Big Deal Sweetheart (Sweetheart, Colorado)

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Big Deal Sweetheart (Sweetheart, Colorado) Page 10

by Elle Boon

  “What time should we have Delilah home?” Liam asked once the limo came to a stop, and they both were standing outside the limo. They’d made sure the two women were escorted inside before speaking.

  Keifer waved at a smiling Delilah before looking at Liam. “Sir, I’m going to be honest with you. I plan to keep your daughter. When you bring Delilah back, I hope your daughter is still there.”

  Liam nodded. “I thought it was like that. You plan on making an honest woman of my baby girl, or is this a fling for you?”

  “I never would’ve brought my daughter along if it wasn’t something serious.”

  Liam nodded again. “And I wouldn’t have let you walk out of that restaurant with my most prized possession. As a father I’m sure you understand.”

  He more than understood. “If she’ll have me, I will. I haven’t known her but for a very short time, so it probably sounds crazy. Hell, I know it’s crazy, yet since she left, my heart has felt as if a part of it has been missing.” He pressed his lips together not wanting to say anymore without saying it to Nova.

  Liam clapped him on the shoulder. “That doesn’t sound crazy at all, son. When I first laid eyes on my Natalia, I knew she was the one for me. My people are a mixture of Irish and Native American, so we strongly believe in fate. I know that she was put on this Earth for me as I was for her. I walked across the crowded room and asked her to dance. She of course agreed, and while the first song flowed into another, I looked into the most beautiful brown eyes I’d ever seen and told her she was going to be my wife. You see, most women would’ve laughed, but not my Natalia. She nodded and asked me when and where. I think she was testing me. She learned that I don’t say what I don’t mean when I asked her if she had plans for that evening. She laughed, but said she was free. I took her by the hand and led her out of the room without a backward glance. We boarded my private jet to Vegas and were married, much to both her and my family’s dismay. Mind you, we had the huge white wedding afterwards so that our mothers didn’t have a total meltdown.”

  Keifer could picture the entire thing in his mind. Hell, he’d do the same damn thing if he could. If Nova would go for it, he’d fly them to Vegas and have them hitched just like her parents had done.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Liam warned.

  “Hey, you put the idea in my head,” Keifer half joked.

  “Yeah, well get it right out of it too. Listen, I know you care for her, a blind man can see that. Just take my advice and go slow, get to know one another first. I’m not worried about the money aspect because I do know you have your own empire. What I’m more concerned with is the two of you rushing into things without thinking about all the other aspects of being in a long-term relationship.” Liam huffed a breath, looking over his shoulder before pulling his cell out of his breast pocket. “My wife is texting me telling me to mind my own business, so I’ll leave it at that. Take care of my baby, and I’ll take care of yours. Trust me, Delilah is in great hands with my wife and me. We always did want more children.”

  Keifer didn’t have any doubts that his daughter was safe with the two people who raised Nova. He gave a final wave before climbing back in with Nova. “I like your parents.”

  Nova’s snort was as sexy as she was. Hell, everything about her he found sexy.

  “They like you too, or they wouldn’t have offered to take Delilah while you take me off for some private time. Um, where exactly do you live?”

  “I have an apartment on Central Avenue.” He didn’t mention that the price he’d paid for the New York condo eclipsed the prior record for a U.S. residential purchase. The other record was set by another hedge fund billionaire, Barry Rosenstein, for a home in East Hampton, on New York's Long Island in 2014. The Rosenstein’s home was a work of art, but his New York place eclipsed all of his other properties. He didn’t mind spending the two hundred and thirty-eight million dollars for a penthouse condominium overlooking Manhattan's Central Park, not with all the perks that came with it. The seventy-nine-story residential tower, which was under construction for an estimated cost of one point four billion at 220 Central Park South, had been brought to him by his investors when they had first heard it was being constructed.

  “Wait a minute. You have a condo on Central Avenue?”

  He twined their fingers together, nodding.

  “Me too.” When she told him her address he was stunned although he shouldn’t have been. The fact she had a condo in the same building, but they’d never run into one another, was a miracle in and of itself. Yet, with his work schedule and clearly her busy one the last few weeks, he could see how they’d never seen one another.

  “My parents helped me secure my place,” she admitted.

  Keifer was unable to keep from touching her any longer. He tipped her chin up so he could kiss her, loving the way she eagerly opened for his caress. “We were so close to one another all this time,” he murmured against her lips.

  “I know. If only you or I would’ve known, we could’ve staged an accidental meeting or something. What floor are you on?” She pressed her forehead against his.

  “It’s the penthouse with views overlooking Manhattan and Central Park with the top four floors being mine.”

  “The top four?” she leaned back, pressing her hands on his chest.

  “Well, I could purchase more if you want me to?” Shit! Was he being too pushy?

  “No. I mean. That means you’re the man the Post was talking about. I remember dad had said something about a billionaire swooping in and buying up prime real estate but hadn’t known the name. Your condo costs more than most people’s homes. Four floors,” she whispered.

  Keifer didn’t want to talk about properties or costs. He wanted to whisk her off to his home and hope she liked it enough to one day soon make it hers as well.

  The driver maneuvered the car into the entrance where they were greeted by a uniformed man who opened the door for them.

  “Good evening, sir, ma’am.”

  Keifer nodded, greeted him with his usual politeness, and hurried through with Nova at his side. The private elevator to his entrance afforded him exactly what he’d been wanting, privacy to do what he really wanted all evening. A chance to take Nova into his arms. “I’ve wanted to feel you against me since you left.”

  “Me too,” she sighed.

  He lifted her up, so fucking happy to have her arms and legs wrapping around him. It was as if she’d always been there. The ride up to the top floor took forever, yet not long enough. Shit, if he had more time, he’d be balls deep in her. He could only imagine what security would think of that view if they happened to be watching the video footage. Thinking of anyone else seeing Nova’s sexy body gave him the strength to keep from moving any further with his dirty thoughts. Luckily for the both of them, the barely audible ding announced the arrival to the penthouse.

  “We’re here,” he said and then began walking with her in his arms.

  “Holy shit. How big did you say this condo is?” Nova stared around him, wiggling to be let down.

  “A little over twenty-four thousand square feet spread over the top four floors. We have our own pool, gym, and a few other amenities. Of course, we can always use the community facilities if we choose.” He shrugged.

  NOVA’S FAMILY HAD MONEY, but this was opulence on a whole other level. “I read about the sale of this place. I mean, I know what my parents paid for my condo down below, but...Keifer, this is...was crazy expensive.”

  “Nova, it’s only money. I’ve made a shitton of it. My hedge fund was something that most wouldn’t have thought was lucrative, but it made me a billionaire before I was thirty. I have more money than I’ll spend in my lifetime, my kids, or even my grandkids’ lifetimes.” He pulled her back against him.

  She couldn’t resist him, nor did she truly want to. Her body melted into his like it had a mind of its own and had been starved for the feel of his big arms embracing her. Lord she missed this too. “What time are
you expecting Delilah home?”

  He lifted her up before answering. “Wrap your legs around my waist. I assume your parents will probably stay til the end of the show. That gives us a few hours.”

  Was she going to hide out when Delilah came home like she was some child then slip off back to her own floor?

  “I want you to stay, Nova. I want to see where this goes. This isn’t a fling for me. I need to be upfront with you about that. When I brought you here, I...I want to have you here for more than just a few hours.” He was walking as he spoke.

  “This place is huge, Keifer. I think I’ll need a few days just to navigate where I’m at.” Her heart was threatening to pound out of her chest at the thought of being with Keifer, staying with him as something more than what she’d thought. Although she really wanted to feel his possession again, she hated how it had been when he’d left her. “There’s just one thing.” She bit her lip wondering how he’d take her next words.

  “What is it? I don’t want anything between us.” They entered a room that stalled her next volley of questions.

  Her face went hot with the double meaning she took that as. Burying her face in his neck she took a deep breath. “Wow, you smell so good. Quit distracting me.”

  His chuckle reverberated through her until she felt something soft behind her, or rather under her. “Your room is amazing. You smell amazing. Everything about you is amazing. I don’t think I’m in your league though.”

  Keifer came down over her, caging her in. “It’s me who’s not in your league, but you know what? I don’t give a damn. I’m not letting you go. Now be quiet or I’m going to have to do something to keep you quiet.”

  “Oh, sounds kinky.” She laughed up at him, feeling as if her world was finally right again.

  “Do you like kinky?” He started kissing her neck as his talented fingers went to work unbuttoning her top.

  “I like anything you do. Well, I’m not into pain. Really, Keifer, I’m not. I stub my toe, and I’ll cry. I don’t even like high heels that I have to break in, which is why I always have them stretched.” She was blathering and knew it.

  “I’ll keep that in mind. You done talking?” He spread her top open and sat back on his haunches. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. I love your breasts.”

  She instinctively brought her hands up to cover them, since they were barely concealed by the lace bra.

  “Don’t,” he growled.

  His command had her shivering and complying. Goodness, she had no clue she’d like to have a man so dominating, but then again, she had never thought a man like Keifer would want her. Her hands fell away from her body. Her nipples felt chafed from the delicate lace as he ran his thumb back and forth. She wanted to tell him to take her bra off, needing to feel his skin touching her skin, but had a feeling he’d stop touching her altogether if she did so.

  Finally, the diabolical man unsnapped the front clasp, bending to take the exposed flesh with his lips and tongue. Nova arched her back, moaning his name. She hoped, prayed he didn’t stop.

  “I have no intention to stop, sweetheart.” He licked her right breast with the tip of his tongue.

  Cool air had her shivering under his ministrations. Nova wanted to say something witty; she really did, but clearly, she was a blurter when she was with him. “Did I say that out loud?”

  “Mmhmm, now the only thing I want to hear are sighs, moans, and you asking me for more.” Keifer moved downward, kissing every inch of skin he exposed.

  Nova was never so glad that she loved pretty underthings as she was then and there, when Keifer unsnapped her leather pants. His masculine groan and smile of appreciation filled her with pride.

  “Fuck, you’re a true treasure, you know that?” He hooked his thumbs in the sides, easily maneuvering the pants down her legs with her help.

  “I never felt that way before,” she admitted.

  He tossed the pants onto the bench at the end of the bed and looked up at her. “I’ll make sure you know just how much you mean to me. Just how much of a treasure you are to me and my life, Nova Leigh.”

  “Make love to me, Keifer.”

  “With pleasure, Nova Leigh.”

  Keifer got off the bed, pulling off his shirt and the rest of his clothes, standing gloriously naked. Nova looked at him, a golden god of a man with so shining out of his eyes. She marveled at the emotion she was sure he was projecting but didn’t want to put too much stock into what she thought she was seeing.

  She got up on her knees and ran her hands over his chest. The shiver that went down his big frame gave her a sense of boldness. She leaned forward, kissing his right pec, then getting a little more adventurous, she licked one flat male nipple. His moan was followed by one big hand gripping her ponytail, only he didn’t try and pull her away. No, he held her to him, moving her where he wanted.

  “You like controlling me, sweetheart?” he growled the question out.

  “Well, you’re such a big deal, I kinda like the idea I can make you want me almost as much as I want you.” She nipped his abdomen, tracing the muscles with her tongue downward.

  A slight tug on her hair stopped her. “Nova, I’m nothing compared to you. You’re the big deal, sweetheart.”

  Kneeling on his huge bed, completely naked, she felt like she truly was worth more than she’d ever been before. He could buy and sell ten of her and not blink an eye, but that’s not what either of them were talking about. Like her parents had talked about when they’d told her about their initial meeting being love at first sight, she now understood. She had felt as though she’d been knocked on her ass when he’d entered her Nana’s salon, and when they’d been together it had been magical. Wherever tonight led, she was going to go with it and let fate take it.

  Taking his cock into her hand, she was still stunned at the size of him. Hard, soft, and so damn beautiful, she couldn’t wait to feel him filling her.

  Nova swiped her tongue over the bulbous tip, licking the creamy fluid off the end.

  Chapter Ten

  Nova took as much of him into her mouth as she could, hollowing out her cheeks as she did. She pulled back, a moan of frustration left her when he tugged on her hair, urging her upward.

  “I love your silky soft mouth on me. I need to feel your sweet little pussy wrapped around me more than your mouth though.”

  Honesty filled his gaze right before he lowered his lips to hers, kissing her more thoroughly, more passionately than ever before. He was dominant in every way as he devoured her lips. A moan escaped her lips as he lifted her back up, placing her in the center of the bed. They were both breathing heavily.

  “I love your lips, Nova. I could kiss you like that for the rest of my life. No, I will kiss you like that for the rest of our lives,” he said.

  Her head fell back on the soft pillow behind her, lifting her arms to pull him down to her. “You better make good on all your promises, Keifer. I’m going to hold you to them.”

  “I’ll do exactly what I say. I always do, sweetheart.” His words were said against her lips, their breaths mingling.

  Keifer twined their hands together and settled between her thighs. “You’re so fucking beautiful. I want to make love to you with nothing between us.”

  Lust and desire swelled in her chest. She wanted to feel him within her with nothing between them as well. “What if I get pregnant?” She was twenty-seven years old, not a teenager who didn’t know better.

  “That would be the best miracle. But I won’t do anything you don’t want, Nova. Tell me now if you want me to protect you, my control is thin.”

  “Do it. I would love a baby with you.” Even if they never married, she’d always have a piece of him.

  No sooner had the words left her then he was surging inside. They groaned; her eyes widened at the incredible feeling.

  “Fuck, you feel even better than the first time I made love to you,” he rumbled. “I’ve never felt anything more perfect, like you were made just for me.�

  With slow movements, he pulled out then pressed back in, setting the pace. Nova held on to his shoulders with her hands, wrapped her legs around his hips and pumped her own up to meet his thrusts.

  “Keep your eyes open, baby. I want to see your pleasure,” he demanded.

  He reached between them, flicking her clit with his thumb. The tingle she knew was the first sign of her orgasm began. “Oh god, yes, don’t stop.”

  “Never. Come for me.”

  Like he’d flipped a switch, her body seized, coming on his command.

  “That’s the first of many, my love.” He pumped harder with each word, hitting a spot inside that was so sensitive she didn’t think she’d survive if he did it again.

  Keifer, being the man he was, proved her wrong, smoothing his hand up her hip and cupping her breast, then tweaking her nipple hard, making her moan. Pure unadulterated pleasure exploded through her. The man was diabolical. Beautiful. Perfect.

  “I think I love you, Keifer Sparks,” she moaned, her body already racing toward another climax.

  “That’s good, Nova, because I’m head over heels for you too.” He increased his tempo, then rolled until she was on top of him.

  “Keifer, Keifer, oh god,” she repeated the litany over and over again.

  KEIFER LET NOVA GET used to his size while she straddled him, knowing he would feel bigger in this position. After a few moments, he held her hips and began to move her up and down, pumping wildly in and out. His body demanding the need to come, but he wouldn’t until she was clamping down on him again. Although his condo was cool, they were both covered in a fine sheen of sweat, creating another layer of intimacy. He’d gone for years thinking he could do without what he was feeling, and now he couldn’t imagine life without Nova.

  Her body entwined in one way or another with his. Feeling her silky, wet sheath around his dick had him ready to come. “You look like a goddess come to life, Nova. I can’t wait to see you round with our child.”


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