Bound: Contemporary M/M Romance (Auctioned Book 2)

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Bound: Contemporary M/M Romance (Auctioned Book 2) Page 9

by Rana Drake

  "And if you'd like, I'm going to let you go. But not without me getting my money's worth, first. I'm not going to hurt you, but I'm going to use you, Collin. I've paid more for you than any of my pick-ups have ever been worth, and I know you are worth every penny. I'm going to prove it to you, and to myself." He spoke slowly, quietly. I wasn't scared of him. The way he held me told me there was nothing to fear, and I wanted nothing more than to please him.

  He promised me freedom, and a meal, and a safe place to recover from the horrors I had suffered - but none of that was on my mind now. All I could think of as I inhaled his masculine smell was how much I wanted to give him what he wanted. I wanted to give him everything I had.

  He picked me up and carried me to the car, getting into the backseat of the luxury sedan with me. He sat with his arm around me and encouraged me to sleep as the car roared down the dusty dirt road.



  Collin was fast asleep against my shoulder by the time we pulled up to the club again. I didn't want to wake him, but he needed to eat and get cleaned up as soon as possible. I gently shook him awake, which didn't take much. His eyes opened with immediate fear, which dissipated as soon as he realized he was looking into my face.

  I was elated. I couldn't deny how it made me feel to see him look to me for safety. He made me want to give him everything I had, and take everything he had to give to me. But first, I needed to assess his health. I wanted him to be in top condition. He was small but healthy when he arrived and I wanted him back in that unscathed state.

  I helped him walk inside, supporting his weight with a protective arm around his shoulder. It was early still, and not many people were at the club yet, which I had planned. I didn't need anyone questioning me. I knew it would come later, but I wasn't in the mood to deal with it now.

  Now, all I wanted was to get Collin comfortable. I unlocked the door to one of the private suites, the kind that members often take their boys into for a luxurious night. It was like a fancy hotel room, with a hot tub and a television and a small kitchen that was completely stocked with everything from fresh fruit to champagne.

  When the door was locked behind us, I had Collin undress, which he readily did, not hesitating in the slightest. My cock jumped at the sight of his naked body but I ignored my own urges when I saw how bruised and beaten he was. I ran my hands over his bruises softly, and he winced when I touched him in a particularly sensitive spot on the back of his thigh.

  "I'm going to get you healed from all of this," I told him. "It'll take time, but it'll happen." I began to run a bath and went to the cupboard to retrieve an herbal solution to put into the water, one that healed bruises and abrasions.

  Collin said nothing, but just nodded. I helped him into the tub and washed him, making sure to be gentle but thorough. It took everything I had not to cum in my pants when I reached between his legs and found him to be hard. I made sure not to play with him. I wanted our first time to be special, I wanted him to remember it as a pleasurable experience for himself, too. I didn't want him to associate me with pain and anguish. He wasn't a pet to me. As I washed him, I realized that he was the first boy I had ever felt this way for. I'd always viewed them as playthings, but Collin was more than that. He pushed his thin hips upward as my hand ran dangerously close to his cock, but I avoided contact again.

  "You're clean," I said, looking away. "There's a clean towel for you. Dry yourself, put on the robe, and then come eat. I'll set the table."

  He almost looked disappointed as I walked away from him. I wanted to towel him off and clothe him, but if he got out of that water and showed me his perfect ass, his pristine little cock, there would be no way that I would be able to hold back from eating all of it.

  I watched him as he toweled off, and gingerly stepped into his robe. "Come sit down and eat," I said, setting a plate of steaming food on the table from the cart that had just been delivered.

  He eagerly sat down. "Eat," I told him. "I want you to be healthy again."

  "Why, so you can resell me and reclaim your profit?" He asked, staring at me.

  I was shocked by his response, unable to answer for a moment. I searched his face, but there was no anger there, just confusion and a hint of disappointment.

  "No, you will not be resold. I told you, you're mine now. I'll let you go if that's what you want."

  He didn't seem satisfied by my answer, but he did start to eat. Once he began, his appetite kicked in and he was insatiable. He polished off the enormous plate of food quickly, after which I cleared his plate and instructed him to lie down and rest.

  "I'll be here to check on your comfort in a few hours," I told him, kissing his lips as I tucked him into the bed. He latched onto me and tried to deepen the kiss, but I pulled away. He needed to rest before I ravaged him. If I were to start, I wouldn't stop for hours.

  I left him alone and headed to my office. The halls were still mostly quiet, and I locked myself inside, resting my head in my hands. What the fuck had I done?

  I'd fallen in love, that's what. And Hunter was bound to find out any day now. Simmons was going to run his mouth about the refund or someone would find Collin here and report it. There were too many eyes and ear in here, and I was going to have to explain myself soon.

  Hunter could fire me. I didn't fucking care. But I did care about Collin, and I had promised to let him go. I didn't mean to make a promise that I couldn't keep. Not to him - but now that he was back with me, how the hell was I supposed to just let him go now, never to see him again?

  I started to wish I had never laid eyes on the boy. He was a grown man, yes, but his innocence screamed that he was still a boy…in need of a firm hand, discipline, guidance. In need of a teacher, like me.

  My cock twitched in my pants, refusing to be quiet after I had washed him and found his arousal. He wanted me too. The kinky little thing was hot for me, I knew it. The way he looked at me with those brown eyes communicated his need loud and clear.

  I wanted to take him home. I wasn't going to fuck him in this dirty, tainted place. If Hunter found out I had bought him back and taken him to my house, though, he would flip his shit. He would likely insist that I kill him if I did that. Bringing anyone back to the place where I reside was a huge fucking no-no. Even though we influenced law enforcement on all levels, something like that was just stupid and unacceptable.

  I needed time to figure this out. Collin needed time to heal, too. To take my mind off of fucking him, I made a point of setting up a doctor's visit. After phoning our physician and arranging for him to come check Collin for any infection, I felt a little better. I just needed tasks to keep my mind occupied for today, at least.

  When I entered Collin's room two days later, I was surprised to find him sitting on the edge of his bed, naked and hard. I had been visiting him at the same time every day, so he had to have been expecting my visit.

  I wasn't upset, just surprised.

  He spread his legs, taking his cock in his hand and leaning back. "I want you, Jake" he pleaded, touching himself. "I want to suck you. I want to give you your money's worth. Please."

  He slid off the bed and dropped to his knees in front of me, pawing at my belt buckle.

  I lifted him under his armpits, setting him back on the bed and shaking my head. "No. Get dressed." I kept my voice stern, my eyes averted from his naked body.

  "But," he protested, confused.

  "Do as I say now," I said again, a hint of menace in my voice.

  He obeyed, then sat on the edge of the bed, his arms folded and his head down. He was pouting.

  "Your tests came back just fine. You've got a clean bill of health, and by the looks of it, your bruises are healing quickly. You should be fine very soon."

  "So what?" he asked bitterly. "You're just going to get rid of me then, aren't you? You want the money back. The money is more important to you than I am. Dollar bills are sexier than me…"He was rattling on.

  I grabbed him and wheeled hi
m around to face me. "What is this nonsense coming out of you? I went out of my way to save you when I could have let you die by that psych's hands, and you're accusing me of greed?" My eyes were wild as I searched his, but I couldn't muster up any actual anger toward him. For once, I didn't want to snap the neck of the person who opposed me.

  "Then why don't you want me?" He demanded. "Am I not good enough for you? I want to give you the only thing I have to offer, and you…you reject me. Even the psychopath didn't reject me. Look at these marks on my skin! This is from him fucking me and using me, and even you don't want to touch me. I was good enough for that vile creature, but not good enough for you. I see!"

  Collin had begun to cry. I threw him down on the bed and climbed on top of him, pinning him to the mattress. "Do you feel this?" I growled, pressing my hard cock into his belly. "Do you feel how big and hard I am for you? Do you believe I don't want to fuck you until you scream?"

  He struggled under me but I held him tight. "Don't you think for one second that I wouldn't destroy you. I don't give a fuck about the money that I paid for you, or the fact that my whole career is on the line for you right now."

  "I don't know what you're talking about. You don’t have a career, you're a fucking criminal."

  I put my hand over his mouth, pressing my cock into him, not knowing what I was doing. I wanted to fill every hole of his, I wanted to punish him with pleasure for what he has said to me.

  But I knew he was right. I let him up.

  "So fucking what if I am?" I said, turning away from him. "That doesn't change the way I feel about you. And believe me, Collin, I want you, and I will have you, but I'll have you on my fucking terms, when I am good and ready. I might have promised to not hurt you, but don't you fucking forget that I am in charge here, not you. Never you!"

  He burst into tears, crying into the pillow, and I left him there alone when I could no longer watch him. He was broken and it was my fault. I was a criminal, and I'd never given a shit about what happened to any of these people until he came along.

  I didn't know if I liked the change that he caused or not, but it was too late now.



  My body was drenched in sweat and my heart was pounding when I woke up. I wiped my brow with the back of my hand and stayed in bed, staring at the ceiling, not too relieved at where I had ended up, but at least it was an end to the nightmare. At least I was no longer being tormented by my classmates, over and over, as I helplessly scrambled for cover. I hadn't had the dream in so long, so why now, of all times was this coming back to haunt me? Why was I forced to relive the days when the school bullies would surround me and beat me up, just for the sport of it? Or, the worst of it, as I had just gotten to relive in my nightmare, how they had pulled my pants down in front of my crush to try to show him that I was really a female? Tears stung at my eyes at the memory. I would have taken their physical blows over the humiliation of that day any time, and even though I had got through it then by pulling up my pants and running away, I was never able to forget it. The scene came back to me in vivid detail as I tried to sleep every so often.

  The rejection of those kids cut deep, but not as deep as the rejection from Jake that I was now undergoing. I had always been a sub par human, way before the kidnapping. I may have taken to this life easier than the others because things were never that different for me. I tried to tell myself they were going to be different when I got to college, but of course I was the same social reject. The only person who had ever made me feel special was Jake, but he didn't actually want me. He was doing a job, playing a role.

  As I laid awake in bed, staring at the ceiling through the darkness, I knew deep down that if Jake had ever passed me on the street, he never would have given me a second glance. The only reason he has ever even touched me in the slightest has been because it was a job of his. I am a business pawn to him and that is all I will ever be.

  If not a pawn, then just some kind of good Samaritan in this filthy organization that he calls a career. My two previous owners basically treated me the same as the bullies had all those years ago, and even at school there was sometimes a knight in shining armor that would step in and put an end to the meanness, but I would always find out that it had little to do with me and more to do with earning brownie points to impress the person they really liked.

  Jake was no different. I thought I had learned my lesson all those years ago to not get attached to people like him, but it was impossible for me to not feel something for Jake.

  The worst part was that now I was trapped here with a man that actually made me feel something other than fear, and I didn't know what to do with that. I shut my eyes, trying to fall asleep again, hoping to sleep forever.

  Strong arms shook me and I tried to beat them off of me, but whoever had me was too strong. I was being shaken, yelled at, taunted. "Just let me die!" I screamed out.

  My own scream woke me up. My eyes opened and I found myself staring into Jake's concerned face as he shook my shoulders. I was covered in sweat again, this time even worse than before. I couldn't escape torment no matter what I did.

  Jake searched my eyes. "You were having a nightmare. You're safe now. I've got you and I won't let them hurt you."

  I was embarrassed at having let him hear me while I was asleep.

  "They'll never hurt you again, I promise."

  He held me against his large body, three times the size of my own. I let him keep me there without a struggle. "I saw you on the monitors, thrashing in your sleep," he said. "You looked like you were fighting off a demonic army."

  "I was," I said. "It's a recurring nightmare I have. And it turns out, it's not that far from reality."

  Jake pulled back to look at my face. "What is that supposed to mean?"

  I wasn't able to hold it all in. I felt weak and exposed, more so than I ever had while I was on display on that fucking sales floor that he put me in.

  "I've been shit on and rejected my entire life. I don't know if you've noticed this about me, but I'm not exactly a prime specimen of human male. It's something I have gotten used to over the years, the bullying, and the teasing, and the rejection. Being sent here wasn't even that far from what I have endured my entire life." My lip trembled, and tears threatened to spill over.

  "It's alright, Collin. You're smart enough to know that those people can't hurt you anymore. Nobody can hurt you anymore, because I won't let them."

  I looked at him bitterly. "Why is that? Because I'm your property and you don't know when you might want to cash in again? You didn't even want me the other day when I was begging to give myself to you. I wanted to repay you, I…"I was sobbing uncontrollably now.

  Jake's face hardened. "You really don't trust me, do you?"

  "Why should I?"

  "Because I'm in love with you! Is that what you wanted to hear? I don't want you to repay me, I want you to fucking love me too. Are you happy now?" Jake raised his voice and I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. I began to sob as he hugged me into his broad chest. I didn't want to move from under his protection for the rest of my life.

  "You've changed everything, Collin, and I don't want to go back to who I've been. I felt fucking stale before you came here, and no, you didn’t come here on your own, and maybe if you hadn't been singled out as a last minute pick up at that game then I never would have met you, but that doesn't matter to me. I found you, and I want you now, and I have ever since I saw you. I know you came here against your will, but I don't want to take you against your will again. I won't take your love as payment, I'll only take what you're willing to give. As an equal exchange. If it's not that way, then you're right, I won't have you. I won't take just your body, I want your heart, your mind, your spirit. I want you to share it all with me."

  Nobody had ever said anything like this to me before, and in this moment, I felt more wanted than I had ever known possible. I didn't answer, but instead tilted my face toward Jake's and let him overtake me
in a deep kiss that left me gasping for air.

  When we finally separated, Jake still held me in his arms, petting my head. "I'm taking you out of here. We can go to my house, and you can decide what you'd like to do. If you'd like to leave, you can do that. I won't stop you. If you'd like to stay with me, at least for a little while, I would be so honored. I may not ever be coming back here again. Once the boss finds out that I have you, my career may be over."

  I smirked. "Your career as a criminal? Your career that made you so dead inside?"

  Jake just stood, offering me a hand. "Yes," was all he said. "Let's get you dressed and get the fuck out of here."



  I don't know how I expected Jake to live, so I was surprised when we arrived at his home. I knew he was obviously very rich and could afford to do whatever he chose. He didn't seem like one to live in a mansion, and I was right about that, but his home was definitely not shabby. About an hour out of town, he had a rather secluded cabin-like home that looked like it had been designed especially for him. Pine trees surrounded the entrance that was at the end of a long driveway so that the place couldn't be seen from the road.

  "You're not going to blindfold me?" I asked him, as the car slowed and we pulled into the driveway.

  "No, I trust you."

  My heart swelled, and I snuggled into his side. I wanted to be here. Even if he hadn't purchased me, even if I were free, I would choose to be exactly where I was right now.

  He opened the car door for me and led me up the steps. The front entrance was an ornately carved wooden door, and when we went inside, I found that the entire back wall of the main area was made up of windows that overlooked a small lake. It was beautiful.


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