A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2)

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A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2) Page 10

by Thandiwe Mpofu

  “I hardly believe you came all the way out here, from where ever you came from, to ask me what I want. Bearing an old newspaper clipping, no less.” I state, calling upon all the calm that was my mother to help me through this moment.

  “Oh, you are so right, I didn’t come here to play, nor did I come here to gloat.” He informs.

  “Why did you come to see me here for then?” I question, expecting him to tell me all about his plan to take down Demetri and he needs my help etc. Lord knows I’ve heard that song before.

  “I want to help you learn the truth, is all.” He says with finality, as if it’s that simple.

  “Who is to say I don’t know the truth already?” I question. This man is full of shit.

  “Ah, but do you really know?” He cocks his head to the left, studying me. I know I shouldn’t show my hand too early, not now.

  “It’s no secret that my parents were murdered. The police never caught the person who did it. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.” I respond.

  “Yeah, that’s what they told you. But what if I told you, I know who murdered your parents and why? Would that interest you further?” He questions.

  At that moment, the office doors open and in comes his goons from earlier. They shut the door behind them and then proceed to take intimidating stances as they fold their tree trunks of arms, looking mighty scary as they look me down.

  I turn back and look straight at him, raising my eyebrow. Helping me? Please, I wasn’t born yesterday.

  “Seeing as though I really don’t have a choice either way, why don’t you get on with it?” I grit out.

  “Oh, trust in this, I will. You see, I have a little issue that I would like to deal with. As I was studying ways of dealing with my situation, I realized that I can only do this on one particular day.” He informs.

  “And that is?” I question

  “The best gala of the decade of course. And seeing as we are now the best of friends, you will help me get done what I need to get done.” He informs, with a stupid smile on his face. Looking like he has overcome the world and has planned everything.

  “And let me guess, you’ll tell me who murdered my parents.” I flatly say. I already know who is responsible for that titbit. I don’t need him.

  “Well of course, since we are friends and all” He states. Something tells me he doesn’t have many friends. “I mean, I know you have questions. And it’s just sad to see that you are right at the center of it all but you are too blind to actually see what’s going on.” He shakes his head as if disappointed by me.

  “And you know?” I question, disinterestedly.

  “Unfortunately, yes. And it’s not what you think either.” He informs as he stands up, no doubt to leave.

  “And how do you know what I think?” I blurt out.

  He walks around the desk and stops a few feet away from me.

  “Because you are a smart woman, from what I can see, I’m certain on a few things. You are going to try and figure this out on your own, maybe go to the Hamilton hotel and ask for their employee records?” He states, cocking his head to the left.

  Alright, I was thinking of doing that but he doesn’t need to know that.

  “Just some friendly advice, that’s a dead end. I really want to help you, but you have to help me.” He says.

  “And how am I supposed to do that?”

  “Oh, we’ll be communicating. Sooner than you think, since the big day is upon us. Less than five days now, correct?” He asks but it isn’t really a question.

  I remain silent.

  “One more thing, don’t tell old Demetri about what we talked about in here. He’ll get what’s coming to him, sooner or later.” He informs, his face clouding with anger.

  Damn, Demetri is a hated asshole.

  “Here you go. This is an untraceable phone. It wipes out any kind of data that is transmitted through it, approximately, every hour.”

  He hands me the strange looking phone. I look at it, wondering how on earth he is so confident that I’ll work with him.

  “I look forward to us getting what we both so desperately need.” He states, then turns on his heel and leaves.

  Leaving me not only flabbergasted but just flat out confused.

  I don’t even know his name.

  Chapter 13


  “DID YOU INTERROGATE her as much as you wanted?”

  A throaty, old and very much pissed off voice demands from my left. I turn to look at Demetri and study him. Man, I really don’t like this asshole.

  “What we discussed with Miss. Smith is none of your business.” I state calmly. I’m not going to let him ruin the triumph that I feel at the moment.

  “That’s where you are wrong, boy! Who do you think you are? Coming into my office like this and ambushing my employees?” He blurts out.

  “Part owner of this place, that’s who I am.” I say dismissively. I have to go. A new plan just arose in my mind as I was talking to the lovely Miss. Smith and I need to go and explore that avenue. I don’t have time to entertain this fool.

  “Not for long. That's why your father doesn’t trust you!” He shouts as I walk down the corridor on my way to the elevator bank, but at his words, I stop in my tracks.

  “What did you say?” I demand as I turn around to look at the old bastard. “What did you just say to me?” I question once more.

  “You heard me. You are nothing but a stupid boy! Your mother was nothing but a loo. . . “

  I don’t let him finish though because in a blink of an eye, I find myself right in front of him.

  I seize him by his ugly tight, starchy shirt and twist his collar and tie so hard, blocking his air passage. And I hold that position, choking him.

  I watch as people in the office rush to see what the commotion is about, including Chloe but I don’t let go, I just tighten my grip at his throat and watch as his eyes grow wider as he senses the imminent danger in the air.

  He chokes and sputters every which way but I don’t let go. The staff members just stand there, gasping in shock and appalled at the position of violence their asshole of a boss is in.

  “You see, Stefan. You forget your place.” I say, eerily calm. I hate what he was about to say. He can say whatever he wants about my father, I mean, it’s no secret that my father doesn’t value me. Not in the world I was raised.

  But he will damn well respect my mother’s name.

  When he tries to speak, I tighten my grip even further, enjoying the way his fat face is suddenly steam engine red, his cheeks puff, in desperate need of air.

  “And I also think you forget who made you.” I state, looking him dead in the eyes. I want him to know that I’m after him, that when it will be me on that throne, I will make sure that he is destroyed.

  “I think that’s enough.” Comes a sweet melodic voice. I turn to see Chloe standing there, her hands clutched together. She is looking at me like I am some kind of monster and for some reason, that doesn’t sit well with me.

  So, I let go of the fool and he drops down to the floor and starts coughing violently, trying to rush in as much air as he can. I look down at him, standing over him.

  “If you ever mention my mother, from that dirty mouth, I’ll end you.” I threaten, hoping that he does. And with that, making sure to avoid Chloe’s gaze, I storm out of there and leave.

  I’M BACK IN MY OFFICE, the still unfamiliar office. On any other day, I would have been agitated, pacing the length of the office. But not today.

  Today, I had a light bulb moment in that office while I was talking to Chloe and I will damned if I don’t look further into it.

  I have to get rid of my father and every other person that follows him. I will assume power and control over the syndicate and all pf them will follow me.

  I don’t want to think about what Demetri said. I don’t want to think about my mother or any of the painful circumstances she suffered. I’m not going there, but I am also doing this
for her.

  I will avenge for her.

  The gala is in five days and I need to get my ducks in a row. I open one of the drawers of the desk and take out the matching phone as the one I gave Chloe.

  It’s time to work but I won’t deny it, I do want to hear her sexy melodic voice. It reminds me so much of my mother that it’s crazy.

  But that’s not what I want. I don’t have time for women. After I take the throne, I will have all the women I want, all of them falling at my feet, begging for mercy and for me to make their lives better. I will reign supreme over them all, and show my father that I am much better a man than he ever was.

  I dial the receiving phone, knowing damn well that she will answer. Such a curious creature and such a shame that she doesn’t know who murdered her parents.

  I have a feeling though that after she finds out, my plan of revenge will work easier and smoother because I will have her by my side.

  I listen as the dials and locks turn, to make the call secure, untraceable. In all intents and purposes, this call may as well not be happening and as I look at the small screen, I can see the location of the receiving phone. She is still at the office, no doubt being grilled by Demetri, but I have no doubt in my mind that she can hold her own.

  Something tells me that woman is strong.

  “Hello.” Comes her uncertain voice.

  “Glad you could answer my call; we have to talk about our mutually exclusive agreement.” I say, feeling a smile creep on my face. I can’t help it. I’m ridiculously excited for what I have come up with. Just need someone on the inside.

  “I hardly think now is the right time. . .” She starts but I cut her off.

  “Now is the perfect time and you will comply if you know what’s good for you.” I seethe.

  I hear a responding sigh from over the line, and I know she will drop everything she is doing for this.

  “Okay, how can I help you?” She asks

  Well since you asked, “Let’s start with the guest list shall we? Was a certain Lawrence Harvey invited?”

  Chapter 14


  WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN myself into?

  “Why are you asking for Lawrence Harvey?” I question after a pause. There is too much going on and for some reason I feel like I’m not privy to whatever it is that's going on.

  It doesn’t do much for my ego to realize that this stranger claims to know something about my father, about my parents. Bringing that old newspaper clipping was a genius move on his part, and even though I think I’m dealing with an idiot, I have a feeling I’m dealing with an informed idiot. If that makes any sense.

  “We both know that bastard Demetri wants to be Mayor of New York City, I just want to make sure that never happens.” He states calmly, his raspy voice coming through the strange looking phone.

  “And how are you going to do that?” I question. I mean, I have no objections, nor do I care what happens to Demetri, but I wonder how this guy hopes to do that. And why he needs my help to do so.

  “Oh simple, by making sure that all our support goes to a man who deserves it.” He states, unphased.

  “Our?” I ask. I had a suspicion that he wasn’t working alone, he doesn’t have the guts to do so.

  “Oh, forget that, soon it will be just me.”

  Great, an idiot whose got a big head full of nothing but air.

  “You know, in order for this to work, you have to give me key information that I can actually work with, right?” I question him, exasperated.

  I don’t like moving in circles and I always make sure to correct myself whenever I find myself in a loop myself.

  “All will be revealed in due time.” He says, with an air of aloofness that’s annoying.

  “You know, if you are trying to be a mastermind at this sinister plan, you are failing miserably.” I inform. It’s actually embarrassing.

  I wasn’t going to take this man seriously and I swear, after he left Demetri’s office, I was just going to throw the damn phone he gave me into the trash, but when I saw the bloody murder in his eyes when he almost choked my boss to death, I knew he carried something familiar yet strange and volatile within him.

  This is a man desperately searching for something, looking for something in this world. I wonder what he is looking for.

  “Careful Miss. Chloe, you wouldn’t want to antagonize your only ticket to finding out what happened to your parents, now would you?”

  I remain silent.

  “I thought as much. See, the plan is pretty simple but unfortunately we don’t have much time to be aloof so I will have to brief you.” He informs

  “But that’s what. . . never mind. You were saying?” I ask, rolling my eyes heavenward.

  “My father is going to attend this gala but Demetri doesn’t know. And while my father is there, I want him to see that Demetri is nothing but a fool, a liar and a cheater.”

  No surprises there.

  “And who might your father be?” I question, starting to see a little of the bigger picture.

  “Oh, you don’t know him.” He states “But I think you might have heard of him though, not so sure how NYC underbelly works.”

  New York City underbelly? My spine straightens and I stand at attention. Why is this vaguely familiar? Even his voice is vaguely familiar.

  Another of my suspicions is answered, this guy is not from around here. I could tell from the way he spoke and his mannerisms. But the question begs the answer, where is he from and who is he?

  “Okay, and so Lawrence Harvey? What do you want with him?” I question.

  “You see, Harvey is a man of the people, a powerhouse. I happen to know a lot of key information that we can pass along to him in order for him to get what he has always wanted.” His voice is now sinister, making shivers and goosebumps appear on my skin.

  “And what does Harvey want?” I demand, hooked by this plot for some reason.

  “Oh, don’t worry, just know that you are not the only person whose family has been murdered by some evil, greedy, power hungry people before.” He mutters under his breath. I don’t think he wanted me to hear that last bit but I did.

  “What?!” I screech “What did you just say.”

  “Heard that, did you?” He questions. “Miss. Smith, there are dangers out in this world that women like you shouldn’t know anything about. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.” He says solemnly, with a note of sympathy that I loathe the moment I hear it.

  “Ignorance? Don’t you think it’s a little too late for ignorance at this point?” I demand, seeing as he literally ambushed me with an old newspaper photo of my father, unknowingly giving me a piece of my life that I didn’t know exists.

  “My apologies, I didn’t mean to be insensitive here.”

  “What did you mean? And don’t you lie to me, you need my help and not the other way around.” I remind him, feeling a sense of déjà vu.

  I remember when I said those exact words to another man, a man who has the sexiest pair of haunting, green eyes I have ever seen.

  “Okay.” He says after a long, deep sigh. “Here is the thing. I plan on bringing down one of the most powerful men in the underground world, and I will take him down along with the men who follow him. That includes that bastard Demetri.”

  “And you will do this by giving Lawrence Harvey the information to do so. Essentially, Lawrence Harvey will be the one to bring this man down?” I question. I have a sinking suspicion the powerful man he is talking about is his father,

  “Of course. I have my reasons as to why I can’t be the face of the ambush.”

  One of them being that you are a coward. I think to myself.

  “And where do I come in?” I question.

  “According to my research, you know people close to Harvey. So, it will be up to you to deliver this information to Harvey directly.” He informs.

  My mind immediately races and I think of Sam and her family. No way.

  “You will leave my friend o
ut of whatever you are planning!” I warn seriously, my heart beginning to pound.

  “I don’t have to touch them Chloe, unless you make me. I mean, there are other ways to get a message across.” He says, with an evil laugh. He is enjoying this.

  “Not violently. You don’t have the guts to do that.” I dare

  “Want to try me?” His sinister evil voice comes through the line, it’s as if I’m now talking to someone else. As if he actually wants me to dare him to bring harm on the people I care about.

  “You are sick!” I accuse.

  “Oh honey, there are many more people in this sad world, very close to you, that are even more twisted in the head.”

  At this point I can’t take it anymore. The suspense is boiling in my gut, I need to know.

  “Who killed my parents? Is it Demetri?” I blurt out

  As soon as my words are out, I slap my mouth with my open palm, I can’t believe I outed myself like that. I can’t believe I said that. But I had no choice, this guy has been giving me cryptic signals the whole time I have been talking to him. Taunting me with the death of my parents who were murdered for absolutely nothing!

  But I refuse to take my words back, I want to know. I need the confirmation to quieten the doubt that has lingered in my mind for a while now.

  “Miss. Smith, I mean Chloe, I don’t think you. . .”

  “No! You don’t get to play that card anymore. Tell me what I need to know or I will light your ass up! Don’t you think my dearest boss didn’t buy the lie I told him earlier.” I threaten. “Tell me who did it!”

  “The person who murdered your parents. . .”

  I don’t get to hear what the unknow, unidentified man is saying over the line because a clearing of a deep throat interrupts me.

  “OH MY GOSH, YOU SCARED me Frrr. . . I mean, Mathius” I say, catching his real name before I blurt it out.

  My heart is pounding and my blood is heated, I feel flushed all over. I look at him but his gaze isn’t on me, it’s on the strange looking phone that I just dropped.


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