A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2)

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A Billion Broken Pieces (Incongruity Series Book 2) Page 12

by Thandiwe Mpofu

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I’m not in the habit of uttering meaningless words.” He states with finality and well, I don’t doubt him.

  “Now, this just makes things easier.” He declares.

  “How is that?” I ask breathlessly

  “Because now there is no doubt in your mind who you belong to. You are mine, in every sense of the word.”

  And with that, he lowers his head and presses his lips to the crook of my exposed neck, making me breathless as he begins to suck the flesh there. His tongue tracing a wildly throbbing vein in my throat and I melt.

  And he likes that.

  “You are so responsive, baby. I can’t wait any longer.”

  And with that, he lifts me, walks backwards as he ravages my mouth and then soon, I’m placed on my back at the center of a large, I mean really large, bed.

  My hands go up to his hair, my fingers sliding through his glorious strands, tugging really hard. Gideon uses that opportunity to lift the large t-shirt and soon, throws it away, then his dexterous fingers cup my breast, feeling heavy and sensitive to the touch. Kneading them with soft squeezes that make me feel a world of sensations I have never felt before. Each movement in sync with the slow, savoring kisses he gives me.

  “Gideon—” I gasp, feeling like I’ve been electrocuted as he tugs at my tender nipples.

  I feel my body arch into his large one, curving and writhing in his hands.

  “You drive me crazy every single day.” He whispers harshly, swallowing my gaps with his kisses.

  “Gideon, I don’t think . . .” I start

  “Shh . . . not tonight, baby. But I have an insane need to make you come. I can’t—I need to do this Chloe.” He states hurriedly, as if he will go crazy if he doesn’t. I watch helplessly as he moves away from the bed and proceeds to tug off the sweatpants that hide my shameless arousal.

  I see the wildness in his gaze as he stands back watching the juncture between my legs, licking his lips as if they are dry already after our slow, but deep kiss. He moves back to the bed, moving slowly, as if taking his time to take in my wanton body as ho hovers over me.

  “I’m going to make you forget everything but me, baby.” He declares roughly.

  And then the torture starts, a torture I have only known from reading books within my small bedroom at night. His fingers start exploring down my body, awakening goosebumps on steroids as he goes. One of his hands pushes between my legs, and they fall open shamelessly, making me moan out loud.

  He moves until his mouth latches onto the tips of my breasts, sucking them, making me scream into the endless night.

  “Please . . .” I don’t know why I’m begging or what I’m begging for.

  What is happening to me?

  “Shh. Let me show you just how crazy you make me.” He says as he looks up at me with stormy almost black eyes. “I’ve wanted to touch you since the day I met you, constantly thinking about it when I know I’m not supposed to.” He confesses.

  My body is flushed, the intense wash of heat bringing a mist of perspiration to my skin, I almost feel feverish. He pushes aside the thin layer of fabric that separates my girly parts and his long, deft fingers.

  “You’re flooded for me.” He murmurs, his gaze never leaving my eyes. I can’t help the sounds that leave my lips. His gaze moves down my body as well looking at where he is parting me with his fingers.

  “You’re sexy here too, snug and tight. So soft.” I feel him slide one finger carefully into me and my lips spread open on a silent like gasp. My eyes close on their own volition, as he begins moving in and out.

  “No one has touched you here, have they?” He demands

  All I can do is shake my head, I can’t speak at this point.

  “Good.” He says, pleased with that admission.

  I feel unbearably vulnerable, spread open in the middle of this man’s bed, while the sexiest man I have ever laid eyes on hovers over my body fully dressed. Assaulting me with the most violent and unfamiliar pleasure known to men. He pulls back the same finger and gently thrusts back into me. My back bows as I feel myself clench around his finger.

  “So snug. So responsive.” He pulls back the lone finger and then pushes back in, this time with two fingers.

  “Gideon, I can’t. . .” His name is like a breathless, reverent prayer falling from my lips. I want him to stop, but then I need him to continue. It’s crazy.

  “Yes, you will.” He declares with finality. His voice hoarse and raspy, riddled with need. A need I don’t know if I can satisfy.

  “Look at me, don‘t you dare close your eyes.” He demands seriously, pausing his ministrations on my body.

  I do nothing but nod my head in agreement, wanting to ease the torment that I witness on his gorgeous face. I’ve never been so turned on in my life, so completely controlled by another person ever. Or so in tune with said person.

  I feel every rise and hard fall of his chest, the curling of his fingers inside me, making me pant out of control, producing sounds that are foreign to both our ears. My hips start embarrassingly circling onto his thrusting fingers and I feel like I will combust at any moment if he stops. The man has talented fingers. He is confident, skilled and knowledgeable and knows just how to get what he wants from my body so helplessly drawn to him.

  He pushes me to the brink, to a cliff and I’m ready to jump whatever cliff that’s in front of me but he pauses.

  “Please.” the plea falls from my lips making me confused.

  “I’m going to prove to you that I’m clean and you are going to let me come in you, Chloe.”

  “Gosh, Gideon.” I rush out. The words that he says sometimes, too brazen and raw. I’m panting for him, wanting—no—needing to go off like a damn rocket.

  “I want you to feel my cum in you when you move, I want you to think of me and know that I claimed you, that I own every inch of you. And you are going to want more.” He declares with a sexy, devilish smirk on his face, thrusting with speed now, making my sex ripple around his fingers.

  “I’m going to teach you every way I want you to please me, Chloe and you are going to satisfy every single need. And then some. You are going to take it all, all of me, in every way I give to you. You understand that?” He harshly demands of me as he begins moving again, this time with vigor.

  “Do you understand that Chloe?” He demands again.

  “Yes! Oh gosh, yes.” I breathe out, clutching the silk sheets below me, but even they are evasive. I need to clutch something, to hold on to something. Or else I’ll drown in this storm.

  His face is flushed with lust, he is breathing hard and fast. And it’s all for me. He brings his other hand to plump my girls, first one and then the other. Giving equal attention and dedication to both, making me feel like I’m going to pass out at the overload of sensations.

  “Look at me.”

  As if I can look anywhere else. As if anything else is as captivating as he is.

  “You look at me all the fucking time Chloe. When you come for me, even when you fucking cry, when you need anything, you fucking look at me.” He demands with a need in his voice that I suddenly want to feel. I want to please this man. I want him to want me, to need me, as much as I feel like I’m needing him.

  “Give it to me.” He commands.

  And as I try to handle the assault of pleasure from his skilled ministrations, he slides another finger into me and just like that without warning, I go off. Feeling too full not to, feeling near mindless with the need to orgasm.

  I climax with a hoarse, loud scream that is born from belly. I feel my toes curl up, my body writhing and I’m shaking to no end. I grab ahold of his shoulders and grip them, as waves upon waves crash into me.

  I know I have a white knuckled grip and my nails are biting into his flesh, but I don’t let go. I can’t let go.

  My gaze is still locked to his, unable to look away, riveted by him and I know, it’s not his fingers that called for my org
asm, it’s his will delivered by that storm in his eyes. All he has to do is give me that look and I’m done. In this moment, Gideon owns me, owns my body and quite possible, owns my heart. Because it’s his command that I wait for, that I think I breath for.

  Even if I’m keeping something from him.

  “All of that for me. All of you for me.” He solemnly vows.

  And what can I say, it’s true. I am his in every way that counts, whether I want to be his or not. My thoughts don’t matter, because as he moves down my body with a single-minded intention of continuing this searing kind of pleasure on my body, in my body; it’s the way my emotions and the very core of me responds to him.

  There is no going back from here on out.

  Chapter 16


  “SO HOW ARE WE GOING to do this?” Max questions.

  Honestly, I have no clue as to how we can work this situation out, how we can get what the FBI needs to catch the ‘criminals’ they want and at the same time, exonerate Black House Inc.

  “Beats me, but whatever we have to do, we have to come out on top.” I firmly point out.

  Everyone always has their own agenda but so do I. They may want to you use me but the great Samuel Black taught me the art of manipulation from a really tender age. According to him, it’s in my blood.

  “What I don’t understand is why them boys down the street are willing, more than willing at this point, to let the money laundering bullshit go. Just like that?” Max questions suspiciously. “I don’t trust this entire operation; it reeks of a twisted setup!”

  I have been thinking about that, with no short of suspicion and Max just confirms my thoughts about this. Granted them boys have their own angle, they want me to help them with their grand investigation on underbellies but then the question remains, why me? And why present their matter like they did?

  “Yeah, I also feel that there is something wrong here, something we may not know about.” I run my hand through my hair, hair that I must go upstairs and smooth over or else my mother will have a coronary. And that would just be bad.

  I don’t like those agents. I don’t like any of them, especially when I know anyone in any position can be bought at the right price.

  It’s no surprise to me that someone out there is out to destroy me and my family. Out to destroy and burn our company to ashes. The rumors that our ship is sinking has been circulating on the street and some people have been rejoicing. And well, they can, to their own disappointment, we will rise.

  “I don’t like that dude, that FBI agent. Something about him is off too.” Max observes.

  “The newbie? No man, I think he’s too excited to be in the field.” I point out, trying to piece together this damn puzzle.

  “Nah man, not him. Felix could pee his pants for being off the desk like this.” We both chuckle.


  We are currently in the command room, debating and going through the conversation I had with the FBI when they barged into my office like they own the place yesterday.

  We look at each for a moment and Max pushes off from the desk he was leaning over and walks swiftly to the back office, his lair and awakens his large computer, no doubt a plan already in formation.

  Chloe is upstairs, preparing to go to my parents’ place upstate for the dinner that I dread with everything within me. I don’t like any of this.

  I can’t get last night out of my head. Everything that I did today, everywhere I looked, it was her that I saw, her that I could feel, her that I wanted near me.

  But then, thinking about her prompts another thought in my mind.

  “Speaking of which, something else is off with Chloe.” I inform Max.

  When Chloe came back home yesterday, she was shaken and preoccupied. It was odd to see, I mean, she is a spitfire and usually you can see that she doesn’t always get self-absorbed, but last night, something was off.

  “Really? If there is anything wrong with her, it’s that you are a bastard and she doesn’t like being here?” Max says seriously.

  “No, you fool!” I say, punching him, hard, on his bicep.

  “Ouch, man! You have one of the meanest punches you know that!” Max complains, while rubbing the injured spot.

  “And don’t you forget it.” I threaten him, but I still haven’t forgotten what I was talking about.

  “For real though, something is off here, I think it has everything to do with whatever happened at her office.” I observe, running over every single movement and every word she uttered last night.

  “Why don’t you just ask her?” Max inquires, while typing furiously on his keyboard, no doubt hacking into some backdoor firewalls of institutions I would rather not mention, to maintain deniability.

  And I think I could get away with mentioning that it’s not the first time he has done that. No? Whatever.

  “Don’t you think I didn’t do that? I did, but she said everything is fine.” I respond.

  “Then that’s your answer.” Max points out.

  “No way that’s an accurate answer.” I say with disbelief.

  There was something about the way she carried herself last night, as if she was seriously debating something in her head and all the conclusions she came up with where her worst fear.

  There was also fear and doubt in her beautiful eyes last night. Last night. . .

  “Dude, don’t you know that each time a woman says ‘everything is fine’ then everything is definitely NOT fine?” He demands, pausing his furious typing for a second to look at me seriously.

  “Is that what that’s supposed to mean? A mind game of sorts?” I question, doubting Max’s logic.

  “Aye man, you need to get out more. Women are a perfect study in reverse psychology. I’m telling you, when they say one thing, they really mean the other.” He explains passionately.

  I guess there is some experience there.

  “Yeah, but Chloe is hardly that kind of woman.” I defend. “I mean, if there is something bothering her, I have all the confidence in the word that she will voice her concerns.” I say but even now, I doubt my own words.

  “Really? You really think Chloe would trust you after you have blatantly lied in her face. And let’s not forget, you are still lying to her.” Max points out.

  I think about it for a second. Trust and honesty mean a lot to Chloe, and I did violate that trust when I wasn’t being honest with her. But if she is in some kind of trouble, wouldn’t she come to me? Doesn’t she trust me to keep her safe?

  “It’s for her own safety.” I defend myself.

  “You really think she’ll look at it that way?” Max questions, with an eyebrow raised.

  No, I really don’t think she will see it as protection. She will definitely see it as a deliberate move on my part to bring her down or to use her.

  “Man, listen. I know there is something happening between the two of you and that’s great, I support it a hundred percent. I mean, I have never seen you on your toes for a woman, ever! And that says a lot.” He says seriously.

  “But I’ll also be frank and give you just one pointer that will do wonders in your relationship building with Chloe, be honest.”

  We look at each other for a beat, and then he nods slightly then turns back to look at the large screen.

  Sometimes what we don’t know keeps us safe, keeps us alive. I’m not so sure now if that will work with Chloe.

  “Let me see what I can find in this investigation on Black House.” He informs, letting our conversation drop, back to reality.

  “But we’ve been through that before.” I point out, no way they have changed anything.

  “Yeah, but at that time, different agents were handling the matter. From what I know of the Bureau, when information switches, there is a reason. They are meticulous if nothing else.” Max confidently states.

  “Aye man, you are the shit in all of this.” I say as I raise my hand in surrender, when Max has a bone, he doesn’t let go of it un
til he has sucked all the marrow in it. Until it’s dry.

  “I am the shit, and don’t you forget that.” He says distracted. I shake my head.

  “Of course, man. We leave in fifteen minutes though.” I inform him, then turn to leave.

  As I go up the stairs to my room, I go over the events of last night. The way her soft body was writhing in my arms, twisting with desire and a kind of painful pleasure that I was inflicting on it. I can’t get the sound of her soft moans out of my head and I know, without a doubt that I want more of those. More of her.

  The fact that I’m the only man to ever make her feel the way she did last night, it’s an aphrodisiac all on its own.

  But she was off when she came home last night. I guess she is still mad at me for lying to her.

  Maybe it’s time I tell her everything after all. I just hope she will understand why I had to do some of the things that I did.

  Chapter 17



  I’m in a very beautiful cocktail dress and my palms are sweaty, I feel a whole zoo of animals stampeding in my belly.

  I don’t want to see Gideon. I don’t want to see his gorgeous face, I don’t want to look him in the eyes because I know I’m lying to him but most importantly, I know he is the only man in the world who can read me. He knows me and if there is anyone who can coax the truth out of me, it’s him.

  I know that he is already suspicious of me, he didn’t like my answer last night but he accepted it. I guess he could also see the fear and uncertainty in my gaze last night.

  I know he could read it all. I saw the mirror image of my emotions, of my desires, in his green pools.

  Gideon fills my dreams and every thought, and it’s even crazier since last night. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting what we did last night, or the way he played my body like an instrument, strumming notes from me that I didn’t know I was capable of producing.

  No, last night was not planned. None of it was on my radar.

  But I would be sitting on a throne of lies if I said, I never thought of that. Or thought of him in that regard. I didn’t lie to him and the fact that a man like Gideon, a god like Gideon, could see me in the most feminine way possible, that he could desire me, now that’s mind blowing.


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