eat with you,” she suggested.

  “Nope, you have a meal with that fine young man I’ve heard about. After you finish you can bring mine home with you. I’ll be ready for my evening meds and can eat maple pancakes before going to bed. See, I have it all planned. Now don’t argue with your elders.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh, thinking of her Nana acting like she was a little old lady. When in fact, the woman made sure everyone knew she was as spritely as women half her age. The injured leg aside, her Nana could run circles around most everyone. “Fine, but you best be resting that leg still.”

  “I’ll see you in a couple hours, Nova Leigh. Have fun and don’t rush home on my account. I have snacks and drinks here. I also set the alarm at the salon so no worries there either. See you when you get here.”

  Her Nana hung up before she could say anything else, which if she were honest, she didn’t know what she’d have said. She was nervous to face Keifer, and she didn’t know why. Admitting to herself that she was reluctant made her stop on the sidewalk outside of Stacks. “I have no reason to be nervous. He and his daughter will be heading back to wherever they’re from, and then I’ll never see them again.” The thought didn’t give her the relief she’d thought, which was absolutely absurd.

  She pulled the door open with more force than it warranted, making the girl at the counter look up at her with alarm. Nova pushed the hat off as she entered the restaurant with the heavenly scent of yummy goodness. At the very least, she’d get a great meal and so would her Nana, which she’d be paying for, not Keifer.

  Chapter Three

  His daughter’s hair still shocked the hell out of him when he looked over at her, but he had to admit, it did look good on her. Well, the cut was great. It was the color blue he wasn’t sold on, yet. Seeing how much she loved it though, made him rethink his likes and dislikes in color choice, and made him rethink his words. His mother was a little on the wild side and would tell him to let the girl live a little since it was only hair.

  “What’s put that grin on your face?” Delilah asked.

  He decided to be honest. “I was thinking about what my mother would say about your hair.” Keifer reached over, tugging on a blue lock.

  Delilah tucked her head, her chin touching her chest. He saw the way her eyes swam with unshed tears. “Hey, peanut. I’m sorry I was an ogre earlier about...well, everything. I know I promised no working on this trip and I broke that on the second day. Honestly, Dee, your mom would’ve loved your hair. I was thinking she’d have gotten that same blue in her hair.”

  His daughter’s face lifted; a smile flirted at the corners of her lips. “You really think she would’ve?”

  He tugged on another lock of the blue tresses. “Oh yeah, she would’ve done this section on her hair, then come waltzing in the door singing. She’d have dared me to say a cross word about her style choice, but I wouldn’t have because it would’ve looked every bit as gorgeous on her as it does on you. I’m sorry for being a jerk. It was just a shock that you did something like that without telling me.” He didn’t say that he hated the thought of her growing up. She would always be his little girl even when she was grown and having babies of her own. Hell no. That wasn’t a prospect he was even comfortable thinking about.

  “I’m sorry I was a brat and went against you and did something drastic. If it’s any consolation, I had gone in and demanded she dye it black and chop it all off, but Nova talked me out of it. Thank the lord,” Delilah muttered.

  There was no way he could miss Nova’s presence when she entered the restaurant. He and Delilah had found a table in the corner, but they’d decided to give Nova a little bit longer before placing their order. He didn’t say anything to Delilah’s admission since they’d already gone over that earlier at the salon.

bsp; He stood so Nova could see them over the crowded restaurant. Who’d have thought a pancake place would be so busy at six in the evening?

  “Hey, you two, sorry I’m late.” Nova smiled down at Delilah then up at him.

  “No problem. We were orientating ourselves with the menu and talking. Have a seat.” Keifer held out the chair next to Delilah for her, waiting for Nova to sit before pushing it in.

  “Thank you,” she said once she sat, shrugging her coat off.

  Keifer couldn’t help but notice how curvy she was while she wiggled in the chair as she took her heavy jacket off. She was obviously dressed much more appropriately for the weather than he was.

  “Good evening, can I get you something to drink?”

  Nova smiled, looking over at his cup then Delilah’s. “I’d love a water and a cup of coffee with a little milk to put in it.”

  “Sure thing. You two need refills yet?” the waitress asked him and Delilah.

  “We’re good, thank you.”

  When the waitress left, silence descended. He was never left with moments of not knowing what to say or do in any situation. Truth be known, he was always one step ahead with just about anyone in any given situation, and that wasn’t bragging. It was how he was so good at his job and why he was one of the wealthiest men in New York, if not the country. He didn’t care to look into such things as it didn’t affect him, except when it came to dealing with women. Even then, he was the one who was in charge. Since his wife’s death, he’d had liaisons with women who knew the score. He could give them pleasure for a night or two, and they were given something substantial as his way of saying thanks for not wanting more, because he had nothing more to give other than that. If he called them again because he had a dinner party to attend and found he needed a pretty thing on his arm, then usually the women were more than happy to be the one to be seen with him.

  Other men coveted what he had, but they had no clue he was dead inside, even as he smiled and said all the right things. The women, the few who tried to ask for more, they found out quickly he had nothing more to give. The exception being his daughter Delilah.


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