Not My Solution

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Not My Solution Page 21

by T. E. Killian

  He acted as if he didn’t know what to do at first but when her arms went around his neck, he slid to his knees in front of her and wrapped his arms around her too.

  She didn’t know who made the first move but suddenly their lips met in the sweetest kiss she’d ever experienced.

  It only lasted a short time, but it almost knocked her out of her chair.

  Roger was back in the sofa now with a look she’d seen many times in Afghanistan. They used to call it shell-shocked. Well, as a matter of fact, her face probably looked the same way.

  She wasn’t sure how long they sat that way staring into each other’s eyes when she felt Nick touch her shoulder from behind.

  She reluctantly turned to look at him.

  “I’ve held off as long as I can. If we don’t go eat now, the rolls will get cold.”

  She pulled her wheelchair around in front of her recliner ready to climb into it but stopped when Roger was suddenly beside her.

  She could tell from the look in his eyes he wanted to lift her into the wheelchair, and she surprised herself when she realized she wanted him to do just that.

  She nodded at him and he leaned over her, placing one arm under her legs and the other behind her back. She was quickly in her wheelchair, but his touch lingered in her mind. She even let him push her chair.

  They all went into the kitchen and Nicole was proud of Nick when he didn’t say a word about what they’d been doing or saying when he was out of the room. That wasn’t like him but nothing like this had ever happened with them.

  After dinner, Roger stayed in the kitchen to help her clean up and Nick went into the living room. She soon saw the light from the TV.

  She carried some dishes over to the sink and turned around to see Roger standing in her way. Now what?

  “Nicole, I hope you know by now that I’m falling in love with you.”

  That was all he said, but he was looking at her like he expected her to say something. Finally, she decided to be honest with him.

  “Roger. I’ve never been in love.” She laughed. “Not even close.” She blew out a sigh. “So, I frankly don’t know what it is or how it feels.”

  His face fell, and she rushed to clarify her thoughts for him.

  “That just means that I don’t know what these feelings are that I have for you.”

  She looked away which kept him from responding. When she turned back, he was ready, but she beat him to it.

  “Can you be patient with me Roger? You know what I told you about the other men I’ve tried to get close to.”

  He nodded his head.

  “So, I’m just not sure right now but I do feel as if I’m leaning that way.” She smiled. “Is that good enough for now?”

  He smiled a big smile she’d never seen on his face before.

  “Yes, Nicole, that’s plenty good enough for now.”

  * * *

  The rest of that week went by so fast and Roger had been so busy that he hadn’t been able to spend any time with Nicole. He had really wanted to though.

  Sunday morning found him getting ready for church knowing he’d be sitting beside Nicole again and also that they were all going out to his parents’ farm for dinner.

  He hoped to have some time alone with her, but the front porch would be out since it was raining and very cold.

  He was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal when his doorbell rang. Who would be coming by his house this early on a Sunday morning?

  When he looked through the peephole, he was surprised to see Floyd staring back at him. He quickly opened the door and his brother stomped his feet and came in growling about the weather.

  “It ain’t fit for man nor beast out there today. I’m afraid it’ll turn to sleet or freezing rain any time. I’ve got a couple of extra deputies on today just in case.”

  That was when Roger noticed that not only was Floyd in his uniform on a Sunday morning, but he was drenched.

  “Come on in, I’ve got a fire in the fireplace. Stand in front of it and get warm.”

  Floyd walked over to the fire without comment and stood in front of it for a long moment.

  When he turned back around toward Roger, he had a very serious look on his face. Uh oh! Roger knew that look. It was never good.

  “Well, the Chadwick woman woke up this morning. I just came from the hospital.”

  Roger waited, knowing it did no good to prompt Floyd. He’d say it when he was ready.

  “She had a nurse call me. When I got there, she was still a little woozy, but she seemed to know what she was saying.”

  Roger knew it might take a little while longer, so he sat down on the couch.

  “She said she went to Nicole’s room the other day to warn her and there was someone else in there. She said she didn’t get a real good look at the guy, but she was pretty sure it was Robertson.”

  That really hit Roger. “Why would he stab her?”

  “Well, that’s the tricky part. She didn’t really want to tell me, but I told her I could arrest her for withholding information about a crime.”

  “She finally admitted that she and Robertson had cooked up a dual plan for her to get back at Nicole and him to get you out of the mayor race.”

  “Did she tell you what the plan was?”

  “Not really. But she did say she’d had a change of heart and was going to Nicole’s room to warn her that Robertson was going to do something to Nicole and probably you too.”

  Roger could feel the heat and knew his face was turning red. Right then, all that mattered to him was getting his hands on Robertson. But Floyd must have noticed and stepped up to Roger.

  He placed a hand on each of Roger’s shoulders and looked him in the eye.

  “Now, don’t you go doing something foolish that I’d have to lockup my own brother for.”

  Roger shook his head. “No, I won’t do it, but I sure would like to pound on that guy for a while.”

  Floyd laughed. “So, would I little brother, so would I. Remember, when he threatened your family, that’s my family too. And I take something like that real personal.”

  Floyd seemed to think for a moment. “We’ve been trying for the last hour to find Robertson, but it seems like he may have left town.”

  “I’d still like to get my hands on him.”

  They were both quiet for a few minutes before Floyd picked up his cowboy hat from the mantel and headed for the door.

  With his hand on the doorknob, he turned back to Roger. “Oh, by the way. The Chadwick woman said she needs to talk to Nicole real bad. I told her I’d see that she’s told but I wouldn’t guarantee Nicole would want to talk to her.”

  Roger gave him an incredulous look. “You’re right. I don’t think Nicole will want to go out there and talk to her. That woman has caused her no end of grief.”

  Floyd snorted. “I can’t say as I’d blame her if she didn’t. If it was me, I don’t think I would.”

  “I’ll talk to her about it at church this morning. You going to be able to make it?”

  Floyd laughed and Roger couldn’t figure out what he’d said to make his brother laugh.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for anything little brother. You know, now that you’ve become a Christian, that makes the whole family.”

  “How … Oh, big mouth Shelly. I’m pretty sure Nicole said she asked her not to tell anybody.”

  Floyd laughed a booming laugh. “You know our sister. To her that only meant she shouldn’t tell anyone that wasn’t family.”

  Roger knew he was right. Then he watched Floyd go out to his Tahoe and drive off.

  He went back to his cereal. It was a good thing it was cold cereal.

  As he ate, he kept thinking about what Darla Chadwick could want to talk to Nicole about. She certainly didn’t need to warn Nicole about Robertson. They were all keeping a close watch for the guy already.

  Well, he was sure of one thing. If Nicole went to talk to the woman, she wasn’t going alone. He’d be there with
her every second.

  Soon, he was going out the door to go to church. That was when it hit him what he was about to do when he got there. He remembered Nicole going up to the front at the end of the service last week.

  Then he remembered that Shelly had gone up there with Nicole. Who could he get to go up there with him? Floyd? No, he’d never do it.

  He thought about that dilemma all the way to church.

  * * *

  When Nicole awakened that Sunday morning, she felt fresh and happy for the first time in years. Why? She knew why. Roger McCracken told her he was falling in love with her. Wasn’t that just great? Well, it was kind of scary too.

  She kept thinking about that during her shower and getting dressed before breakfast. Did she love him too? She was afraid to admit it, even to herself, but she thought she did.

  If she loved Roger, he would be the first person she’d really loved other than her twin brother. She’d tried over the years to love both of her parents but their total indifference toward her had made it virtually impossible to love either one of them.

  They’d always expressed their disapproval of everything she ever did. That only got worse when she left home to go to a college they didn’t want her to go to. Each phase of her life, after that, simply pushed her further away from her parents.

  She was so thankful that she’d always had Nick. He was the greatest brother a girl could ever hope for. He was also her best friend. But now she had Roger too. Didn’t she?

  When she joined Nick in the kitchen, he had bacon already fried and was frying four eggs on the grill. She smiled to herself. It sure was nice having a brother who could cook as well as Nick did and wasn’t afraid to do it much of the time either.

  She wheeled up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. “I love you Nick.”

  He scooped up the eggs and placed them on two plates before turning around in her arms.

  “I love you too Laine. So, what’s the occasion that you’re so bubbly this morning? I haven’t seen you like this in years.”

  She smiled up at him. “Well, I haven’t felt this good in years either.”

  He carried the plates to the table where the bacon and biscuits already were.

  She busied herself pouring two cups of coffee and when they were both seated, he looked at her. “Okay, are you going to tell me why you’re in such a great mood?”

  She didn’t answer quick enough for him.

  “Or do I know why? It wouldn’t happen to be because a certain tall redheaded lawyer is falling all over you, now would it?”

  She tried not to laugh but she couldn’t help it. Nick looked so goofy when he said that, she had to laugh with him.

  “That’s it, isn’t it?”

  She finished her breakfast and took her dishes to the sink. While she began rinsing them off, she tried to ignore Nick. But he wasn’t going to let her keep ignoring him.

  They’d finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher and when she turned to leave the room, Nick jumped in front of her and held out his hands to grip her chair arms.

  “Would you like to tell me just exactly what’s going on between my favorite sister and Roger McCracken?”

  She laughed. “Oh Nick. You always did know how to lighten the mood anytime. I’m your only sister.”

  He stood there with his arms crossed. “Why did Roger call me yesterday and ask me to give you two some private time when he got here last night?”

  That surprised and endeared Roger to her even more. She smiled up at him, hoping he’d let it go but he didn’t.

  “Okay. Two things. First, Roger wanted to be with me when he prayed to accept the Lord. Second, he wanted to tell me he’s falling in love with me.”

  She cringed after she said that last part. Nick had run off more than a few boys and men who’d tried to get close to her when they were younger. But she wasn’t prepared for his reaction.

  He grinned widely and leaned over to kiss her on the cheek.

  “I’m happy for you Nicole. I like Roger. He’s almost good enough for my twin sister.”

  They both laughed at that.

  Then he grew serious for a moment. “And I don’t have to ask if you love him or not. I’ve seen it coming for days now.”

  She still wasn’t sure. “So, I don’t have to warn Roger that you might come looking for him?”

  He shook his head. “No, not at all. I’m happy for you. I’m glad you’ve finally found a good guy.”

  He looked away then back at her. “I just wish I could find a girl for me.”

  She suddenly felt bad that all her happiness might be depressing to him. “Oh, Nick, I’m sorry you haven’t. But I just know you’ll find someone down here away from all those superficial women in Kansas City.”

  He laughed. “You got that right. I could hardly ever date the same girl twice. Once was enough.”

  She glanced up at the clock. “Well, we’d better get ready for church.” She smiled. “Roger hasn’t asked me, but I plan to go up front with him the way Shelly did for me.”

  She could tell he still didn’t fully understand what she did or what Roger was going to do but Shelly had told her to be patient with him. She said that as long as he was going to church with them, he would probably come around, eventually.

  Nicole had been watching him during church and he seemed to be interested and listening when Gil preached. She sure hoped Shelly was right. She wanted the same thing for her brother that she had.

  When she pulled into the church parking lot, she wasn’t too surprised to see Roger coming out the front door and was at the side of her van when she rolled her wheelchair off the lift.

  She looked around and saw Nick about half-way up the sidewalk to the church. His consideration made her almost cry. That was the third time now he’d left her and Roger alone.

  She smiled up at Roger and allowed him to push her up to the door. When they got there, he stopped and came around in front of her.

  “If we weren’t in a public place, I would love to kiss you right now.”

  She grinned back at him. “If we weren’t in a public place, I would let you kiss me right now.”

  They laughed as Roger resumed pushing her into the church.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Roger couldn’t take his eyes off Nicole. She was wearing a royal blue dress that really highlighted her beautiful golden hair and set off her bright blue eyes too.

  He was hoping she’d let him push her to the front door of the church and was pleased when she did. She was definitely changing. She wasn’t so fiercely independent anymore, at least not with him. Was that a sign that she was letting him into her life? He sure hoped so.

  He’d already told Pastor Gil on Tuesday that he would be coming forward at the end of the service, so he didn’t need to talk to him now. He was glad for he wanted to spend every second before the service with Nicole.

  But he wasn’t able to do that. As soon as he pushed Nicole up to their usual spot, his mom and Shelly both started talking to her and he couldn’t get a word in before the service started.

  He sat through the service getting more nervous all the time. When Gil came down in front, Roger stood and looked down at Nicole. He saw a special look in her eyes he’d never seen before. As he took his first step toward the front, she unlocked the wheels on her wheelchair and led him down to where Gil was waiting for them.

  After Gil prayed silently with them, the music stopped, and he spoke to the congregation.

  “Roger McCracken has come forward proclaiming that he has accepted the Lord and wants to be baptized.”

  After the applause and exclamations stopped, he went on. “You will remember that Nicole Fuller came down here just last Sunday for the same reason.”

  He smiled at each of them before looking back out at the congregation. “And I wouldn’t be too surprised if there might be another announcement coming from these two in the not too distant future.”

  Roger knew he was blushing, and
he sneaked a peek at Nicole and her face was quite red too.

  The service ended then, and as soon as all the well-wishers left them alone, Nicole smiled at him. “Let’s go.”

  That was when Roger remembered that he’d told Floyd he’d tell her about the Chadwick woman wanting to talk to her.

  “Wait Nicole. There’s something I forgot to tell you.” He frowned. “Well, my family grabbed you right away so I couldn’t tell you before church.”

  “Can’t it wait? Your family is waiting on us.”

  “This won’t take long, and Floyd knows so he’ll tell them if we’re late.”

  She nodded, so he quickly prepared the words to say.

  “Darla Chadwick woke up this morning, and she says she didn’t see him very well but she’s pretty sure it was Robertson who stabbed her.”

  He could tell when his words sunk in. She breathed out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness.”

  “Wait. There’s more.”

  He waited until she looked up at him again. “She told Floyd that she wants to talk to you.”

  He thought for sure she would balk at that but was surprised when she smiled.


  “Right now, if you’re willing. We can skip the family dinner and go out somewhere together after we go to the hospital.”

  “Good. But I would like for you to ride with me. Can you get someone in your family to take your Jeep home for you?”

  “Sure. Let’s go.”

  Floyd said he’d get Roger’s Jeep to his house, so he pushed Nicole out to her van. Soon, they were on their way to the hospital.

  Roger wasn’t sure he liked for Nicole to drive since they couldn’t talk when she was concentrating on the street ahead instead of watching him talk.

  Anyway, it didn’t take them long to reach the hospital and on up to the second floor where Darla Chadwick’s room was.

  They paused outside the door and Nicole looked up at Roger. “Will you go in with me?”


  The door was open, so he pushed Nicole into it and right up to the side of Darla’s bed. But it looked as if she was sleeping.


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