A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2)

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A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2) Page 8

by Thandiwe Mpofu

  “Oh, thank God.” I say in relief, I don’t know how Stefan would take seeing strange, large men in his office, present in the name of my security detail. That would just bring unwanted attention towards me.

  “We will be around though. Fred is starting a new job today.” John informs me.

  “Really? What new job?” I question. I suddenly have a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and I don’t like where this is going.

  “He is the new in-house messenger for Demetri Holdings” John declares as Fred turns around. It’s only then that I notice that his ‘street clothes’ are not exactly street clothes. He is wearing a checkered shirt with blue stripes, an ugly colored tie and khaki pants, with a black belt.

  “You have got to be kidding me.” I state as I stare at him. “No way.”

  I still can’t believe Gideon has taken his ‘protection’ which is really surveillance, to this whole new level. Planting his people into my place of work? Now, this is a whole other thing.

  “I know, I know. I didn’t want to do it but I lost to smarty pants over there because he cheated!” Fred says, sending a stink eye to John.

  “I did not cheat! Everyone in the world knows that paper covers rock, dumbass.” John responds and they start bickering like an old couple.

  “Wait, guys.” I shout before this petty children’s issue can escalate even further.

  “Yeah, what’s up Chloe?” They both say at once, looking at me wide eyed.

  “Did Gideon tell you to do this?” I demand. Urgh, I’m so going to kill him. Why does he have to suffocate me like this, barely giving me room to breathe. Everywhere I go, everything I do, when I close my damn eyes for Pete’s sake, he’s there. All of my life in a matter of weeks has been bombarded by Gideon.

  “Well, not exactly, since the boss is really busy and all.” Fred answers quietly, sensing my bad mood. “Tom, you know, the big scary motherfucker Tom, he kind of gives us our directives so. . .” he trails off as I stare into space, thinking of my new predicament.

  “Okay, so what does that mean now? What are you supposed to be doing?” I can’t image how I’ll be able to explain Fred’s presence in my office all the time while he is supposed to be the ‘mail-boy’.

  “Well, as far as I understand these struggling, sad things named day jobs, I’ll just do what I’m being ‘paid’ to do. Essentially, I was told to stay away from you but we will get in together and you will show me where I’m supposed to go and who I’m to see.” He explains.

  “Okay, so in essence, you don’t know me?” I question

  “Yeah. You just need to polish up on your acting skills.” Fred points out. “So, I will get out of the car first with John who is going to be doing surveillance of his own somewhere around here and then, you can come out after a minute or so.” Fred says as he grabs a messenger bag that I hadn’t seen from between his legs.

  “Is that alright with you?” John questions me and I look at him for a beat, then nod my head. Do I even have a choice in the matter? It’s already been decided for me anyway.

  “This is not to suffocate you, Chloe. After what happened with the FBI, we can’t have you being ambushed again. There is danger lurking and we just want you to know you are not alone.” John says softly when I remain silent.

  “Is that what it is, John? Danger?” I question, because he and I both know that Gideon Black is unlike any other species of male out there. When he owns something, he owns it completely, in every way possible. he takes full advantage of it.

  “That is exactly what it is.” He affirms, then with one last look and a nod in my direction, they open their respective car doors and exit the car.

  I don’t know what I should do now? I feel like I'm losing control of a lot of my life. Everywhere I turn, there are ultimatums. I can’t go to my apartment, there is unknown danger there. I can’t go to my best friend’s place for concerns that I don’t know what I would be leading her into. I also have to deal with a revenge plan and work with a man who literally takes over my thoughts, my dreams and my emotions. I feel trapped.

  I wait for two minutes and then open the car door and make my way down the sidewalk and then up the stairs and straight into the lobby of my office building. As I walk towards the elevator, I bump into Fred, but as of now, I don’t know him.

  “Oops, pardon me ma’am.” he says with the smoothest, almost real southern accent I have ever heard and my eyes almost pop. Did he just. . .? I almost do a double take.

  “It’s alright.” I say, looking at him. Wow, he really is acting all scrawny and southern. Almost like he is another person all together.

  “I’m a bit nervous, it’s my first day on the job. Working for the man on the top floor.” He says, chattering my ear off as we board the elevator with a dozen other people.

  “You don’t say.” I mutter.

  “Would you help me though? I’m supposed to see a Ms. Geraldine from Demetri Holdings. Might you know where that is?” He questions.

  “Uh, sure. Her office is on the fifteenth floor. You won’t miss it.” I inform. I almost want to laugh because I know damn well that Fred knows this office building like the back of his hand. He knows where to go, if indeed he is going there.

  “Thank you, ma’am. By the way, the name’s Mathius Luke Springs the Third, but out in the land, they call me Buster.” He informs, conversationally and this time I can’t help but laugh, along with everyone else in the elevator.

  ‘Mathius’ as he calls himself, excels in charm and well, if anyone is going to fit in with undercover work, it’s going to be him.

  “Nice to meet you, uh, Mathius.” I say, still laughing. “My name is Chloe.”

  “Lovely name for a beautiful lady. But please, call me Buster.” He informs just as the elevator stops on his floor. “Till we meet again next time” then he is out.

  “Boys from the south are crazy. I bet he is running on shock at seeing these lights and buildings. And people.” Another patron in the elevator jokes and we all laugh. Fred did seem like a rabbit on drugs, much too high for my liking. But still funny.

  I’m in a good mood now as I walk towards my office, thinking nothing of the dangers Gideon and his security team are hell bent on. I can do this. I can make it until the gala where we will take down Stefan.

  I mean, the gala is only a few days away. Less than a week, then I’ll be independent again. No more Gideon in my life and definitely no more Stefan Demetri. A new start and a win for everyone. Rest for my parents even.

  The thought depresses me for some reason. I can’t get the image of him wiping my tears away when I woke up this morning, or the way he possessively claimed me. I know I shouldn’t be reading too much into words, but you see, the thing about words spoken by an Adonis of a man like Gideon Black, is that you can’t help but think and feel that he is making a proclamation of some kind.

  “Chloe, please come in here!” bellows a voice from within, making me feel some kind of dread I haven’t felt in a long time. It doesn’t even sound like it’s Stefan and if it’s him, I was hoping he wouldn’t notice that I am around. I just wanted to be left alone and have some peace but no. There always has to be something.

  I turn and knock on his slightly ajar office as I come in. “You called for me. . .” I start, but immediately stop when my gaze finally settles over the room.

  There are two scary looking men standing by the far wall of the office, their arms folded in front of their torso, looking intimidating and every bit dangerous. The hairs at the back of my neck stand up on end, and not in a way good way. I know for certain that the only man who makes shivers run up and down my spine in a delicious tingle isn’t here.

  There is a danger here. A different kind of danger.

  I take them in, trying to process why two goons are in here, standing there like they have been waiting on me for some time. At first, I think that they are the usual dimwits that visit Stefan at the end of each day, collecting God knows what from him. But as I become
conscious of the time at the moment, I realize it can’t be them.

  My gaze moves away from them as if in slow motion.

  Sitting in the big, obnoxious chair that belongs to Stefan is a kind of handsome man, with the lightest blue eyes. He sits there looking like he owns everything around him, including my boss who stands beside the stranger, looking like he is petrified of the stranger for some reason.

  This is odd.

  “Chloe. I’ve been waiting for you.”

  And it’s not my boss who says that. For some reason, I know, without a shadow of doubt, I want nothing to do with this man.

  Chapter 10


  I WAS EXPECTING A FEEBLE, scared looking young woman. Because really, what do you expect when the intel concerning her report is that she doesn’t have much of a social life.

  They said she goes to work in the morning and leaves for home straight after. She doesn’t go clubbing on Friday nights nor does she go out with the ‘girls’ on Thursday nights. She avoids happy hour with her colleagues. She has also been working for the bastard Demetri for three years, making her the best candidate for what I have in mind. It almost seems like some kind of sick, twisted fate that she is here, in this place.

  But that’s not the woman I was expecting. She walks in with a palpable air of confidence. And my God, she is drop dead gorgeous.

  I watch as her gaze tracks over to my guys standing by the far wall and I watch as she tries to recognize who my men are and fails. I watch as her beautiful face registers confusion, which then intensifies as she notices her boss standing beside me, not in his usual seat.

  I want to sit here and just gaze at her beautiful face. She is that captivating, but as she takes me in, I know, she is smart and notices that I am danger, so I blurt out the words that I spent the ride over memorizing.

  “Please, have a seat. We have much to discuss.” I say as I watch her trying to compose herself. She is a perceptive woman. Good. That will come in handy.

  “Mr. Demetri, sir?” She starts, after looking at me for a long drawn out pause, then dismisses me. She literally ignores me and looks over to her boss.

  And for some reason, that irritates me even further.

  “I am the one who requested for your presence in here, not Stefan!” I can’t help but shout, annoyed and a bit embarrassed at how even people who don’t know me can’t seem to be able to respect me.

  I have witnessed people almost peeing themselves whenever my father is present. They fear him. I want people to fear me.

  She cocks her head slightly to the left, then she chooses to take a step forward and then another. Soon she is seated in the office chair to my left. Wise decision, I think to myself.

  “You can leave us.” I say to the room and watch as my men start for the door but Stefan doesn’t budge, irritating me even further. “That includes you too, Demetri.” I say, getting angry now.

  Man, I can’t stand this old snake. Everything about him oozes deception and lies. My father doesn’t fully believe me when I tell him, but I will show him. I just need the beautiful woman in front of me to help.

  “Listen here, this is my office. . .” Stefan starts and I cut him off.

  “Not unless you still want our backing it isn’t. And anyway, none of this is yours.” I warn him, making sure that he sees the threat in my eyes.

  “But Chloe is my employee.” He tries again before I gesture to my men to handle the matter.

  “And she is, I don’t contest that. I just need some help with planning an event, I heard she is the best in the city. I mean, look at the gala she is organizing for you.” I point out.

  I’m not a fool, I know he suspects that something is going on. The bastard was shocked to see me when I walked in his office a few minutes ago. I watch as his brow suddenly gets flooded with sweat, stammering his words. Yeah, be afraid old man.

  I wait until the door closes after them and I watch from the corner of my eye as she sits there, barely moving, her chin up, waiting for me to speak.

  She isn’t looking at me with the fear that I want, that I require. Instead, she is looking at me as though curious, trying to figure me out. She studies me, while I try unceremoniously take her beauty in.

  She is breathtaking. A woman like that could make my father thousands of dollars if he ever found her.

  “You want me to help you with a plan?” She starts, her voice strong, without a trace of emotion in it. And she has the best poker face in the game.

  “That’s right.” I say after clearing my throat, kicking myself when I realize I didn’t go for the opening I had in mind. Now I’m scrambling.

  “And I’m guessing this plan is not for an event.” She states with finality. I knew she was smart. I just didn’t know she could read a situation as fast as she did.

  “No, not exactly. But I do need something.” I say. I wonder what I did to let her piece my visit together. Am I unwittingly showing my hand? That would be another strike against me if my father ever found out.

  “Care to enlighten me, my boss isn’t so thrilled about this.” She says, studying me even further.

  “I will. Just not here.” I tell her.

  “And if I don’t want any part of this?” She questions and I have a feeling this question is the make or break moment. This is the point where she gambles on whether or not I’m worth working with.

  But, I came prepared.

  “Oh, I think you would be begging to work for me.” I say as I take out a small envelope from the inside breast pocket of my suit jacket. I take it, crinkle it a bit to get her attention, and watch with glee as her eyebrows raise in suspicion.

  “I’ll be begging you because you hold an old envelope?” She asks, laugh lines forming around her eyes, as if she is internally laughing. At me.

  “Not the damned envelope.” I scowl and I put it on the desk and slide it over to her, “It’s what’s in the envelope.”

  I hate my father but if there is one thing he has taught me is that every single person in this world, no matter how bad or good they are, they all have a vulnerability. Hers, as I’m banking on, is the one she is currently opening.

  I watch as she opens the envelope, being careful not to rip apart the seal. Her curiosity, although present, is tamed. I wonder if it will still be there after she discovers what’s in there.

  She opens the envelope and I watch fascinated as her eyes grow wide, her body become tense and she whips her head up and looks straight at me.

  I watch as the color disappears from her face, her lips parting unconsciously to accommodate more breaths.

  “Will you work with me now? I’m asking nicely you know.” I say, laughing.

  Man, I do enjoy being in power.

  Chapter 11


  “WHAT DO YOU MEAN, MOM?” I ask, running a frustrated hand through my hair.

  I’ll be turning thirty in a day but I already feel like I have aged light years now. It’s Wednesday, middle of the week and I tons of work to do. I don’t have time to deal with my mother and her need to always gather her family for dinner.

  How can dinner be enjoyed right now, when there are people after our livelihoods.

  I’m in my office, with so much work in front of me, all demanding my undivided attention, and a lot of meetings that I have been in and out of. And then my dear mother decides to call me.

  “I mean just that, Gideon. You haven’t even visited your own mother. Let’s not even talk about your sister. Your nephew and niece ask about you all the time.” She informs me, her voice melancholy and sad.

  But I know she is trying to trap me.

  “Mom, I’m busy. You know what’s happening out here.” I patiently try to explain, hoping I can multitask as I shake my desktop awake. I have to check on the plans for our construction site in India, then I need to call in the lawyers to see where we are with our legal battle.

  “Oh, don’t give me that. So, you mean to tell me, you can’t carve out some ti
me to let your parents, who birthed you and gave you life; to celebrate that very life?” She questions incredulously, her voice raising in pitch, evidence of fake water works that are incoming.

  “Mom, don’t. . .” I start, forgetting all about work, but I’m too late. She starts to cry.

  “I can’t believe I birthed and breastfed a selfish man. What have I done to deserve . . .” She goes on her tirade, no doubt talking to her creator. I know she isn’t really crying but it gets to me every time.

  “Mom, don’t do that. You know it takes every bit of energy and concentration to steer this ship. I mean, you know how it is.” I try to reason with her.

  If there is anyone who knows just how much work it takes to run Black House Inc, then it’s my mother. It used to be my mother and Grandma but now, it’s her. My mother lost her best friend, her friend that would advise her that the long hours are dedication to work and not spent elsewhere.

  I’m glad my father, or my Grandfather for that, was never prone to be swayed by women. Commitment to all things is their forte. Something I had to learn the hard way.

  And it’s because of that, that I’m working so hard. Commitment and dedication. It at least keeps my mind away from a certain beauty.

  “I know you are trying to save your Grandfather’s company, honey.” She says after a pause. Yup, she wasn’t crying.

  “It’s not just Grandpa’s company Mom, you know it’s our legacy. And these hyenas and assholes are out here trying to sabotage it. To sink it into the ground.” I tell her, frustrated and lacking a filter at this point in the late afternoon.

  “I know, honey. I know.” She patiently says. “I watch your father each day, watching the news, waiting for your calls in the evening. It’s like he is itching to get back at the Diamond.” She informs, taking a deep sigh, but I can sense the smile in her voice.

  “I know, I can tell he wants back in.” I agree.


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