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Be My Wife: A BWWM Romance (Make It Marriage Book 6)

Page 12

by Nia Arthurs

  She lifts her tiny hands. “Like on here.”


  Gwen covers her mouth to hide her laughter.

  “As long as he’s a kind man who takes care of me, I would be okay.”

  “Do you have any kids, Elizabeth?”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “What?”

  Stephanie tosses her long black hair. “What if he had a niece he loved very much? She wouldn’t live with you, of course. She’d live with her aunt since her parents can’t afford to take care of her.”

  My heart throbs.

  Is that what happened to Steph?

  I squeeze her little hand. “I’d be okay with a man like that.”

  “Would you?” Her brown eyes fill with hope. “You’re not just saying that because I’m a sick kid, right? You mean it?”

  “I swear.”

  She shrieks. “Okay. Okay.” She takes a deep breath. Visibly tries to settle herself.

  “Why are you asking?”

  “Because I have someone I’d like to introduce you to.” Step’s gap-toothed grin melts my heart. “He’s really handsome and very kind. If you married him, he would take care of you every day of your life. You want to know how I know that?”


  “Because he takes care of me.” She nods. “And once he loves you, he’ll take care of you too.”

  “What if he doesn’t love me?”

  “I’m sure he will,” Steph declares.

  “You’re very confident.”

  She counts off on her fingers. “You’re pretty, you smell nice and you have kind eyes.”

  I chuckle. “Thank you.”

  “This man is perfect for you. You just have to get used to his frowny faces. He does that a lot.”

  “I’m sure he does,” I say, thinking of Brogan’s scowls.

  “So you’ll marry him?”

  I smirk. “Well, I’d consider it. I’d have to meet him first.”

  “You will? You really will?”

  I nod.

  “Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to tell Ina I did my first match! She’ll be so excited.”


  “Her friend,” a deep voice says. “And a nurse here.”

  I startle and look behind me to find Brogan leaning against the wall. A shiver starts down my spine at the intensity in his blue eyes.

  Steph hops up from her seat and goes flying across the room. “Uncle Brogan!”

  “Hey, Pumpkin.” He picks her up easily.

  She laughs. “I found you a wife.”

  “You did?” He pretends to be shocked. “Who?”

  Steph points straight at me. “Her.”

  My cheeks warm.

  I feel like someone threw a spotlight right over my head.

  Brogan’s eyes darken.

  I can’t tell if he’s annoyed or amused.

  Gwen laughs. “I guess we know what Steph wants to be when she grows up.”

  “A matchmaker!” She declares. “Like Kayla, Venus and Amina!”

  “Who are they?” Gwen asks with a patient smile.

  Brogan just shakes his head.

  “And guess what, Uncle Brogan?”


  “Doctor Myles says that I’m going to get the surgery soon. He says I have to rest up and eat well because someone’s giving me a new heart. He says to be ready.”

  “He did, huh?” Brogan kisses her cheek.

  She beams, grinning from ear to ear. “Do you want to come and color with me?”

  “I’d love to.”

  Steph wiggles to be put down and draws him over to where I’m sitting. When she points at the bench beside me, I get jumpy. Brogan will crush this table if he sits on it.

  Thankfully, he sits on the floor beside me. He’s so big, the table only hits him at his chest so he can easily see above it.

  Steph hands us a sheet of paper. “You two color together.”

  I swallow hard.

  Brogan hands me a crayon.

  “Thank you,” I choke out.

  “We’re drawing hands.” Steph informs us. “So Elizabeth, you can draw Uncle Brogan’s hands.”

  He bends his head next to mine and plants his big fingers on the paper, his eyes practically daring me to trace it. With shaking fingers, I press my palm on top of his hand and trace.

  Once he’s satisfied, Brogan ignores me, chatting with Steph like they’re two adults catching up on the latest episode of Phineas and Ferb and gossiping about who snuck the love letter under Timmy in Room Three’s hospital bed.

  Although I don’t interrupt much, I can’t help but observe them.

  Brogan is extremely caring with Steph.

  He’s sweet.



  My body tingles every time I see him smile. And when Brogan unashamedly plays with his little niece? I want to tackle him right there in the playroom and kiss him breathless.

  It’s a completely different side of him.

  Different from the stomping, growling, gruff man he pretends to be.

  This man is one I’ve only seen hints of.

  One I like a lot.

  Maybe a little too much.

  By the time we leave, I’m practically tearing myself in half, confused as I am between the Brogan that growls at me and the one who sweetly looks after a kid that’s not his own.

  He’s only your husband for seven days, Elizabeth.

  That doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate him.

  Him or his muscles?


  I’m arguing with that mental voice in my head when Brogan stops suddenly.

  It’s unexpected and I end up jamming into his back.

  I look up with a frown, but he’s not paying any attention to me. He’s staring at a gorgeous woman standing in the hallway.

  Gwen spots her too and stiffens.

  “Who is that?” I whisper curiously.

  “It’s his ex-wife,” Gwen spits out.

  I glance up with a gasp just as Brogan says, “Lana.”



  The world around me seems to stop as I catch sight of Lana. She’s wearing a fancy blouse with a fringe cape. A skirt that hugs all her curves. Tall heels.

  She probably smells like Chanel.

  The purse in her hands is Gucci.

  The necklace is Tiffany’s.

  Memories wash over me.

  Of paying for her hair, her shopping sprees, her jewellery.

  Working harder and longer hours to keep up with her lifestyle and Steph’s medical fees.

  Not knowing my absence played so perfectly into her plans.

  Another memory hits me.

  This one sweeter. Less steeped in bitterness.

  Lana’s long hair tangled in my hands.

  Her brown eyes glittering.

  Her red mouth swearing that she loves me.

  Only me.


  A sharp nudge to my side breaks me out of the trance. Mom is cursing Lana out. She sounds pissed, but I know she’s just being protective.

  Because of me.

  Because of how much I lost when my marriage failed.

  I square my shoulders.

  Try not to look as gutted as I feel.

  Fight the pinching sensation in my chest.

  Lana and I have managed to avoid each other for this long, but I knew that wouldn’t last. We were bound to run into each other.

  I just…

  I didn’t think that day would be today.

  With Mom and Elizabeth here.

  I’m not sure if their presence is a good thing yet.

  Mom probably wants to tear Lana’s hair out and Elizabeth…? She’s staring at Lana, giving her a deep, calculating scan.

  I try to observe Lana from Elizabeth’s perspective.

  Long black hair.

  Tan skin.

  Body a perfect hourglass shape.

  I hope that doesn’t sway Elizabeth. I’d cho
ose my wife’s sweet mouth, her can’t-tell-a-lie brown eyes and her habit of wearing her heart on her sleeve over my ex’s sexually charged beauty any day.

  Lana’s heels clip the floor as she walks my way.

  Mom huffs. “Let’s just go, Brogan.”

  I stay in place.

  Mom shakes my arm. “Brogan!”

  “Wait in the car, Mom.”

  “You’re not going to entertain her, are you?”

  “We won’t take long.”



  Mom snarls in Lana’s direction before turning sharply and storming down another hallway.

  Elizabeth eases up beside me. “I’ll go too.”

  “No.” I snatch her hand.

  She stiffens.

  I give her a hard stare. “You stay.”


  I jerk her closer. Lean down. Hiss, “You said you wanted to know me?”

  Fear fills her eyes. “Brogan…”

  “Stay. Stay and watch how pathetic I am.”

  Her mouth parts in a shocked little gasp.

  I drop her hand and face Lana. My ex-wife is biting down on her bottom lip and rubbing her hands together. She did that a lot when we first got married.

  Symptoms of her uncertainty.

  Of her discomfort.

  She’d married a man she didn’t love. How was she supposed to handle herself?

  At first, she’d been desperate to please me.

  As the months wore on and I showed her that I was more interested in making her happy, in her satisfaction, in pleasing her than in anything she could give in return, she claimed that power. Took advantage. Got careless.

  She pushed me away with excuses.

  She covered herself in lies.

  Like a fool, I ignored all the signs.

  Until it all went up in flames.

  “Brogan,” Lana says.

  Her voice is softer than I remember.


  “Hi.” She clutches her purse strap. “It’s been a while. You…” She gives me an admiring glance. The one she used to level on me before I took her to the bedroom. “You look good.”

  I grunt.

  Her brown eyes move to Elizabeth. “Who’s this?”

  “I’m his wife.” Elizabeth slips her hands around my arm, positioning her fingers to flash her ring.

  I arch an eyebrow in surprise.

  “Babe, you didn’t tell me your ex was so beautiful.” Elizabeth laughs daintily. “Did you get some work done?”

  “What?” Lana looks horrified.

  “Oh, it’s fine. If something’s rotten on the inside, you should do everything to hide it on the outside, right? Can’t have people seeing all that ugly up front.”

  I pull my lips in.

  Try not to laugh aloud.

  “How… lovely to meet you. Brogan never mentioned getting remarried.”

  Elizabeth leans her head against me and sighs contentedly. “He mentioned enough about you though.” Lifting a slim shoulder, she shrugs. “You understand if I’m not your biggest fan.”

  Lana scowls. Turns to me. “Can we talk?” She darts her eyes pointedly in Elizabeth’s direction. “In private.”

  “Is this about Steph?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “Then I’m busy.” I check my watch.

  “It’s date night tonight,” Elizabeth says, stretching on her toes and wrapping her arms around my neck. “Dinner.” She kisses me softly on the cheek. “A movie.” Another peck. “Some wine.”

  I wrap my arms around her and stare into her mischievous brown eyes. Playing along, I lean in and whisper, “I can’t wait.”

  “Neither can I.” Elizabeth walks her fingers up my shirt. “I bought something for you.”

  “Something new?” I growl, responding to the sexy smirk on her lips.

  “Something you’ll like very much.”


  “When we get back home, I’ll take you into the room and show you—”

  Lana clears her throat.

  Elizabeth chuckles and drops her hold on my neck. “Sorry. I can’t control myself sometimes. You remember how it is? Wanting Brogan all the time… being so satisfied…” She laughs. “I don’t know how you gave him up.”

  Lana’s face gets beet-red.

  I brush a lock of hair behind Liz’s ear. “Laying it on thick, are we?”

  “Shut up.” She faces Lana again. “Do you have kids?”

  “No. Just Steph.”

  “I met your niece. She’s delightful.”

  “Yeah, and she adores Brogan.” Lana smiles smugly. “We’re like a little family when we’re together.”

  “A family, huh?” Elizabeth frowns.

  “Brogan’s great with kids. That’s why I chose him—”

  “Actually, Lana didn’t choose me,” I interrupt her.


  “My grandmother set us up.”

  “I see.” Elizabeth bobs her head. “She had bad taste.”

  “I decided to go along with her because I saw how good you were with Steph,” Lana says sharply. “Unlike what you think, I wasn’t totally self-absorbed.”

  Elizabeth nuzzles my cheek. “Having regrets, Lana?”

  “Of course.” Her eyes dip to the ground. "Brogan’s not just a… good man. He’s the best man I know.”

  A week ago, her words would have meant something to me. But right now I can barely keep up with the conversation.

  Not with Elizabeth touching me all over.

  Not with the way she’s staring into my eyes.

  I can’t help it.

  She’s too damn irresistible.

  Sliding my palms over her cheeks, I bring her in and kiss her deeply.

  Her lips are soft.



  Her fingers dig into my shirt.

  Her mouth falls open.

  Her tongue dances with mine.


  She’s killing me.

  Even if it’s just pretend.

  Even if I know it’s not real.

  Touching her feels so right.

  I need that.



  It’s not love.

  It can’t be.

  But whatever it is… I want it.

  Just for a bit.

  For a moment.

  A second.


  I pull back. Run a finger down her cheek. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  “Good.” Elizabeth rubs her body on mine. “This is just a taste of what I’ll do to you later.”

  Heat sizzles through my veins.

  Sends visions in my head.

  Elizabeth spread eagle.

  On my bed.

  Her back arched.

  Her toes curled in the sheets.

  Her mouth screaming my name.

  “Ehem,” Lana says.



  Lana’s here.

  I give her an annoyed look. “What?”

  “I’ll catch you another time, Brogan.”

  Elizabeth waves. “It was nice meeting you!”

  Lana doesn’t bother answering. She beats a hasty retreat down the hall, her heels clicking in tandem. I know she’s been seeing other people, so I don’t get why she keeps acting like there’s a possibility of us getting back together whenever we meet.

  “Is she gone?” Elizabeth asks, hugging me tight.

  I drop a kiss on her forehead. “Yeah.”

  The nurses passing by give us amused looks.

  Elizabeth ducks, hiding her face in my shirt.

  I lift her chin with my finger. “Don’t act shy now.”

  She reaches out. Swipes my cheek. “You have lipstick all over you.”

  “Who’s fault is that?”

  “I didn’t expect you to go full tongue in public, Brogan. There were kids around.”

  “I thought
you couldn’t resist me?”

  Her eyes dart away. “You know I didn’t mean that.”

  My amusement drains, leaving a hollow ache behind. Reminding myself that this marriage is a sham is one thing, but Elizabeth’s reminder… it hits harder, sharper.

  She doesn’t want me.

  Just like Lana.

  It would be foolish to fall into the same trap twice.

  I clear my throat. Place a hand on her back. Escort her down the hallway.

  “So,” Elizabeth shoots me a cheeky grin over her shoulder, “how did I do?”

  I grunt. “What were you trying to prove back there?”

  “Couldn’t you tell?”


  She stops. “I wanted you to know that you’re wrong.”

  “About what?”

  “You’re not pathetic.” She lifts her chin. “You’re grouchy. Rude. A little insensitive—”

  “Thanks,” I say dryly.

  “I’m not finished.” The corners of her lips tilt up. “You’re also warm, kind and sweet. Steph adores you, your ex-wife wants you back and I can understand why.” She shakes her head. “You’re not pathetic. Not even close. Any woman would be lucky to have you.”

  My breath hitches.

  She smiles up at me. “There’s nothing pitiful about you, Brogan Harrington.”

  I hold her gaze.

  Let her words twine around my heart.

  Feel the ice hissing as it thaws and cracks like an iceberg splitting from the root.

  And suddenly, I realize the truth.

  One I can’t hide from.

  One I can no longer deny.

  I’ve gone and fallen in love with my wife.

  Damn it.



  Gerard climbs out of the SUV and opens the back door when he sees me and Brogan exiting the hospital.

  “You should go,” Brogan says.

  “Are you coming home?”

  “I’m stopping by the office first.”

  Disappointment skates through me. I try my best to ignore it. “Okay.”

  He tips my chin up with his finger. “I won’t take long.”

  “You can stay there all night. I don’t care.” I scoff.

  He smirks. Shakes his head. “Those eyes…”

  “What?” I blink.

  “Nothing.” He presses another kiss to my forehead and then nudges me forward. “Go.”

  I take a hesitant step away.

  Then I turn back.

  He does a chin-up gesture what?

  “You’re not going to meet with Lana behind my back, are you?”


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