Key Thinkers of the Radical Right

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Key Thinkers of the Radical Right Page 51

by Mark Sedgwick (ed)

  and Mencius Moldbug, 198, 200

  ethnicity: European)

  and Richard B. Spencer, 224

  and Greg Johnson, 211, 213

  See also blogging

  and Guillaume Faye, 92– 93,

  IQ and race, 131, 142– 44, 194

  94– 95, 96– 97

  Iran- Contra scandal, 123

  and Jack Donovan, 244– 45,

  Iraq War, 103, 112, 127, 132, 192

  267, 271– 72

  Ireland, Humphrey, 213

  and Jared Taylor, 139– 41, 143, 144,

  Irving, David, 205

  146, 150


  and Patrick J. Buchanan,

  and Alain de Benoist, 76, 78

  126, 127, 129

  and Alexander Dugin, 157, 162, 165

  and Paul Gottfried, 103, 110

  and Bat Ye’or, 170– 79

  and Richard B. Spencer, 225– 27,

  and Charlottesville, 230

  228– 29, 232– 36, 237– 38

  and Greg Johnson, 212, 214


  and Guillaume Faye, 76, 91, 92,

  and Alain de Benoist, 78, 83

  96– 98, 99

  and Daniel Friberg, 262– 63

  and Oswald Spengler, 9, 11, 12

  and Greg Johnson, 211– 12

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 128

  and Guillaume Faye, 76, 92– 93, 96

  and Richard B. Spencer, 235

  and Jared Taylor, 140– 41, 149

  Islam and Dhimmitude, by Bat Ye’or, 176

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 122– 23, 129,

  Islamization, in the Alt- Right

  131, 132, 134

  Manifesto, 235

  and Progress Party (Norway), 171


  and Richard B. Spencer, 224– 26,

  and Alexander Dugin, 162

  229, 232, 235– 36, 237– 38

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 237

  In Defense of Prejudice, by Greg

  and Bat Ye’or, 172, 173, 174, 177– 78

  Johnson, 207

  and David Littman, 172

  Individualism, 78, 86, 128

  and Greg Johnson, 215

  Indo- European

  and Guillaume Faye, 95, 96, 98

  race and peoples, 82, 84, 208, 232

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 127, 132, 134

  ( see also Aryanism)

  and Paul Gottfried, 104, 105

  tradition, 162

  and Richard B. Spencer, 229, 234,

  Inner Traditions, 66

  236, 238

  Integral Traditionalism. See

  See also Zionism

  Traditionalism, Guénonian

  Ivanov, Anatoly, 98

  Integral Traditions Publishing, 269

  Izborsky Club, 163




  Jaffa, Harry, 106– 07

  John Birch Society, 125– 26

  Japan, and Jared Taylor, 137, 140, 141– 42,

  Johnson, Greg, 204– 18

  148, 150

  and apocalypticism, 211

  Jaspers, Karl, 30

  and Counter- Currents, 143, 204

  Jaulin, Robert, 92

  and Daniel Friberg, 271

  Jay, John, 147

  and Guénonian Traditionalism, 204,

  Jefferson, Thomas, 146

  205, 208, 210, 216

  Jensen, Arthur, 148

  and immigration, 211– 12

  Jensen, Peder Are Nøstvold (Fjordman),

  and Jack Donovan, 250, 251, 252

  170, 175

  and the Jews, 204– 05, 214– 16, 251

  Jews of Egypt, The, by Bat Ye’or, 176

  and liberalism, 204, 206, 210, 211, 216


  and metapolitics, 204, 207, 209

  and Alain de Benoist, 74, 78

  and modernity, 204, 211, 216

  and Alexander Dugin, 162

  and Richard B. Spencer, 225, 226, 238

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 232,

  and white nationalism, 204– 05,

  233– 34, 235

  207– 08, 211– 16, 217, 218

  and Carl Schmitt, 38, 41, 42, 49– 50

  Johnson, Lyndon, 127

  in Egypt, 171– 72, 176

  Jones, Alex, 165

  and Ernst Jünger, 26, 29


  in Europe, 174

  for Alexander Dugin, 162

  and Greg Johnson, 204– 05, 214– 16,

  for Carl Schmitt, 42, 49– 50


  for Guillaume Faye, 98

  and Guillaume Faye, 94, 98

  for Julius Evola, 55, 64– 64

  intelligence of, 143– 44

  of Mencius Moldbug, 189

  and Jared Taylor, 143– 44

  for Oswald Spengler, 12

  and Julius Evola, 55, 63– 64

  of Paul Gottfried, 104

  in Israel, 174

  See also anti- Semitism; Jews

  and Kevin MacDonald, 229

  Judeo- Christian

  in Morocco, 172

  civilization, 173, 177

  as neoconservatives, 103, 106

  concept, 173– 74, 234

  and Otto Weininger, 64

  culture, 83

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 132

  values, 130, 231, 233

  and Paul Gottfried, 104– 05

  Julliard, Jacques, 85

  and Pierre Vial, 78

  Jung, Carl, 30

  and Richard B. Spencer, 225, 235– 38

  Junge Freiheit, 75, 85

  See also anti- Semitism; Judaism

  Jünger, Ernst, 22– 34

  jihad, 170, 177– 179.

  accused of Fascism, 24, 26

  See also Counter- jihadism

  and Alain de Benoist, 73, 81

  Jihad Watch, 175

  and Alexander Dugin, 159, 161

  Joachim of Fiore, 8

  and anti- Semitism, 26, 29

  Jobbik, 165

  and Carl Schmitt, 39– 40, 44




  Jünger, Ernst ( cont. )

  Krauthammer, Charles, 116

  and Christianity, 30, 30– 31

  Krebs, Pierre, 98

  and civilization, 24, 32

  Kremlin, the, 157– 58, 163– 64

  and culture, 32, 34

  Krisis, 73, 75, 85

  and democracy, 24, 25, 31

  Kristol, Bill, 116

  and the First World War, 22, 23– 24

  Kristol, Irving, 104

  on German nationalism, 22, 24– 26,

  kshatriya, 58, 59

  30, 33– 34

  Kuhn, Helmut, 49

  in and on the Second World

  Kurtagić, Alex, 228

  War, 27– 28, 29– 30, 32, 34

  and Jack Donovan, 247

  La Torre, 62

  and the Jews, 26, 29

  Lasch, Christopher

  and Julius Evola, 62, 64

  and Alain de Benoist, 75

  and modernity, 22, 29, 31, 33– 34

  and Guillaume Faye, 92

  and National Socialism, 22, 25– 27,

  and Paul Gottfried, 105, 107, 110,

  29, 30, 32– 33

  111, 116

  and pessimism, 26, 34

  Laurent, Jean- Pierre, 85

  and postwar Europe, 29– 30

  law, natural, 37

  and Richard B. Spencer, 226– 27, 231

  Le Gallou, Jean- Yves, 74, 83

  and the state, 25, 31, 33, 34

  Le Guin, Ursula, 190

  on technology, 31, 34

  Le Pen, Marine, 86

  and totalitarianism, 27, 31

  Lebanese Civil War, 173, 174

  and violence, 24, 28, 33

  Lefebvre, Henri, 92

  Lega Nord, 165

  Kabbalah, 64<
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  Leitkultur, 86

  Kahn, Jean- François, 85

  Leo Strauss and the Conservative

  Kalb, James, 114

  Movement in America, by Paul

  kali- yuga, 60, 273

  Gottfried, 115

  Karadžić, Radovan, 174

  Leontiev, Konstantin, 160

  Kendall, Ward, 216

  Leontiev, Mikhail, 164

  Kendall, Wilmoore, 106

  lesbian rights, 130

  King, Martin Luther, 228

  Lesquen, Henry de, 83

  Kirchheimer, Otto, 49

  Leviathan, 28, 31, 41, 45

  Kirk, Russell, 102, 103, 104, 106,

  Leviathan in the State Theory of Thomas

  113– 14, 115

  Hobbes, The, by Carl Schmitt, 45

  Kissinger, Henry, 15

  Lévy, Bernard- Henri, 84

  Klu Klux Klan (KKK), 124, 132, 225,

  Lewis, Bernard, 173, 176

  235, 252


  Kohl, Helmut, 32– 33

  abandoned by Christopher Lasch, 116

  Korovin, Valerii, 158

  abandoned by Telos, 109– 10

  Koselleck, Reinhart, 49

  allegedly promoted by Jews, 229

  Kouprianova, Nina, 228

  challenged by McCarthy, 122




  critiqued by Mencius Moldbug,

  and Mencius Moldbug, 187, 188,

  190, 193

  189– 93, 196– 97, 200

  favored by Ernst- Wolfgang

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 125

  Böckenförde, 49

  and Paul Gottfried, 108, 109

  of Lyndon Johnson, 107

  and Richard B. Spencer, 227.

  Martin Luther King as symbol of, 228

  ( See also paleolibertarianism)

  of Mencius Moldbug, 189

  Liberty Lobby, 126

  opposed by Alexander Dugin,

  Limonov, Eduard, 156

  157, 160– 62

  Lincoln, Abraham, 106– 07, 146– 47

  opposed by Ernst Jünger, 25

  Little Lexicon of the European Partisan,

  promoted by US, 127, 128

  by Guillaume Faye, 97

  rejected by Alt Right, 226, 229

  Littman, David G., 172– 73, 176

  rejected by Carl Schmitt, 36, 39, 42,

  Littman, Gisèle. See Bat Ye’or

  43, 47– 48, 50– 51

  Livy, 247

  rejected by Conservative Revolution,

  Llopart, José Antonio, 165

  39, 48, 160– 61

  Locchi, Giorgio, 92

  rejected by Daniel Friberg, 259,

  Locklin, Scott, and Jack Donovan, 250

  264– 66, 270– 71

  Louis Napoleon, 25

  rejected by French New Right, 73

  Lovecraft, H. P., 14, 216

  rejected by Greg Johnson, 204, 206,

  Löwith, Karl, 49

  210, 211, 216

  Lowry, Rich, 116

  rejected by Guillaume Faye, 92, 96

  Lozko, Galina, 98

  rejected by Jared Taylor,

  LSD, 31

  137– 38, 144– 45

  Lübbe, Hermann, 49

  rejected by Juan Donoso

  Lynn, Richard, 142

  Cortés, 42, 62

  rejected by Leo Strauss, 231– 32

  Mabire, Jean, 76, 79, 94

  rejected by Paul Gottfried, 110, 111– 12,

  MacDonald, Kevin

  114, 232

  and Daniel Friberg, 269, 273

  rejected by Richard B. Spencer, 224–

  and Greg Johnson, 217

  26, 229, 231, 233, 235– 37

  and Jared Taylor, 143

  rejected by Steve Bannon, 199

  and Richard B. Spencer, 227, 228,

  rejected by Vladimir Putin, 271

  229, 231

  of Weimar, 24

  Machiavelli, 47, 191

  welcoming migration, 140– 41

  Maffesoli, Michel, 92, 94

  See also neoliberalism


  liberals, opposing Alain de

  and Ernst Jünger, 23, 25

  Benoist, 82, 84

  and Julius Evola, 56, 57– 58, 66


  magic culture, 9, 11

  and Alain de Benoist, 83

  magical idealism, 57

  and Greg Johnson, 204

  Malaud, Philippe, 83

  and Jared Taylor, 144, 145

  Malofeev, Konstantin, 158, 164




  Mamleev, Yuri, 155, 156

  Matrix, The, 194– 95

  Man as Power of Julius Evola, 58

  Maurras, Charles, 235

  managerial class, 126

  May, Edward S., 175

  managerial state, 110, 111

  McCain, John, 124

  Manent, Pierre, 85

  McCarthyism, 122

  Manji, Irshad, 170

  Meister Eckhart, 56– 57

  Mann, Thomas, 3, 11, 14, 24

  Melander, Peter, 266

  manosphere, 132, 217, 243– 44, 249– 51,

  Men Among the Ruins, by Julius

  253, 254

  Evola, 61

  Mansfield, Harvey C., 247

  Mencius Moldbug. See Moldbug,

  Marble Cliffs, The, by Ernst


  Jünger, 26– 27

  Mencken, H. L., 114.

  Marcel, Gabriel, 64

  See also H. L. Mencken Club

  Marcuse, Herbert, 66, 105, 116

  Metapedia, 267– 68, 269

  Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso, 56, 91, 248

  Metaphysics of Sex, The, by Julius

  marriage, 128, 130, 133, 144– 45, 146,

  Evola, 65

  197, 244


  Marxism trilogy, by Paul Gottfried,

  and Alain de Benoist, 74, 76, 85

  110– 112

  in the Alt- Right Manifesto, 234– 35


  and Daniel Friberg, 259– 73

  approved by Alain de Benoist, 77

  and Greg Johnson, 204, 207, 209

  Austro- Marxists, 77

  and Guillaume Faye, 93

  and Carl Schmitt, 49

  and Mencius Moldbug, 200

  debate with Alain de Benoist, 85

  and Richard B. Spencer, 224– 25, 238

  discussed by Paul Gottfried,


  107, 111– 12

  and Donald Trump, 230

  dominant in France, 73

  and Jared Taylor, 148

  and neoconservatism, 103, 105, 114– 15

  and Oswald Spengler, 7, 9

  opposed by Alain de Benoist, 75

  and Patrick J. Buchanan, 129

  opposed in Italy, 54

  and Richard B. Spencer, 235, 237, 238

  as seen by Alexander Dugin, 160

  Meyer, Eduard, 7, 13

  as seen by Patrick J. Buchanan,

  Meyer, Frank, 106

  128, 130

  Meyrink, Gustav, 64

  See also Austro- Marxists; neo-

  Michels, Robert, 191

  Marxism; post- Marxism

  Michelstaedter, Carlo, 55


  Mila, Ernesto, 98

  of Carl Schmitt, 45

  Miller, Henry, 14

  for Greg Johnson, 216

  Miller, Nathan F., 243

  for Jack Donovan, 242– 48, 253

  Miller, Stephen, 227

  for Julius Evola, 55, 60

  Mises, Ludwig von, 190– 92, 197

  See also gender

  Mishima, Yukio, 231, 247

  Masonry, 58, 64, 74, 156, 162

  Mitterand, François, 3




  Modern Age, 107



  and Alain de Benoist, 82, 94

  and Alain de Benoist, 79

  and Hans- Herman Hoppe, 191

  and Alexander Dugin, 161– 62

  and Julius Evola, 61

  and Carl Schmitt, 44, 47

  and Mencius Moldbug, 189, 191, 197

  and Daniel Friberg, 271, 272

  Monnerot, Jules, 92

  for Ernst Jünger, 22, 29, 31, 33– 34

  Morgan, John, 269, 270

  and Greg Johnson, 204, 211, 216

  Mosca, Gaetano, 191

  and Guillaume Faye, 91, 94– 95

  Mossad, 172

  and Julius Evola, 59– 61, 63– 64

  Motpol, 267, 268, 269, 270

  and Paul Gottfried, 110– 11, 116

  Mouffe, Chantal, 50

  See also postmodernity

  mountains, 56, 64

  Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 44,

  Movimento Sociale Italiano, 85

  81, 161

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 144– 45

  Mohler, Armin, 24, 30, 73


  Molau, Andras, 98

  and Alain de Benoist, 85, 86

  Moldbug, Mencius, 187– 200

  and Greg Johnson, 214

  and the Alt Right, 187, 195, 199

  and Guillaume Faye, 95

  and authoritarianism, 187, 188, 191,

  and Jack Donovan, 249, 252

  195, 197

  and Jared Taylor, 141

  and blogging, 187, 188– 89, 191,

  and Paul Gottfried, 110, 111, 232

  192– 94, 198– 99

  and Richard B. Spencer, 224– 26,

  and civilization, 191, 199

  228– 34, 236, 237– 38

  and class, 194, 200

  See also liberalism; universalism

  and communism, 199– 200

  Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt,

  and culture, 193, 194

  by Paul Gottfried, 110, 111, 232

  and democracy, 187– 88, 191– 93,

  multiracialism. See race

  195– 96, 199, 200

  Murray, Charles, 131

  and feminism, 195, 200, 217


  and hierarchies, 187, 189, 195, 197

  and Daniel Friberg, 259, 260– 63,

  and liberalism, 189, 190, 193

  264, 266, 270

  and libertarianism, 187, 188, 189– 93,

  and Julius Evola, 66

  196– 97, 200

  Muslim Ban, 171, 212

  and National Socialism, 193– 94,

  Muslim Brotherhood, 127

  196, 198

  Muslims. See Islam

  on progress, 188, 193, 197– 99

  Mussolini, Benito

  on race, 194, 197, 199

  admires Oswald Spengler, 6

  and the state, 192, 193, 195,

  admires work of Julius Evola, 63

  197, 198

  meets Julius Evola, 64

  and violence, 192, 194, 196, 197

  targeted by Group of Ur, 58

  and white nationalism, 196, 199

  See also Fascism

  Molnar, Thomas, 103

  Mutti, Claudio, 159, 165




  Myrdal, Gunnar, 111, 149

  National Socialism, modern, 262, 263.

  Myspace, 267

  See also Neo- Nazism


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