Marriage at Murraree

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Marriage at Murraree Page 14

by Margaret Way

  “Yes, please. Something chocolate.” Although there was enough food at the party to feed a third world country, she’d found herself unable to unwind enough to eat. Paddy Nicholls’s attentions for one thing had bothered her. Paddy was nice but he couldn’t wipe the cash registers out of his eyes. Besides she felt committed to one man. That alone had her worried some predatory female would take Adam off her. There were hordes of them on the prowl. All good-looking. All sexy. All eyeing him off. Jealousy was just so primitive. It had killed her appetite.

  Now she had Adam to herself and it was brilliant!

  “Chocolate as in cheese cake, mud cake, decadent chocolate cake, chocolate torte, chocolate truffles?” he was asking, glancing over at the glass display cases filled with mouth-watering confections.

  “Why not the decadent chocolate cake? I can handle it.”

  “Are you feeling decadent?” He smiled at her, as though more seductive things were in store.

  “Of course not!” she said piously, not ready for a lie detector test.

  “What a shame. I thought you might like to come back with me to the firm’s apartment where I’m staying.”

  She felt a delicious thrill not unlike a small electric shock. “Not an hotel?”

  “Not for years. The firm does so much business here they’ve found it cheaper to maintain an apartment. It’s available to all of us, all the year round. It just so happens I have it to myself at the moment.”

  Her lips curved into a teasing smile. “And you think I might be tempted to join you there?”

  “I’m hoping and praying you will.” Intensity was back in his dark eyes. “I’m in too deep. Aren’t you?”

  “Tough question.” At the last moment she shied away from revealing her heart. “Maybe what I’m feeling has more to do with your sex appeal than your analytical legal mind.”

  Of course it was a little dig. “Please add to that my advocacy skills of persuasion.” He leaned towards her, his chiselled mouth faintly twisted. “It’s not the big seduction scene, Courtney. Just the chance at a little privacy. Here comes the waiter. Two long blacks, two decadent chocolate cakes. That’s it?”

  Her laugh was light and lovely. “If I need to have another piece I’ll let you know.”

  The firm’s Potts Point apartment was a bit like a prosperous men’s club, Courtney thought. Black granite floored entry, ivory and chocolate coloured walls, a step up to the kitchen, dining, living area. The dark stained polished floors were covered here and there with taupe rugs. In the sitting area a rich cocoa-brown leather sofa and two deep comfortable armchairs were arranged around a large square dark timber coffee table. Sliding glass doors gave onto a deck that looked east and west to the night time glitter of the city.

  “Do you want to see the bedroom. Just for fun?” he asked, his voice sardonic, his eyes a whole lot warmer. “Two bedrooms actually. Some of the partners like to travel with their wives.”

  “Perhaps you should consider getting married?” she suggested sweetly. “The big wigs at legal firms usually like commitment from their rising young partners.” She followed him down the passageway.

  The subdued colour scheme continued. No doubt to make the apartment seem more spacious than it was. Courtney peeked into the second bedroom, took longer inspecting the master bedroom. Three ebony framed oriental prints hung above the bed. The floor was carpeted in rich chocolate, the bed spread combined with white linen was surprisingly luxurious, quilted black and chocolate velvet.

  “Very nice!” She gave her nod of approval. “Not meant for the ladies but really very comfortable. The Boys Own Club.”

  “It doesn’t seem like that with you here with me.”

  Wanting him so badly she felt a contrary urge to tease him some more. “I expect I’m not the first woman you’ve brought here?” Without waiting for him to answer she walked back along the passageway to the open plan living room, seating herself on the sofa.

  “No, just tiny, delicate little you.” He gave her a mocking smile, taking the armchair opposite her. Against the rich dark leather she shimmered. Her hair in the lamplight molten gold, a veil of gold lace over her pale silk dress, gold evening sandals. An angel who could inflame.

  “Is that the truth?” Her blue eyes searched his.

  “I wouldn’t lie to you, Courtney.”

  “No, you don’t like lies.”

  She seemed to withdraw a little and he didn’t want that to happen. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to tell you, I ran into your ex-boss recently. Helen Taubman.”

  “Really!” Her expression lightened. “Where was this?”

  “Actually I’ve seen her at functions any number of times, but we were never introduced. It was a Government House cocktail party. A mutual friend introduced us. She knew of my connection with you, the legal side anyway, and we got to talking. She sends her love. She told me how much she misses having you around. You were absolutely the ‘tops’ with her.” In fact Ms Taubman had as good as raved about her ex-number one assistant, painting a picture of Courtney wildly at odds with the picture that awful bitch Barbra had tried hard to present.

  “She was a great boss.” Courtney smiled. “I loved working for her.”

  “No misgivings?” he asked, seriously.

  “Not at all. I’m finding my new life much more rewarding.”

  “So what are you going to do when Darcy marries? It’s not long now.”

  “No.” There was excitement and a touch of sadness in her tone. “Time goes so fast but I suspect not fast enough for Darcy and Curt. As for me, I’m going to find myself a good husband,” she announced. “I don’t know who it is yet.”

  “Just remember he has to get past me. No fortune hunters,” he said bluntly.

  “I thought you were never going to mention Paddy.” Her lovely mouth curved into a wide smile. “I think he’s got me in his sights.”

  “You mean he’s finished with Leah?” he asked sarcastically.

  “I seem to have pushed Leah right out of the picture. Of all the men I’ve known you are actually the only one I’ve considered. But then, there are far too many barriers.”

  “Such as?”

  “We have different lives. You have your career. I have Murraree. Anyway, what’s your star sign? I’m sure we’re incompatible.”

  “Except when we make love.” He stood up, moving his lithe elegant body towards her, smooth, controlled, purposeful.

  The room seemed to swirl around her. “I didn’t say you could join me.” She tipped her blonde head back against the plush leather to study him.

  “It’s more romantic the two of us on the sofa surely?” He fetched up a taut smile.

  Colour flooded her cheeks. “There’s some change in you, Adam, what is it?”

  “I’d change everything about myself to get you,” he muttered, not sitting beside her as she thought he intended, but doing what he most liked, lifting her with great ease across his knees, close to his heart. There she seemed to melt, her shining head flung back against his arm, the neckline of her gossamer dress dipping so he could see the upper slopes of her small breasts, as pretty as cream roses.

  “I thought you didn’t like me?” She searched his dark handsome face, aware there was some healing in him.

  “The fact is I fell in love with you. On sight,” he told her tautly, holding off the moment when her soft tender mouth would be under his.

  “Ah, is that why you were so hard on me?” she asked carefully.

  “Forgive me, Courtney.” Very gently he smoothed back her silky halo of curls. “You can’t imagine how hard I was on myself. We all throw up smoke screens to hide ourselves from hurt. I did that better than most. I know better now.”

  “I’m sorry, too,” she said quietly.

  “Whatever for? You’ve got nothing to be sorry for.”

  “It’s just that I—” She dragged in a little breath ready to confess her own spirited efforts to discomfort him.

  Only he said, “Don’t
talk.” His brilliant dark eyes betrayed his driving needs. It wasn’t talk he needed.

  “No.” The realization she was discovering true happiness began to hum inside her. There was nothing more she wanted in the world but to share it.

  “I love you,” she said. It wasn’t forced out of her. It flowed as naturally as a bubbling spring.

  For a long heartbeat he stared back, as though he couldn’t quite take it in. “Oh, Courtney,” he groaned. “I don’t deserve you.”

  She lifted her arms to encircle his neck, a lovely bloom of colour in her cheeks. “You can soon rectify that. Tell me, if you had to choose me or your career what would the answer be?”

  He read the intensity in her eyes, as clear and blue as the sky. “Look at it this way.” The desire he felt for her was making his voice uncharacteristically gritty. “I’m not addicted to my career, but I am, however, addicted to you. You’ve stolen my heart. As for you? Could you leave Murraree to come to me?”

  She was surprised to feel tears well into her eyes. It was evident from his expression she was meant to take his question very seriously. She drew a deep breath, the speed with which things were happening making her heart flutter. “If it meant losing you, otherwise the answer is an unequivocal yes.”

  Elation surged through him. It was so dazzling, so transforming, he could have shouted aloud. “Then we have to come up with a solution, don’t we?” he said, his voice suddenly full of hope. “Of course you would need to marry me?”

  Now the tears truly spilled onto her cheek. “I’m awake, aren’t I?” she asked softly. “I’m not dreaming?”

  “Courtney, sweetheart.” He bent his dark head, taking the teardrops into his mouth like champagne. “You give me light and love. You can’t know what that means to me. Ever since I lost my parents, despite all the love my grandparents gave me, I’ve lived in a world that often seemed full of shadows and tragic memories. Ever since I met you I’ve come to realize the shadows have gradually shifted away. At first I couldn’t believe such a beautiful creature had come into my life. There had to be some catch. I’d learned the hard way life is so unfair. Now I feel I’m standing in the sunshine, revelling in your brightness. Am I making any sense?” He felt like pouring out his soul to her.

  Radiance lay on her, like a very special magic. “Perfect sense, my love.” Her tone was ineffably tender.

  “Thank God!” he answered with a great rush of gratitude. Heaven had sent him an angel. He lifted her closer to his heart, his mouth coming down on hers, warm, hungry, reverent, yet caressing all the senses.

  His breath was scented with chocolate and coffee.

  It might have been the most powerful aphrodisiac in the world, so passionate was her response.

  Love is a blessed thing. For Adam it offered deliverance from his tragic past. It offered a joy and a harmony he had never known.

  For Courtney it was finding her true home.

  Marian was ecstatic when Adam called next day with an arm full of fragrant pink roses to go through the charming motions of asking for Courtney’s hand in marriage.

  Marian laughed and she cried.

  “Isn’t that wonderful! So wonderful! I know you’ll be good to her.”

  “Better than good, Marian,” Adam assured her. “Most wonderfully good. I don’t think I deserve her.”

  Courtney clung to him, thrilled by his open heartedness. Happiness blazed in her blue eyes. All her uncertainties had been swept away. Today began a new life.

  Marian knew these two truly loved each other. She had taken to Adam on sight, over time growing quite fond of him. She knew he was clever and strong. She knew he would love, honour and protect her daughter as Courtney’s father never had her.

  Happy with her second husband, Peter, Marian had never forgotten the painful years of her first marriage, the unpleasantness and the disgrace of Jock McIvor’s numerous affairs. The cost had been high. All three of his daughters had suffered. None more so than Casey.

  Marian had had her suspicions Jock was mixed up with someone when she was carrying Courtney. Incredible after so much time had passed the result of that dangerous liaison, Casey, had come into their lives. Marian was enormously grateful the family situation couldn’t have turned out better when it so easily could have gone disastrously wrong. The sisters had bonded before they had even dealt with the past. They were blood and blood truly was thicker than water.

  Marian who was slightly in awe of Casey—she had so much of Jock’s aura—was gradually growing closer to her which was what they both wanted. Beautiful Darcy who was to be married very soon had allowed her grateful mother back in to the charmed circle. The pain of what had happened would never go away. Marian knew that. But time was a great healer.

  She would never have gotten away from Jock in the first place, only she knew about some of the secret deals, one in particular, he had clinched. She had made it her business to find out when she finally decided she had to leave him. Even now she recalled with a shudder how she had screwed up her nerve, raiding his safe in search of documents. Of course he thought she was too feather-brained to remember the combination. But one time, after a function on the station, when he was putting her jewellery away, he had made what amounted to a big mistake. He had allowed her to remain in his study, unmindful or uncaring of the fact she was staring intently over his shoulder.

  Such carelessness from Jock! She had no difficulty remembering the combination. Why had she allowed him to treat her like a fool? Maybe if she’d been older when he married her. All the maybes! The information she had gained, had won her her freedom. Or freedom for her and Courtney. Not for Darcy who had to remain behind with her father. Damaging disclosures or not—only Marian knew she would never have told, it was just a lever—Jock would have killed her before he let Darcy go. Jock had power. Lots of power.

  Now Courtney and Adam wanted to be married. The family had to celebrate Darcy’s and Curt’s marriage first. Such grace had come into their lives. It had taken a long time but Marian knew the bad times were behind them. Casey’s feet were already set on the road to success. Casey had Jock’s powerful personality.

  The one who was dearest and closest to Marian, her lovely Courtney, her precious girl had a wonderful young man to claim her. Marian didn’t know why, but it suddenly struck her, if Adam could only see himself in the role he’d be the ideal man to take over the running of Murraree. Courtney would be an enormous help to him there. They could work as a team. In their conversations Adam had often remarked how much he loved Outback life. Of course he had been reared on his grandfather’s sheep and cattle pastoral property. A miniature Murraree to be sure, but Marian was certain Adam had the sterling qualities to run a far bigger concern.

  Ah well, it was for the young ones to decide. She couldn’t make their life decision, but she was thrilled with the turn of events. Courtney had chosen well. So had Darcy. Marian prayed when the time came Casey, too, would be blessed.


  TROY halted work around two to return to the homestead to clean up a long gash in his arm. There wasn’t much likelihood of its becoming infected. His tetanus shots were up to date, but rusty barbed wire required a little care. A length of it had spat back at him when he was inspecting some fencing that needed renewing.

  It was intolerably hot but he never stopped. His father was doing less and less these days, leaving most things to him. He was beginning to wonder if his father had a health problem he wasn’t saying anything about. Surely he’d tell Leah, even if he didn’t want to discuss it with his son. It didn’t seem right though. His dad was hale and hearty. He’d probably live to a ripe old age. His dad was king of the castle. He was the prince in waiting. Or was he?

  When his dad came back from his trip to Darwin to see one of his mates he’d have to get his exact position clear. His long hard apprenticeship was over. He needed assurances he would inherit the station. It would have to be outright. It couldn’t be broken up. No way was Leah suited for a li
fe on the land. She took off every chance she got. Vulcan aside, Leah would still be left well-off. Their father spoiled her terribly.

  He was cleaning up the wound in the first-aid room when Leah came to the door. “What happened?” she asked, real concern in her eyes.

  “Nothing much.” He gave her a smile. “A length of barbed wire attacked like a snake.”

  “It looks nasty.” She frowned. Leah really loved her brother but she couldn’t seem to show it. Sometimes she doubted her ability to show affection at all. Except to her father. Besides, she was hellishly jealous of the red-haired goddess who kept ringing trying to lure Troy to Sydney.

  “Don’t worry,” he said calmly. “I’ve had my shots.”

  To her amazement Leah said what she was thinking, “You work awfully hard. How come Dad doesn’t appreciate you like he should? I mean he couldn’t do without you. You run the blasted place. As far as I can see the men answer to you.”

  Troy blew out a weary breath. “You know as well as I do, Leah, Dad and I have never been on real good terms for years now.”

  “You look so much like Mum that’s why,” Leah said, looking troubled. “I know she was a beautiful feminine woman and you’re a great big hunk but you know what I mean. It’s uncanny, the eyes.”

  Troy gave a thin smile. “Should that be a reason not to get on with your son? Your only son I might add.”

  “It’s bloody sad,” Leah announced after a pause. “I’m not sure anything can be done about it. In losing Mum we all got messed up. I’ve been given everything yet I still find life a struggle. Dad pampers me. Works you to death. Yet you’re the pick of us. The best son in the world. Anyone else would be so proud. I’m not sure that he isn’t, actually, but he’s a bit like me or I’m a bit like him. We find it remarkably difficult to get things out. By the way, he’s flying home this afternoon. That’s what I came to tell you.”

  “Then I better get ready to lay my cards on the table,” Troy said firmly because that was the way he was feeling. And then there was Casey!


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