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Liam Page 9

by James, Nicole

  “Don’t get any ideas, Skin.”

  “And if I do? Who’s gonna stop me? You?”

  “I’m just sayin’… I don’t want any problems.”

  “You just keep your mouth shut, Vano, and keep takin’ your cut of this deal and there won’t be any problems. Your sister and me… that’s gonna happen. Maybe not now, but I promise you she will be mine.”

  “Dude, that wasn’t part of the deal we made.”

  “I’m makin’ it part, and you ain’t gonna say shit about it. We know too much about you and your little schemes. Plus you owe us for takin’ care of you in prison, and that bill isn’t paid up until we clear a quarter million—that was the deal. This is makin’ you rich, too, so shut the hell up. Understand?”

  There was silence in the room, and Velvet trembled. She recognized those voices; they were the ones she’d overheard making those phone calls. She couldn’t believe her brother was letting them say those things or that he wasn’t throwing them out on their ass. God, what did they have on him?

  “I asked you a question.”


  A deep voice chuckled. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

  “I don’t want her knowing anything about our deal,” Vano insisted.

  “She’s been takin’ walks down the back hall. She better not find out what we’ve got going on.”

  “She won’t, Skin.”

  “She does, you better get her on board.”

  “She won’t cause any problems,” Vano promised.

  “She does, I’m gonna break your legs and that’s just for starters.”

  Velvet eyed the window. Could she get it up without any noise? She wanted to run to Liam’s. She wanted to be wrapped in his arms and as far away from all of this as she could get.

  She crossed the room and yanked on the handles, but the window in the old house was painted shut. Damn it. She moved back to the door.

  “We’re almost square,” Vano said.

  “No we ain’t. You’re fifty grand in the hole.”

  “Bullshit, Skin. Not with the fifteen grand I gave you last month.”

  “You mean stole from that photographer,” the other man snickered.

  “Shut up, Weasel. I didn’t steal it. I took it.”

  Velvet’s mouth dropped open. Oh, my God. Vano took her money? She could only imagine how he must have intimidated Aaron to get him to hand over her hard earned cash. She grit her teeth. Vano, you son-of-a-bitch!

  The one he’d called Skin laughed. “Yeah, the only one here screwing over your sister is you, Vano.”

  “I needed that money. What does she need that kind of money for? Fucking chick would just blow it on something stupid. Anyway, she needs to get married. I’ll have to start looking for a husband to marry her off to. A rich one.”

  “You’re a piece of work. Still livin’ in the dark ages. Arranged marriages? That’s some bullshit,” Skin said. “I’d take her, but I’m not the marryin’ kind,

  “I could be for that sweet ass,” the other man said.

  “Fuckin’ shut up, Weasel. You ain’t touchin’ her. I already called dibs.” There was a chuckle. “Sure wish she was here.”

  “Get your hand off your crotch, Skin.”

  Dibs? A chair creaked as someone stood, and she held her breath.

  “Maybe we wait long enough, she’ll come home. I’m gettin’ another beer; you want one?” Weasel asked.

  She was terrified that one or both of those men would decide to wander down the hall and check to make sure she wasn’t home. She had no intention of facing them without something to skew the odds in her favor. She slowly opened her door, making sure it didn’t squeak. Tiptoeing across the hall, she darted into her brother’s room and pulled out the drawer of his nightstand.

  “Thank you, God,” she whispered, grateful for the 9mm pistol her brother always kept by his bed. She picked up the heavy weapon and darted across the hall. Then she crawled soundlessly into the back of her closet, slid down the wall to sit on the floor, and braced the gun on her knees, aiming it at the louvered doors.

  She’d keep that position until morning if she had to.


  The next morning, as she walked to work, Velvet took her phone out and dialed Aaron’s number. Predictably, he didn’t pick up, but unlike the last times, it went to voicemail so she left a message. “Aaron, I know it was Vano. Please call me.”

  Surprisingly, she didn’t have long to wait. Before she made it to the shop, her phone rang. She didn’t recognize the number, but she answered anyway. “Hello.”

  “Velvet. It’s me.”

  “Aaron.” She stopped dead in her tracks at the stoplight on the corner. She took in a slow breath, trying to hold onto her anger. “He came to see you, didn’t he? My brother.”

  Aaron let out a huff. “Yes. Him and his two thugs.”

  She froze, pressing the phone closer. “Thugs? He had someone with him?”

  “Scary dudes. They threatened me.”

  “Threatened you?”

  “Well, not in so many words, but I knew if I didn’t hand over the money they’d beat the shit outta me. There were three of them, Velvet. What could I do?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “He swore if I told you, they’d be back to deal with me. I’m sorry, Velvet, but your brother is a real asshole.”

  “I know. I’m sorry you got sucked into this.”

  “Look, I’ll give you the digital files and sign over the rights if you want to print up more, maybe do another expo. But I’m done with it. I’m sorry, but I don’t want anything to do with your brother. I don’t need that kind of trouble.”

  “I understand. Thank you, Aaron. It would mean a great deal to me. It would help me get away from him.”

  “And you won’t tell him I gave them to you?”

  “You don’t have to be afraid of him, Aaron. He won’t be coming after you. He already got what he was after.”

  “You mean the money?”

  “Partly, but that was just a means to an end. What he really wanted was to force me to come back here with him. He did it by taking away my other options.”

  “Are you okay, Velvet?”

  “I will be. At least now I know the truth.”

  “You take care of yourself, Velvet. I hope you find a way to get away from him for good.”


  Velvet stormed into the front door of the shop just after opening time.

  “You’re late,” Vano said, glancing up from some papers he was going through at the counter.

  “And you’re an asshole!” she snapped back, so furious she felt like smashing something.

  He cocked a brow at her, his expression turning ice cold. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  There was dead silence in the shop as both Cooter and Finn stopped what they were doing and watched, their eyes shifting from one to the other.

  Velvet glared at them. “You want popcorn with this show?”

  “Don’t be a bitch, Velvet,” Vano said. “If you want to throw a tirade, let’s go to my office.” He grabbed her by the upper arm and yanked her ahead of him.

  She jerked her arm free. “Don’t fucking touch me!” She stomped down the hall and into his office.

  He slammed the door and stuck a finger in her face. “Don’t ever do that again, you understand me?”

  She smacked his hand away. “No, you understand me. I know what you did, you son-of-a-bitch!”

  He moved around behind his desk; she supposed he thought it was safer to put space between them, like she was some kind of hysterical woman. “What’s the bug up your ass?”

  “I had a nice little conversation with Aaron. He told me you and your thugs took the money that belonged to me.”

  “Velvet, don’t overreact.”

  “Overreact? It was fifteen thousand dollars, Vano! It was my money! Not yours! You had no right to take it.”

  He leane
d his fists on the desk. “I had every right to take it! I’m the head of this family. I decide how the money is spent.”

  She couldn’t believe his logic, but then she really should because she knew he’d had that crap drilled into his head since he was young. He was twisting it all to serve his purpose, though. “You owed a debt, and you used my money”—she slammed her chest with her palm—“to pay it off. Mine! That money belonged to me! I didn’t owe that debt, you did, Vano! I want my money back.”

  “Well, I don’t have it anymore. So, you’ll just have to wait.”

  “Wait? Wait for what?”

  “I’ve got a deal going through. I’ll make quite a haul. I can pay you then.”

  “No, Vano. I want it now.”

  “You’ll get it when I give it to you, and you’re not going to say another fucking word about it. And do you know why? Because if you do, I’ll tell your precious boyfriend the truth. You think he’ll stick around if he knows you’re just a little street-rat con artist who’s in town to take him and his brothers for another load of cash?”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Isn’t it? Depends how you look at it. I bet I could put a spin on it that would have him believing you’ve been setting him up since the moment you hit town.”

  “You wouldn’t do that; it would expose you, too.”

  “Think I give a shit what he thinks about me? But you, on the other hand, you my dear sister care about what he thinks of you, don’t you?”

  “I’m not going to live a lie, Vano. I won’t.”

  “You’ll do whatever I tell you to do and shut the hell up about it.”

  Velvet stared at her brother, and she knew what she had to do. She had to tell Liam, because she didn’t want to be a part of any of this any longer. She didn’t want to be a part of Vano’s crimes. It was all so wrong. She’d have to take her chances with Liam and hope he’d believe her explanation.

  Vano was running a horrible con; one she wanted no part of.

  She thought about going to the police, but she couldn’t bring herself to turn him in. It was ingrained in her—you don’t turn on family. That was the gypsy code. But whether she gave him up or not, she knew she couldn’t have anything more to do with it, and she wouldn’t allow Vano to hold telling Liam over her head to keep her in line. The only thing she could do was to tell Liam herself before Vano did. Besides, she knew she couldn’t keep her past a secret. She couldn’t keep hiding it forever, not if her and Liam’s relationship was real and not if she wanted a future with him.


  The photo shoot was scheduled for the next night.

  Velvet arrived as soon as she could get away from House of Ink. She didn’t want Vano to know what she was doing or where she was going. It didn’t give her much time to spare before she was supposed to be ready. She’d brought some outfits, not knowing if they would have a stylist with wardrobe changes.

  When she arrived, she saw it was truly a professionally run job, with a hairstylist, makeup artist, and even a lighting crew.

  Liam hugged her. “You’re just in time. I was going to call if you weren’t here soon.”

  “I’m sorry. I got away as soon as I could.”

  He took her hands in his, threading their fingers together. “That’s okay. You’re here now.”

  “Liam, could I talk to you?” She looked up imploringly. She’d decided she couldn’t go another day without confessing the truth to him. She should have told him days ago. Hell, she should have told him weeks ago.

  He dipped his head. “Sure, baby. What’s up?”

  She glanced around the lobby where they were setting up the lighting. “Um, maybe in the break room or somewhere more private?”

  A blonde woman approached. “I need to do your makeup and hair now, sweetie.”

  “Go with her. We’ll talk after the shoot, I promise.” Liam kissed her forehead, and the woman guided her to a chair in front of the mirror. Hair and makeup were a blur; all she could think about was how Liam would take the news she planned to drop on him later tonight. She closed her eyes. She had to put it out of her mind if she was going to do this shoot with all the professionalism it deserved.

  Before she knew it, they were being called to the shoot. They’d dressed her in a skimpy bikini, and Liam was shirtless. The blinds were drawn and black paper was put up over the glass front door so that the shoot taking place in the lobby would be private.

  The photographer motioned to her. “Over here on this leather couch would be great.”

  Velvet walked to the couch against the brick wall. Above it were several framed covers of Inked Up magazine - issues with Jameson on the cover. There were also beautiful examples of their work.

  Liam sat down, his legs spread.

  “Velvet, could you please sit on his lap, facing him, but look back at the camera.” She got into position, and the photographer clicked off shots, pausing occasionally to adjust the lighting. “That’s great.”

  Liam had his hands on her back.

  “Okay, now move around the couch and get behind him.” She climbed up and spread her legs over his shoulders, then leaned down to run her hands down his chest. They gave the photographer a lot of great shots. It was hard not to get caught up in the moment with Liam. All he had to do was look at her, and desire ran through her veins. The passion sparking between them, the heat, the intensity of emotion, none of these were put on for the camera. They were real.

  “Now get back on his lap and face him again.” She did. “Velvet, can we lose the bikini top? Show off your back?”

  She looked at Liam.

  “I’ll make sure they don’t see a thing, baby, but it’s up to you.”

  She reached back and gave the tie a yank, pulling it free and dropping it to the floor.

  He put his hands under her arm pits, his fingers stretching over her shoulder blades and pulled her to him, tilting his head up to look at her as she dipped hers down to stare into his eyes. His biceps covered the side of her breasts as he pressed them skin-to-skin.

  The camera clicked off shot after shot. “These are great.”

  Jameson and Ryan stood in the back, watching the shoot. Velvet was used to having people watch her do photo shoots, and it didn’t bother her.

  The photographer moved in close for a few shots, and then backed off. “Velvet, can you face the camera?”

  Liam looked up at her. “I’ll cover you.”

  As she turned, he wrapped his forearm across her breasts.

  The photographer clicked off a dozen more shots. “Turn sideways on his lap.”

  She did, and he stepped up to raise her arm. “Put your arm up like that, there with your palm against the brick.”

  It was her left arm that he moved, and the position had the inner side of her bicep right in front of Liam’s face. He was gazing up at her with such heat and desire in his eyes. Every touch of his hand on her body had passion flaring through her and she couldn’t believe how lucky she was to have him in her life.

  Then his eyes dropped to her arm and focused in on the tattoo he’d inked there so many years ago, the unmistakable free hand sketch of a bunch of wild flowers. She watched his brows drop and then his eyes flicked up to her. She dropped her arm.

  “Velvet, sweetheart, can you put your arm back?” the clueless photographer asked, but she barely heard him. The blood rushed to her ears, as the fact that Liam remembered that ink hit her.


  He put his hands on her waist, gripping tightly, and then he shoved her off him onto the couch. He stared at her in horror.



  Liam stared at Velvet in shock. The room had tilted, and suddenly he was transported back ten years to the day he tattooed a young fifteen-year-old girl with a fake ID…

  He stood, cleaning his station up, smiling to himself at the thought of how happy his last client had been with the work he’d done. He tattooed a lot of people, a
nd often the tattoos were unimaginative and repetitive, and he would almost tune out. But some days there would be that one special client who would be so affected by the art and so happy with the finished product that it would make all of the less than imaginative designs worth it.

  That girl he’d just tattooed had been one of those special ones.

  The bell over the door jingled, and he heard footsteps across the floor. An irate, belligerent woman began yelling.

  “Where’s the owner? Which one of you criminals tattooed my underage daughter? I’m going to sue, that’s what I’m going to do. I’ll see this place shut down, and I’ll take every dime you’ve got!”

  Liam walked to the counter, and his eyes landed on the girl. He couldn’t believe it. She was his last customer. His head pulled back at the look on her face. Her mother had a hold of her arm and was dragging her to the counter. The girl looked at him, her face a mask of shame and guilt.

  Jameson came to the front and heard the woman’s claims. A tick began in his jaw as anger flared through him. He glanced at Liam, and his eyes said it all; he couldn’t believe Liam had been this stupid.

  Liam had never felt as big a fool as he did in that moment. He watched Jameson count money into the woman’s greedy hand, paying her off to sign the consent form and go away.

  Liam knew, standing at that counter, witnessing that scene, that he had let his brother down in a way that would affect the shop and their business for possibly years to come, and he’d never forget it.

  Velvet’s voice brought him back to the present.

  “Liam, please, let me explain.” She covered her breasts with her hands.

  “It was you that day. It was your mother who shook Jameson down for a grand, and you just stood there and let it happen.”

  “I couldn’t stop her. I’m so sorry.”

  “You knew. All this time we’ve been seeing each other. Of course you knew. You’re standing in our damn shop, and you never said a word. You never had the guts to come clean to me.”

  “Liam, I wanted to tell you. I tried to tell you.”


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