Skydiving, Soufflés and Sabotage

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Skydiving, Soufflés and Sabotage Page 9

by Cindy Bell

  “I do.” She bit into her bottom lip. “But I’m not afraid, Luke.”

  “I know better than to try to talk you out of anything. Stay in contact with me, and Ally, please don’t put yourself in more danger.” He stared hard into her eyes.

  “Okay.” She smiled.

  “I have something to tell you. But I wasn’t sure if I should. Maybe if I do, it will put all of this to rest once and for all.” He pursed his lips.

  “What is it?” Her heart skipped a beat. Luke had access to all of the police databases, and other resources. Maybe he’d discovered something that really would solve the crime.

  “I don’t know this for sure, and this is going to sound bizarre, but I have a hunch that Austin might have been a hitman.”

  “A hitman?” Her eyes widened. “Why do you think that?”

  “His pattern of behavior. The fact that he had a room at the B & B and the cabin. His lack of history. And that picture you found in his cabin. If he was following Gregory Marris, then it’s possible that Gregory was his target. It would explain how he funded his lavish lifestyle, and his charisma. Most hitmen are able to charm their way into any situation and use it to their advantage. I’ve reached out to a few people and I haven’t been able to confirm that Austin was a hitman, but that’s my best guess.”

  “Wow, I never even considered that. So, he wasn’t just here to find Gregory, he was here to kill him?”

  “Like I said, I don’t know for sure. I know you won’t stay out of this even if I tell you to, so if you find something, either you contact Mainbry PD, or you contact me. But don’t put yourself at risk again. Understand?”

  “Yes.” She smiled as she sought the warmth in his eyes. “I promise.”

  He opened his mouth to say something more, but she drowned out his words with a kiss. At first his muscles grew tight, but after a few seconds, she felt his body unwind. Maybe Luke was right about how much risk she had taken, and maybe she should just walk away from all of it, but one of the things she loved about him, was that he would never ask her to not be who she was.

  Chapter 12

  The first thing on Ally’s to-do-list the next morning was a check-in with her grandmother. As she struggled to feed Arnold and Peaches with the phone perched on her shoulder, she was surprised that her grandmother picked up on the first ring.

  “I didn’t wake you?”

  “No, I’ve been up since dawn, just waiting for you to call because I didn’t want to wake you. The shop is closed today, what’s the plan?”

  “I see you’ve already got some ideas.” Ally smiled. She could always count on her grandmother to be as determined as she was. “Luke brought up a good point to me last night. He thinks that Austin was a hitman.”

  “A hitman? Really?” Charlotte clucked her tongue. “He seemed far too nice to be a hitman.”

  “Maybe. But I don’t think hitmen make a habit out of looking like hitmen. I mean, they want to blend in. They want to be able to get close to their target.”

  “Target. I’m assuming that would be Gregory Marris?”

  “I think so. Why else would he have his picture? Why else would he be following him?” Ally put Arnold’s bowl down right under his eager snout, while Peaches prowled back and forth across the kitchen counter, waiting for her dish.

  “I’m sure there could be other explanations. Maybe he was a private investigator? Maybe Marris was cheating on his wife?”

  “That’s possible, too. But private investigators don’t usually make enough money to travel all over the world. I really think Luke is on to something with this idea.” The moment she poured Peaches’ food into her dish the cat jumped down to the floor with a loud meow. “Here you go, hungry cat.” Ally patted her head as Peaches plowed her face into the food. She was not a dainty eater when she was hungry.

  “Maybe he only said that he travelled everywhere, maybe it was his cover.”

  “I guess that’s possible.”

  “However, if Luke is right and Marris was his intended victim, maybe somehow he found out? Maybe Marris decided to turn the tables on Austin and take him out first?” Charlotte mused.

  “Maybe.” Ally bit into her bottom lip. “This has Dolphin Collectible Cars written all over it, doesn’t it? I think we should look into all three of the partners. One drove past us on the way up to the farm the day Austin died, and another’s picture showed up in Austin’s room? The company is definitely tied in somehow.”

  “Then let’s pay them a visit. We may not find out much about them through research. I’ve read that the private lives of people like that are kept private by highly paid security companies.”

  “Do you think we can just walk right in there?” Ally’s confidence faltered. “It seems like such a high-end place.”

  “Ally, are you saying that we’re not high-end?” Charlotte laughed.

  “I’m just saying that we might not get past the front door.”

  “We’ll make a stop on the way, one that’s sure to get us through the door. Will you pick me up?”

  “Of course I will.”

  On her way to Freely Lakes Ally thought about the possibility that Austin was there to kill Gregory Marris. If so, why? Who had put a hit on Marris? An ex-wife? Someone jealous of the success of the car yard?

  Charlotte met her at the car.

  “Listen to this, Ally, I just got off the phone with a friend at the city records department. I wanted to find out more about the collectible car company. There are three partners that own it. That we already knew. But the company isn’t as embarrassingly wealthy as it looks. In fact, in the middle of last year it almost declared bankruptcy.”

  “What?” Ally gasped as she turned out of Freely Lakes. “How did they avoid it?”

  “The payments were caught up to date at the beginning of this year, and it appears to be in one lump sum. So, either they came into a large amount of money, or maybe they took a loan from someone.”

  “A loan.” Ally narrowed her eyes as she headed for the car yard. “That might make sense. Maybe Gregory Marris took out the loan, couldn’t make the payments, and the loan shark hired Austin to take him out.”

  “It’s possible, but loan sharks don’t usually kill people. There’s no way to get their money if they do that.” Charlotte placed one hand on the dashboard. “Slow down, Ally, please.”

  Ally blushed as she realized that she’d been driving almost twenty miles over the speed limit.

  “Sorry, I guess I’m used to car chases now.” She flashed her grandmother a grin. “Let’s say all three partners took out the loan together. Maybe the loan shark is vicious enough to try to take out one of the partners to send a message to the other two. What do you think?”

  “I think that’s a very real possibility, and if it turns out to be the truth, then all three partners might be in grave danger.” She leaned back in her seat and sighed.

  “How so? Austin is already dead.” She shrugged. “I don’t think he can do much harm to them now.”

  “No, maybe he can’t, but someone was looking for Austin and found you, Ally. Which tells me that there is a lot more to this than just Austin. Maybe with him gone, they just hired a new assassin. If that’s the case then he could be anyone, and he could certainly be anywhere.”

  “That’s an eerie thought.” She shivered as she turned into the parking lot of the chocolate shop.

  “If one or all of the partners is in danger, we need to warn them.”

  “But one of them could be the murderer. I mean Austin was following Marris.”

  “That’s true, but there is a chance that none of them are involved so we still need to make sure they know that they might be in danger.” Charlotte smiled. “Besides if one or all of them are involved in the murder, we might get a clue from what they say or their reactions.”

  “You’re right.” Ally nodded. “I’ll be right back.” She parked, then slipped in through the back door. She grabbed one of the already prepared boxes of chocolat
es, then returned to the car. Fifteen minutes later she pulled up outside the car showroom.

  “We need to be careful here. Don’t forget the way that driver hunted you down, Ally. Someone doesn’t do that unless they have strong motivation, either to protect themselves, a personal vendetta or a financial incentive.” Charlotte stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk in front of the building. “If we can find that, then we might just get a clue as to who he was.”

  “That’s true. We’ll have to figure out a way to pinpoint what his motive might have been.” She rested her hands on her hips as she looked at the car showroom. It wasn’t just the size of it. It was the glamour of the architecture, the elegance of the etched art in the windows, and the implied opulence to suit what was inside.

  “Are we ready for this?” She glanced over at her grandmother.

  “Oh sweetheart, don’t be intimidated by a little glitz. Underneath all of that fancy paint it’s just drywall and ceiling tiles. And the men who run this place, are just that, men.” She looked into her eyes. “Don’t forget that, okay?”

  “Okay.” She took a deep breath and looked back at the building. Maybe her grandmother was right, that the building was just that, a building. But all that it was wrapped up in sure made it seem more like a palace. Still, as she reached for the door and pulled it open she pushed down her intimidation and focused on the task at hand. Past those doors, Austin’s murderer might be hiding out, hoping he would get away with it. She was going to do everything she could to make sure that didn’t prove to be true.

  “Welcome, madam.” A man in a three-piece suit smiled and offered her his white-gloved hand.

  “Thank you.” She took his hand, but wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. “Is Gregory Marris available?”

  “Oh, he may be occupied at the moment, but I can assist you. I’m familiar with every car here, if you give me an idea of what you’re interested in I’m sure I’ll be able to direct you.”

  “We’re not interested in any car.” Charlotte waved his hand away as she stepped inside. “We’re here to see Gregory Marris, and if he’s occupied, then we can wait.” She marched over to a nearby convertible and opened the door. She plopped down in the exquisite seat.

  “Oh, that isn’t for sitting in!” The man placed a white glove over his mouth as he gasped.

  “It’s a car, isn’t it?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow. “What’s it for, if it’s not for sitting in?”

  “It’s a very expensive car.” His hands fluttered before he clasped them together. “Please, just be careful.”

  “It’s all right, hon, don’t worry. I’m just going to have a little snack while we wait.” She pulled out a small bag of cheese puffs from her purse. “Mm, I’m starving. Ally, do you want some?”

  “No thanks.” Ally stared at her grandmother, stunned by her behavior. She knew that she had to be up to something.

  “All right then, suit yourself. I’ll have them all to myself. They are delicious. Now, the only problem is, I do tend to get orange fingers.”

  “Wait, please.” The man reached for the bag.

  “No snatching.” She grinned as she pulled the bag out of his reach. “You know, if I didn’t have to wait so long to see Gregory, then I wouldn’t have to eat this snack, or sit in this car.”

  “Okay, I’ll go get him right this second. But please, don’t open those.” He hurried off down a long corridor between the cars.

  “Mee-Maw, you are a genius.”

  Charlotte stood up and carefully brushed off the seat behind her.

  “Well, I don’t want to actually do any damage. I wouldn’t want to ruin it and I’m sure they would expect me to pay for it. This thing probably costs more than my apartment, the cottage, and the shop put together.”

  “You may be right about that.” Ally cringed as she thought of the price tag. She’d never been one for expensive cars. As long as it was comfortable and got her from A to B, she was happy.

  “Incoming.” Charlotte tilted her head in the direction of Gregory Marris as he walked towards them. He strode with such purpose that she braced herself for the possibility that he would immediately throw them out. Instead he offered a warm smile.

  “That’s him, that’s the man in the picture,” Ally mumbled under her breath, but she knew her grandmother heard her, as she gave her a slight nod of acknowledgment.

  “It’s so nice to have visitors.” He clasped his hands behind his back. “Who should I hold responsible for pulling me away from a quite important business meeting?”

  Ally shifted the box of chocolates in her hands and started to answer, but her grandmother spoke up before she could.

  “We needed to see you, Gregory, because we are very concerned about your well-being.”

  “My well-being?” He chuckled, then glanced between the two of them. “Why is that?”

  Ally noticed the way his blue eyes danced, as if he was amused by their presence.

  “We have reason to believe that you may be in danger.” Ally gazed back at him.

  Tension filled the air as her words hung between them.

  Charlotte glanced over at Ally. “Or at least, you were in danger.”

  “I’m sorry?” He looked between both of them. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m sure that you heard of Austin’s death.” Ally studied him. “He was murdered.”

  “I heard about an accident, but no I didn’t realize that it was a murder.” He lifted his shoulders in a mild shrug. “But I fail to see what that has to do with me.”

  “We believe that Austin might have come to Blue River for a specific reason.” Charlotte cleared her throat. “To find a specific person. You.” She met his eyes.

  “Me?” Gregory chuckled. “That seems a little ridiculous since I have never met the man. Why would he want to find me?”

  “To kill you.” The words slipped out of Ally’s mouth before she could think of a more tactful way to explain things.

  “Excuse me?” His eyes narrowed sharply. “Just what kind of game are you two playing here? Are you threatening me?” He took a step back.

  “No, of course not.” Charlotte sighed. “I know it’s hard for you to believe, but we found a picture of you and…”

  “And you’ve lost your mind.” He raised his hands into the air. “None of this has anything to do with me.”

  “Gregory, what’s going on here?” Another man walked towards them, followed by a third.

  “That’s Kevin Lang and Matthew Carter,” Charlotte hissed under her breath to Ally.

  Ally’s heart skipped a beat as she tried to figure out the implication of them all being there. The three men were staring in their direction as if they might have reason to question their sanity. Ally recognized the taller of the two, but she wasn’t quite sure where from.

  “These two women seem to believe that someone was out to kill me. Can you imagine?” He laughed. “Me?”

  “Well, perhaps they tasted your salmon.” Kevin rolled his eyes. “That might be reason enough.”

  “Funny.” Gregory shook his head. “What a waste of my time this has been.” He turned to walk away.

  “Gregory, wait.” Charlotte caught his arm. “Please, you have to hear us out. It’s possible that you’re still in danger.”

  “Kindly let go of my arm.” He spoke in a measured tone but the tension in his body made it clear that he was holding back his anger.

  “Just listen. We think that whoever killed Austin came after my granddaughter, Ally, too. He was going to kill her. He might be after you, too. We just wanted to warn you.”

  “Warn me?” He laughed. “Don’t worry, I’ll be perfectly fine. I have a brand-new bodyguard.” He tipped his head towards a man who stood not far off. “He’s even better than Shep ever was. I have nothing to be concerned with, and neither do you.”

  “Are these two women bothering you, Greg?” Matthew stepped forward. “Maybe it’s time you left.” He eyed them both with disapprova

  “Easy now, Matt, they have candy.” Kevin grinned as he pointed out the box. “Is that for us?”

  “Yes, it is.” Ally held it out to him. “For all of you. But, please, you need to listen to our warnings. We have reason to believe that Gregory was the target of a hitman, and it’s possible that the two of you could be as well.”

  “Have you had any unusual business dealings lately?” Charlotte watched as the men began to devour the chocolate from the box. “Anyone that might feel slighted or be looking for revenge?”

  “No, sorry, nothing so dramatic.” Matthew popped a chocolate into his mouth. “But, if something as wild as that does happen, you’ll be the first person we contact. All right? Now, I have to get back to work.” He turned on his heel and marched off.

  “What about anyone in your personal life, Gregory?” Ally turned her attention to him. “Has anyone threatened you?”

  “No.” He stared into her eyes. “This candy is delicious, but I don’t have time for this. Both of you should leave.”

  “Gregory, wait…” Charlotte said.

  “You heard him.” Kevin stepped forward. “Max!” He barked at the looming bodyguard. “Are you sleeping on the job? Get these two out of here.”

  “Yes, sir. Right away.” The hulk of a man walked towards them.

  “That’s quite all right, we were just leaving.” Charlotte looped her arm through Ally’s and guided her out of the store. Once they were safely in the car, Ally released a heavy breath.

  “Wow, that was unnerving.”

  “More than a little bit.” Charlotte grimaced. “And unfortunately we didn’t discover much, did we?”

  “We need to think about everyone who had access to that pack. If Austin really did check his pack shortly before he got on the plane, then there was a very limited time in which someone could have sabotaged it.” Ally bit into her bottom lip. “Now that I think about it, Mee-Maw, I think that we probably saw the killer.”

  “But there were quite a few people around. The farm workers, the man that didn’t go on the flight with us, and I’m sure others I’m not thinking of.” She frowned as the car lurched into reverse.


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