Power of the Lost

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Power of the Lost Page 28

by Cebelius

  The goal is to make sure she doesn't regret her choice, now or ever. I'll also need you to get a sense of her, but unless I need to know, don't share her memories with me. Trust, but verify. If she's going to do something crooked, I need to know.

  'As you wish, Husband.'

  "Do you want me to take this off?" La asked, brushing her fingertips across the heavy leather loincloth she was wearing.

  Terry tilted his head as he thought about that, and what he planned to do, then shook his head and said, "Nah, leave it on, but I'm going to need you to spread your legs."

  She smirked wryly and rolled her eye as she said, "I know how sex works, disappointing as it is, Boss."

  The emphasis she put on his name was entirely sarcastic, but she did shift back onto her hands, spreading her legs out on either side of him, her bare toes up against the half-wall behind him, knees kinked up. She hooked her arms across her knees and leaned forward, looking down at him curiously as he stepped in between her thighs, reaching out and running his hands across her skin.

  Calling it smooth would be an exaggeration. She was larger in every sense than he was, and while she didn't exactly have hairy legs he got the sense that her flesh was thicker than normal, less elastic.

  He reached the apex and folded himself down to a kneeling position, keeping his hands on her inner thighs as he moved them in. He felt a trembling in her flesh, but the look she was giving him was still mostly curious, and perhaps a little resigned.

  We'll see if we can do something about that.

  Lifting the leather as though he were stepping into a tent — which he was in a sense — brought him face-to-crotch with La. She had a thatch of thick, curly brown hair and the scent of her hit him immediately.

  Mentally he'd prepared himself for dealing with a bit of nastiness given her size and the savage land clothing thing she had going on, but aside from the hair she smelled clean and strongly feminine. There was the tang of sweat there and it was a powerful scent, but healthy. As Terry breathed it in, his relief hit him in a wave.

  Her lips were heavy and thick, pouting a bit, and her slit from base to clit was as long as his forearm and hand. By contrast, her clit was tiny ... but only by contrast. Still, that was for later.

  He set his hands to either side of her labia and began a slow massage. Normally with a girl he'd have gone for some other part of her first, but he was about to fuck a giant, and he'd have had to crawl up her body just to kiss her. The idea of that wasn't sexy in the least. Still, given time he was sure he'd find all the things she liked. For now, best to concentrate on the task at hand.

  "What are you doing?" La asked, her voice coming through just a bit muffled. He didn't bother to answer at first, twisting his hands and pressing them down as he worked around her lips, then back up and over her mons, running fingers gently through her hair before pressing inward, dimpling her flesh.

  Her ass tightened visibly, then relaxed and her legs parted a bit as she hummed with a mixture of curiosity and sensuality. He continued to work his hands over and around her sex, taking his time. Eventually, he began to spread her, pressing his hands in and watching her pussy open for him.

  The first time he did it, she sighed, and her legs parted a bit more. Still he remained patient, smirking as he realized the scent of her was getting stronger, and her inner lips were starting to glisten just a bit.

  "At least ... you know how to warm a girl up," La said, her tone breathy and having lost some of its sarcasm. "I'll give you that, Boss."

  You ain't felt nothin' yet.

  He didn't say that though. He wanted what he was doing to be a surprise for her, wanted her to be able to concentrate on the sensations instead of the fact that their source was half her size. She'd made it obvious Theseus was a disappointment, and Terry considered that nothing less than a golden opportunity.

  His hands moved in, and he began working them over her labia. He drew her moisture out of her but didn't penetrate her, working his hands against her, around her, and over every square inch of her sex until her pouting outer lips were glistening and swollen.

  His head cocked as he heard her panting, and smiled as he looked down at his hands. They were coated with her arousal, slick, warm, and perfectly prepared for what came next.

  Shifting his hands up a bit, he began to circle her clit, grown now to what would have been an alarming size on any normal woman. He didn't touch it yet, but applied pressure over her hood and around, using one palm to keep her lips parted.

  "Oooh ... Oh that feels good, Boss. What are you-"

  He felt her shift, saw a finger curl around the side of her loincloth, and he growled, "Don't. If you do, I'll stop what I'm doing."

  Her entire body actually shivered at that, and she jerked her hand away. He felt it come down behind her as a subtle vibration through the ground as she murmured, "Yes, Boss."

  Now there was no sarcasm on his name. Only a desire for more, and he was happy to give it to her.

  Her sex was quivering now beneath his hands, and he could see it visibly tightening, flexing as cream started to slip from her. Every breath he took was heavy with the flavor of sex; it was so strong he could taste it on his tongue.

  He dropped the fingers of the hand he wasn't using to tease her clit, and ran it through the glistening trail oozing from her, bringing it up and teasing her entrance with it.

  She let out a broken moan and he heard her murmur, "Ooooh, please. Please don't be tiny. Pleaaaase, I need this."

  When he heard her, he hesitated a bare instant, then changed his plan a bit. Rather than put his fingers, then perhaps more, inside her, he brought her juices up and coated her clit with them, then pressed his hands on either side, exposing it as he leaned forward. He breathed across it, felt her body tremble and jolt at the sensation. Terry could actually feel her pulse throbbing inside the swollen flesh he had bracketed between his hands.

  He kissed her clit and she groaned. Then he parted his lips and swirled his tongue across and pressed his lips around her.

  La almost crushed him.

  Her legs jerked closed in pure reaction for a moment, and Terry flexed every muscle in his body to keep from being broken like a toy. As it was his shoulders felt like they were about to cave in his chest.

  His head came up and he snapped, "Spread your legs!"

  To his relieved surprise, she did it after only a moment's hesitation. Her voice was shivering as she said, "T-that ... that, what was that? Boss? W-what are you doing to me?"

  There were actually notes of fear in her voice. Genuine fear. That surprised him. He'd thought what she'd done was purely instinctive, but now he wondered.

  "I'm not going to hurt you, La. If I wanted to I would have. Now, do you want to enjoy this or not?"

  "I ... uh. Boss ... do you promise?"

  "Promise what?" he asked, now curious.

  "You promise you won't hurt me? Promise that what you're doing won't ... damage me? I felt so tight just now, like what you were doing would hurt me. It felt good but ... the tension in my belly was so ... It was like everything was about to fly apart."



  "I am going to do right by you. I know what I'm doing. Your only job is to trust me, and let me do this for you."

  As he said this, he'd begun working his palms around her clit again. He was as gentle as he could manage, considering her size.

  She moaned, "Ooh, for me? That's ... new."

  Terry rolled his eyes as he thought, When I meet Theseus I am going to stomp his guts out.

  'Mmm ... you won't mind if I drink his blood, right?' Prada asked, her mental tone very much conveying a predatory desire that Terry was grateful wasn't directed at him.

  Not a bit.

  'Good. The very idea that Halla doesn't know an orgasm from pain offends me.'

  Closing his eyes and mentally re-centering himself, he once again took his time to bring La back to the edge. When she was close, he kissed her, used his tong
ue, and gently suckled on her until her increasingly violent shivers turned abruptly into full blown climax.

  Her legs clenched and her ass tightened until Terry was forced to his feet to keep his attentions where they were supposed to be. Thankfully, she didn't automatically jerk her legs closed again.

  Her pussy clenched in a powerful rhythm that had her rocking her hips against him. She soaked his chest as she thumped him with her sex hard enough to practically knock him off his feet, and as she came down and settled again she jerked her loincloth aside to stare at him in astonishment.

  Her eye was wide, her lips parted as she panted, her massive chest rising and falling dramatically. It was — all in all — a powerfully erotic sight, but Terry settled back to his knees to keep his shaft out of her view as he asked with rakish insouciance, "So ... ready to start?"

  She blinked. Twice. Then exploded, "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

  He made a show of trying to suppress his grin, chest heaving as he chuckled and shrugged. "Well, if you want my bond, no. Not kidding."

  "Hoe-lee fuck!" La groaned, her head rolling back as her arms gave out and she hit the stone hard enough to make it tremble under his feet. "You are going to kill me. And by the powers, Boss, I'm more than half-inclined to let you."

  "You won't die," he said wryly. "At least, not from what happens next."

  La tipped her head up enough to meet his gaze as she asked in a voice that was both apprehensive and eager, "Promise? That ... that won't happen again, will it?"

  "Honestly telling me you don't want that to happen again?"

  "Not if it'll kill me!" she cried in exasperation. "That was crazy!"

  Feeling foolish at having to take this conversation at all seriously, Terry gently said, "La, that was an orgasm. That is supposed to happen."

  Her eyelid came down half-way and she gave him a very impressive side-eye as she said accusingly, "Bullshit. You used some kind of template magic."

  "Technique, yes. Magic ... no. La, I swear nothing I do will bring you any real harm. I can't promise no pain, but I can promise no harm. That's the best I can do. We can stop right now if you want. I'm not going to force you."

  She blinked at him again and her expression dissolved into one of confusion as she said, "But ... I mean, aren't you ... you don't want to fuck me anymore?"

  "What? Of course I want to fuck you. How the hell did we go from me not forcing you to me not wanting sex?"

  Even as he said the words though, the answer came to him, and he gritted his teeth and swore so bitterly that La cringed.

  That snapped him out of his sudden depth of feeling and he said, "Nevermind. La, you're attractive, and I want to do right by you. I will give you my bond, but only if you actually want it. Just ... let me say that if this is honestly how you see your bond with Theseus ... the way he's treated you makes me want to kill him, and I don't ... killing isn't something I do lightly."

  "Can I ... ask another favor, Boss?"

  He sighed and nodded, "Sure, La. What do you need?"

  "When you fuck me ... can I watch?"

  He blinked, then started laughing ruefully as he waved a hand and said, "Sure. What we did earlier was just a game. A prelude. You're free to watch me from now on."

  She nodded, shifted her butt up and pulled at something Terry couldn't see, then tossed her loincloth aside, leaving her body bare but for her bracers and shin guards.

  "I, uh ... I won't be disappointed?" she asked tremulously, but this time with real hope in her voice.

  He met her gaze and gave her a warm smile as he shook his head and said, "No, La. You will not be disappointed. Let's just say I'm a grower, not a show-er."

  Prada's amusement spread over his mind like a laughing blanket, practically forcing a grin from him.

  She blinked. He laughed, then calmed as she looked chagrined to hear his laughter. He kept his voice gentle as he said, "It's all right, La. I'm not laughing at you."

  "Why are you laughing?" she asked.

  He smiled kindly and said, "I tend to do that when I'm having fun, and right now I'm having fun with you. Are you ready?"

  She tried to smile, but gave up after a moment and nodded gravely, her eye never leaving his face as he shifted forward on his knees and pressed himself against and into her. Despite their talk, and the emotional swings of the last few moments, none of that had even come close to diminishing his readiness.

  Terry knew that as far as normal men went he had nothing to be ashamed of, but he also knew that he was fucking a literal giant, and to get this done he'd need help.

  Fortunately, he had it.

  I hope you're ready.

  'Oh, Husband, if you only knew. You just keep moving, and I will do the rest.'

  He began shifting against her, and La at first could not hide her disappointment. She closed her eye and lay back, and her expression tightened as though she were trying to control tears.

  Wait for it ...

  Terry only grinned and kept working his hips against her, and he felt it when the change began.

  "Damn ... that feels good," he murmured, his hips staying close to La's as he rocked back and forth. Inside her, he was gradually getting thicker, longer. Prada was altering his flesh, adding to it. She was literally making his cock bigger with every second that passed.

  After a few moments, La noticed.

  "Wait ... what?" she asked, lifting her head abruptly to look at him. He shrugged idly, and began to lengthen his stroke just a bit, still going slowly.

  As he got bigger, the feeling of being inside her got tighter, and he felt her flutter just a bit against him as she bit her lower lip.

  "Are you, still, growing?" she asked.

  "What did I say?" he said with a grin. "You just let me know if it gets too big, okay?"

  Her brow came down as she grunted in disbelief and there was an odd hitch in her voice as she said, "You're joking."

  He grinned at her and shook his head, never varying the pace of his still-lengthening stroke.

  Another minute passed, and Terry's link with La became a literal connection. He would have had to take a step back to pull all the way out, and after a glance down his eyes widened a bit and he looked away. An old joke about the three sizes in Scotland came back to him and he had to suppress a laugh.

  We've got wee ... NOT so wee ... and FRIGGIN' HEWG!

  La was starting to roll her hips against him, and she moaned, "Oh fffuck, Boss. You're, fuck, you're actually starting to fill me ... stretch me ... please, more."

  Why is it the GIANT that has to be a size queen on top of everything else? Do I have enough blood for this?

  'Of all your various complications I am NOT the one to answer that first question ... as for the second, you'll live,' Prada replied, and the tone of her voice was rife with amusement. 'Might pass out when you come though. I'll see what I can do.'

  Terry rolled his eyes at that, but kept working, hands set on La's hips as he started to increase his pace. He was already breathing hard, and as another minute passed and he kept getting bigger, La began moaning brokenly as her hands came up, covering her breasts, squeezing them mindlessly as she murmured, "Ooooh big, full, that's it, yessss! Give it to me, Boss. Hard as you can!"

  Yes Ma'am.

  He always enjoyed sex, and this was no exception, but at this point he was really working for it. He'd found a ridge in the stone beneath his feet with the toes of his boots and had anchored himself against that as he fucked the cyclopian woman beneath him for everything he was worth.

  The sounds of their bodies coming together were wet and loud. La began making animalistic noises, mewling in pleasure as she started to thrash.

  "Hold still!" Terry snapped.

  La's eye went wide and she abruptly went perfectly still but for the tell-tale tremble that made her body shiver. Her hands were cupping her breasts and he could see how pebbled and hard her nipples were, and he felt his orgasm rising up through the lactic burn in his legs and ass. He was al
so seriously winded, and feeling more than a little light-headed.

  Prada, make this woman cum. I'm not going to last much longer.

  'Cheater,' she playfully mocked him.

  God'll forgive me, do it!

  'Yes, Husband ... she's almost there anyway.'

  He could feel the portion of her that was his sash shifting, but didn't dare look down to see what she was up to. Instead, he met La's gaze and fucked her as hard as he could, sweat splashing from his brow over her belly as his body rhythmically tensed against hers. His sensations finally hit that point where the climb started, and another few strokes was all he could manage before he buried himself in La and came.

  The fact that her channel was pulsing strongly around his and her eye had fluttered shut told him that Prada had made sure he wasn't the only one to finish, but his vision darkened around the edges as his orgasm peaked, and he never felt it end. He had just enough presence of mind to decide that if he ever did have the opportunity to pick how he died, this'd be his choice.

  True to Prada's prediction, Terry passed out.



  When he woke, Terry felt disoriented, had a splitting headache, and was starving.

  Opening his eyes, he beheld a ceiling, and that surprised him more than a little. His memories capped out at orgasm inside a giant under high, racing clouds. This was not where he was supposed to be.

  He sat up, glanced around, and found himself atop a pile of furs. There was a single, guttering torch in a sconce near the room's only apparent exit, and the size of his surroundings made it clear that Halla had taken him home.

  She slept next to him ... but though he recognized her immediately, it was also apparent even in the dim light from a single torch that she was dramatically changed.

  For one, she had two eyes now, and her features had shifted to accommodate them. If he were to venture an opinion, her features were also a bit more refined now, and she had a classic beauty that had been missing before.

  Two horns protruded from her forehead though, somewhat marring that impression. They were small, at least on her, and curled upward toward the crown of her head. The horns were black, and supported by hard circular ridges at their base.


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