Ramus, Pierre, 189, 198
Reciprocal Action and Reaction, Law of, 508
Rectangular universe, 20, 85 -92
Refutation of the Star Messenger, 369
Reich, Canon Felix, 144
Reinhold, Erasmus, 154, 213
Reinhold, Jacob, 384
Regiomontanus ( Mueller, Johanna), 123, 208 -9, 211
Religion and science, 85 -103, 279 -82, 308 -9, 520 -8
Aristotelian physics, 110 -11
Book of Revolutions placed on Index, 442
causes of prohibition of Copernicus, 432 -4
Church and Copernican system, 213 -9
Church attitude on unproven propositions, 436 et seq.
Church attitude to Copernicus, 445, 446, 447 et seq., 453, 455 -9, 479 et seq., 522
Galileo and the Church, 357 -8
Galileo's manifesto of freedom of thought, 435 -6
Galileo's trial, 483 -95
in medieval times, 94 -103
Kepler and theologians, 343
modern science, 528 et seq.
Plato cause of destruction of union of, 85
Pope Urban VIII and Galileo, 472 -83
position of Catholics on Copernician system, 427
Ptolemy's philosophy, 74 -5
Pythagorean synthesis, 35 -9
religious attack on Copernicanism, 431
religious persecution, 72, 73
Renuncini, 472
Republic, 52, 71
Reuchlin, 522
Reuttinger, Susanna ( Frau Johannes Kepler), 399 et seq.
Rheden, Dietrich von, 152
Rheticus, Georg Joachim, 122, 123, 130, 133, 142, 144
and Osiander, 166 et seq.
arrival in Ermland, 153 -5
biography of Copernicus, 172
death, 190
erects obelisk, 188
forsakes Copernicus, 172, 185
Giese and Copernicus, 156 -62
homosexual, 154, 166, 188
influence on Copernicus, 175
persuades Copernicus to publish The Revolutions, 163
physician, 189
temporarily deranged, 160 -1
the First Account, 158 -63, 213
writings, 188
Riccardi, Father Niccolo (Father Monster), 480, 481, 482, 484
Richelieu, Cardinal, 471
Robert of Lincoln, 107
Roberval, Giles Peron de, 501
Roeslin, Helisaeus, 297
Rosenberg, Baron, 311
Rudolph II, Emperor, 296, 301, 350, 380 -1
Rudolphine Tables, 406, 407 -11
Russell, Bertrand, 54, 525, 531, 534
ST. JEROME, 89 -90
St. Lactantius, 89
Salviati, Filippo, 432
Samland, Bishop of, 143
Sanches, Raphael, 128
Sand Reckoner, The, 49
Sargon of Akkad, 20
Sarsi, Signor, 468
Saur, Jonas, 410
Scheiner, Father, 427, 429, 430, 467, 470, 482
Schillings, Anna, 180
Schmidt, Daniel, 384
Schoenberg, Cardinal Nicolaus, 146, 151, 173, 193, 357
Schoener, Dr. Johannes, 158, 159
Schrad, J., 165
Science and Religion, see Religion and Science
Science-fiction, Kepler's Somnium, 415 -9
Sculteti, Bernard, 131, 146
Sculteti, Canon Alexander, 180, 182, 183, 184, 185
Servetus, Michael, 444
Severianus, 90
Sfondrati, Cardinal, 440
Shakespeare, 32
Sidereus Nuncias, 351, 355, 364, 365, 367, 370, 372, 426
Silvius, Aeneas, 186
Simocatta, Theophylactus, 136
Sizzi, Francesco, 428
Snellenburg, Canon, 179 -80
Somnium, 338, 415 -9
Spenser, 97
Star Messenger, The, see Sidereus Nuncias
Stars, vagabond, 21
Stefani, Father, 482
Stelluti, Francis, 373
Study of History, A., 13
Subvolvans, 417, 418
Sylvester II, Pope, 93
System of the World, 505
Galileo's, 351, 363
invention of, 363 -4
name first used, 426
Tengnagel, Junker, 302, 310, 344, 345, 346
Teschner, Phillip, 127
Teutonic Knights, Order of, 121, 125, 126 -7, 135, 136, 141, 142, 143
Thales of Miletos, 22
Theon of Smyrna, 74 -5
Things that Float on Water, 428
Timaeus, 56, 85, 94
Topographica Christiana, 91
Torun, 125, 127, 128
Toynbee, Arnold, 13
Treatise on the Sphere, 191
Anaximander's theory of, 23, 31, 33
Anaxmenes' theory of, 23
Aristarchus's cosmology, 48 -50
Aristotle's, 59 -62, 64 abandonment of, 427
Baer's system, 297
Copernicus's seven axioms, 145 system, 191 -219, 316, 456, 495 fn.
"cosmic cup", 269 -71
"diabolocentric", 96
enclosed by water, 90
Ferris-wheel, 66 -9
heliocentric system, 45 -50, 72, 73, 99 -100, 205, 209, 213, 215
Herakleides Cosmology, 45 -8, 99 -100
Kepler's perfect solids, 247 -61 system, 316 -43, 406
medieval Christian, 215 -6
Newton's system, 504 -9
Philolaus's theory, 42 -4
Plato's, 57 -8, 63
Ptolemy's, 66 -75, 122
Pythagorean, 31 -3, 261 -7
queries on formation, 22
rectangular, 20, 85 -92
sun-centred, 49, 258, 261
Tycho's system, 46, 294, 297, 427
uniform circular motion, 59 -62, 66, 76 -7
walled-in, 94
Urban VIII, Pope, 357, 425, 431, 442, 533
and Galileo, 472 et seq.
Usher, Bishop, 526
Utopia, 54
VEDEL, Anders Soerensen, 285
Vieta, Francois, 320
Virgil (Fergil), 92
Visconti, Father, 480, 481
Vistula, river, 119, 120, 121
Vitruvius, 50
WACKHER von , Wackenfels, Johannes Matthaeus, 351, 370, 372
Wallenstein, Duke of, 243
Wallenstein, General, 413 -4, 419, 420
Walther, Johann, 209
Wapowsky, Canon Bernhard, 146
Watzelrode, Barbara (Frau Koppernigk), 126
Watzelrode, Christina, 126
Watzelrode, Lucas, 126
character, 126 -7
death, 140
influence on Copernicus, 127
Weight, definitions of, 499 -501
Weil-der-Stadt, 225
Welser, Marcus, 429, 430
Weltschmerz, 107
Wermuth, Christian, 187
Werner, Johannes, 146, 200
Whitehead, Professor, 52, 112, 527 -8, 533
Whittaker, Sir Edmund, 537
Wilhelm IV, the Landgraf, 290 -1
William of Ockham, 110
Wotton, Sir Henry, 412
Wren, Christopher, 502
Wuerttemberg, Frederick Duke of, 269 -70
XENOPHANES of Kolophon, 23 -4, 25
Ximines, Father, 442
Ziegler, Jacob, 210
Zinner, Ernst, 170
Zodiac, 21
Zuniga, Diego de, 456
1 Newton's First Law of Motion was in fact formulated by Descartes.
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