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Believe Page 3

by Katie Holland

  “I get what you’re saying. But I think your magic knew who I was before you did and that’s why we had a strong connection, even at the beginning. As for your birth parents, they’re basically strangers to you. Have you talked to your mom and dad about this?”

  “No. You’re the only person I’ve said anything to,” Alix told him.

  “Maybe you should talk to them. See if they seem the same to them as they did before you were born.”

  “I guess it’s worth a shot.”

  They sat quietly for a while when Ben had a thought.

  “I’m taking you on a date tomorrow.”

  “Huh?” Alix said.

  “A date. You know when two people who like each other do something fun together.”

  “I know what a date is. But we aren’t exactly a normal couple that can go just do things,” Alix reminded him.

  “I know. But we haven’t been able to do anything fun since I asked you out. So, just leave everything to me. Be ready for our date at noon tomorrow. And don’t eat lunch.”

  “Um … okay,” Alix said, but she was smiling. “So, where should I meet you?”

  “Since I can’t officially pick you up, I’ll come to your room.”

  “You’re so silly sometimes. But I’ll be ready at noon. I’m going to head to bed. Cross your fingers I have a nightmare free night.”

  Ben walked the few steps to her bedroom door. He gave her a sweet kiss on the lips and wished her good night. Alix smiled at him and went into her room. She changed into her PJ’s and crawled into bed with her eReader. She was hoping that by reading before she fell asleep it would chase away the nightmares.

  Chapter 5

  Alix was wandering the house. It was dark and she wondered why she was out of bed. She was walking without a destination until she had that familiar feeling. She followed the feeling. It led her to the secret door in the upstairs hallway. She used her tattoo to open it and started down the long stone spiral staircase. At the bottom, she looked at the ten doors that made up the room of rooms, but she still didn’t know why she was there.

  Closing her eyes, she concentrated on the feeling that led her down there. It was telling her that there was something she needed to see. Focusing solely on the feeling, she sent out her magic to each of the doors. Nothing was triggering her magic until suddenly, it all shot straight to the white door.


  Alix opened her eyes and sat up. At first, she thought she’d had another nightmare, but then she remembered what she’d been dreaming. She needed to go to the room of rooms and see what was behind the white door.

  Grabbing her robe and slippers, she left her bedroom and went down the hallway. It was still pitch-black outside. She hadn’t thought to look at the time when she left her room. It only took her moments to get to the small closet that held the door to the room of rooms. She quickly made the door and went down the stairs. Going straight to the white door, she turned the handle and went inside.

  She wasn’t sure what to expect, but it wasn’t what she saw. It looked like a library.

  “Greetings Kaelneth,” said an unfamiliar female voice.

  Alix jumped. “Who are you?” she demanded.

  “My name is Melodie. I am the Keeper of the Scrolls.”

  “I don’t understand,” Alix said.

  “This room holds the most vital information for the Nykara. Generations of Nykara have been leaving their written words here for ones such as yourself to learn from. I am here to help you find what you need.”

  “So, do you like live here or something?” She knew she sounded rude, but she was really confused. How did this lady know to be here at the exact moment Alix found the room?

  “I lived a long time ago. Do you not recognize me Kaelneth?”

  Alix took a really good look at her. She was shocked when she realized who she was.

  “You’re the woman from my vision in Ireland.”

  “Yes, Kaelneth.”

  “But that’s impossible. It was thousands of years ago when you built that monument.”

  “My physical body has long since turned to dust, but my spirit was able to live on and help future generations,” Melodie told her.

  “Does that mean you’re a ghost?”

  “I do not think so as I do not wish to haunt anyone. I am merely here to guide you to the knowledge you seek.”

  “Okay, this is weird, but I should expect that by now. So, you will be here in this room every time I come in here?”

  “Only if you need me. What is it you wish to learn right now?” Melodie asked her.

  Alix thought about it and realized she wanted to know more about her dreams.

  “Melodie, I need to learn more about my dreams. Specifically, vision dreams. Can you help me with that?”

  “Of course, Kaelneth. Follow me.”

  “I don’t suppose I can get you to call me Alix, can I?”

  “I will do my best to remember that.”

  Alix followed Melodie farther into the room. She couldn’t see an end to the rows and rows of books. It’s a good thing she wasn’t alone. She never would have found anything in there. It all appeared to be just put randomly in different places.

  Eventually, Melodie stopped. Alix looked at the shelf in front of her. There were newer books, older ones, and some really old ones. There were even some actual paper scrolls.

  “Will I be able to read these? I’m sure that some are in different languages,” Alix asked.

  “The magic of this room allows you to see the words in the language that you read,” Melodie told her.

  “So, like Candar’s letter to me,” Alix said to herself.

  “Yes, exactly like that.”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “If it has been written down and important to the Nykara, then I know about it.”

  “Wow. That’s a little creepy you know.”

  Melodie laughed. “I suppose it is. Here is the section on dreams. There are notes, journal entries, and other firsthand accounts of all kinds of dreams.”

  Alix looked at the massive amount of paper in front of her. “I can’t possibly read all of these. How can I narrow it down?”

  “Your magic will help you. I’ll be close by if you need me,” Melodie said, and walked away.

  “Why does everything have to be so cryptic,” Alix muttered to herself.

  She closed her eyes and thought about what she really wanted to know. She reached out with her magic and felt when it hit on something. When she opened her eyes, there was a slight glow to one of the books. As she took it off the shelf the glow faded. She went to the closest table and looked at what was in her hands. It appeared to be a journal or a personal notebook. It said ‘Property of James Greymore’ in gold letters on the front. She wanted to read it all, but knew that would take too much time so she scanned it looking for the words dream or vision. A few pages in she found what she was looking for.


  March 10, 1885

  I finally found someone who has dreams like me. Dreams so real it is like you are living them. When I wake up, I am surprised that I am in my bed and not in the place of the dream. I have been having the same dream for years and I did not understand what it meant until I met Jay. I do not think that is her real name, but I cannot blame her for not telling me, after all we just met. I do not think our meeting was a coincidence. I believe our dreams led us to each other. When I saw her sitting in the park, I knew she was the person I had been searching for. I thought it was strange, a woman sitting alone in the park, but I think she was waiting for me as well, since when I sat next to her, she simply greeted me with a hello. I was not sophisticated in my greeting at all. I blurted out, “Do you have the dreams too?” Anyone else would have left immediately, but she nodded and smiled at me. We talked about the dreams enough to know that we have the same type. We are meeting again tomorrow to talk further.


  March 15, 1885

  Jessica and I
have met every day since our first meeting in the park. It turned out that J was just her first initial and not her actual name. I am absolutely smitten with her. She is witty and intelligent as well as honest and caring. We both had the same dream last night. It was of a child that will be born in the future. This child will be extremely important to the entire world when they come of age. We both agreed that this child is of our lineage as well. That means that somehow the dreams led us to each other, so that our future generations could save the world. It will not be a hardship to be with Jessica since my heart already belongs to her.


  “Wow,” Alix said, putting the book down. She could only assume that the child James was referring to was her, and she’d just read how her great, great whatever grandparents met. “Melodie,” she called.

  “I am here, Kaelneth,” she said, just kind of appearing out of nowhere.

  Alix pointed to the journal. “Am I correct in thinking that this was me they were referring to?”

  “Yes, you are correct.”

  Alix was a little stunned. “How is it that of all the thousands of books in the room that I find the one that leads back to me?”

  “It is the magic my dear.”

  “But I wanted to know how I make the dreams happen. This doesn’t tell me that.”

  “Were you that specific when you thought of what you wanted?” Melodie asked.

  “No, I guess it wasn’t. I just thought dreams.”

  “But now you can see why you dream the way you do. It is in your blood to have vision dreams.”

  “Huh, I guess it is. Can these books leave this room?”

  “No, they cannot. This room preserves them with magic, so they do not age. But you may come back as often as you like to read at your leisure.”

  “Thank you, Melodie. This has been very interesting.”

  “See you next time Kaelneth,”

  Alix gave her a little wave and left the extraordinary room. She knew she’d be back as soon as she could. By the time she got back to the main part of the house it was still dark. She went to her room and looked at the time. It was 5:36, way too early to get up on a Sunday. She got back under her covers and thought about the two short journal entries that her however many times great grandfather had written. She was amazed to learn about their dreams, but it did explain a lot. She remembered in her mother’s letter about how her grandma had the dreams as well. Little bits and pieces were falling into place, but she still wanted to find a way to direct the dreams.

  Three hours later she was opening her eyes again. She smiled when she realized that she hadn’t had a nightmare all night. In fact, she’d been dreaming about James and Jessica. She was excited to tell everyone what she learned. She got up, got dressed and went to the kitchen. She decided to make muffins while she waited for everyone to get up.

  She just put the muffins in the oven when she was joined in the kitchen by her mom.

  “Good morning honey.”

  “Morning mom,” Alix said.

  “You seem like you’re in a good mood this morning.”

  “I am. I had a nightmare free night and I learned something super cool.”

  Alix didn’t want to wait anymore so she told her mom about the white room, James, Jessica and the dreams.

  “You’ve had a very interesting night,” her mom said.

  “Better interesting than scary. I’m hoping that maybe the nightmares are gone for good now.”

  “I hope so too honey.”

  “It smells great in here,” Ben said, as he walked into the kitchen. “What’s in the oven?”

  “Apple Streusel muffins,” Alix told him.

  “Good morning beautiful,” Ben said going over to Alix and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Good morning,” she said with a grin.

  “You seem to be in a good mood this morning.”

  Alix laughed. “Mom said the same thing.”

  “I hope it’s the thought of our date that’s put that smile on your face.”

  “I’m sure the date is going to be great, but sorry to disappoint you, my good mood is for a different reason.”

  Alix told him the same thing she’d just told her mom.

  “Wow, that’s crazy Alix,” he said.

  “I know, but so cool too.”

  Alix finally got around to making her coffee. She got about half of it drank before the muffins were done. When they cooled enough to touch everyone grabbed one. It was a good thing she’d made a double batch because half of them were gone in a few minutes.

  While everyone was eating Alix took her mom and Ben aside.

  “I don’t want everyone to know about the white room just yet,” she told them.

  “Who’s everyone?” Ben asked.

  Alix thought about that for a minute. “Mom, you can tell dad. I’ll tell Shay of course, and Natalie and Rick. Maybe Logan too. But that’s it.”

  “So, you don’t want Sharon and Sean to know?” her mom asked.

  “Not right now. Do you work today?”

  “No, today is one of my days off this week. Why?”

  “I need to talk to you about something, just you and me. Is that okay?”

  “Of course, honey. No matter how old you get you can always talk to me about anything.”

  “Thanks mom. I’ll come find you in a little while.”

  Ben went to get another muffin while Heather went to say good morning to Sharon and Sean. Alix left the kitchen to go have a shower and decide what to wear on her date. She giggled about that all the way to her room.

  Chapter 6

  Since they weren’t actually going to be leaving the house Alix decided on jeans and a sweater. When she was dressed, she went and found her mom in the laundry room.

  “Hey mom, do you have time to talk to me right now?”

  “Of course, honey. Do you mind helping me fold this while we talk?”

  “Sure.” Alix started folding clothes and was trying to come up with the best way to ask what she wanted to know.

  “Just spit it out honey. You look like you’re ready to burst,” her mom said with a smile. “Is it about Ben?”

  “No. It’s about Sharon and Sean actually. Do they seem like the same people to you that they were before I was born?”

  “I wish I could say yes but honestly they seem different.”

  “Different how?”

  “I guess I’d say they are not as open and carefree as they used to be. I mean it has been almost eighteen years since we’ve seen each other, and everyone changes to some extent. It also couldn’t have been easy having to hide all those years. Why do you ask?”

  “It just that I’ve had a hard time getting to know them. I don’t know if it’s me, them or a combination of all of us.”

  “Give it time honey. This was a very unusual way to meet your birth parents.”

  “Okay, thanks mom. I’d better get up to my room. Ben will be ‘picking me up’ in a little while,” Alix said using air quotes. “It’ll be nice when we can actually have a date outside of this house.”

  “At least he’s trying to do something special for you. That’s important in a relationship.”

  “I know. I’ll have to think of something nice to do for him.”

  “Have fun,” her mom said smiling.

  “I’m sure we will.”

  Alix left the laundry room and went to her bedroom. She turned on the TV while she waited. It was still on the food channel. That made her remember that Sara had never texted her when she’d gotten home. Since no one knew for sure if the Grynn knew Alix’s whereabouts she still made everyone text when they left the safe house. She sent a quick text to her and then started to watch the people on TV make pie.

  About fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door. Alix smiled when she opened the door. Ben had somehow managed to get her a bouquet of flowers. He even had them in a vase with water.

  “These are beautiful. Thank you,” Alix said taking them from
him. She set them on her desk.

  “I’m glad you like them. So, are you ready for our date?”

  “You bet. I’m all yours,” Alix said with a smile.

  Ben took her hand and led her downstairs. He stopped at a door that Alix wasn’t sure she’d noticed before.

  “After you,” he said with a grin.

  Alix open the door and was in awe of what she saw. The room was as close to a beautiful summer day as it could get and still be inside. All four walls had been painted with a mural that made it look like they were in a park. There was blue sky, people walking, even a dog running. There were also real benches and plants scattered all around the room.

  “Ben this is amazing,” Alix said after taking in the entire room. “But there’s no way you did all this since yesterday.”

  “No, you’re right about that. I’ve been working on it for a while.”

  “So, this is where you’ve been disappearing to,” she said with a smile.

  “I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Well it worked. I love it.”

  “Alix, will you join me for a picnic,” Ben asked her.

  “I’d love to.”

  He walked her to the middle of the room where he’d set up a picnic, complete with a blanket and all kinds of food. There were sandwiches, chips, cheese, crackers and several different kinds of drinks. They sat down and Alix smiled.

  “You know this kind of reminds me of when we went to Yellowstone,” she said.

  “You’re right. I guess it does. A lot sure has changed since then hasn’t it.”

  “Nothing is the same as it was then. I’m the Chosen One, we both live in the same house, don’t go to school anymore and we found my birth parents. It’s been a crazy few months.”

  “You missed the most important thing that happened,” Ben told her.


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