Bille, Steen, 287
Boniface, 92
Book of Revolutions, 286
Borelli, Giovanni, 501, 523
Boromeo, Cardinal, 431
Boscagli, Dr., 432, 433
Boulliau, 502
Boyle, Robert, 500
Brengger, Johannes, 348
Bruce Edmund, 360, 361
Brudzewski, 208
Bruno, Giordano, 153, 213, 444
Burnet, Professor, 25
de Brahe, Tycho, 274, 283 -300
and Baer, 297
and Kepler, 276, 278, 279, 282, 298, 301 -12
appearance, 283 -4
astrologer, 287
at Benatek, 299, 300, 301 -12
birth, 283
character, 294 -5
death, 308, 311 -12
instruments, 285, 289, 292 -3
jealousy of Kepler, 304 -6
meeting with Kepler, 302 -3
observatory at Hveen, 291 -4
one epoch-making discovery, 285
quarrels with Kepler, 305 -8
sextant, 289
the New Star, 288 -90
Uraniburg, 291 et seq.
De Coclo, 199
de la Torre, Marcus Antonius, 134
Delambre, J. B., 321, 338
d'Elci, Arturo, 431
Della Porta, Giovanni, 373
del Monte, Cardinal, 453, 454
Democritus, 60
De Nova Stella, 289 -90
Descartes, René, 13, 498, 500, 501, 525, 529
De Stella Nova, 361
Dialogue on The Flux and Reflux of the Tides, 466, 473 -2
Dialogue on the Great Systems of the World, 406
Dialogoes Concerning Two New Sciences, 491
Digges, Thomas, 213, 289
Dingle, Professor, 192
Dini, Cardinal Piero, 358, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 450, 453, 454, 472
Dionysus-Bacchus cult, 33 -6
Dioptrice, 379 -80
Discourse on Comets, 467
Discovery, psychology of
Copernician system, 202 -13
gravity, 502 -8
Kepler's laws, 252, 253, 255, 259, 262 3, 278 -9
cosmology, 314 et seq., 332, 333, 334 -6, 394 -8
mathematical relations of universe, 40
mental evolution, 518 et seq.
modern astronomy, 33
planetary orbits, 201
Platonic and Pythagorean universe, 51 -7, 59 -62
Ptolemaic universe, 69 -75
Disputationes, 444
Divine Institutions, 89
Doctrines of Physics, 191
Donavarus, Sigismund Christopher, 421
Donne, John, 214, 215, 216, 218, 367, 370, 508
Donner, George, 185
Dryden, 32
Duracotus, 416, 419
Kepler's study of, 324
motion of, 42, 58 -9, 475 -9
Copernicus and, 193, 194, 195 -7, 201, 204, 217, 316 -8, 324
religious conflict on, 431
theories on shape of
circular disc, 22, 31
cylindrical column, 23
hollow mountain, 19
like the Holy Tabernacle, 90
rectangular box, 20
spherical ball, 31, 93
Eccentrics, see Epicycles and eccentrics
Ecclesiastical Hierarchy, The, 95
Eddington, Sir Arthur, 531 -2
Einstein, A., 14, 313, 339
Egidii, Father Clemente, 482
Egyptian universe, 20, 46
Eleatics, the, 60
Elements, 105
Elephant in the Moon, The, 419
Emanation theory, 94 -9
Empedokles, 26
Ephemerides, 415
Epicycles and eccentrics, 67 -8, 100, 122, 171, 191, 192, 193 -4, 277, 286, 326, 329, 406, 438, 447, 452, 507, 513, 530, 542
Copemician system of, 193 et seq., 201, 202 et seq., 317, 318, 324
Galileo defends, 378, 437, 476
Kepler's innovations disprove, 316 et seq.
Newton's synthesis, 504 -9
Epistles, 136 -7
Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae, 406
Erasmus, 110 -11, 139, 198, 522
Eratosthenes, 70
Ernest, Duke of Bavaria, 378
Eudoxus, 63, 64, 65, 66, 78
Eupalinos, 26, 39
biological, 514 -5
mental, 513 et seq.
FABRICIUS, David, 347
Fabricius, Johannes, 429
Femme au Miroir, 78
Ferber, Bishop Mauritius, 134, 143, 179
Ferdinand, Archduke ( Emperor), 279, 308
Ferdinand II, king, 283
Fergil (Virgil), 92
Ferris-wheel universe, 66 -9
Fiesole, Bishop of, 439
Firenzuola, Father Vinco, 470, 484, 485
First Account, 158, 213
Fischer, Jacob, 421
Flachsbinder, Johannes (Bishop Dantiscus), 175
Fludd, Robert, 397
Forsther, T., 165, 166
Foscarini, Antonio, 446, 447, 456, 460
Frauenberg, 119, 121
Frederick II, king of Denmark, 290, 291
Frederick III, Emperor, 208
Friedrich, Johan, 164
Frisius, Gemma, 177, 186
Fugger, Georg, 373
Fundaments of Astronomy, 296, 299
GAETANI, Cardinal, 457, 458
Galda, Ysope de, 176
Galilei, Galileo, see Galileo
Galilei, Vincento, 353
Galileo, 13, 14
a Copernician, 357, 430, 475
and Capra, 362
and circular motion theory, 475 -6
and Kepler, 274, 275, 351, 375 -6
and the Inquisition, 484 -95
and the sunspots, 429 -30, 477 -8
antagonizes Aristotelians, 428, 431 Jesuit astronomers, 430
appearance, 354
arrival in Rome, 451
arrogance, 354
attack on Tycho's comets, 468
attacks on Jesuits, 468 -71
attitude on unproven propositions, 436 -7, 447
birth, 353
capacity to provoke hatred, 368
Chair of Mathematics, Padua, 354
challenged to prove Copernicus right, 447 -9
character, 354, 368
controversy over injunction against, 462 -3
correspondence with Kepler, 355, 356, 358 -61
death, 353, 495
definition of "weight", 499, 500
Dialogue confiscated, 482 -3
discoveries confirmed by Jesuits, 426
efforts to silence theological objections to Copernicus, 434
explanation of miracle of Joshua, 438 -9
fear of ridicule, 358
honoured in Rome, 426
hostility of scholars to, 368 -70
ignores Kepler, 360, 361, 370, 371, 374, 425
inaccurate maps, 366
Kepler's support of, 370 -8
laws, 497
manifesto of freedom of thought, 435 -6
on comets, 467
polemical writings, 361 -2
Pope Urban VIII's friendship for, 472 -3
refutes his own scientific theories, 487 -9
sentence a miscarriage of justice, 493
support of Catholic Church, 357
the Sidereus Nuncias, 364 -8 impact on the world, 367 -8
the telescope, 353, 363 et seq., 374 -5
theory of the tides, 453 -4, 464 -6, 479
Gall, phrenologist, 226
Gassarus, Achilles Perminius, 163
Gassendi, 284
Gerbert, 93
Ghisileri, Federico, 452
Giese, Canon Tiedemann, 122, 142, 143, 173, 185, 357, 383, 522
and Anna Schillings, 182 -3
attitude towards Lutherans, 143
influence on Copernicus,
142, 144
Rheticus, Copernicus and The Revolutions, 156 -62
Gilbert, William, 213, 499, 500
Grassi, Father Horatio, 466, 467, 468, 470, 482
Gravity, force of
Descartes and, 500, 501
Galileo and, 499 -501
Kepler and, 336 -40, 499 -501
Kepler's concept of universe, 308, 317
Newton's laws, 313, 501 -9
Grazzia, Professor di, 428
Greek universe, 21 -50
Grienberger, Father, 426, 444, 445, 449, 451, 470
Grunau, Simon, 139
Guicciardini, Ambassador, 451, 453, 454
Guidobaldo del Monte, Marchese, 355
Guiducci, Mario, 467, 468
Guldenmann, Katherine (Frau Heinrich Kepler), 229, 231
Guldin, Father, 408, 409, 427
Gunzenhausen, Marius von, 468
HALLEY, Edmund, 502, 508
Harmonice Mundi, 277
Kepler's interpretation of, 389
Pythagorean meaning of, 29, 31 -3
Harmony of the Spheres, 26 -41, 85
basic concepts, 29
Harmonice Mundi, 388 -98
importance of numbers in, 31
Kepler and the, 246, 255, 277
Plato causes fall of philosophy of, 85
Pythagorean concept of, 31 -3
Harmony of the World, 13, 388 -98, 406
Harriot, Thomas, 363, 366, 429
Hartman, Georg, 133
Heilsberg Castle, 134
Herakleides, theory of universe, 45 -8
Heraklitus, 60
Herodotus, 26, 38 -9
Herwart, see Hohenburg, Herwart von
Herz, Heinrich, 398
Hipparchus of Alexandria, 13, 66, 69
and the new star, 288
Hippasos, 40
Hitzler, Daniel, 382 -3
Hohenburg, Herwart von, 279 -80, 308, 340
Hohenzollern, Cardinal, 472
Holywood, John, 191
Homer, 21, 22
Hooke, Robert, 502
Horky, Martin, 369, 373, 374, 375
Horrocks, Jeremiah, 504
Huygens, Christiaan, 502, 510
Ignatius His Conclave, 214 -5
Il Saggiatore, 468
In Defence of Tycho against Ursus, 299
In Praire of Prussia, 155
Inertia, law of, 508
character of, 484 fn.
Galileo before the, 483 -9
JAMES, William, 540
James I, 443
Jeans, Sir James, 531, 532
Jepp, 293, 295, 302, 303
Jessenius, Professor, 305, 306
Jesuit Order
attacks by Galileo, 468 -71
confirms Galileo's discoveries, 426
influence in banning the Dialogue, 482
support of Tychonic system, 427
Jesus, Society of, 495 fn.
John the Scot, 95, 100
Jones, Sir Harold Spencer, 192
Julian the Apostate, 71
KANT-LAPLACE theory, 526
Kepler, Barbara (Frau), 271 -4, 310, 381
Kepler, Christopher, 230, 385, 386
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