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His Cosplayer (Love Games)

Page 12

by Allyson Lindt

  Tori blocked out everything except the physical sensations of the now—Archer’s skin against her thighs, his thick shaft in her hand, and the spark of pleasure that rocked through her every time she stroked her clit with the head of his cock.

  She rocked against him. It was good, but it wasn’t enough. She positioned him at her opening and then dropped down. A cry of pleasure tore from her throat when he plunged deep inside her.

  “Fuck, Tori.” His hands traveled up her back.

  The new sensation mingled with the others, making her head swim. She didn’t trust herself to speak. That entailed accessing parts of her brain she didn’t want participating. But the deep current cutting through his voice heightened her arousal.

  She locked her gaze on him again, losing herself in the sharp hazel staring back. She rocked against him, feeling the pressure build inside. His grunts told her he was close to climaxing. He dropped his hands to her hips again, keeping the rhythm from increasing.

  She trailed her fingers down her own stomach, more heat flooding her when he followed her movement with his gaze. She dipped between her legs and found her clit. The swollen button pulsed at her touch, and her building orgasm pushed past whatever held it back.

  He picked up the pace, pounding against her hard as she came. She clenched around his shaft, drawing more short groans from him. A moment later, he thrust inside her one final time and stopped.

  Tori rested her head on Archer’s chest, listening to his heart and panting. Cool air rushed in around her, brushing the thin sheen of sweat on her skin.

  He softened and dropped out of her, and still they sat pressed together. She wasn’t sure how much time passed. It was such an exhausting day. All the energy seeped from her, as safety surrounded her.

  Why couldn’t she stay like this forever? Just them—no work, no exes, no anything else. She was so tired of it all. Her eyes drifted shut.

  “Hey.” Archer’s soft voice nudged the edge of her consciousness. Her eyelids refused to budge, like they’d been dipped in glue. She pried them open and blinked a few times, trying to find some moisture, before she sat up.

  He traced a thumb over her cheek, watching her, his brows knit together. “I think you fell asleep.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

  “It’s okay. Can you stand?”

  She nodded, wobbling as he helped her to her feet. He wrapped an arm around her waist and nudged her toward the bedrooms. She didn’t protest when he steered her into his, instead of the guest room.

  He helped her crawl into bed and climbed in next to her. She curled up next to him. He trailed his fingers through her hair. Damn it. She was getting used to this. And she didn’t mind at all. It would be okay. He’d promised.

  ARCHER EXTRACTED HIMSELF from Tori’s sleeping form, careful not to wake her. It had been years since he’d seen her so lighthearted and stress-free. Her hair draped across her face and over the pillow, haloing out around her. Please let her sleep well. She deserved it.

  He wanted to stay wrapped up with her, but it was early afternoon, and he had phone calls to make. The first one was on his speed dial—number three. He probably needed to bump it up a slot. That could wait, though.

  “Do I answer? Do I ignore you? Do I tell you to fuck off? What would you do if you were me?” Zane’s tone was flat, as it traveled over the lines.

  That could’ve gone worse. Archer collapsed onto the couch and dropped his elbows to his knees. “Hear me out? Give a friend a chance to apologize?”

  “Dude. You hit on my fiancée every fucking chance you get. One, you’d pound my face into the dirt if you were me, and two, it’s not me you have to apologize to.”

  They were still talking; that was promising. “I know, but logic tells me she’s not going to take my call. That, and I don’t want the gesture misinterpreted, so I’m going through her big, bad bodyguard.”

  “Apologize, make it good, and I may tell Riley. It’s still not up to me to forgive you, though.”

  “I’m sorry.” Archer acknowledged the truth of the words as he spoke them. “For not respecting her decisions, for trying to control the conversation when she came by the other day, and for being an ass, overall.”

  “You know what really got to her?”

  Archer racked his brain. He’d covered all his bases in his apology, hadn’t he? “No?”

  “You wanted to have The Pie deliver.”

  “They have good pizza.”

  “Not my point. The favor she wanted to ask didn’t have to do with using your shop. She wanted you to make that stupid onigiri and those bean-paste-filled buns you make for anime club. Not only did you not let her finish, you wanted to order cheap, greasy pizza for her book launch.”

  “I’m sorry. Really? She wanted me to cook? Riley can cook.” Archer leaned back against the couch, flopping his head back to lock his gaze on the ceiling.

  “Cookies, pot pies, sure, she can cook. But not that stuff.”

  “Understood. So if I apologize and promise to make snacks, I don’t suppose she still needs a venue?”

  “Why?” Zane sounded suspicious.

  Archer winced, glad no one could see him. He hated to admit he needed help, but it had to be done. “The shop is suffering, sales are down, and I’m hoping an afternoon of your fiancée’s sparkling presence and gorgeous comics will bump sales for a day or two.”

  “Did you just...? Are you really...?”

  Archer snarled silently at the receiver. “I’m sorry I was an ass to Riley. She doesn’t deserve that. I don’t know what got into me, and I didn’t mean anything by it. I know the two of you are happy together. A fucking blind man could see that. And I’m asking for help. Please?”

  “Yeah, I’ll talk to her. No guarantees, but it’ll probably be fine. Especially since she already said she’d do it if you stopped being an ass.”

  Archer couldn’t hide his growl this time. “You were already going to say no big deal?”

  “She’s a lot more forgiving than I am. And you know you deserve to grovel.”

  “Yeah, all right. Let me know for sure. Thanks.”

  “No worries.” The teasing and tension evaporated and were replaced with sincerity. “Talk to you soon.” Archer dropped his arms to his sides and let the phone tumble from his hand. That had gone a lot better than it could have. Now he had to convince himself he was willing to sign over his soul to Elliot. It would be better for Tori. Right? It would give her something to do, and the sponsorship offer was good money for both of them. Not that Tori needed money—that had to be a nice feeling—but she didn’t want to be idle, either.

  He reached for his phone but dropped his hand again at the last minute. He needed a drink or something, before he made that call.

  “Come back to bed?” Tori’s soft tone shattered any other thought.

  He looked up to see her leaning out of the bedroom doorway in nothing but one of his button-down shirts, with none of the buttons done up. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, and he caught a flash of what was—and wasn’t—underneath. Fuck. He was so lucky to have her. He didn’t know what he would do if he lost her.

  He shoved the string of thoughts to the back of his mind and smiled. “Of course.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Tori rested behind the register, grateful for the short pause between customers. The steady stream of people had kept up since Archer opened that morning. Some were there for Riley’s book launch and autograph, and others stopped in to see what was going on and make sure they weren’t missing out.

  It was almost two now, and aside from a snatched rice ball here and there—Archer had outdone himself with the snacks—there hadn’t been much time to breathe, let alone think about anything but now.

  She wasn’t getting the worst of it, though. Watching the registers was nothing, compared to what Zane and Archer had to put up with. The main characters in Riley’s comic were gay, and some of the scenes were explicit.

p; All four of their costumes were the same—slacks, open school-uniform-style jackets, and white tank tops. Since Riley had modeled one of the main characters after Zane, fans had been asking all morning if he and Archer were a couple, and a few of the girls begged to see them kiss. Or act out one of the scenes from the book.

  Both men were being good sports and coping well. Sort of. Coping meant they were doing their best not to be in the room at the same time, and then insisting that wasn’t what they were doing when either Riley or Tori teased them about it.

  Zane scooted in behind the counter and dropped another box of books on the ground. The box landed with a loud thunk.

  He leaned back against the shelves, a few feet from her.

  “You sure you don’t want to hide a little longer?” She kept her tone light. “Make sure another fangirl doesn’t recognize you?”

  He chuckled. “I’m sure I’ll be fine. Thanks for being here today.”

  “I wasn’t doing anything else. Besides, I’m a fangirl, too.” She smiled, enjoying the lighthearted atmosphere in the shop. Though she was helping Brad find her replacement, stepping away from the job left her feeling freer than she had in years. It was as if someone snapped some of the chains holding her back. She’d dive head first into taking more commissions soon, and until then, she’d enjoy her free time.

  Zane shook his head, one corner of his mouth twitching up, but not quite forming a smile. “Have we ever talked like this before? I was pretty sure you didn’t like me, before today.”

  “I didn’t.” Once upon a time, the accusation would have made her close off, regardless of the friendly tone. Now it felt good to have the conversation. Something told her honesty would be okay. This was a chance to clear the air.

  “Past tense. I’ll take that.” His shoulders relaxed. Sometimes he glanced at her, but for the most part, his attention was on Riley. “Can I ask why?”

  “From where I sat, you were the guy who ran away for six years, and then came back expecting everyone to act as if nothing had changed.” As the words landed on her ears, she realized how much of herself she’d been projecting on him. The things she hated herself for doing, she held against someone else.

  “What about now?”

  Good question. Part of her was surprised to find she already knew the answer, the rest of her was grateful to finally recognize it. “I don’t know your reasons, but they’re your own. Besides, you and Riley are good together. Like, really good. Anyone can see you make each other happy.”

  That was the one thing she struggled with today. The shared glances between the two, the private nudges and whispers, the intimacy conveyed in a single look—they left her with a longing she couldn’t ignore. Will I ever have that?

  Archer caught her attention from across the room, a grin splitting his face when his gaze met hers.

  Do I already have that?

  “Besides,” she continued when she realized she’d let the conversation lapse, “Riley never would have let Archer collar her.”

  Zane let out a tiny cough. “You noticed?”

  “The white choker she never takes off? I noticed. But I doubt most people have.”

  “So we’re good now?”

  She nodded. “I’d still pay to see you and Archer make out.” A few teasing images flashed in her head, and as something whispered under her skin, she realized she meant it.

  “Pick someone else, and I’ll think about it.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” She laughed. The crowd in the shop was swelling again, and she returned to her post at the register, while he went back to keeping Riley company at the autograph table.

  Tori dove back into her work, swapping jokes and money with customers, and enjoying the afternoon.

  “Quite a turn out,” a familiar voice got her attention.

  Tori looked up to see Gwen, a stack of books on the counter in front of her.

  “It is.” Tori wasn’t sure what to say. She thought Gwen was kidding when she said she’d spend too much money in a place like this. The stack of books in front of her, including a couple signed by Riley, was evidence.

  Gwen took a bite out of a rice ball, and chewed thoughtfully while she handed over her credit card. “Is this real plum in the middle?”

  “It is. Archer’s got a knack for walking the line between fun and authentic.” Tori finished ringing up the purchase and slid everything into a bag.

  “Really? He makes these himself?”

  “He’s pretty good at it.”

  “He’s fantastic.” Gwen finished the snack, wiped off her fingers, and tossed the used napkin into a nearby trash bin. “The two of you put together could get up to some incredible things.”

  Heat flooded Tori’s cheeks at the whisper of images that came to mind. Wow. Her imagination was getting carried away this afternoon, and that wasn’t what Gwen meant. Actually, she wasn’t sure what Gwen meant. “How so?”

  “Four words—milk-and-tea shop.”

  Tori had heard of the places. They were popular in Japan, but she had no idea what they had to do with her and Archer.

  Gwen’s purse chimed, and she grabbed her phone. “Sorry,” she said to Tori, sliding her bag of books off the counter and already turning away. “We’ll catch up later.”

  Tori shook her head at the odd conversation, not sure what to make of it.

  Zane held up an empty tray. “Do we have any more of the buns?”

  “Watch the register. I’ll be back,” Tori said.

  She sprinted up the stairs to Archer’s apartment, the action feeling as comfortable as anything. She’d spent as much time at his place over the last few days as she had at her own, especially making the final prep for the book party.

  It only took her a few seconds to find another plastic tub filled with treats. Last one. She was glad the day turned out to be such a success.

  She stepped out of the apartment and locked the door behind her, in case anyone wandered. Better safe than sorry.

  “Thanks for today.” Riley’s voice drifted up the stairwell.

  “I think I’m the one who owes you a thank you.” That was Archer.

  Tori didn’t know why, but she froze on the second step from the top. Part of her wanted to peer over the railing, and part knew it was wrong to eavesdrop. Archer had made her a promise, and she trusted him.

  Riley’s laugh was nervous. “I guess that makes us even.”

  “I guess.” A long pause filled the room. Tori was about to move, when Archer spoke again. “Can I ask you something?”

  “I... Sure.” Riley’s hesitation didn’t match her words.

  “Why didn’t we work out?”

  Archer’s question rang in Tori’s ears, and her stomach dropped into her feet. He hadn’t. No. She sank onto the landing, legs suddenly weak. He didn’t mean it that way, right?

  “Does it matter?” Riley asked.

  “It does to me.”

  Tori had to bite the inside of her cheek, to keep a whimper from slipping out. Please, don’t let him be doing this. She was hallucinating or something.

  Riley sighed. “Why? We weren’t meant to be. We don’t work together. Isn’t that enough?”

  “But we were good together. We get along, we like each other, and we have the same interests.”

  Tori tilted her head back, and she stared at the ceiling, blinking back the tears.

  “What about Tori?” Riley asked.

  “That’s why I need to know.”

  Oh, God. Please. A sob clawed at Tori’s throat, begging for release.

  “What do you want me to say, Archer?” The irritation was gone from Riley’s voice, replaced with something sad and quiet. “We make each other miserable. We’re decent friends and lousy lovers. We never deserved a second chance, let alone a tenth or twentieth.”

  “Fuck.” Tori couldn’t listen anymore. She’d been eviscerated. She stormed down the stairs, the house shaking with each of her footsteps. When she reached the main floor, Archer and Riley
both stared at her, guilt on his face and sympathy on hers.

  “Let me help you out.” She shoved the box of buns into his hands. “How about, I’m not interested, Riley; I’ve moved on. Or, We both know you’re happy now, and so am I?” She couldn’t keep the waver from her voice, and tears threatened to overwhelm her. “Either of those might be a good next line, Archer.”

  “Tori...” He took a step toward her.

  Riley frowned. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t.” Tori didn’t know who she was talking to. She couldn’t blame Riley, not completely, but it didn’t stop her from doing so, at least a little. She brushed past them both and made a straight line for the exit. The bell swung violently on the handle, when she pushed outside, and the howling wind tore the door from her hands. She kept going, not daring to look back.

  Archer wrapped a hand around her arm. “Wait. Please?”

  “Don’t touch me.” She jerked away and whirled to face him, fury pouring through her and steamrolling the hurt. “You promised me. Swore there was only us.” She didn’t give him a chance to reply. Didn’t trust him or herself with whatever might come out of his mouth. “I don’t know if Elliot is right about you, and you can’t get over the fact Riley was the one who left, or if you’re so fucked up in the head that this is fun for you.

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said before he could interrupt. “I don’t care why you did it. I trusted you with my secrets. You knew my reasons. And you stood there and lied to me about how you feel.”

  “Tori, please.”

  “No.” The single word fell hard, followed by a crack of thunder and a bolt of lightning that lit up the sky. “Don’t. I don’t want to hear it.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Archer chased Tori as she peel away, but slowed to a halt when she kept going. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What the hell was wrong with him? He couldn’t answer his own question. Another clap of thunder tore through the sky. He didn’t know why he’d said any of it. He needed to learn to keep a lid on it around Riley. If only he could remember that before he fucked up, instead of after. No wonder Tori was pissed off.


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