The Kangaroo Hunters; Or, Adventures in the Bush

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The Kangaroo Hunters; Or, Adventures in the Bush Page 10

by Clarence Young


  The Launch of the Boat.--An Alarming Catastrophe.--DisappointedHopes.--Jack's Perseverance.--A Peep at the Old Encampment.--Black Peteragain.--The Loss of the Boat.--Canoe-building.--The Luggage-van.

  It was necessary to carry the boat fairly out to deep water, to test itsperfect security; but the reefs were impassable before the cove, andthey were aware they should be compelled to row to some distance withinthem till they found an opening. A roller, left in the wreck, enabledthem at high-water to run out the boat, and Wilkins and Arthurvolunteered to make the first trial in it. Jack was detained on shore,where he was always usefully employed, and the two boys were consideredtoo wild to be risked in the first trip--an arrangement which they wouldgladly have rebelled against.

  The anxious watchers stood on shore to mark the boat first float on thewater, and then the strokes of the oars, which carried it round thepromontory at the south out of their sight. Then Jack and the two boysascended through the wood to the heights, and crossed the cape, to watchthe further progress of the precious vessel. But what was theirconsternation to see no traces of it. They hurried down to the beachbeyond the promontory, and gazed wildly around, uttering cries ofdistraction. A few minutes of horror succeeded: then they saw the headsof the two swimmers, who appeared to be struggling violently againstthe receding waves.

  The two boys would have plunged at once into the water; but Jack, in atone of authority, commanded them to remain still, and throwing off hisown light frock, he rapidly cut a long branch of mangrove, and swam out,holding it out towards Arthur, who seemed nearly exhausted, and whoeagerly clutched the branch as soon as it was within his reach. ThenJack turned round, and swimming with one hand, drew the almost senselessArthur, still firmly grasping the branch, after him into shallow water,where Hugh was waiting to receive him. Still fresh and unfearing, Jackset out again towards Wilkins, who had grasped an oar and was supportinghimself with it, when, just as he saw his friend coming up to aid him,he either dropped the oar from exhaustion, or some unseen rock dashed itfrom his hand, and he immediately disappeared.

  A great cry rose from the boys on the beach; but the minute after, herose again, lying on his back, and apparently insensible. This enabledJack to approach him with greater safety, and catching hold of his longhair, he drew the senseless body of the poor man towards the shore. ButHugh perceived Jack could not long hold out, and throwing off hisclothes, he struck out to meet him, compelled him to relinquish thecharge of Wilkins; and thus they were all enabled at length to reach theshore. But all were greatly exhausted, and Wilkins was apparently deadwhen they drew him on the beach.

  O'Brien hastened through the woods, and by cries and signals broughtMargaret and Jenny to their assistance, by whose prudent care andapplications the poor man was restored to consciousness. No sooner washe recovered, than, trembling excessively, he looked wildly round, andsaid,--

  "Good Lord! it is a terrible thing to die in one's sins!"

  "How glad I am to hear you say these words, Wilkins!" said Margaret;"and now let all our words and thoughts be thanks to Him who has givenyou time to turn from these sins, and lead a new life. Pray to Himopenly. We are all your friends, and we will join you;" and kneelingdown by the side of the convict, Margaret offered up a simple and shortthanksgiving for the two men happily rescued from death, and a prayerfor continued mercy for their souls. For the first time the lips ofWilkins moved in prayer, and he audibly uttered "Amen."

  In order to remove the anxiety of Mr. Mayburn, they returned to theencampment as soon as the exhausted swimmers were able to walk. ThenArthur related to his friends that as soon as they had got the boat intodeep water, they suspected there was something wrong about her, and wereendeavoring to make to shore, when she whirled round and was swamped ina moment, and the labor of weeks and the hopes of escape were at oncelost.

  The whole party were greatly dejected; but Jack, who was at first deeplymortified, was the first to shake off his chagrin, and to declare boldlythat he would make another experiment. "We have plenty of materialsquite handy," said he; "and it cannot be so far to the coast of the mainland. If you will let me try again, sir, I feel quite certain I couldmake two bark canoes that would take us all, and, if we were oncefairly over the reefs, could be paddled across without danger."

  "My good boy," said Mr. Mayburn, "I am but an indifferent judge ofnautical affairs; but you must allow your first adventure has beensignally discouraging. Nevertheless, I admire that perseverance whichmust in the end subdue obstacles and command success, and I do notobject to your continuing your experiments; but I would advise you totry your next boat on the lake, where, in case of accidents, no fatalconsequences need be feared."

  "I will make a canoe at once," answered he; "but I will risk no lives. Iwill paddle it across to the mainland myself, and then return toconvince you of its security. This time I have no fears, provided we donot overload our vessels. I will set out to seek a tree immediately."

  "You will eat your dinner first, my man," said nurse; "and if you had abit of sleep after your swimming, before you set off to cut down trees,there would be more sense in it. Here's some good roast duck for you; agrand dinner it might have been if we had only had sage and onions."

  Jack found Jenny was right. He was not equal to a long walk after hisexertions and vexations; so he sat down to eat his roast duck, and thenset about making models of canoes, prahus, and catamarans, from therecollection of what he had seen or read of. But next morning, leavingWilkins, who was much bruised, and still weak, and subdued by mental andbodily suffering, in the care of Margaret and her father, the young menset out to explore the island for a tree of proper height and girth tomake use of for their first attempt at a canoe.

  "After all, Mr. Arthur," said Jack, "if this should fail, we could trycatamarans. That would be easy enough, and we have mangroves close athand that would answer exactly for making them. But then I have mydoubts if the master, or Miss Margaret, could be brought round to trustthemselves on such bits of floats for a voyage that far. Here's a grandtree! Now, if we can only peel it clean, it will set us up."

  It was a tall fine tree of the _Eucalyptus_ or gum species, with a thickrough bark, which seemed as if it might be easily removed. Arthur beganby making a deep incision round the trunk at the bottom, and also in aperpendicular line as high as he could reach. By standing on a fragmentof rock, he was able to carry it up to the height of twelve feet, and tofinish it by another circular incision. Hugh and Gerald stood at thefoot of the tree to receive the bark, which, when gently raised from thetrunk, was easily separated, and let down in one piece without anyinjury, to the great delight of the boys. Jack was anxious to have ittransported to the cove immediately; but the boys wished to take a peepat their first landing-place before their return, and they all turnedtheir steps in that direction. Hugh and Gerald had distanced the twoelder youths, who had not reached the cliffs, when they saw the two boysreturning in haste, with dismay on their faces.

  "Oh! Arthur," cried Gerald, "such a vexation! We are in for a battle,and we have no arms! The savages are ready for us on the beach."

  "But we are not ready for them," replied Arthur, "and must thereforekeep out of sight. Do you two hasten homewards with the bark, while Jackand I reconnoitre."

  Then cautiously creeping along to the edge of the cliffs, they lookeddown on the narrow strand below, and saw a number of the dark nativesgathered round some object close to the water, which seemed to haveexcited their curiosity. Jack, with a muttered exclamation of vexation,recognized this to be his unfortunate boat which had doubtless driftedon shore here.

  "Oh! Mr. Arthur," whispered the lad, in great agitation; "as sure as youare living, I see that rogue, black Peter, that got all my tools, amongthe savages; depend on it he has brought them here to seek for us."

  "To seek for the remainder of our property, I suspect, Jack," repliedArthur. "They are probably not very anxious to encounter our fire-arms;and we should be no prize to them, even if they coul
d capture us. But wehad best decamp now, as we are quite unarmed, and it might be dangerousto be detected; and, Jack, we must set to work directly. I am anxiousnow to get away as soon as possible, for these fellows will beconstantly in our way on this small isle."

  They withdrew with the same caution with which they had approached, andthen hurried to overtake the boys, who were moving slowly along,carrying the bark; and with the additional hands they soon brought itsafely into harbor, to the admiration of Mr. Mayburn, who was, however,greatly distressed to hear of another visit of the savages. Then, asthey measured and arranged the work, they discussed with wonder theappearance of black Peter among the natives, and the cause of hisdisturbing their quiet seclusion.

  "Peter's in his reet place amang 'om," said Wilkins, "and it's time forus to be off when he shows his black, ugly face. As sure as we're here,master, if he cannot 'tice me off to join his crew, and startbush-ranging, he'll take my life. He's a reg'lar black-hearted un for abit of vengeance."

  "But, surely, Wilkins," said Margaret, "there can be no fear that you,who have now learnt to know good from evil--you, who have seen thewickedness of your past life, should ever go back to such sin."

  "Why, ye see, miss," answered the man, "it's little that such as yeknow, what a queer tempting a chap feels for a free, roving life. Why!half of our biggest rogues _did_ know good from evil; and what of that?They liked evil better nor good. I reckon there's a bad spirit as isalways tugging at a fellow's heart."

  "You are right, Wilkins," replied Mr. Mayburn. "It is the power of thePrince of Darkness that you feel in your heart, dragging you to the pitof perdition. But if you pray to God, my poor man, he will send youstrength to resist the evil one."

  Wilkins groaned, and his friends felt true pity for the unfortunate man,who was sensible of his own weakness; and while all deeply regrettedthat the infamous Peter had chosen to pursue them, they resolvedcontinually to watch and pray for the complete reformation of Wilkins.Neither could the family feel in safety while they believed the savagesremained on the island; it was therefore arranged that Arthur andJack--the most prudent heads--should return to the cliffs above thelanding-place of these unpleasant visitors, to watch their proceedings,and endeavor, if possible, to discover their plans, and the motives thatbrought them to the island.

  In the mean time, the other boys transferred the bark to the capaciouscave; the tent was also stowed there, with every other trace of theirhabitation; and it was arranged that, if there was likely to be anydanger of detection, the two sentinels were to announce it by a sharpwhistle, when the whole family would be ready to take shelter in thegloomy but secure fortress.

  Concealing themselves as much as possible among the tangled mangroves,Arthur and Jack went round to the spot from whence they had previouslyseen the strangers, and beneath the abundance of brushwood above thecliffs they made for themselves a complete hiding-place, with loopholesfor observation. They saw the men still assembled round the boat, butthe sound of the hammer induced them to conclude that Peter was engagedrepairing some damage in it; and, to the great vexation of Jack, he sawhis own tool-chest, which he valued so highly, standing on one side, andat a little distance lay the boughs of a large mangrove tree, and theaxe with which they had been felled.

  Arthur suggested that Peter had brought these men to the island, hopingto find the remainder of their property, and bringing the tools to cutdown a tree and make a raft to carry away the spoils; for the lightcanoes which were lying on the beach were only fit to contain oneperson, or, at the most, two in each; and that, finding the boat, Peterhad thought it more convenient than a raft for the purpose.

  "Do you think, Mr. Arthur," said Jack, "they will be leaving any of thecanoes behind them? I should like to see how they finish them off at theends. But surely they'll never start off in that unlucky boat; I couldhardly bide to see them enter her, knowing what we know."

  But Arthur was of opinion that they were not called upon to risk theirown lives and the lives of their friends, by going forward to report thecharacter of the boat. Besides, Peter, the only person who would be ableto understand their language, would probably not believe them.

  So they continued to watch till Peter had completed his work, and then,by the efforts of the natives, the boat was launched, the whole partycelebrating the event by dancing, singing, and flinging about their armswith childish delight. Peter selected three of the men to accompany himin the boat, which, with the aid of some long poles and paddles fromtheir canoes, they pushed off and forced over the rocks. The rest of thenatives leaped into their canoes, and followed with shouts ofadmiration.

  In deep anxiety the two young men continued to watch the boat, whichthey expected every moment to see disappear; but whether Peter had foundout its defects and remedied them, or the water had swelled the wood andrendered it fit for service, it was impossible to say. One thing onlywas clear, that as long as they could observe it, till it had passedtowards the south, out of their view, it continued to move slowly, butwith apparent security.

  Leaving their position, they crossed over to a high point at the southof the island, from whence they could perceive the little fleet--thecanoes now diminished to mere specks--proceeding towards a dark object,which they judged to be a distant island.

  Satisfied that the people had all departed, they descended to the beachto inspect the scene of their visit, Jack remaining for some time silentfrom the mortification of seeing the product of his labors appropriatedso successfully by the unscrupulous Peter; and almost disappointed thathe had not witnessed the boat go down, as he expected. But when theyreached the strand, he recovered his spirits at the sight of a canoewhich they had not been able to carry off conveniently after manning theboat. It was not useful as a prize, for it would only contain one personin comfort; but he was able, as he wished, to examine the workmanship.

  "Shall we carry it off, Mr. Arthur?" he said. "A fair exchange is norobbery; and you know, sir, this is poor payment for my good boat."

  "I think we had better leave it, Jack," answered Arthur. "The blackswill certainly return for it; and when they find it removed, they willbe convinced that we are still concealed on the island. If we remainunsuspected, Peter will naturally conclude from the sight of the wreckedboat, that we are all drowned; and will then think no more about us. Yousee the simple construction of the canoe, closed at the ends by thestringy bark, which we can easily procure; or better still, we can usehempen ropes, of which we have still some; and we must strengthen thebottom by an extra layer of bark, or by thin planks."

  "It's not badly put together," said Jack, with a critical air; "but itwill be strange if a regular taught English carpenter cannot beat it.I'm not daunted, Mr. Arthur, after all my vexations. And here'ssomething that pleases me better; and, say what you will, sir, this ismy own, and I'll take it."

  This was a small saw, which had been left beneath the lopped branches ofthe mangrove; and Arthur, prudent as he was, not only agreed that Jackhad a perfect right to carry away his own property; but he thought hemight do it with safety; for, in the place where it was lying, it wouldcertainly be washed away by the next tide, if it was left behind; and,charmed with their prize, they hastened home to report that theintruders had departed.

  Hugh and Gerald were in a high state of indignation at the audacity ofPeter in carrying off their boat; and Wilkins was furious, upbraidingJack for his professional unskilfulness; when a fellow like Black Petercould make the boat fit to stand a voyage.

  "We do not know yet how the voyage ended," said Margaret. "It may be theboat has again foundered where help could not be had."

  "God send it may!" said Wilkins. Mr. Mayburn reproved the thoughtlessman for the exclamation, telling him he ought rather to pray that thesinful man might be long spared, that he might have opportunity torepent.

  "Him repent!" cried Wilkins; "bless you, master, ye might as lief lookto Miss here turning bush-ranger! It's not in him. He were just born fornought but to die a rascal, and that he'll do, and no mist

  "It is a mistake, rash man!" replied Mr. Mayburn. "God sent no man intothe world marked for perdition. There is ever a door open that thevilest may enter. Let us all pray that he may find that door; and if Godpermit me, I would gladly use my humble efforts to reclaim the wretchedsinner."

  "Well, all I can say is, sir," answered Wilkins, "God send ye may neverhave a chance. Ye're a deal ower good to be thrawn away in runningefter such a rogue, and ten to one he'd twist yer neck if ye said a wordto him."

  Wilkins could not be convinced that there was any hope for Black Peter;and Margaret besought her father henceforth to talk to the ignorant manof his own peril, rather than of that of his worthless comrade; of whomhe was not yet in a frame of mind to tolerate the mention.

  The bark canoe was now begun in earnest. It was twelve feet in length,and broad enough to admit two persons seated on the bottom, for benchesthey did not venture to introduce. The ends were closed firmly with thestringy fibres of the tree named the "stringy bark tree," as the toughfibres of this bark seemed more suitable for the purpose than thehemp-twisted ropes found in the ship.

  Ten days completed the first canoe, and hardened the gum used to coatit. Paddles and oars were added, and then the workmen fondly looked uponit as a success, and Jack was sanguine in his expectation that in fairweather it must reach the mainland safely. But it was not large enoughto contain the whole party, and a second visit to the interior wasnecessary, and a second gum-tree was barked. At this visit, and onseveral occasions, the younger boys looked out on the coast for tracesof the natives, but all continued so tranquil that they began to hopethey should not again be disturbed.

  Before they began to make the second canoe they made a trial of thefirst, by carefully conveying it over the reefs, and launching it beyondthem. Wilkins offered to take it alone; but Jack chose to accompany him,that he might note any imperfection and correct it. It floatedbeautifully, was easily governed, and the workmen were full of pride andhope as they deposited their canoe in the cave, and turned to work atanother.

  "If we can but succeed as well with the next," said Jack, "we shall havenothing to dread but a gale, or too heavy a loading. Let us consider,Mr. Arthur; we shall be four in the first boat, and five in the second.Five will be too many for it, sir."

  "And my clothes," said Margaret, "the gun, knives, and axe, with all ourtable utensils, besides necessary provisions. How are they to bestowed?"

  All were silent; for to stow all these things besides the fourpassengers, would be more dangerous than even the fifth person.

  "I say, Jack, my lad," said Wilkins, "ye'll have to rig up a catamaran,like them they have down yonder, to land folks over a high surf. I'sesee and manage it myself, and then ye'll be shot of me. Ye ken I'se agood-to-nought; and maybe I'd be bringing down a storm on ye all, likethat Jonah as master was reading on."

  Though Mr. Mayburn assured Wilkins God would not pour his vengeance onthem for protecting a man who had shown some hopes of amendment, thesuggestion of Wilkins was fully approved. A catamaran was obviouslydesirable, and as soon as the second canoe was completed, they set towork, lopped the stems of the mangrove, and lashed them together to formas large a raft as they required. This they surrounded with a frame ofthin wood, and the catamaran was completed to the satisfaction of theworkmen, ready for the cargo to be tied to it. Gerald named it theluggage-van, and declared he would certainly take his passage on it.

  When all was finished, it became an object of consideration what mightbe the nature of the coast they should land upon. They had read thatmany parts of the west coast of Australia were mere deserts, arid andbarren, without food or water, and they knew not but they might bedriven on such an inhospitable shore. It was therefore advisable, beforethey abandoned the plenty that now surrounded them, that they shouldcollect stores for possible contingencies. The brandy cask they hadfound in the wreck was large; this, before they embarked, they proposedto fill with fresh water from the tank, the most important provision forthe voyage. And for the rest, one fine morning the whole party set outwith bags and baskets on a foraging expedition to obtain food to victualtheir fleet.


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